Riverside police

Chapter 1180 Chen Zikun wants to come back!

This year, superiors have taken environmental protection seriously, and several very influential environmental incidents have occurred.

For example, relevant departments laid anti-penetration membranes in the rivers of the Old Summer Palace, which were seen and exposed by environmentalists, triggering a heated "Old Summer Palace membrane-laying" controversy. For example, the blood lead of children in Suganhui County exceeded the standard, arsenic contamination in Yangyue, Nanhu, and the concealed reporting of diesel leakage in Luzhou, Xichuan, etc., are all on TV every day.

The superiors attach great importance to Binjiang and cannot take it seriously.

Han Yu's report was like the last straw, making the municipal party committee and government determined to rectify environmental pollution, and the massive environmental pollution rectification campaign began.

Secretary Chen personally came to the riverside to investigate, stood in front of the camera, pointed at the sewage outlet, and demanded stern investigation and punishment! Mayor Wang personally took charge and served as the leader of the environmental pollution control leading group. Several districts and counties also established leading groups to organize environmental protection, industry and commerce, public security and other departments to carry out major inspections and rectifications of enterprises within their jurisdiction.

Maybe the news is relatively big. The ongoing rectification operation was on the news on the provincial TV station the day before yesterday, and it was even on the CCTV news broadcast yesterday!

Secretary Chen appeared in the news and said eloquently: "We cannot passively protect the environment by stopping development, but we will never tolerate pollution!"

However, as a member of the Binjiang City Environmental Pollution Remediation Leading Group, Han Yu found that although the major inspections and major rectification actions were massive, the focus seemed to be only along the Yangtze River, and the thunder was louder and the raindrops were lighter in several districts and counties not adjacent to the Yangtze River. .

But no matter what, every one of the shoreline companies has been ordered to make rectifications, and several units that blatantly discharged sewage into the river have been punished. Yesterday, I took a maritime patrol boat from the Maritime Safety Administration to go around the river. The previous sewage outlets No one can be seen!

Before, I was a little worried that my eldest brother wouldn't understand and was unwilling to shut down the waste terminal in Bailong Port. As a result, after the senior sister called him, he patted his chest and promised to shut down, and he said he would shut down.

It wasn't until I called Xiaoyu that I found out that my elder brother had the guidance of an "expert" and was very politically sensitive. He had been watching the news every day for the past two years like old money. He had long realized that the wind was in the wrong direction and had been prepared.

The small wharf on the riverside was closed, and a gravel wharf on the Hubin River that had been idle for two or three years was reactivated.

The sand and gravel terminal is not far from Longgang Rice Industry of Zhang Erxiao, and it has made great contributions to the infrastructure construction of Linghai Development Zone. Although it is very close to the Yangtze River, it does not belong to the Yangtze River coastline. The Yangtze River Water Conservation Bureau cannot control it, and the Linghai Environmental Protection Bureau has no jurisdiction.

Linghai Transportation Bureau and Linghai Conservancy Bureau have the right to control it, but the earthwork loaded and unloaded from this terminal is used for Linghai transportation and water conservancy construction. Even the name is Linghai Transportation Road and Bridge Engineering Co., Ltd. Development Zone Terminal. Naturally, people don't think much about this.

Han Yu was so dumbfounded that he couldn't help but call Han Shen: "Brother, although the Hubin River is not the Yangtze River, it belongs to the Yangtze River Basin. You are just trying to skirt the edge."

"Who said we were playing around with things? Mr. Sun made it very clear that we are operating legally. Moreover, moving the loading and unloading point from Bailong Port to the development zone has increased a lot of costs."

"The gate fee has been increased."

"Not only do you have to pay more gate fees, but you also have to add dozens of kilometers of voyage." Han Shen was actually very reluctant. He did this entirely to support the work of his younger brother and sister-in-law. He thought about it and murmured: "San'er , we are not the only ones doing the garbage business, there are also people in Dongqi, and their small docks are still loading and unloading."

Sometimes it is always said that only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps. But when it comes to the Han family, it is the other way around. The Han family can do things that others can do, such as running a small dock on the riverside.

Han Yu felt a little unhappy and said with a wry smile: "Brother, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged."

"What do my family members say? Dad is right. I can't do this business without you and Ning Ning. If others don't support your work, we must take the lead in supporting it."

"thank you."

"Stop talking about this, will you go back to Bailong Port on Sunday?"

"I've been a little busy these days, so I probably won't be able to go back."

"Okay, you go about your business."

