Riverside police

Chapter 253 The problem is serious!

One hundred thousand for a family!

Han Yu suspected that his immediate boss had heard wrongly. He might have said a total of 100,000.

Lao Liu and Lao Jiang not only couldn't believe this was true, they didn't even dare to ask for the money for Xianyu. After all, the "sponsorship amount" is too large, and the factory leaders are not economical. If they try to reverse the situation in the future, it will become extortion.

Shi Shengyong was poor and bold. He looked behind him and whispered: "They want to make a big deal small, so of course they have to spend some blood. And Secretary Xue said that Feng Biguo did set up a small treasury privately, and the sponsorship fee came from the small treasury. The factory will make up for the insufficient parts.”

Looting money from a small treasury is different from directly asking for money from the factory.

Lao Liu weighed it up and asked, "Did you say when the money will be paid?"

Shi Shengyong smiled and said: "First of all, we must find out how much money is in Feng Biguo's small treasury."

Lao Liu didn't want to have long nights and dreams, so he raised his head and said, "Okay, let's take action as soon as possible!"

The guns and ammunition of the Fourth Factory’s Public Security Section were not obtained from the city bureau, but were left behind by the Fourth Factory’s Armed Forces Department.

That year, the Armed Forces Department of the Fourth Factory handed over a batch of arms to the then Linghai County Armed Forces Department in accordance with the regulations of the superiors. There should be someone on duty at the Linghai Armed Forces Department at night, but the person in charge at the time might not be able to be contacted.

Thinking that Minister Lei of the People's Armed Forces Department of Factory No. 4 Township at the time was also involved in the transfer, Shi Shengyong simply asked the union chairman and minister of armed forces of Bin Mian No. 4 Factory to contact Lao Lei and invite Lao Lei to come over and count together.

And he, the person who was supposed to be investigating guns and ammunition, actually led the director of the factory office to investigate the accounts of the Public Security Department of the fourth factory.

Investigators such as Han Yu, Lao Liu, Lao Jiang and Fang Zhiqiang questioned Feng Biguo and other cadres from the Public Security Section, as well as the economic police from the Economic Police Brigade.

The Public Security Section and the Economic Police Brigade only have four offices, which cannot accommodate so many people handling cases at the same time. Under the arrangement of Director Qian, the offices and conference rooms of the labor service company were requisitioned.

Each one counts as one, first hand over the gun and bullets and register them.

Tong Xianhe, the former security squad leader and now the deputy squadron leader of the Second Economic Police Squadron, could not hand over his gun. His face turned pale with fright, and the sweat on his forehead was as big as a soybean.

If nothing else, it will be him!

Han Yu reminded: "Think carefully, when was the last time you touched a gun?"

Tong Xianhe was so frightened that he said incoherently: "I...I don't usually carry a gun. I...I can't remember."

"Would you like to smoke? Why don't you smoke a cigarette first?"


"Brother Shao, please lend me a cigarette."


Shao Lei was responsible for taking notes, put down his pen, took out a cigarette, and handed one over.

Tong Xianhe took out his lighter, lit a cigarette, and smoked several times in a row. His mood was much more stable than before, and he said anxiously: "On the afternoon of the 6th, the leader of the internal security detachment came to the factory to hold a work meeting on a crackdown. I thought about the possibility of a crackdown. I had to use a gun, and I took it with me to a meeting. Then...I really can’t remember it afterwards."

"Afternoon on the 6th!"

"It was the 6th. There was a meeting. I remember it very clearly."

Wu Qingjun came to steal the gun on the 4th at night, but the 6th in front of him had also used a gun before, so the time didn't match up!

Han Yu realized the seriousness of the problem, stared at him and asked: "Tong Xianhe, how many years have you been carrying a gun?"

"Five years."

"After using it for five years, you should remember what your gun looks like, whether it is worn or not, and whether it has any characteristics."


Tong Xianhe took two puffs of cigarette and said nervously: "I have been a soldier, and I know that if a gun is lost, I have to be responsible, so I don't dare to bring the gun with me. I also know that guns need to be maintained. , take it out every once in a while, take it apart and clean it, Corey has so many guns, mine is the best maintained."

Shao Lei also realized that he was in serious trouble and couldn't help but ask: "Can you recognize the gun again if you see it again?"


"What are the characteristics of your gun?"

"The gun that was issued to me is old. There are two trachoma holes on the handle... just where I hold it. The slide is so worn that I can clearly see the year of production, but the gun number is so worn that I can't see it clearly."

Han Yu asked: "What other characteristics are there? Think about it again."

Tong Xianhe said quickly: "The magazine is also very badly worn, and the port that holds the bullet is polished."

