The river breeze was blowing, and the waves were constantly beating against the hull. Luo Wenjiang and Yang Yong worked together with the Second Harbor Patrol Brigade to inspect the ships anchored in the waters of Yingchuang Port.

There are many items inspected by the port supervisory authority, but there are only a few items inspected by the public security. As long as the crew is checked to see if they have ship certificates and ID cards, the crew and the cargo they are carrying are not suspicious.

As for water fire management, it is a bit embarrassing.

The Hong Kong Supervisory Authority has relatively large management powers, but fire safety is only one part of it.

Although they have the right to detain or even confiscate unsafe ships with potential safety hazards, there are few coercive measures in the law enforcement process and lack of deterrence in the eyes of lawbreakers. They often encounter violent resistance to the law, which leads them to act against behaviors that pose fire safety hazards. Don't dare to take care of it or don't want to take care of it.

The local water police have insufficient basis for water fire law enforcement, but they have the power to approve it.

The captain and crew of the cargo ship that is being inspected transporting flammable and explosive chemicals have no knowledge of fire safety, but they hold safety certificates such as a transport permit for flammable and explosive chemicals and a supercargo certificate.

After questioning, it turned out that the certificates were obtained from the Fire Department of the Shuishang Public Security Bureau in their hometown. The certificates were only issued but not managed. As long as the money was paid, the certificates were issued. No training or examination was required at all.

When the captain saw that the port supervisor and the police were still refusing to leave, and even refused to return their documents, the captain became a little nervous and couldn't help but take out a cigarette.

Yang Yong was startled, pointed at him and scolded: "You still smoke, you don't know what your luck is? Are you not afraid of causing an explosion?"

"Oh, I don't smoke." The captain quickly put the cigarette and lighter into his pocket.

Wang Da, the second officer of the Hong Kong Patrol, looked behind him and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Yang, what should we do now?"

If the other party does not have a certificate, we can assist the Hong Kong Supervisory Authority to investigate and deal with it in accordance with relevant regulations.

But now the other party has evidence, and it is very complete.

But it would definitely not work if we just ignored it. The squadron leader, like his deceased master, paid special attention to fire safety management.

In the past three months, three fire safety management studies have been organized, and many water fires and water chemical explosions or leakage accidents have been reported.

001 was even dispatched, and the Joint Water Rescue Center, the Second Harbor Patrol Brigade and the Yingchuang Port Lock Management Office conducted two fire drills.

What's more, the weather is getting hotter.

The deck was scorched by the scorching sun until you could fry an egg. The hot weather further increased the fire safety hazards. Hundreds of tons of hazardous chemicals were loaded on the ship. Either there would be no accident, or it would be a big problem!

Yang Yong did not dare to ignore it. He turned around and looked at 001 docked at the pontoon of the water rescue center. He raised the intercom and said: "Fish Team, Fish Team, please answer when you receive it."

Captain Wang was ill and hospitalized, and Han Yu, Liang Xiaoyu and Zhu Baogen were busy repairing the main engine.

The cabin was as hot as a steamer, and I became soaked after drying for a while.

Upon hearing the call, Han Yu quickly picked up the rag and wiped his oily hands, stood up and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Roger, what's the matter?"

Yang Yong reported the situation succinctly. After thinking about it, he wiped his sweat and emphasized: "I checked carefully, and those certificates don't look fake."

This was not the first time that Han Yu encountered such a situation. He got out of the cabin and walked into the air-conditioned command module, asking: "Where are the chemicals on the ship shipped to?"

"This batch of chemicals was purchased by Changzhou Petrochemical Plant and was destined for a small terminal in Changzhou."

"So they're waiting to cross the gate."

"Yes, but there are many ships passing through the lock these days. Wang Da asked the general dispatcher of the lock, and this chemical tanker has been scheduled to tomorrow morning."

Han Yu picked up the telescope, walked out of the command module and climbed to the second floor, observed the situation at the anchorage on the river, and raised the intercom again: "There are too many anchored ships around it, because it is unrealistic to evacuate other ships, please Wang Da find one The relatively safe waters were ordered to drive over and anchor.”


"I haven't finished yet."

Han Yu thought for a while and then said: "Since the captain and crew have no knowledge of fire safety, I suggest Wang Da arrange for someone to monitor the situation while waiting for the gate."

Yang Yong looked at Wang Da, who was about to speak but hesitated, and reminded: "Fish Team, if you arrange for on-site surveillance, you will be charged for on-site surveillance of dangerous water cargoes."

"The weather is so hot that explosions can easily occur. We cannot ignore it and charge it as it should. This is not an arbitrary charge."

"They have proof!"

"They have certificates, but they don't understand what to do if something happens."

