Riverside police

Chapter 1170 Uninvited guest!

Only the suspects who have surfaced have been captured so far, and many others are hiding deeper.

Those hiding in the dark must have hated Shi Xiaotong. Shi Xiaotong would still be in danger for a while. Han Yu gave a few words before going back to the room to rest.

At 9:30 a.m. the next day, Han Yu rushed to the branch to greet the triumphant political commissar Xiao, attended the interrogation, and asked Yang San to stay in the hotel and continue to work as a bodyguard for Boss Shi.

On May 9, Xu Chuncai arrested eight suspects at the crime scene. The circumstances of the May 9 murder case have already been investigated clearly, and now we need to dig deeper into the mastermind and even the protective umbrella behind the mastermind.

After reviewing it for more than two hours, I gained little.

The dozen suspects arrested at night were different from the eight arrested before. To be precise, they were almost the same. It's just that they didn't dare to take any chances when they saw that the Changhang Public Security Bureau was serious. In addition, no one passed on information to them through various means or even colluded with them to confess, so they didn't dare to place too much hope on the big boss behind it.

They confessed to participating in the crime of smashing, smashing and looting on May 9, but when it comes to the "protective umbrella", they may be small players, so there are not many clues to explain.

What is certain now is that five people including Changhang Dongba Police Station Chief Zhong Shikui, police officer Cao Yunpeng, and co-police Zhu Chenglin are very close to the Dongba Shipowners Association. They often accept meals from the Shipowners Association. One suspect even saw it with his own eyes. Song Xiaohua, president of the Shipowners Association, sent money to Zhong Shikui.

There are more public officials in Dongba who are close to the Shipowners Association, and they involve a wider range of departments.

There are six public security bureaus, including a deputy director. The Transportation Bureau has a deputy director and two mid-level cadres, and the Procuratorate has two... Unfortunately, they are all talking about it, and there is no evidence.

Han Yu had just asked Political Commissar Xiao to hand over these clues to the "Joint Investigation Team" of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Commander Liu of the military division actually rushed to the branch in person and invited him to have dinner at the Changyi Hotel.

It’s not even possible not to attend this dinner. In Commander Liu’s words, it’s a gathering of comrades who fought against the floods in 1998, and several comrades who went to Jingzhou to fight against the floods were invited. There were active officers and retired officers, and Shen Zhi from the Changyi Detachment of the Armed Police was also called to accompany them.

"Commander, there is a little brother living here with you. Where are the others?"

"The Changhang Branch is handling a major case. The police force is tight and we really can't spare any manpower. We are embarrassed to be idle, so we can only help Bureau Hu and others to share some of the pressure and help them protect an important witness. Xiao Yang is watching upstairs."

"Commander-in-Chief, you are a police officer. Are you going to be so exaggerated? This is mainland China, not Hong Kong. Who dares to kill people and silence them?"

"It's better to be cautious when sailing a thousand-year-old ship."

"Can you trust me?"

"You are the captain of the detachment. If I don't trust you, who can I trust?"

Shen Chi took out his cell phone and laughed and said: "That's good. Which floor do you live on and what room are you in? I'll call a few people to come up and replace Xiao Yang and ask Xiao Yang to come over and have a drink."

Commander Liu was convinced, raised his head and said with a smile: "You may not know that Xiao Yang is not only a subordinate of the commander-in-chief, but also a fellow countryman of the commander-in-chief. Like the commander-in-chief, he is a Binjiang native."

"Commander Liu, Commander-in-Chief, please don't laugh when I tell you. We don't know Binjiang. We only know Linghai. We only know the female soldiers of the Hong Kong Garrison, Linghai Hotel and the Hong Kong Garrison!"

"Old Xu, you are so shameless. It is already 2003, and you are still thinking about the female soldiers in the Hong Kong Garrison!"

"What's so shameless? There's something wrong with your thinking. The reason why I'm so impressed is not just because she's young and beautiful."

"Tell me the truth, why?"

"Old Xu, you have a family. Besides, you are at least ten years older than me. Can't you have that kind of thinking?"

The army lieutenant colonel who was ridiculed by everyone said hurriedly: "Where are you thinking? If you receive a drop of kindness from someone, you should repay it with a spring. I have no chance to repay others, but I must be grateful."

"What does this have to do with you missing the commander-in-chief's female soldier?"

"I was injured back then, and it was Nurse Han who helped treat the wound. She was worried that my wound would be infected, so she took a boat trip after trip to change my dressing on such a hot day. Seeing that I was slightly injured and could not get out of the line of fire, she even criticized me. I told you not to laugh, she really looks like an angel to me, I can still remember her angry look to this day!"

"After all, you still miss them and remember how angry they are."

Lieutenant Colonel Xu chuckled and said, "She looks better when she smiles."

"Brother Xu, that's too much." Han Yu patted his arm and said with a smile: "She is my sister-in-law, and I am her brother-in-law! Do you think it is appropriate to say this in front of me?"

"Commander in chief, is Nurse Han your sister-in-law?"

"Yeah, if you don't believe me, you can ask Xiao Yang later."

"But her surname is Han."

"Her surname is Han."

"Then what's your lover's last name?"

"Also surnamed Han."


Lieutenant Colonel Xu was stunned and couldn't turn a corner for a while.

Commander Liu reacted quickly, patted the table and said with a laugh: "No one says you can't get married if both of you are named Han. It doesn't matter what your surname is. What's important is that you can't be related by blood, and you can't get married among close relatives."

Lieutenant Colonel Xu understood as if he was enlightened and couldn't help but ask: "Commander-in-chief, so your lover is also very beautiful?"

This is definitely the thing that Han Yu is most proud of. He took out his wallet, showed a family photo taken by a family of three, and said with a proud smile: "My wife and my sister-in-law are twins!"