Han Yu thought about it and asked: "How many bullets are there in the magazine?"

Tong Xianhe said without thinking: "Four, we don't usually use guns, and we haven't done target shooting in the past few years, so it's always been those four."

Han Yu glanced sideways at the transcript written by Shao Lei and asked, "Where do you usually keep your gun?"

"Sometimes I take the gun home, and sometimes I lock it in the desk drawer in the west gate duty room."

"Why don't you store the gun in Corey?"

"I usually work at Ximen and don't come to Corey very often. I don't have a desk in Corey either."

Han Yu had a rough guess as to how he lost his gun, but he couldn't believe that there was actually a case.

Han Yu and Shao Lei looked at each other, stood up and said, "Tong Xianhe, you wait here for a while, I'll go out for a while."


Tong Xian and Tong waited uneasily for about ten minutes. Han Yu came in with Shi Shengyong, Jiang Xiaojun, Fang Zhiqiang and the factory office money director holding a large cardboard box. Shao Lei quickly stood up and gave way to his seat.

With so many people coming in at once, Tong Xianhe became even more frightened, and his little heart was pounding with nervousness.

Shi Shengyong took out a Type 54 pistol in a plastic bag from the carton brought by Han Yu, took out the label written on a piece of paper in the plastic bag, removed the magazine, checked the chamber, and then handed the gun to Mr. Tong. In front of him: "Look, is this your gun?"

Tong Xianhe took one look and said without hesitation: "No."

Shi Shengyong handed the gun to Fang Zhiqiang, took out the second one from the box, and asked him to identify it again, but Tong Xianhe still said it was not the case.

Jiang Xiaojun and Han Yu had been quietly paying attention to his reaction, especially the subtle changes in his expression.

Shi Shengyong showed Tong Xianhe nine guns in a row, including the one seized in Bailong Port at night. However, Tong Xianhe said it was not his gun.

Until he took out the last gun, Tong Xianhe only glanced at it and said eagerly: "Shi Suo, this is my gun, and those are not the ones just now!"

Financial management is in disarray, gun management is in disarray, and even people are mixed up. If the Public Security Bureau and the Economic Police Brigade are not cancelled, sooner or later something bigger will happen...

Shi Shengyong cursed, then turned around and said, "Zhiqiang, go and interrogate Li Jingen!"


"Shi Suo, are you saying that Li Jingen stole my gun?"

"We'll talk about who stole it later. The question now is how you kept your gun. You don't know how you lost it. You should reflect on it!"


Tong Xianhe lowered his head and did not dare to say anything.

At the same time, Jiang Hai escorted Wu Qingjun over to identify the crime process.

As soon as they saw Wu Qingjun, Secretary Xue and Director Qian realized that Shi Shengyong and the people from the Changhang Public Security Bureau did have conclusive evidence, and secretly cursed that it was really hard to guard against domestic thieves.

Han Yu transformed into a photographer, quickly took out the camera from his bag, installed the flash, and kept taking pictures.

After Jiang Hai, deputy director of the No. 4 Police Station, escorted Wu Qingjun to identify the crime, Li Jiao, Director Huang of the Armed Forces Department of No. 4 Factory, and Director Lei of the People's Armed Forces Department of No. 4 Town Town also finished counting the guns and ammunition.

Looking at their worried looks, Han Yu realized that the "case within a case" just solved was just the beginning, and there might be more serious problems.

Lao Li whispered a few words to Shi Shengyong, and Shi Shengyong's expression immediately changed.

Secretary Xue asked eagerly: "Old Huang, what's going on?"

Lao Huang, chairman of the trade union and minister of armed forces, hesitated for a moment and said with a grimace: "Secretary Xue, we handed over two 56 punches, 16 54-type pistols, 152 rounds of rifle ammunition, and 480 rifles that year. Sixteen bullets were given to the security department, but now two Type 54 pistols are missing. As for the bullets, there are only 178 bullets left, and no one can tell where they went."

"Two pistols missing?"

"Excluding the one stolen by Wu Daqing's son."

"Go and interrogate Feng Biguo. If you don't reveal the whereabouts of the gun, I will skin him!"

"He...he drank too much at night, and his mind is not very clear. He may be pretending to be drunk."

Just as he was talking, Director Song hurried back from the city in an Audi car.

Secretary Xue had no choice but to call Shi Shengyong and others to go to the conference room to report the situation to the factory director.

Shi Shengyong would not show mercy to Factory No. 4. He used the intercom to ask about the progress of Fang Zhiqiang's interrogation and briefed him.

