Riverside police

Chapter 1161 Can’t bear to look back!

At 5:48 pm, Changhang Changhang Branch held an emergency party committee meeting.

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense. Director Hu Hongbao briefly introduced the situation, and then studied the materials forwarded by the bureau with the political commissar, the two deputy directors and the director of the political department.

There is not a lot of material, only 8 pages, but the content is shocking!

"Everyone, the bureau has asked Han Yu, a member of the Binjiang Branch Party Committee, to come over and supervise the matter. Han Yu is on his way to us. We must take action before Han Yu arrives. Otherwise, I don't know how to report to them when I see them."

"Bureau Hu, what on earth do Director Ding think, to let the party committee members of the Binjiang Branch supervise this matter?"

"The party committee members of the Binjiang Branch are also cadres of the Changhang Public Security Bureau, and Han Yu is not an ordinary deputy department-level cadre. He is not only a second-level hero model in the national public security system, but also the first and only one since the establishment of our Changhang Public Security System. National People's Congress representative! Director Ding asked Han Yu to supervise the case, which shows how seriously Director Ding takes this case."

Deputy Director Wang, who is also the captain of the criminal investigation detachment, reacted and said gloomily: "Judging from the materials, there must be something wrong with Zhong Shikui!"

Deputy Director Yang, who was in charge of public security, raised his head and said: "The gang of river bandits and boat tyrants were vandalizing, looting, and even resisting, which made Xu Chuncai have to fire a warning shot. I know that there were twenty-seven suspects in total, and only eight were arrested at that time. Later, Zhong Shikui from the branch came to tell me that the Dongba Public Security Bureau came to intercede with him and wanted to obtain bail for the eight suspects we captured."

"Has it been done?" Bureau Hu asked eagerly.

"Nothing can be done." Deputy Director Yang lit a cigarette and reported: "Xu Chuncai also called me. Xu Chuncai said that the captain and a dozen crew members of the Hanchuan 129 were injured, and so many people were in the hospital. Here. If the eight suspects who assaulted someone are released on bail pending trial, how will they explain to the victim?"

"Thankfully Xu Chuncai insisted on his principles, and thank you for not agreeing. Otherwise, the trouble would be even greater than it is now."

"Hu Ju, what should we do now?"

"We can't contact the victim, Xu Chuncai should be able to. Lao Wang, please call Xu Chuncai personally and ask him to find a way to contact the victim quickly."

"Then what?" Deputy Director Wang asked.

"Dongba is not the place to handle cases. Let Xu Chuncai mobilize the victims to come to Changyi as soon as possible. I will personally receive them and understand the situation from them personally." Bureau Hu weighed it up and then said: "Lao Yang, let the office notify Zhong Shikui to come to the branch for a meeting. , it’s up to you to figure out what kind of meeting to hold and what excuse to use.”


"Political Commissar, please do your best and go to the expressway to pick up Han Yu."

"Where to take him?"

"Changyi Hotel, I probably won't be able to take care of him tonight. You can make arrangements then."

Political Commissar Xiao hesitated and said, "Bureau Hu, he is the imperial envoy. No matter how busy you are at night, you have to go to the bar to toast. Besides, he is here to supervise the affairs, and he may need to listen to the report."

"I learned about these situations later than him. You have to give me some time to understand the situation. I don't know anything, how can I report it? I just called Lao Qi from Binjiang Branch. Lao Qi said that Han Yu is not that kind of person. A man of red tape, and Han Yu doesn’t drink.”

"Okay, I'll be in charge of reception."

Dongba County is located at the junction of western Hubei and eastern Sichuan.

Dongba County is built along the south bank of the river at the midpoint of Wu Gorge in the Three Gorges. Every building in the county seems to be hanging on the cliff. Looking down from the window, the roaring Yangtze River is roaring downstairs.

It has countless tourist attractions and rich tourism resources. It is also rich in coal, high-quality stone, wood and tobacco leaves, attracting businessmen from all over the world to come for tourism, investment and entrepreneurship. Although affected by the SARS epidemic, this picturesque small county is still prosperous with merchants gathering there.

This is also a gathering place for the Miao and Tujia people. The folk customs are simple but also strong.

Due to the complex terrain, high mountains and long canyons, and being a gathering place for several ethnic groups, banditry has been rampant and public security problems have been prominent since ancient times.

Shi Xiaotong hid in a hotel on the cliff of Jianshan Mountain, lying on the window, looking at the rolling river below, thinking of the days he couldn't bear to look back on.

May 9 this year was a day he would never forget.

He is both the ship owner and the leader of the fleet. His ships are large and he has many ships to contact. He even has his own coal sales channel and is the largest transporter and customer of coal mines such as Lvcunpo.

Every time he came to the coal mine, the boss would treat him to a drink. After drinking, he would be invited to have afternoon tea at the Pier Tea House.

That afternoon, I was chatting with several coal mine bosses at the dock teahouse about the coal market conditions and shipping conditions in various parts of the Yangtze River Basin. Leopard, the Tujia contractor who was loading and unloading goods at the dock, rushed over and said: "Boss Shi, someone is breaking things on the boat. Rob!"

He was startled, ran to the river, looked into the center of the river, and saw about twenty people in a dark mass fighting on his boat.

