Riverside police

Chapter 205 A new beginning!

Yingchuangang Village is located in the southeast corner of Binjiang City and originally belonged to Langshan Town in Binjiang County. With the major adjustment of administrative divisions last year, it now belongs to the newly established Binjiang Development Zone.

The entire village is surrounded by water on three sides, the Yangtze River to the southwest, the Pussing Gang River to the west, and the Binqi River to the east.

The ancients said that "a river of spring water flows eastward." However, since Wujie Town, which was just transferred to Changzhou City (county-level city) last year, the Yangtze River no longer flows east-west, but flows southeast.

It flows in the waters of the shipping port, almost in a north-south direction.

Due to the change in the direction of the waterway, sedimentation is serious. Although the river is wide, there are many sandbars, shoals and underwater groynes in the river. As a result, the main channel and the dedicated channel are crisscrossed, making the navigation environment very complex.

When the flood season comes every year, the water level becomes high, and some shoals and groynes will be submerged into the water. Ships passing by may be grounded if they are not careful.

If the waters in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River are most likely to be stranded, Yingchuangang waters will definitely rank first.

Because of the complex navigation environment, the port supervision and waterway departments continue to dredge, set up various navigation marks such as red floats and black floats in the river, and specially designate a "special channel for Yingchuan Port". The total length is about eight nautical miles, which is the longest below Jiangcheng. Dedicated waterway.

Although a special channel has been drawn up, it still cannot change the fact that the channel is poor, the navigation width is narrow, the water depth is shallow and changeable, and the direction of the water flow is inconsistent with the direction of the channel and is quite different.

Moreover, the Yingchuangang Channel was originally the customary route for inland river boats entering and exiting the Yangtze River. The Binshu Steam Ferry was built at the lower entrance of the waterway, creating an additional water channel.

In order to take shortcuts, ships operating in the harbor waterways often encounter collisions and grounding accidents.

Whenever a water traffic accident occurs, rescue is required. The Water Rescue Center and the Second Harbor Patrol Brigade of the Port Supervision Bureau are located at the mouth of the Pants Gang River to the west of Yingchuangang Village.

The rescue center does not have its own rescue boat, only a floating dock.

The Second Brigade of the Harbor Patrol has two law enforcement boats, namely Supervision 35 and Supervision 37. The crane boat moored at the berth on the right side of the floating dock belongs to a company affiliated with the Port Authority.

If a ship is stranded, the port supervisor will recruit a crane ship to rescue the ship. If the crane ship cannot rescue the ship, it will recruit a tugboat from a nearby port and shipping company, and the costs incurred will be borne by the rescued ship.

But at 9 o'clock this morning, with the arrival of Binjiang Marine Police 001, the Water Rescue Center of the Harbor Supervision Bureau and the floating dock of the Second Harbor Patrol Brigade ended the history of not being able to dispatch tugs at any time.

It's just that the horsepower of 001 is a bit small, and it can only rescue and tow ships of two thousand tons at most. If it exceeds two thousand tons, 001 can't do anything.

Liang Xiaoyu passed by the waters of Yingchuang Port many times, but never docked here. He tied the cable, jumped onto the floating dock, and asked in surprise: "Sister Ningning, why are you here too!"

Han Xiangning turned back and pointed to a row of two-story steel structure mobile houses on the shore, and said with a smile: "I was transferred here, didn't you know?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Stay closer to you guys."

"I know, you're here to fuck the salted fish!"

"I'm not here to see him, I'm here to work."

When Han Xiangning saw Captain Wang and Zhu Baogen disembarking, and the leaders of the rescue center and the Second Harbor Patrol Brigade also came over, he quickly stepped forward to say hello to Captain Wang and Zhu Baogen, and helped introduce them with a smile.

Yanjiang Police Station has cooperated with the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau for so many years. Captain Wang, the middle-level cadre of the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau, has met almost all of them, but he can't remember the last names of some cadres.