Han Yu was a little overwhelmed by the heat, so he returned to the cool command cabin and added: "I will contact the Development Zone Transportation Bureau and ask the Development Zone Transportation Bureau Harbor Supervision Office to prepare and wait for the chemical tanker to pass through the lock. The development zone port supervisor will monitor until the chemicals are unloaded at the port."

This boat encountered salted fish. Although you will not be fined, you will have to pay a lot of money.

Thinking that the daily on-site monitoring fee for a dangerous goods ship of 100 to 300 tons would cost 350 yuan, Yang Yong smiled and said, "Okay, I'll ask Wang Da to do the captain's job."

"Make it clear to the captain that fire safety is no small matter. If he refuses to accept on-site surveillance, we will work with the port supervisor to take coercive measures against them, and we will seize the certificates they applied for in their hometown!"


After Xu Sanye left, Xianyu seemed to be a changed person.

In Jia Zhi's words, he was vigorous and resolute, but in Yang Yong's opinion, it was the "wildness" inherited from Xu Sanye.

Not only is he very "wild" when enforcing the law, he is also very "wild" in dealing with some things assigned by his superiors.

Funding is very tight this year. The fishery administration and customs have no longer sponsored funds for the water branch.

The branch office was so poor that it couldn't take the blame, so it assigned each squadron the task of generating income in accordance with the law. The Yingchuangang Squadron could complete whatever they could. He was determined not to generate income for the sake of generating income.

The sub-bureau asked each squadron to go to various water companies within its jurisdiction to solicit sponsorships. The fourth squadron did not get any sponsorship at all, but it did not solicit sponsorship at all.

The branch asked each squadron to collect public security management fees from enterprises within various jurisdictions. The fourth squadron did not collect them because it did not have relevant documents and it was difficult to perform the work.

The city bureau assigned a bunch of newspaper and magazine subscription tasks to the branch bureau, and the branch bureau assigned the subscription tasks to each squadron.

The Fourth Squadron did not allocate subscription tasks to companies and individuals within its jurisdiction like others. It only subscribed to one People's Daily, one People's Public Security News and one Binjiang Daily.

The branch cooperated with the insurance company and asked each squadron to mobilize boat people and fishermen within their jurisdiction to buy insurance. The fourth squadron also excused itself on the grounds that it was too busy with work...

Director Peng was very unhappy and criticized the Fourth Squadron every time there was a meeting.

In the past, Jia Zhi would go to the bureau for meetings. Every time he went to a meeting, he would be criticized. He no longer dared to go to the bureau for meetings. Now he goes there.

He was working on a temporary basis anyway, "a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water." He listened to what the bureau leader said, but would not implement it.

It can’t go on like this!

Yang Yong was really worried about him, but Luo Wenjiang felt that the young squadron leader was courageous.

The two teamed up with the Second Harbor Patrol Brigade to talk things over with the captain. In the end, with a straight face, the captain reluctantly agreed to drive the ship to safe waters and accept the on-site surveillance of the Second Harbor Patrol Brigade.

When the two returned to the squadron, Han Yu had also returned from repairing 001 and was sitting in the office answering the phone.

"Took away those two rifles?"

"Not only the two rifles you confiscated back then, but also the five-liu rifles and micro-punches were taken away, leaving us with only two pistols."

"Where's the mortar?"

"Let us return it to the Ministry of Armed Forces immediately."

Yang Yong could tell that the person speaking on the other end of the phone was Yanjiang Police Station Chief Zhang Mingyuan. As soon as he sat down, he clearly heard Zhang Mingyuan sighing on the phone: "The leader is the leader. Director Yang and Political Commissar Ding are really calm, until today." Only then did the security brigade come and collect the guns.”

Han Yu couldn't help but think of his master. He was silent for a moment and said with a fake smile: "Take it away, just take it away. Anyway, the bullets and flares have been shot long ago. As for those five-six punches and micro-shots, they are not that important now." It’s used by many people, so it’s a worry if it’s always stored on a barge.”

"That's true."

Zhang Mingyuan didn't want to stir up Xianyu's sad memories, so he immediately changed the subject: "Xianyu, isn't your father-in-law's hometown in Sigang? Are you familiar with Liangzhuang Township in Sigang?"

Han Yu said without thinking: "I'm not very familiar with him, but I passed by Liangzhuang twice. Uncle Zhang, why did you remember to ask about Liangzhuang?"

"A few days ago, a boat collided with another boat on the Bailong River. The two boat owners got angry and started yelling and fighting. One boat owner was injured, and the boat owner who injured the other person saw that the situation was not good. The boat ran away. We investigated and found that the boat owner who injured people is from the Shengli 2nd Group of Liangzhuang Township, Sigang County."