The captain and first mate were dragged on the deck and kicked and beaten. The glass of the ship's cab was smashed by those people with hammers. The sailors were chased by a group of strong men and ran around on the deck. But the deck is only so big, where can we run, and in the end we have to jump into the river!

He quickly regained his composure, and based on his years of experience and intuition in traveling around the world, he judged that this must be premeditated. He immediately took out his mobile phone and called the police. Then, while waiting for the police, he anxiously stared at the "war" on the boat in the middle of the river.

The opponent had a large number of people, and his crew had no power to fight back. The only thing he could do was to ask Leopard to quickly find a boat to rescue the crew members who jumped into the river.

Those people smashed the boat for about half an hour, took a small boat to leave the ship 129, docked on the shore, and rushed to the pier.

Shi Xiaotong clearly remembered that some of those people had shaved heads, some had yellow hair, some had bald heads, some had tattoos, some had fleshy faces, and one had a big gold chain hanging from his neck. They were all bastards in society!

Shi Xiaotong realized that those people were coming for him, and he had a premonition of impending disaster. He quickly called his little brother Liu Qing, who was on the shore together, and said to him, "Xiao Liu, I'm afraid today will be very bad!" I don’t know where we are enemies. Please stay away from me. You don’t have to accompany me to suffer. If something unexpected happens to me, please help me send a message to your sister-in-law...

Pushing Xiao Liu aside and watching the tearful Xiao Liu run out of the crowd, he pulled aside the loading and unloading contractor Bao Wazi, held Bao Wazi's hand tightly and shouted: "Baozi, if you are my good brother, today brother My life depends on you to save me!"

Baowazi is from the Tujia people. He has a bold personality and is willing to help others. He usually gets along well with others. After talking about it for a while, he asked: "Brother Shi, what do you want me to do?"

Then, he asked Leopard to call over a hundred migrant workers loading and unloading at the dock. They all held up shovels and told the public in unison!

He didn't want the Tujia brothers on the dock to fight those gangsters, he just wanted to buy time for the police to dispatch the police.

To boost morale, he took out tens of thousands of dollars in cash from his bag and promised that as long as everyone persisted until the police arrived, any brother who held up a shovel would receive a hundred dollars each!

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

What's more, he has been frequenting this dock over the years and has always been generous with his moves. With Leopard taking the lead, more than a hundred migrant workers came over, formed a human wall, and protected him behind him, holding shovels to confront the gangsters.

Leopard called many people, but those gangsters didn't dare to come forward. Leopard called all migrant workers, and they didn't dare to take action. The two sides just faced off and cursed.

After a stalemate for about half an hour, three policemen from Dongba Police Station of Changhang Changhang Branch finally made it to the dock through the congested and narrow streets of Xinling Town, Dongba County, known as the "nine winding ileum."

The three police officers briefly understood the situation and confirmed that the gangsters had injured people and damaged the boat, and then started arresting people on the dock.

However, those gangsters were not afraid of the police. Not only did they not heed the warning and get into the police car, they even beat the police.

Teacher Xu, who led the team, did not expect them to be so rampant and immediately fired a warning shot into the sky. Several gangsters were so frightened that they squatted on the ground and did not dare to move. More gangsters fled in all directions, and in the end only eight were caught.

Although the violent conflict temporarily subsided, Shi Xiaotong could not go to the police station with the police to take notes.

The devastation of the 129th round and the tragedy of the scene made him miserable, but he had to hold back his grief and indignation to organize his men to search for the sailors who had jumped into the river to escape, and sent the injured to the hospital.

When he rushed to the Dongba People's Hospital after clearing up the mess, exhausted both physically and mentally, what he saw made him even more miserable: the captain was beaten to a concussion and one eye was blinded!

The first mate had three broken ribs.

The first mate's wife was hiding in the kitchen and was not able to escape. Her left kidney was kicked by those gangsters.

The big tube wheel's arms were broken, and the sailor's small coin head was broken. Although the two sailors who jumped into the river were rescued, they were severely frightened and squatted in the corner shivering. They couldn't even stand up. The doctor said Get psychological treatment...

He went from hospital bed to condolences to the injured brothers, hugged the brothers and cried bitterly, and swore in front of the brothers: I will not avenge this revenge, and I will not be a human being!

However, when he walked into the Dongba Changhang Police Station late at night in a very angry mood, and after being questioned as a reporter and victim, and just after signing the record and fingerprinting it, the director surnamed Zhong actually asked him to Write a letter of guarantee to guarantee the eight gangsters caught on the dock this afternoon!

He couldn't believe it was true, so he argued with reason, emphasizing that I was the victim. Why do you want me to guarantee that the person who harmed me will get out? Are you the people's police? Is Dongba County ruled by the Communist Party? This is too lawless!

The director named Zhong became angry and slapped the table and roared: "How dare you shout and make a scene in my office, I will punish you for obstructing official duties!"

At this time, the police who led the police team in the afternoon rushed in, grabbed him, and shouted: "Boss Shi, follow me and go to the hospital to collect evidence. I am Xu Chuncai, the instructor of the institute. Please believe me, we will handle it." Let’s take care of your case and give you justice!”

In the same police station, there are actually two completely different attitudes.

Shi Xiaotong was confused, but seeing instructor Xu's sincere eyes, he judged that Officer Xu was a good person based on his years of traveling experience, so he followed Officer Xu out of the office and got into a police car and went to the hospital.

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