Riverside police

Chapter 211 Emergency Rescue

Han Xiangning was born and raised in Jiangcheng. Coming to Jiangcheng is like going home.

After eating at Mr. Yu's house, Han Yu said goodbye to Mr. Yu and his wife, and accompanied Han Xiangning to the army to visit his father-in-law and mother-in-law's old comrades.

Most of the soldiers in the iron camp and the father-in-law's comrades have changed their jobs.

Hospitals are different from other units and require experienced medical staff. Many of my mother-in-law’s comrades have not changed careers.

When lieutenant colonels, colonels and even senior colonel officers saw seven or eight officers, they were confused and thought they were chiefs. In fact, they were just doctors, and the highest-ranking officer was only the director of epidemic prevention at the company level.

After spending an afternoon playing in the army, after dinner we went to Xiaguan Pier to take a passenger ferry back home.

After sleeping on the boat, we arrived at Binjiang at dawn.

Han Xiangning had to be on duty today, and Han Yu had to go back to the squadron. The two of them didn't even return home, so they rode their scooters directly back to the camp port.

Jia Yongqiang and Ma Haitao did not expect the squadron leader to come back so quickly. As soon as they saw him, they said: "Fish Squadron, Chen Zikun resigned and went to sea!"

It is nothing new for government cadres to resign and go to work. It is said that in 1992, 120,000 cadres across the country resigned and went to work in business, and even more of them were transferred to enterprises or worked part-time in business.

For example, Deputy Director Shen, who was in charge of logistics at the Linghai Public Security Bureau, resigned and went to Shanghai to open a driver training school with a few friends.

Another example is Niu Bin, an internal officer of the Fourth Criminal Investigation Squadron who once had a crush on his senior sister. Because he had a cousin who opened a company in Shenzhen, he resigned last year and went to Shenzhen to make a lot of money.

So much so that now the major newspapers and tabloids are full of news about going to sea.

"The 93 Organization is in full swing!" ”, “Everyone is going to get rich, who will sit in the office”, “I want to go to the sea, I will drown”, “If you are the director, what do you need money for?”, these titles are more horrifying than the last.

After all, the wages in government departments are too low, and some places cannot even pay them on time. If you want to live a good life for yourself and your family, you can only make money by working in the sea, and you can indeed make money by working in the sea.

Liang Xiaoyu's family used to be very poor. Because of their small business on the water, they can now earn at least hundreds of thousands a year.

My eldest brother and sister-in-law rented a small shop in the Sanxing Embroidery Wholesale Market. The store was similar to a leather bag company and only had a bunch of samples. Customers would go to my uncle and uncle to get goods if they needed them.

He has done well in the past few years. Not only did he build a two-story small house in his sister-in-law's hometown, Lingbei Township, but also bought a commercial house in Sanxing built by the Sanxing Township Construction Station, considering that Xunxun was about to go to school.

I even plan to sell the Xingfu 250 I bought three years ago and exchange it for a Changhe van that can carry people and haul cargo.

My parents’ shipping business has been better in the past few years, and the loan was paid off last year. If my sister and eldest brother hadn’t firmly opposed it, they would have changed to a bigger ship!

In short, going to the sea has almost become a trend now.

As a result, all those who are considered capable have gone to work, and only those who are incompetent can become cadres.

Han Yu doesn't find it strange when others go into the sea.

Han Yu was surprised when Chen Zikun resigned and went to work.

There was no news at all before, and he became the instructor of the brigade at the age of twenty-eight. Not only did the branch entrust him with important tasks, but the city bureau also regarded him as a key training target.

Han Yu couldn't believe it was true, and asked in surprise: "Is it true?"

"What are you lying to?"

Ma Jintao also felt it was sudden, and said with excitement: "Yesterday I went to the branch office for approval, and Qian Da from the first team told me this. I didn't quite believe it, so I asked Political Commissar Wang, and Political Commissar Wang said it was true."

Jia Yongqiang took out his cigarette and said with a wry smile: "Political Commissar Wang said that he had already submitted his resignation report, but he just kept it secret from us because of the impact."

"Why did he resign?"

"His father-in-law was the captain of the engineering team of a township construction station in Lao Binjiang County. Now he has jumped out to work alone and is affiliated with a large construction company to do projects in Donghai. Isn't Donghai engaged in the Pudong development? He is too busy with the project, so let him Resign and help take responsibility."

"Political Commissar Wang said that when people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. If someone wants to make a lot of money, you can't block their way of making money." Ma Jintao looked envious.

Jia Yongqiang sighed: "In the fishing team, anyone with some connections will resign and go to sea. It's better for you. You can obviously make a lot of money on a seagoing ship, but you have to go ashore."

Ma Jintao was convinced. He lit a cigarette and said, "If you continue to work as a first mate on a foreign ship, you can earn more than ten or two hundred thousand a year. Now you only make more than two hundred yuan a month, and you won't be able to earn even if you retire." So much money!”

Some things are not measured by money.

If you really don't come back, you will definitely feel guilty for the rest of your life.

Han Yu didn't know how to explain it, so he asked: "If Chen Zikun resigned, who will be the instructor?"

"Political Commissar Wang doesn't know either. The city bureau will probably arrange for someone to be an instructor soon."

"The branch bureau can only appoint squadron instructors, and the group captain instructors must be appointed by the city bureau."

Chen Zikun was really ready to resign. Before he left, he tricked others and used his position as an instructor to avenge his personal grievances and help him apply for the Public Security Management major of the Public University of China, which was so expensive and difficult to pass.

Not to mention how depressed Han Yu was, he said bitterly: "Mr. Yu cares so much about him, but for such a big thing as resigning, he didn't even call to tell him!"

