Riverside police

Chapter 1167 A competent instructor!

Dongba County is nearly 200 kilometers away from Changyi City. If you just organize your forces and rush there without making preparations, it will be like a wasted trip if you fail to catch anyone. The police from the branch and the police from Changyi Police Station were not familiar with Dongba County, so it seemed they could only let Xu Chuncai go back first.

The instructors of Dongba Police Station not only withstood the test, but also were able to adhere to their principles.

As soon as Han Yu proposed to meet Xu Chuncai, Xiao Wan, the office policeman who came from Hanwu together, hesitated and said, "Bureau Han, Bureau Hu, the leaders of the bureau before coming here explained that the anti-gang operation in Dongba was the result of our Changhang Public Security Bureau's Changjiang sweep." Black’s first shot! If conditions permit, it’s best to let media reporters accompany you.”

"Bring reporters with you during the operation?" Han Yu asked subconsciously.

"If it is inconvenient to bring reporters, we will arrange for publicity police to film the entire process. Leaders, I know this is causing trouble to you, but publicity work is also very important."

"Hu Ju, what do you think?"

"I have no opinion."

"Okay, you can make arrangements as soon as possible, but keep it strictly confidential."

"Don't worry, Director Han, if I leak something, I will be held accountable when the time comes!"

"Hurry up and get in touch. When the reporters arrive, they'll be on standby with the police."


As soon as Xiao Wan left, someone shouted a report outside.

"Please come in." Bureau Hu looked back and introduced: "Bureau Han, this is Comrade Xu Chuncai, the instructor of the Dongba Police Station. Chuncai, this is Bureau Han from the bureau who came to supervise the 5.9 case."

"Good luck to Han Ju, good to Hu Ju!"

Xu Chuncai is forty-two years old this year. Due to his long-term work on the riverside, he looks older than his actual age.

He is tall and thin, looks very haggard, and his rigid and solemn expression shows that he has experienced many ups and downs, but his eyes are deep and bright. Although he was not wearing a police uniform and his blue short-sleeved shirt was even a little dirty, he could feel that he was upright and even had a melancholy temperament that made people want to cry and be moved.

Han Yu raised his arm in return, then held his hand tightly, and said seriously and sincerely: "Comrade Chuncai, Bureau Ding and Bureau Fan both know you, and they entrusted me to say hello to you. As a member of the Changhang Public Security System Police officer, I also want to pay tribute to you. You are a competent police officer who is worthy of the words 'establish the police for the public and enforce the law for the people'!"

Xu Chuncai did not expect that the "imperial envoy" who came from Han Dynasty was so young, and he did not expect that the "imperial envoy" would have such a high opinion of himself. He quickly said: "Report to the Korean Bureau, I just did what I should do."

"After the May 9 massacre, did anyone look for you?"

"Han Bureau, you mean the Dongba Shipowners Association?"


"The people from the Shipowners Association didn't come forward and let their gangsters look for me."

"What are you doing for me?" Han Yu asked him to sit down.

Xu Chuncai Dingxinshenhui reported: "They tried to treat me first with courtesy and then with force. They first asked a gangster named Tian Hua to give me money, and he went to the office to pay bribes in a big way, but I scolded him and left. I didn't know him at the time. , I didn’t know his name, but later I found out that this Tian Hua was the top thug in the 5.9 case!”

"Don't you know him?" Lao Hu asked subconsciously.

"Bureau Hu, I didn't do my job well. I didn't even remember the physical characteristics of the main suspect. I'll review it."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's answer Bureau Han's questions first."


Xu Chuncai took a deep breath and continued: "They knew that I would take the minibus back to Changyi on weekends, and they asked someone from the Port Authority to come forward and intercede with me on the minibus back to Changyi. When I got to Changyi, I got off the bus. They forced me to give me a bag of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, and ran away after giving them to me. Later, when I returned to work in the institute, I sent all the cigarettes and alcoholic beverages back."

Han Yu asked with a smile: "What happens next?"

"Later, they threatened me and sent me anonymous letters with bullets stuffed in the envelopes. Once when I was on duty in the office at night, someone smashed the glass of my office with rocks in the middle of the night." Xu Chuncai thought for a while and added: "One time while eating, Lao Zhu, the assistant police officer at the station, reminded me that someone was going to deal with me and told me to be careful and not go out alone."

Those bastards were so outrageous that they actually dared to intimidate the police station instructor!

Han Yu was silent for a moment and whispered: "Tell me briefly about the situation of the Shipowners Association."

"Okay," Xu Chuncai took the cigarette from the director's hand, lit it and took two puffs, and said in detail: "The Shipowners Association was originally established by Liu Qingping, the manager of the Dongba County Shipping Company, but for some reason Liu Qingping did not attend the meeting. Chairman. The president’s surname is Song, and his name is Song Xiaohua. He used to be a boat operator, but later he sold the boat. Because he was brave and fierce, he would fight on the river and at the dock every day. He was punished many times, but that was three or four years ago. It’s probably because I became the president and felt that I had status and identity, so I no longer went into battle shirtless and let a gang of gangsters led by Tian Hua and Mao Wazi come forward for anything.”

"How do they charge the 'management fee' for shore coal transportation?"

"They claimed that they were charging 'terminal management fees', but the terminal belongs to the cement factory, not them."