"The one who was injured, was he seriously injured?"

"Two broken ribs."

"So you're going to arrest me?"

"There are only two police officers in the station, Ding and me, but arresting people in other places also requires two police officers. If we all go to the barge, who will be on duty?"

Before, you could borrow people from the Fourth Criminal Investigation Squadron.

But the Fourth Criminal Investigation Squadron has long since moved, and in Bailonggang there are only the Yanjiang Police Station and the Bailonggang Police Station of the Changhang Branch that are about to be abolished, and there are not many policemen in the Bailonggang Police Station.

Yanjiang Police Station is both our old unit and our future unit.

When something happens in the workplace, Han Yu will naturally not just sit back and watch. He raises his head and says, "Uncle Zhang, I'll go with you."

Zhang Mingyuan knew that he would not refuse to help, so he smiled and said: "I will go to the bureau to complete the formalities. We will set off tomorrow morning. You drive to pick me up."

"Okay." Han Yu smiled and put down the phone.

It's interesting to think about going to other places to arrest people.

Just as Luo Wenjiang was preparing to recommend himself to participate in the operation, Yang Yong reported on today's joint law enforcement with the Hong Kong Supervisory Authority.

Han Yu took notes while listening to the report, and from time to time looked up at the river outside through the window glass.

"Fish Team, now is different from before. As long as you are running a boat, you have to apply for a boat citizen's certificate. It is difficult to fine as before."

"We are here to maintain water security, not to issue fines."

"I know, I'm worried that you won't be able to do your job."

"I don't want you to worry."

It doesn't matter whether the revenue-generating tasks assigned by the branch can be completed, but the squadron has no money now.

Director Feng was transferred last month, and a new director of the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau came.

Even if the leadership team of the Hong Kong Regulatory Bureau is not adjusted, it will not be possible to sponsor the water branch as before, because they have to be audited and cannot pass the audit.

I originally thought that the better the economic development, the more funds each unit should have.

But now the funds are tighter than before. The situation is even worse for the elder sister and Director Zhang. The whole organization has been integrated into the Changhang Shipping Branch, but the funds still come from the Port Authority.

It used to be part of the transportation system and the same company as the Port Authority.

Now that the Port Authority is under the jurisdiction of Binjiang City, the city will naturally not be as generous as before. It only asks the Port Authority to guarantee the basic salary of the Changhang Public Security Bureau, and will not consider unit construction, vehicle equipment, etc. at all.

In the past, the salaries of Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau officers were much higher than those of local police officers, but now they are not as good as those of local police officers.

It is said that it is because of the "tax sharing system", but no matter how the tax system is reformed, basic funds must be ensured.

If we don't raise some money, not only will 001 be forced to stay on the job, but we won't even be able to pay the salaries of the co-ops, because the branch, like the Linghai Public Security Bureau, requires that the salaries of co-ops be raised by the grassroots teams themselves.

Han Yu was having a headache about money, and Luo Wenjiang couldn't help but ask: "Fish team, go to Sigang to catch fish, can you take me with you?"

The man in front of him was a key training target of the city bureau, and he would take him to see the world whenever he had the chance. Han Yu was about to agree when he suddenly saw a 100-ton cargo ship slowly passing by the river.

Yang Yong saw him staring at the cargo ship and subconsciously asked: "Fish Team, Fish Team, what's so good about the boat?"

Han Yu did not answer his question, but stood up and walked out of the office, staring at the boat for a while.

The Fourth Squadron is right by the Binqi River. There are hundreds of boats passing by the door every day, which is really nothing unusual.

It was so hot outside, the squadron leader actually stared.

Yang Yong was feeling strange when Han Yu suddenly turned around and said, "Hurry up and change into casual clothes, and keep an eye on the boat that just passed by along the river bank."

"What happened to that boat?"

"The boat is air-conditioned."

"Many boats are now equipped with air conditioners, and your boat is also equipped with them."

"The outdoor unit of the air conditioner on this ship is larger than the outdoor unit of the air conditioner on other ships. It should be the outdoor unit of the cabinet unit."

Han Yu knew that if he didn't explain it clearly, they might not take it seriously. He explained: "The electricity on the ship is very tight. Under normal circumstances, the ship owner will not install a cabinet air conditioner."

Luo Wenjiang asked subconsciously: "Very suspicious?"

Han Yu muttered: "At least it's strange. Hurry up and take a look, don't scare the snake."

PS: Sincerely thank you to the book friend "Xi~hee~ying" for your generous reward. We have another alliance leader.

At the same time, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who rewarded, subscribed, and voted. You are all Lao Zhuo’s relatives!

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