"Don't you know?"

"I definitely don't know. I asked him about his current situation yesterday. Mr. Yu knows that I'm too familiar with him and is afraid that I won't treat him as a leader. He asked me to put my mind right and support his work."

"He probably didn't dare to tell Mr. Yu."

"Ignore him, let's talk about the case first. Uncle Jia, did you go to the development zone branch yesterday?"


"Did you gain anything?"

"Yesterday, New Year's Day, there were only two policemen on duty in the branch office."

Jia Yongqiang opened his briefcase, took out his notebook, and said while flipping through it: "Besides, people don't look down on us, so I simply went to the Yingchuangang Police Station of the Development Zone Branch, the Second Criminal Investigation Squadron, and the Langshan Police Station of the Chonggang Branch to ask ask.

They are different from those who sit in offices in the branch. They are under pressure to solve cases and are very interested in the information we provide. It’s just that there were not many people in their office or team yesterday. They asked me to leave the materials and said they would reply to me before get off work today at the latest. "

Although handling cases requires speed, the police force at the grassroots level is so tense that it is not possible to work quickly just because you want to.

Han Yu nodded slightly and asked: "Brother Ma, where are you?"

Ma Jintao said hurriedly: "We found out the details of the man named Jiang. He is a waste collector. Since he uses a boat to collect waste on the river, and the waste collector boat is parked at Sancha Port at the junction of three districts and counties for a long time, the three branches Even the public security brigade couldn’t take care of him, and there were no procedures.”

"Who did he sell the scraps he collected to?"

"It depends on the waste. There are several people on his boat, occupying the river beach, and sorting them there. Scrap steel is sent to the small steelmaking plant on the shore, and glass bottles and waste paper are sent to the scrap collection station on the shore. "

"There's no point in continuing to stare."


"The colleagues on the shore can't control him, we can." Han Yu weighed it up and asked: "How many people in the team are on duty today?"

Jia Yongqiang raised his head and said, "Me, Xiao Ma and Yang Yong."

"I'm going to change my police uniform. We'll drive over in a small motorboat later. First, we'll see if there are any suspicious waste items on his boat and on the beach of Sancha Port. Then we'll impose public security penalties on him for engaging in scrap purchase without a license and order him to do so. He quickly applied for the certificate."


"Now that I can't wait any longer, I'll convene a meeting with the relevant personnel who have been punished before and ask them to apply for relevant licenses as soon as possible. At that time, I will ask Qian Da to come over and provide them with waste recycling industry management training. We must not only manage them well, but also let them They become our eyes and ears.”

"No problem, I'll go get ready too."

If you want to improve public security on the water, you must collect good waste. After all, waste collection in this area is mainly concentrated on river beaches and boats.

Han Yu had just returned to the office and put on his police uniform, and was about to go to the instructor to open the safe and get a gun when he saw Huang Yuhua, the squadron's veteran auxiliary police officer and chef, running out of the duty room.

"Fish team, Director Han is calling, saying what kind of anchor is hanging on the river, please come over quickly."

"An anchored ship got stuck?"

"Seems to be."

Hanging anchor, as the name suggests, means that the anchors are twisted together.

This is not a trivial matter. If the anchor chains of several ships are twisted together and the anchors slip, it means that several ships will drift with the current. Even if they are all running at full power, it will be difficult to adjust their course.

It can range from stranding to collision with other ships sailing normally.

The wind on the Yingchuangang River is very strong. The wind force exceeds Category 6 at least 180 days a year. It is a famous wind and wave area.

If we do not seize the time to eliminate the danger, several ships will get stuck together and lose control at the same time, with disastrous consequences.

Han Yu did not dare to waste a moment, said hello to Jia Yongqiang, then rode a scooter and rushed to the water rescue center.

Deputy Director Chen of the rescue center and the on-duty personnel of the Second Harbor Patrol Brigade have already set off on the Supervisory 37. Captain Wang and Zhu Baogen are preparing their vehicles, and the crane ship has just set sail.

Liang Xiaoyu had a day off today, and I don’t know where he went with his girlfriend.

Han Yu took the walkie-talkie from Han Xiangning, looked at the river and asked: "How many ships' anchor chains are twisted together?"

"Liu Jiao."

"Did the anchor slip?"

"It was because two ships broke anchor that the anchor chains of several ships were twisted together. When Jiang Da was patrolling yesterday, he discovered that there was a hidden danger of anchor breaking at their anchoring location. He also warned the ship owner, but the ship owner didn't listen. "

"Which way?"

Han Xiangning ran into the command cabin, took out the telescope, and led him to climb to the second deck, while saying: "Five hundred meters downstream of No. 14, the tide is ebbing, otherwise I wouldn't call you over."

The Yangtze Riverside section has two tides a day.

The location of several ships where anchors were tied is very close to the connecting channel. The connecting channel is at an angle of 30 degrees, so when the tide is low, the water flow will push towards the south bank very obviously, and there is a long reef on the south side, resulting in The water pushing towards the south is blocked and turns towards the north shore.

In other words, if the danger is not eliminated in time, the six boats tied together are likely to spin under the action of currents and strong winds.

It is certain that they will collide with each other. If they lose control and rush into the main channel, the large and small ships passing by may run aground in order to avoid them, and a series of water traffic accidents will occur.

Han Yu saw that the view from the side of the cab was not very good, so he simply climbed to the top of the cab, raised a telescope and took a closer look, leaned over and shouted: "Captain Wang, let's go around from the west to see if we can go upstream. Hold them back!"


"Ning Ning, help Captain Wang check the depth of the water."


"Uncle Zhu, prepare the cable and tow!"

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