"Don't the leaders of the cement factory care?"

"The cement factory has closed down a long time ago. Now there are only two cadres left to manage the idle factory buildings. You must have seen what the cement factory buildings look like. There is no need for management at all. Those two cadres don't go there often."

Han Yu thought about it and asked: "Why did Zhong Shikui break the law to help them? Who does Zhong Shikui usually stay close to?"

You can't talk nonsense without real evidence, but now that things have happened, you can't stop talking about it.

Xu Chuncai hesitated and reported: "Zhong Shigui, the manager of the Dongba Shipping Company, is Zhong Shikui's cousin. Zhong Shigui and Liu Qingping, the manager of the Dongba Shipping Company, are good friends. Because of this relationship, Zhong Shikui and Liu Qingping are very close."

"Is the Dongba County Shipping Company a subsidiary of the Dongba County Transportation Bureau?"

"It used to be, but it was restructured too early. Now it has no affiliation. The county transportation bureau is the business department in charge of the shipping company. However, the shipping company doesn't have a single ship. The previous ships were either scrapped or sold, and the company doesn't have many managers. The staff are all maintained by collecting affiliation fees.”

"How is the relationship between Liu Qingping and Song Xiaohua, chairman of the Shipowners Association?"

"The relationship is very good! In the minds of many ship owners, Liu Qingping is a cadre, even a leader! Song Xiaohua obeys his words. Those in the Shipowners Association dare not disobey what he says."

"So Liu Qingping is the real boss of this gang?"

"It must be, but I have no proof."

Han Yu was worried and just let him go back to Dongba. Arranging for someone to go back with him would easily alert him. He stared at him and asked, "Besides Zhong Shikui, are there any other policemen in the station who may be involved with this gang?"

"Cao Yunpeng, Cao Yunpeng is a die-hard confidant of Zhong Shikui. He has not graduated from junior high school. It is thanks to Zhong Shikui and Zhong Shikui that he can put on the police uniform. He is not like a policeman at all, but like an orderly of Zhong Shikui. He does not do anything serious, but always helps Zhong Shikui. Even when Zhong Shigui was running errands, he spent at least 300 nights accepting invitations to eat with Zhong Shikui or Zhong Shigui, and drinking every night, 360 days a year."

"He is still drinking after the five prohibitions were issued?"

"Still drinking, drinking every day, drinking, singing and even looking for girls, they have completely ruined the image of public security officers!" Seeing the young "imperial envoy" thinking thoughtfully, Xu Chuncai quickly said: "Han Bureau, Hu Bureau, The team is not managed well, and I am incompetent as an instructor."

"Comrade Chuncai, it's not easy for you to do what you are now. Last question, if you go back now, can you figure out the locations of the dozen suspects who slipped through the net?"


"There are not many police officers in the station, and there are even people like Cao Yunpeng among them."

"Bureau Han can rest assured that Sha Zhongcai and Qiao Xingwang in the station are firm and can be completely trusted. Although I am incompetent as an instructor and have not led the team well, I have done a lot of work in the past two months. Although the police force is small, but I can mobilize the masses.”

"Can the 'anti-criminal group' spontaneously formed by the victims of the May 9th case and 22 coal mine bosses also help?"

"They can help, and they can help a lot." After saying this, Xu Chun suddenly realized that his superiors were not very reassured or even liked the "anti-criminal group" very much. He hurriedly said: "Han Bureau, Dongba County is very small. Those dozen or so fish that slipped through the net were so confident that they never thought of hiding."

"Okay, it's all up to you in Dongba."

"We can't talk about it, Bureau Han, Bureau Hu, then I should go back first?"

Han Yu stood up and held his hand again: "Go back. You must pay attention to safety and don't scare the snake."

Director Hu said expressionlessly: "Comrade Chuncai, from now on, you are the acting director of Dongba Police Station!"

Watching Xu Chuncai go, who had been an instructor for only one year and then sent his director to "Shuanggui", Han Yu sat down and frowned and said, "Those who slipped through the net are so emboldened that they dare to enter entertainment venues and even go to the police station to pay bribes. This is too outrageous!”

The branch office is responsible for such a big problem at the Dongba Police Station, but fortunately there are colleagues to back it up.

Comrade Lao Hu lit up his cigarette and puffed out smoke and said: "Someone has made an agreement with the eight suspects detained in Dongba Detention Center to let those eight suspects take all the responsibilities. Of course, those accomplices outside are confident." , those people from the Shipowners Association who were hiding behind the scenes have nothing to worry about.”

"If someone takes them, is there something wrong with the detention center?"

"I don't know about that. The detention center belongs to the Dongba County Public Security Bureau, not our branch."


There is something wrong with Comrade Hu's thinking.

But he was in trouble enough, and it was normal to want others to be in trouble too.

Han Yu, who had no credentials and no evidence, did not want to discuss with him how the eight suspects who had been arrested had contacted the outside world. He invited the deputy director of criminal investigation to come over to study the arrest plan at night, and then attended the pre-war meeting with Lao Hu and other branch leaders. pep rally.

There are few police officers in the Dongba Police Station, and some of the few police officers there may be have problems.

The arrest operation could only rely on the branch office. Lao Hu transferred 18 policemen and nine assisting police officers from the branch office and Changyi Police Station.

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