He briefly exchanged greetings with them and asked with a smile: "Director Liu, Ning Ning, is the Fourth Marine Police Squadron up there?"

"The Fourth Squadron is not here. The Fourth Squadron is by the Binqi River, inside the lock of Yingchuang Port, less than three kilometers away from here."

"It's so far away. Why did Xianyu let us come here instead of letting us go directly to his place?"

Han Xiangning explained with a smile: "Our floating dock is on the riverside, and they are inside the lock. If we drive 001 over, if something happens on the river, it will be very troublesome to pass the lock."

The Yingshuangang Ship Lock is not the Bailonggang Ship Lock. There are hundreds of ships passing through the Yingshuangang Ship Lock a day.

At the busiest time, it can even catch up with the locks on the Grand Canal. The fleet sailing there has to anchor for a day or two before passing through the locks.

Captain Wang came to his senses, thought about it and asked again: "Three kilometers, it's not far, it's not close, it's not close. How can we get there later?"

001 was stationed, and the happiest person was undoubtedly Director Liu of the rescue center.

Director Liu looked back behind him and said with a smile: "Captain Wang, we have a car, I will ask the driver to take you there."

If Salted Fish Dried Fish is to be the best public security officer in the province and even the country, then Liang Xiaoyu will be the future 001 captain.

In fact, he now not only has a certificate for the second engineer of a third-class ship, but also a certificate of competency for the second officer of a third-class inland river ship. He also has a bunch of qualification certificates such as electrician, fitter, and welder. Like Han Yu, he can repair everything. And 001 would be opened as early as two years ago.

Although he is only a co-police officer, in the past few years when Han Yu was away from the station, he was the captain of the law enforcement fleet of Yanjiang Police Station.

He looked back at 001, scratched his neck and asked, "Sister Ningning, let's go find the dried salted fish. What should we do with 001?"

"We'll keep an eye on it for you. If someone drives away, we'll be responsible!"

"I'm not worried about being driven away. I'm worried about someone boarding the boat and stealing things."

"You have guns?"

"Did not bring."

"Is there any valuables on board?"


"Then there's nothing to worry about. Besides, the hatch is not unlocked. Just lock it."

"Okay, I'll go on board to check again."

It is worthy of being brought out by Xu Sanye, who values ​​001 more than anything else.

But then again, although this tug is old, it is still the most advanced and professional law enforcement fire rescue ship in Binjiang waters to this day.

Han Xiangning was secretly lamenting that the VTS system was almost built and the office building was very impressive. When would he be able to equip a more advanced law enforcement rescue ship? Zhu Baogen looked to the west and asked curiously: "Ningning, is that Langshan?" "

"That's Junshan, higher than Langshan."

There are no mountains in Linghai. It is normal for him to be interested when he sees mountains.

Han Xiangning smiled, turned around and pointed to the mouth of the Pussy Port River in the east and introduced: "The Pussing Port River is located at the junction of the two districts. Our side belongs to Chonggang District, the other side of the river belongs to the Development Zone, and further north belongs to Changzhou City.

The security on the shore is easy to divide into jurisdictions, but the security on the river is not so easy to divide. Therefore, the security on the river, Kuanggang River and Binqi River in this area are under the jurisdiction of the Fourth Marine Police Squadron. "

"Where does the river come from?" When it comes to Xianyu's jurisdiction, Captain Wang felt it was necessary to ask clearly.

"It starts from Yaogang in the west and ends at Binshu Cidu in the east."

"Where's the west side of Yao Harbor?"

"The river west of Yao Port is under the jurisdiction of the Changhang Public Security Bureau. Bureau Zhang and the others were only responsible for the port area before. Now they are not only responsible for the port area, but also responsible for the security of the river ten kilometers east and west of Binjiang Port."

Captain Wang looked back at the broad river surface and asked, "How is it divided from the opposite side of the river?"

