Riverside police

Chapter 213 Can’t stand the wash

Foreign crew members are also foreign guests.

There is no small matter in foreign affairs, and we are always cautious when dealing with foreign ships and foreigners getting on and off.

Deputy Director Chen of the Water Rescue Center couldn't believe that Han Yu actually had sex with a foreign ship. He was completely stunned. The law enforcement officers of the Hong Kong Patrol Team 1 and the Hong Kong Patrol Team 2 were also dumbfounded.

Seeing that the foreign ship was following 001 to the nearest anchorage, he hurriedly asked the driver to drive the supervision boat over.

Han Yu clearly saw that the glass of the cab of the Predwin was shattered by the high-pressure water cannon, and thought that no wonder they suddenly became so honest.

Zhu Baogen saw it more clearly and asked with a grimace: "Xianyu, what should we do now?"

"What do you mean."

"The glass was broken, and I don't know if the people inside were injured."

"Don't worry, I will hold you up if the sky falls."

Han Yu leaned over and looked at Zhu Baogen, then raised the radio intercom again: "Prydwin, Prydwin, anchor immediately!"

"As commanded."

"Is anyone on board injured?"

"Mr. Police, my third officer is injured and needs to be sent to the hospital."

"Where is the injury? Is it serious?"

"He was stabbed by broken glass and his hands and neck were bleeding."

"Did you hit an artery?"

"should not."

If the artery is not punctured, it means the injury is not serious...

Han Yu weighed it up and said coldly: "There should be a first aid kit on the ship, there should be medicines, and you should also receive first aid training."

"Yes, sir."

"Since we have everything, let's help him treat his wounds and bandage them to stop the bleeding."

"But this is not a distant sea. Sir, can you send my people to the hospital for more professional treatment first?"

"Sorry, I don't have the authority to allow you to go ashore."

"Mr. Police, you can't do this. My people are injured, my ship is damaged, I need rescue, and I need to be treated fairly and humanely!"

"Are you the captain?"

"Yes, sir."

"What is your name?"

"Pyros Panagoulis."

"Country of Citizenship?"

"I'm from Greece, Mr. Police. I've done everything I can to follow your orders. My man is injured. Please send my man to the hospital for God's sake!"

Now that you know you are worried about the safety of the crew, what have you done?

Han Yu cursed, stared at the anchored freighter, and asked, "Is there a pilot on the ship?"

The Greek captain was stopped by the question. He was silent for a while and said awkwardly: "No, I swear it's none of my business. I think I was deceived."

"Being deceived?"

"Yes sir, the shipowner told me that I don't need to apply for pilotage. Oh my God, how could such a thing happen? I apologize for my presumptuous move..."

"Mr. Panagoulis, do you think this is just presumptuous?"

"I regret all this. I need to contact the ship owner and my country's embassy in your country."

"This is your right, but you must first tell me truthfully what is on the ship."

"Iron ore."

"Nothing else?"

"No, I promise."

"Where did it come from?"

"Punta da Madeira, Brazil, we have traveled halfway around the world, we have sailed more than eleven thousand nautical miles, we are tired, my people are injured, and we need justice!"

Han Yu has been dealing with foreigners for nearly two years and knows them very well.

Not to mention how arrogant they are when they gain power. When they see people in developing countries, they have a sense of superiority and look down on this and that.

When in trouble, he becomes cowardly and pretends to be pitiful.

They work all kinds of tricks and tricks, and they have to take a break after working for a while. If they say a few words to them, they will be upset and they will go on strike at every turn.

Once when loading a ship at a foreign port, just because the foreman said a few words to the stevedores, hundreds of workers in the entire dock gave up their jobs and stopped working for three days.

If you get a little sick or injured, you need to go to the hospital, take a vacation to recover, and ask the employer to provide various compensations related to work-related injuries...

Han Yu would not be impressed by his few words and asked: "Where do you plan to send the cargo?"

The Greek captain hesitated for a moment, looked at the channel map that the first mate had just wiped dry, and said anxiously: "It will be transported to a port called Zhenjiang. If I remember correctly, the cargo owner will be loaded and unloaded there for a second time and handed over to the push barge fleet. Transported to a port called Hanwu upstream."

"Where is the ship owner?"

"Hong Kong, Hong Kong Boda Shipping Co., Ltd."

"Where's the owner?"

"Mr. Police, you have to ask the ship owner about this."

"Okay, how many crew members are on board?"


Deputy Director Chen of the Water Rescue Center heard clearly through the radio, but could not understand a word.

Han Xiangning was also confused by what she heard. She stood on the bow of the supervision boat and held up the intercom but hesitated to speak. She really wanted to ask the junior boy what was going on, but the junior boy was questioning the foreign crew members and could not interrupt.

"Xiang Ning, ask the traffic control center about the situation."

"hold on."

Han Xiangning was secretly anxious, and Han Yu was about to cross-examine. He raised the intercom and announced: "Director Chen, I am Han Yu. This is a ship owned by a Hong Kong shipowner. The captain is a Greek. There are a total of sixteen crew members on board. The ship is transporting iron ore. stone, intending to transport it to Zhenjiang.

There was no pilot on board, and they did not entrust a shipping agent to apply for entry. This constituted an illegal intrusion. If the guess is correct, he should have planned to evade the fee under the instruction of the ship owner. "

It costs money to entrust a shipping agent to handle the relevant application procedures.

Pilotage costs money.

It costs money to dock.

In other words, it will cost a lot of money to enter the country according to the regulations.

Sneaking into the Yangtze River quietly, finding a relatively remote port or anchorage with deeper water to transfer, and then quietly returning the same way, you can save a lot of money.