Just after hanging up the phone, Commissar Dong and Ding Shuguang knocked on the door and walked in.

Qi Bureau has gone out to participate in training, and will probably be transferred back to Hanwu when the training is over. Political Commissar Dong will soon be relegated to the second line. Although the superiors have not said it clearly, there are various signs that only one person will be parachuted in to serve as deputy director. The new political commissar in the future should be selected from among the team members, and Ding Shuguang has the greatest hope.

"Bureau Han, Bureau Yang from the Port Authority just called me again. Replacement is a general trend. The water branch will move next month. I asked Ma Jintao this morning. Ma Jintao said that the compensation for the office building is between the Municipal Bureau and the Port Authority. It is negotiated with the bureau, but the compensation for the family area is negotiated with the individual. It has been negotiated long ago and the compensation agreement has been signed."

This port authority is not that port authority.

The former Port Authority has become the current Binjiang Port Group. The current Port Authority is a department of the municipal government and is responsible for port construction planning and development.

The Binjiang Port Group wants to become bigger and stronger, and the city wants to develop the port economy, eyeing the land of the Maritime Safety Administration, Customs, Long Shipping Branch and Water Branch.

The Maritime Safety Administration's office building and traffic control building are so grand that they can be called riverside landmarks. They were built not many years ago. Now they are about to be demolished. The personnel will first go to the water law enforcement base built in Langshan the year before last to work. The building will be built in a new urban area not far from Langshan.

It is worth mentioning that the new urban area is very remote and far away from the current urban area, but the municipal party committee and government have to move there.

This is no small matter.

Han Yu stood up and opened the file, rummaged through the "replacement plan" proposed by the city, and asked while reading: "Give us a piece of land, give us some money, and let us build our own new office building?"

"Twenty million is a lot." Political Commissar Dong lit up the cigarette and said with a smile: "You have been to several brother bureaus in the past few years. In addition to Hanwu Branch and Donghai Branch, there are several brother bureaus with office conditions as good as ours. OK."

"Twenty million seems like a lot, but infrastructure construction now is different from before. Materials and labor are expensive, and it doesn't look good to build it with two thousand dollars compensated by the city. Besides, we can't spend all the money on building office buildings. "On board, two law enforcement boats have been in service for ten years. The main engines are severely worn and the condition of the boats is deteriorating day by day. We cannot always repair and repair them. They must be retired when it is time to retire."

"Change to law enforcement boats?"

"Not only must they be replaced, but they must be increased." Han Yu weighed it up and continued: "There are fewer and fewer policemen in the Shuishang Branch. From now on, we will mainly rely on us to maintain public security on the river. Gaoru, Binjiang, Linghai and Dongqi Police stations, each police station must be equipped with at least one relatively advanced law enforcement boat, and the bureau must also have one for emergency use!"

Repairing and replacing boats is the salted fish style.

Ding Shuguang was stunned and asked with a smile: "Bureau Han, are you going to take this opportunity to ask the city for money?"

"We are not talking loudly like a lion. We change equipment and add law enforcement boats. In the final analysis, it is not to improve public security on the river."

"It's different now than before. The city won't give you money."

"We won't move unless we give you money. I want to see if they dare to demolish it!"

"Forced demolition is definitely impossible. The question now is how do I reply to Director Yang?"

"It doesn't matter what he says. He is just a messenger. You can tell him clearly that whoever asked us to move will come to us. As for the dormitory building, it is not easy to bargain with them. After all, the Water Branch and the Maritime Safety Bureau There are also dormitories, and compensation can only be given on a one-size-fits-all basis. It is impossible to give more compensation to our policemen and less compensation to other people’s cadres.”

"Okay, I'll just go back to Bureau Yang."

Dare to take advantage of the situation to rob the Municipal Party Committee and City Government. Only Xianyu has the guts to do it. Ding Shuguang was not worried about Han Yu at all, and stood up and walked out of the office.

Political Commissar Dong put out his cigarette butt, looked back at the door, hesitated and said, "Xianyu, did Chen Zikun call you?"

Han Yu asked in confusion: "No, what happened to him?"

Political Commissar Dong stood up and walked over to close the door. He returned to his desk and sat down. He smiled bitterly and said, "I don't go to Hanwu very often, but I have a few friends in the bureau. One friend called me privately and told me, Chen Zikun I want to be transferred back.”

"What's he doing back here?"

"What do you think?"

"He wants to come back and be the director?"

