Riverside police

Chapter 20 Times have changed

After lunch, I changed into work clothes and came to the shipyard with the registration materials for the self-study exam given by the instructor.

It was too stuffy in the cabin, so I opened the cabin door for ventilation, and then returned to the pergola to study the materials for the self-study exam.

There are many majors, but there is only one marine technology in water transportation.

This one was more relevant, so Han Yu thought about it and applied for it. Anyway, the bureau required an improvement in academic qualifications, and they didn't specify any major.

Just as he was wondering how Xu Sanye could have graduated from Peking University, a man in his thirties walked out of the shipyard office with a frown on his face. He looked familiar.

Immediately afterwards, Boss Wu walked out of the office holding a beautiful crystal cup and sent the man to the door. When he saw Han Yu sitting in the pergola, he came over with a smile.

"Xiao Han, your director is so good at catching so many ticket dealers at once."

"Manager Wu, you got it."

"Who doesn't know now? People think that I have a good relationship with your director, so they all come to me."

"I asked why that person looked familiar just now. It turned out that he had queued up to buy a ticket."

"So he has been targeted by you for a long time?"

"I didn't say anything. I'm just a boat repairman."

This little policeman is quite awesome, he deserves to be Xu Sanye’s subordinate...

Boss Wu put down his tea cup and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense, and I won't be able to help him find your director to plead for mercy."

Han Yu was very curious about what kind of person Xu Sanye was, and couldn't help but ask: "Manager Wu, are you familiar with our director?"

"I used to work in the water conservancy bureau's fleet and often went to the county. I knew your director for a long time. But he was the criminal investigation captain at that time, and everyone called him Captain Xu. I was just a repairman, and I knew him at that time. , he doesn’t know me.”

"Didn't our director be very powerful before?"

"you do not know?"

"have no idea."

Han Yu took a sip of water and said with an embarrassed look: "He is very serious sometimes. I dare not ask or inquire."

Working under Xu Sanye, I actually don’t know who Xu Sanye is...

Boss Wu found it incredible and couldn't help laughing: "Your director is a famous person in Linghai, and all the cadres in the county know him. Maybe he has never worked in the Fourth Factory before, and the people in the Fourth Factory don't know him well. He doesn’t have much.”

"Big celebrity, how famous are you?"

"It's very famous. Isn't your dad in the shipping company? You can go back and ask your dad. Your dad will definitely know."

"My dad is running a boat on the river and can't find anyone else. Manager Wu, please, please talk to me."

"I can tell you, but I can't let your director know that I said it."

"Okay, I promise."

Boss Wu took out his cigarette and asked with a smile: "Do you know why your director is called Xu Sanye?

Han Yu subconsciously asked: "Why."

"He is famous for his wild temper, wild ways, and big ambitions. In total, he is Sanye. Many people think that Xu Sanye is a nickname. In fact, his original name is Xu Sanye."

"Why did you choose this name?"

"You still call him Xianyu, why is he called Xu Sanye?"

Boss Wu joked and said with a smile: "His name has an origin. His father is an old revolutionary who participated in the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War. When he was born, his father happened to be in Sanye, and his mother was the women's director of the village, and she was very ideological. If he is tall, name him Sanye.”

"Xu Suo is the son of a cadre!"

"He's really not a cadre's son."

Seeing Han Yu's confused look, Boss Wu explained: "His father has no education. He has always been a soldier, not a cadre. He was injured during the liberation of the East China Sea, so he returned to his hometown and was arranged to be a militia battalion commander in the village."

Han Yu whispered: "Village cadres are also cadres."

Boss Wu thought for a while and nodded: "For us ordinary people, village cadres are indeed cadres. The militia and battalion commanders at that time were very powerful. They had militiamen under them and guns in their hands.

The militia's guns and ammunition were all stored in his home. He had been playing with guns since he was a child. He became the leader of the children's regiment at the age of eight, and joined the militia after graduating from junior high school at the age of sixteen. "

Han Yu asked: "What happened next?"

"He originally had the opportunity to join the army. At that time, joining the army was like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate. He has been training with the militia since he was a child. He can shoot accurately and can use a small steel cannon. But he doesn't want to be gossiped about. After all, his father is the militia battalion commander. , so I gave up my spot to others.”

"Then what."

"Later, his father fell ill and died. The commune cadres saw that he had good military qualities and had great prestige in the village, so they made him the militia battalion commander."

Boss Wu thought about it and smiled: "You are the youngest policeman in the Public Security Bureau. He was the youngest militia battalion commander in the county at that time. Every time the militia trained and every competition, their battalion came first!"

In 1972, a university that had been closed for several years recruited workers, peasants and soldiers. He had good political thinking and good health. He was about 20 years old and had a junior high school education. His performance was particularly outstanding and he was recommended to go to university. "

Han Yu reacted: "Go to Peking University!"

Boss Wu nodded and confirmed: "There are only a dozen places in the county, and there are even fewer places to go to Peking University, only one. His father had passed away at that time, and even if he had not passed away, he was not considered a cadre's son. He could be recommended to go to Peking University. , do you think he is powerful or not?"


"I remember when I sent him off, the county revolutionary committee held a meeting, beat gongs and drums, and gave him a big red flower."

"What happens next?" Han Yu asked.

Boss Wu looked back in the direction of the Yanjiang Police Station and said with a smile: "He went to the capital for two years to attend college. He actually met the chairman. After graduation, he was assigned to be the deputy team leader of the Human Security Group of the County Revolutionary Committee."