"My God, Commander-in-Chief, you are so lucky. Your lover and your sister-in-law are both beautiful!"

"Commander, I have a question that I can ask. Your wife and your sister-in-law are both so beautiful. They look exactly like your sister-in-law. Will you and your brother-in-law get them wrong in life?"

Commander Liu suddenly said: "What's the matter with a mistake? Just make a mistake!"

"Commander Liu, what do you mean?"

These are not active-duty officers or active-duty police officers. They are simply a bunch of old hooligans. Han Yu was ridiculed and couldn't laugh or cry. He hurriedly said: "At first glance, they look similar, but it's actually easy to tell. My sister-in-law enjoys life better than my lover, and she enjoys life better than me. My wife is fatter. Moreover, my sister-in-law is a nurse and she always smells like a hospital. Their personalities are also different. My sister-in-law is carefree, while my wife is relatively introverted. They know who is who as soon as they speak."

Shen Zhi pretended to be curious and asked: "Does Nurse Han smell like a hospital?"


"It seems that the commander-in-chief has heard about it a lot!"

At the same time, two middle-aged men walked into Changyi Hotel with bags under their arms and took the elevator to the sixth floor.

The bad guy is caught and a great revenge is avenged!

Shi Xiaotong was in a particularly good mood today and asked Baozi to go downstairs to buy two bottles of wine. He was drinking in the room with Baozi and the two miners whom the boss of the coal mine had arranged to protect him, planning to get drunk before resting.

While I was drinking happily, there was a knock on the door outside.

He originally thought it was Officer Yang from the Changhang Public Security Bureau in the opposite room. He thought it was impolite to let Baozi open the door, so he put down his wine glass and walked over to open the door before Baozi got up.

As soon as the door opened, he was stunned.

Leopard looked at the familiar face outside the door, and his first reaction was to lift the pillow and get the steel pipe!

"Boss Shi, you live here!"

Zhong Shigui, manager of the Dongba Port Authority Shipping Company, did not wait for Shi Xiaotong to react. He squeezed into the room and took a look at Leopard and the two miners who were facing a formidable enemy. Then he turned back and said with a smile: "Why are you eating in the room, Boss Shi? Chang I'm familiar with it, there's a restaurant downstairs, I'll be the host today, let's go down and eat together."

He is the cousin of Zhong Shikui, the chief of Changhang Police Station. Why did he come to Changyi and how did he find this place?

Shi Xiaotong wanted to call Officer Yang, but when he saw that the door opposite was closed, Director Han and Officer Yang were probably out for dinner. Then he thought that Zhong only brought one person, and there were four people here, so he decided Ding Xin asked in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: "Mr. Zhong, how did you know I was here?"

Zhong Shigui did not answer the question, but asked expectantly: "Boss Shi, can you give me some face and let's talk alone?"

"What are you talking about? What's there to talk about?"

"Boss Shi, I was entrusted by others to be a peacemaker. We all work for a living on the river, raising our heads but not looking down. It is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. Besides, people are sincere, and I am entrusted with sincerity."

Director Han said that as long as someone comes to the door, he must be "kept"!

Shi Xiaotong originally wanted to delay time, so he weighed it and motioned for Baozi and others to go out first. The middle-aged man who came with Zhong Shigui put down a black plastic bag and turned around and walked out of the room.

"Mr. Zhong, what are you doing?"

"My little thought."

"What's the point?"

"I brought you two cigarettes and two bottles of wine by the way."

"No need to be so polite, I don't need it."

"Boss Shi, don't be like this. I'll sit down and talk first."

Zhong Shigui pulled Shi Xiaotong to sit down, took out his mobile phone, and talked happily about various gossips in Dongba, as if Zhong Shikui, the director of Changhang Police Station, had nothing to do with him.

"It is said that the transportation bureau is in trouble, and our port authority is also having a hard time. Fortunately, I am on a business trip in Changyi, otherwise I will definitely be called over for a meeting, and I will definitely rectify it after receiving it."


"People are also panicking at the dock today. Old Wu from our company called and said that the Changhang Public Security Bureau just went to arrest a dozen people at night, and the County Public Security Bureau went to arrest six more people this morning. Boss Shi, you still have great powers, and now Someone said you have someone in the capital, is this happening?"

Shi Xiaotong was noncommittal and just smiled.

Zhong Shigui knew very well that unless he showed some sincerity, the man in front of him would not give up. He offered a cigarette, put himself in the middle position and sighed softly: "I didn't know what was going on at the beginning, until I picked up the old man this morning. Only after Wu’s phone call did I know why you were in trouble.”

"Why?" Shi Xiaotong took a sip of wine and asked calmly.

"The gangsters who beat you up on May 9 were originally recruited by the Shipowners Association, and the boss behind the scenes was Song Xiaohua. Your ship has been transporting coal in Dongba for a long time, and it has robbed the shipping business of members of their association and formed competition with them. , they were dissatisfied with you, so what happened next.”

"No matter what business you do, there is competition, and besides, they don't have many ships!"

"They don't have many boats themselves, but they can find boats." Zhong Shigui puffed away the ashes and changed the subject: "They are blind to the mountains, and now they know they are afraid. They also know that we have a good relationship. Just ask me to come and apologize to you, and ask you to be kind and give me a way to survive."


"As long as you don't pursue it and don't sue, they are willing to compensate you one million. The cost of repairing the 129th round and the loss of port delay will be fully borne by them. The medical expenses, nursing expenses and mental losses of all injured brothers will also be borne by them. out."

Zhong Shigui took a few puffs of cigarette and added seriously and sincerely: "They said, no deal can be made without fighting. We can make friends in the future. From now on, all your ship's business in Dongba will be guaranteed to be smooth. Enjoy it with local ships." Equal treatment.”

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