Thinking that this situation had happened more than once, Han Xiangning subconsciously looked back at Deputy Director Chen.

Deputy Director Chen calmed down and quickly raised the walkie-talkie: "Copy that, I'll report it to the traffic control center right now."

"Wait a minute, someone on board is injured."

Han Yu looked up at the cab of the outer ship and added: "Their ship has been in disrepair for a long time. The glass in the cab is too brittle and cannot withstand washing. Their third officer was injured by the broken glass and needs to be sent to the hospital for treatment." Wound."

A foreign sailor was injured!

Deputy Director Chen was shocked.

Han Xiangning was startled and subconsciously raised the walkie-talkie: "Xianyu, what are you waiting for? Quickly ask them to put down the ladder to let the wounded down and take the wounded to the hospital."

"Our seafarers need to be trained and take the four certificates. They also need to receive relevant training. People on the ship know first aid, and there are first aid kits on the ship. Besides, a small injury cannot kill anyone."

"Then...what should we do now?"


"Wait?" Han Xiangning looked back at Deputy Director Chen and asked puzzledly: "We have already stopped it, why don't we go on board to inspect it?"

"You can go on board for inspection, but I can't go on board."

Han Yu looked at Supervisor 37, who had just come around, and continued: "They said the ship was carrying iron ore, but no one could tell whether it was iron ore, let alone whether they had guns in their hands, or whether they would I won’t accept the inspection honestly, so you can’t get on the ship for the time being.”

"You are a police officer, why can't you get on the boat!"

"I am a public security officer, but I am not a border guard, let alone a border inspection. According to regulations, not only can I not board the ship, not even 001 can board it."

Foreign ships berthed at the dock are subject to customs and border control. No one is allowed to board the foreign ship without permission.

The same is true for foreign ships anchored in anchorages. Vessels operating as tugboats or barges in the harbor must apply for approval in accordance with regulations.

Now this foreign ship that illegally entered the Yangtze River has not gone through immigration. According to the procedures, the local police cannot go aboard, and the foreign crew members on the ship cannot go ashore.

Deputy Director Chen came to his senses and said quickly: "Understood, let's monitor first and report to our superiors first."

001 and the two surveillance boats patrolled the Prydwin on the river. After waiting for about forty-five minutes, the law enforcement boats from the Port Supervision Bureau and the Customs arrived.

There are only two small motorboats at the Binjiang Border Inspection Station. They can only patrol and monitor foreign ships in the port. They cannot withstand the strong winds and waves on the riverside of the shipping port. The border armed police can only come by law enforcement boats from the Port Supervision Bureau and the Customs.

The border police had guns, the border police were there, and the port surveillance and customs law enforcement officers were on board the ship. Han Yu had nothing to worry about.

Considering that everyone was hungry after a busy day, Captain Wang was asked to return immediately.

As a result, as soon as they reached the floating dock of the water rescue center, the call from the Zhou Bureau came over the radio.

"Xianyu Xianyu, I am Zhou Hong, did you intercept a foreign ship and use high-pressure water cannons?"

"The port supervisor, customs and border inspection have just taken over this matter, and we have just returned from the anchorage."

"Are any foreign sailors injured?"

"The Greek captain on the ship said their third officer was slightly injured."

Bureau Zhou was on duty today and rushed to the sixth floor of the Traffic Control Center as soon as he heard the announcement from the Hong Kong Supervisory Authority.

He looked at the call record provided by the traffic control center staff and asked with a grimace: "That's a foreign ship. How can you use high-pressure water cannons at all times?"

"Bureau Zhou, they broke in illegally."

"I know, I'm at the traffic control center. I mean, even if they are breaking in illegally, you have already noticed that they are acting suspiciously, and you can follow them... It would be better for you to use water cannons if you disagree, and blow out the glass of their cab. It broke and hurt people.”

"It's not that they disagree with each other, it's that they didn't listen to the warning and ignored me."

Han Yu didn't think he had done anything wrong, but he didn't want Zhu Baogen to worry. He closed the door of the command cabin and emphasized: "We first used the radio to shout repeatedly, but they pretended to be deaf and dumb and didn't respond. I turned on the police lights and sounded the siren. , shouting through loudspeakers, but they still don’t listen, and instead speed up.”

Zhou Ju asked: "What next?"

"I warned them three times and gave them three chances, but they didn't cherish it, so I had no choice but to be tough with them."


"Director Zhou, if our cargo ships don't hoist signal flags in accordance with international practices in other people's territorial waters, and don't listen to other people's orders and barge in, they won't be so polite to us. Besides, they don't just break into our territorial waters, but go deep into our territory. The territory is more than 100 kilometers away! What if they are not evading fees, but want to cause damage?"

"If our ship encounters such a situation abroad, what will happen to others?"

"People will shoot or even fire, helicopters will fly over our heads, and even warships will be dispatched."

Zhou Ju didn't think Xianyu was doing something wrong. The reason why he said that was mainly because he was worried about Xianyu.

If the superiors feel that the handling was inappropriate, it is difficult to say whether Xianyu will be held accountable.

After all, this is not the first time that a foreign ship has intruded into the Yangtze River, and in a narrow sense this should be under the control of border security. The local police took such drastic measures, and some people who are picky about it think that it is just a dog trying to meddle in other people's business.

But in a broad sense, when it comes to national sovereignty, not only the Binjiang Marine Police have the right to intercept, but also ordinary citizens have the right to control it!

Bureau Zhou was silent for a moment, then looked back at the staff at the traffic control center and raised the intercom again: "You have been busy all day, rescuing and intercepting foreign ships. You must be very tired. Go back and rest first. After you have rested, write a Report, write down the details of the process from the discovery of suspiciousness to the interception and send it to the bureau."

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