"What does the People's Insurance Group do?"

“This is the current Public Security Bureau. At that time, the Public Security Bureau was smashed and the Public Security Bureau was placed under military control and turned into the People’s Protection Group of the Revolutionary Committee.

Some former police officers were criticized, some were sent to the May 7th Cadre School, and some were sent to farms for labor reform. Your instructor went to the farm at that time, and was transferred back later when the Public Security Bureau was restored. "

Han Yu asked in surprise: "So the deputy leader of the People's Insurance Team that Xu Suo worked at that time was equivalent to the current deputy director of the Public Security Bureau."

"It's not the same, it's better than the current deputy director."

"How powerful?"

"There were no procuratorates and courts at that time. Whenever a case occurred, the People's Insurance Group investigated, arrested, and tried. Your director was the deputy team leader responsible for specific work and had the power of life and death. He was certainly more powerful than the current deputy director. .”

"But he must have been very young at that time."

"Nine out of ten of the leaders at that time came from the rebellion, and they were all young. But your director was different from those who came from the rebellion. He had good roots, a mass base, and prestige. All the previous militiamen were Listen to him.

He has a gun, went to Peking University, and even met the chairman. With his qualifications, he is qualified to be the deputy director of the Revolutionary Committee, not to mention the deputy leader of the People's Insurance Team. "

Boss Wu unscrewed the lid of the cup and took a sip of tea: "After the reform and opening up, the public security bureau was rebuilt, and those who had previously joined the public security team had to be reviewed.

Those who have done bad things must be dealt with, and those who are not suitable for the public security system must be transferred. Your director has never done anything bad, never handled an unjust, false or wrong case, and has protected several veteran cadres and comrades.

During the review, several veteran cadres spoke for him, so he was not transferred. But it is impossible to be reused. After all, times have changed. I heard that there are regulations that restrict the use of cadres like him. "

No wonder the instructor only spoke half of what he said. It turned out that although Xu Sanye had attended Peking University, he was not admitted by the entrance examination. He was a worker, peasant, and soldier college student in a special period.

When Huang Jiangsheng was a teenager, he wore a big red flower and was sent to northern Xinjiang to work as an educated youth. After he returned, he was looked down upon like a prisoner in a labor camp.

Xu Sanye's academic qualifications and experience are even more embarrassing than those of Huang Jiangsheng, and he has even been labeled political.

In the words of Boss Wu, times have changed. The more prosperous it was then, the more miserable it is now.

Han Yuzheng didn't know what to say. Boss Wu said with emotion: "He was the child king in the village when he was a child, and later he became the militia battalion commander. He had a big temper and always spoke the truth. In 1984, he offended many people with severe beatings. He was transferred from the criminal investigation captain to Xinhai serves as the police station chief.

This spring, a deputy mayor pretended to be drunk and flirted with a beautiful female teacher, which seemed like an attempted rape. If it falls into the hands of your director, there will naturally be no good fruits. "

Han Yu asked in a low voice: "What happened next?"

Boss Wu lit up his cigarette and said, "The deputy township head seems to have some background, and the county may be worried about the negative impact. I heard that several leaders said hello to him.

He said that he should give the deputy mayor a chance to change his ways, and ask him to apologize to others and pay them some money, so that the big problem would be reduced to a minor issue.

It was okay if he didn't say hello, but when he did, his temper got worse. He hung the deputy mayor in front of the police station in public and beat him with a belt.

Just hit him, and in front of so many people, he said how good the case handling environment was when he was the deputy leader of the People's Insurance Group. The superior leaders did not dare to make phone calls, did not dare to hand over notes, and no one dared to come to the Public Security Bureau. Use the back door to intercede. "

You can mention anything, except the personal insurance group!

That is a product of the past. If you say that time was good, you are saying that reform and opening up was not good. This is a very serious ideological and even line issue.

Han Yu suddenly understood and asked in a low voice, "Has the deputy mayor been dealt with later?"

"It's become such a mess. It must be dealt with. I heard the sentence will be several years."

Boss Wu paused and sighed: "The cadres who came to power at that time had bad people as well as good people. But the policy doesn't matter so much, it's called one size fits all."

"Xu Suo is a good person!"

"He must be a good person. If he were a bad person, he would have been transferred or even dealt with during the review. In fact, he has nothing to feel wronged about. After all, he has been successful."

Han Yu thought about it and asked: "Manager Wu, I understand that people say he has a wild temper. What do they mean when they say he is wild and ambitious?"

"Lu Ziye said that he had many friends. Although he was a worker, peasant, and soldier student when he was in college, he still had classmates. Think about it, who could be recommended to go to Peking University at that time was not very capable."

"Aren't their batches of college students going to be restricted from using them?"

"The policies of each place are different, and he has many classmates who were recommended by the army. The place has changed a lot, but the army has not changed much. Those who have not transferred to the army are at least in the regiment now, and the level of the students who have transferred to the army will not be lower."

"How ambitious?"

"I can't keep my mouth shut. When I was a member of the children's league, I said I would be the leader of the children's league. When I was a militia member, I threatened to be the militia battalion commander.

When he said this when he was a child, people would praise him for his ambition. It’s okay to say these things when you are young, but if you still say these things after you are thirty, people will definitely have their own thoughts. "

Boss Wu smiled and added: "Many of today's leaders were led by him in the past. He was careless and did not treat others as leaders. They must have ideas and think he is ambitious."

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