"It is impossible to be the director. He is eyeing my position." Political Commissar Dong sighed and said helplessly: "Ding Shuguang has worked hard for so many years. He must have qualifications and qualifications, and he must have achievements. If he misses the village That store no longer exists.”

Ding Shuguang has been working in the former Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau since he was 18 years old. From an ordinary police officer to the director of the police station, and then to the director of the political office of the branch, he has worked hard even if he has no credit.

But if he competes with Chen Zikun, he will definitely not be able to compete with Chen Zikun. After all, Chen Zikun is relatively young and highly educated. He has been a young cadre trained by the Changhang Public Security Bureau for a long time.

Han Yu's head got bigger and he asked with a wry smile: "What should we do?"

"You are the quasi-director, and you have the right to make suggestions on the selection of the new political commissar."


"As for your phone call, the bureau leaders will definitely respect your opinion."

"I suggested to my superiors that Ding Shuguang be the political commissar. Wouldn't that offend Chen Zikun?"

"Are you afraid of offending him?" Political Commissar Dong asked back and said meaningfully: "Ding Shuguang is different from Chen Zikun. Even if Chen Zikun cannot be transferred back and cannot become the political commissar, he still has the opportunity to become the political commissar or even the director of the brother branch. Ding If Shuguang misses this opportunity, it will have no choice but to be the director of the political department for a few more years, and then step down like me."

It's true that Chen Zikun, as a cadre who went out to Binjiang Branch, knew the situation of Binjiang Branch very well, and wanted to transfer him back even though he knew that Lao Ding would step aside if he came back.

Han Yu didn't want to make the matter too complicated, so he dialed Chen Zikun's mobile phone in front of Political Commissar Dong.

"Han Bureau, why did you remember to call me? I was just going to see you!"

"Zikun, what's our relationship? There's no need to be so polite. Just open the skylight and speak frankly. Do you want to be transferred back to Binjiang?"


"Speak, is this happening?"

Chen Zikun was silent for a moment and said with a grimace: "Because of this, they say that a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as their own doghouse. No matter how good Zhangjiagang is, it is not as good as my hometown. I have always wanted to be transferred back, and my wife also wants me to be transferred back." .”

The Guzhou branch is not in the urban area of ​​Guzhou, or even in the urban area of ​​Zhangjiagang, but in a town on the Zhangjiagang River. He had been working in the town on the other side for several years, and it was normal for him to want to come back. After all, the Binjiang branch was in Binjiang city, and his family and friends were all in Binjiang.

Han Yu thought for a while and said half-jokingly: "It's okay to be transferred back, but you probably have no hope of becoming the director."

"I know, I don't dare to expect to be the director."

"There is not much hope of becoming a political commissar. You know the situation in the branch. The old comrades are all our seniors. They have worked hard for so many years and only have this little hope. If even this little hope is gone, how can we enhance the cohesion of the team? , how can we motivate everyone?"

"Xianyu, I understand what you mean. Actually... I actually regret it now. If my superiors really transferred me back, I would be embarrassed to face Director Ding and the others."

"I thought you didn't know."

"At that time, I was so excited that I told the bureau leader. Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you. I will call and report my thoughts to the bureau leader."

"Why are you so anxious!" Han Yu looked up at Political Commissar Dong, held up the phone and said nonchalantly: "We have already spoken to the bureau leaders. If we just take it back, wouldn't it be reneging on our word? Since I'm homesick, I'll transfer it first. Come back, we happen to be short of a deputy director here."

"It's okay to be the deputy director. Actually, I never thought about getting promoted."

"Can you let me finish?"

"you say."

"It's not easy for you to be transferred back, and it's just as difficult for me to come back to work. The leaders of the Ministry and Bureau talked to me when I was training in the capital, and the leaders of the current situation also talked to me when I went to Hanwu to report. I didn't want to be separated in the two places, and Ning Ning didn't want to be separated. He may have declined the leadership’s good intentions on the grounds of leaving his current job.”

Han Yu smiled and continued: "Several leaders considered the importance of the construction of the Yangtze River Bridge and finally decided to let me return to Binjiang. But several leaders told me very clearly during the conversation that when the Yangtze River Bridge is completed and opened to traffic, That’s when I move up.”

Chen Zikun asked in surprise: "You can work in Binjiang for at most three to five years?"

"Absolutely." Han Yu paused and said with a smile: "You come back and work first, and then take over from me. With your education and qualifications, your superiors will definitely not object."

PS: I am not in good health and I go to the hospital every day. I can only update my Buddhism. Please forgive me, brothers and sisters.

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