Although Han Xiangning is not a police officer, he knows the jurisdiction of his junior schoolmate very well, and he said without hesitation: "Heifu is bounded by the exclusive channel of Yingchuan Port. The south of Heifu is under the jurisdiction of the Water Police Station of the Shuzhou City Public Security Bureau, and the north is under the jurisdiction of the Water Police Station. The squadron is in charge.”

"Puttong Gang River and Binqi River are also very long. The Fourth Marine Police Squadron manages from the mouth of the two rivers to the north."

"It seems to be in charge of fifteen kilometers to the north, and it will be in charge of the border with Changzhou City."

"The Yangtze River needs to be managed in the south, and the two rivers need to be managed on the east and west sides. They only have six police officers. Can they manage it?"

"Captain Wang, with your help, he should be able to handle it. Besides, they are not fighting alone. If they encounter cases involving the shore, they can request the assistance of Chonggang Branch, Development Zone Branch and Changzhou Public Security Bureau."

At the same time, Chen Zikun, instructor of the Second Brigade of the Water Security Police Detachment of the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau, just convened a meeting with all the police and cooperating police officers of the Fourth Water Police Squadron.

On behalf of the detachment (branch), he announced Comrade Han Yu's appointment as squadron leader, introduced Han Yu's resume, asked Jia Yongqiang, the instructor of the Fourth Squadron, to express his position on behalf of all members of the Fourth Squadron, and then let Han Yu speak.

The deputy captain of the Public Security Brigade of Chonggang Branch, the instructor of the Public Security Brigade of the Development Zone Branch and the captain of the Public Security Brigade of Changzhou Public Security Bureau also attended the meeting.

After the general meeting, there will be a small meeting.

After Han Yu finished his speech, Chen Zikun, together with Han Yu and Jia Yongqiang, invited the three brothers, the leaders of the Public Security Bureau's Security Brigade, who were attending the meeting, to the reception room for a discussion. The four families sat together to discuss how to improve the security of the Yangtze River, Tongtonggang River and Binqi River. law and order.

Wu Jiao from the Development Zone Bureau sighed: "Jiao Chen, if I don't come to your meeting, I don't know how young the marine police are. You are twenty-eight this year, the fish team is twenty-one, and those police officers just now are not over thirty either." Yes, it seems we are really old."

Jia Yongqiang used to be a policeman from the Binjiang County Public Security Bureau, but now Binjiang County is gone and has become Chonggang District.

Miao Da from Chonggang Branch was very familiar with Jia Yongqiang and couldn't help but smile: "Old Jia, it seems that you are the only old comrade in the Fourth Squadron."

"I made all the leaders laugh. I was holding back the squadron and raising the average age of the squadron."

After nearly four years, he sat with Xianyu for a meeting again, and even became Xianyu's immediate boss.

Chen Zikun felt that everything was so unreal. He looked back at Xianyu sitting next to him and said with a smile: "Jiao Wu, our branch is very young to begin with. It has only been four years since it was officially established."

Seeing everyone looking at him with curious eyes, Han Yu quickly said: "Because we are young, we must learn from leaders and seniors in our future work. If there is anything we cannot do well, Leaders please criticize and correct me."

"You are professionals in water security, and we want to learn from you."

"Miao Da, I am really not being polite. I am speaking from my heart. Not only are we young, we have only been working for a short time, and we are not as experienced as the three leaders. We are also new here and are not familiar with the situation in the jurisdiction. We really need more from the three leaders in the future. Care helps more.”

"Yu Dui, you are very young, but you have been working for a long time. As taught by Chen just now, you have been working since 1988 and have participated in several major operations. You have also been to the East China Sea and even abroad. It's a great world, with you in charge of Binqihe, our branch doesn't have to worry about the security of Yingchuan Port."

"Yes, right now, everyone from top to bottom is advocating to rejuvenate cadres. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. We must not be convinced. We must learn from you."

PS: The waters of Yingchuang Port are very complicated. I will include a few pictures in this chapter for interested book friends to take a look at.

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