"Preliminary investigation found that the Public Security Bureau's management of firearms and ammunition is not lax or chaotic, but there is no management at all! Firearms and ammunition are distributed to individuals. All they need to sign is the number of the firearm and the number of rounds distributed. No bullets were registered.

The same is true for the use of guns and ammunition. Eight years ago, the Ministry of Armed Forces handed over two 56 punches, 16 54-type pistols, 152 rounds of rifle ammunition, and 486 rounds to the then Security Section. Shoot bullets..."

Two pistols were lost. If we include those seized and recovered by the Marine Police Squadron of the No. 4 Police Station and the Changhang Public Security Bureau, a total of three pistols were lost!

As for whether the bullets that were previously handed over to the Security Section, that is, the current Public Security Section, were destroyed during training or where they went, that is a confusing matter.

When I think about something like this happening during the crackdown, I feel scared.

Director Song felt his scalp numb when he heard this.

Shi Shengyong cleared his throat and continued: "The one we seized with the Changhang Public Security Bureau was not lost by Tong Xianhe, an economic police officer of the Second Economic Police Squadron, but by Li Jingen, a cadre of the Public Security Section and internal staff of the Economic Police Brigade, who was detained due to poor storage. Wu Qingjun, a son of an employee in the factory, stole it.

Li Jingen just confessed that on the morning of the 5th, the day after Wu Qingjun stole the gun, he found that his desk had been broken into, and the gun issued to him and the six bullets in the gun were stolen. The first thing that came to his mind was not to rush to the police. Instead of reporting the crime to us, the superiors stole a gun from a colleague and pretended that nothing happened, intending to evade responsibility for the theft of firearms and ammunition! "

There are such people, and such things can happen.

Director Song and Secretary Xue clenched their fists in anger, while Director Qian sat beside them and was too frightened to say a word.

“In addition to the complete loss of control over the management of firearms and ammunition, during our investigation we also found that the Public Security Department set up private treasury, arbitrarily imposed fines, failed to pay fines to the treasury as required, wasted money, tortured to extort confessions, and even embezzled and misappropriated public funds, etc. criminal behavior!"

Shi Shengyong looked at Factory Director Song, then at Secretary Xue, and said coldly: "The two guns are missing. God knows whether they will be used by criminals to rob and kill. I, Shi Shengyong, am just the police station chief. I can't afford such a huge responsibility." Responsibility must be reported immediately to the bureau, and I estimate that the bureau will also report to the city bureau."

Report it to the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau, and the matter will become a big deal.

Director Song calmed down and asked expectantly: "Comrade Shengyong, can you give us a few hours?"

"Director Song, what do you mean..."

"Isn't Feng Biguo drunk too much? Let's find a way to help him sober up. When he sobers up, let him think about it and see if he can find the two guns before dawn."

"Yes, yes, the gun should be in the factory."

If things get serious, the No. 4 Police Station will be unable to handle it.

It is conceivable that task forces and working groups will come one after another, and the background of each one will be bigger than the last. By then, the sponsorship fees negotiated before will be wasted.

Shi Shengyong didn't want to work all night and end up in vain, so he weighed it up and agreed: "Okay, I can help the factory buy a few hours. If the two guns are not found before eight o'clock tomorrow morning, then I can only ask Report to superiors.”


"Furthermore, Li Jingen, a cadre of the Public Security Bureau, is suspected of committing a crime by stealing firearms. We must file a case against him for investigation."

"Comrade Shengyong, he did steal Tong Xianhe's gun, but he didn't steal it to rob or kill, just... just..."

"Secretary Xue, you are talking about his motives."

"Yes, that's the motive. Objectively, he has no motive for breaking the law or committing a crime."

"But he committed illegal and criminal acts. If he is not held criminally responsible for even stealing firearms and ammunition, then what else can the law do? In fact, Feng Biguo is also suspected of committing a crime. He is seriously derelict in his duties, but this is not under the control of our police."

The Fourth Factory Police Station not only needs funds, but also needs to crack down on the problem.

After finally catching a criminal case involving guns, how could Shi Shengyong let that Li Jingen go? He looked back at the big cardboard box placed on the conference room and continued: "Dear leaders, given that there are so many problems in the Public Security Department, guns and ammunition cannot be used anymore." Stay in Core, we will take them all back later and help the leaders keep them."

Confiscating guns is one of the priorities of this crackdown.

The immediate superior said it was being kept for safekeeping, but in fact it was confiscated.

So many guns and bullets were handed over to the bureau, what an achievement it was!

Han Yu secretly praised it, thinking that if my master were here, he would probably do the same thing.

Director Song knew exactly what Shi Shengyong wanted to do, but now that he was being grabbed by his "big pigtails", he could only nod.

Shi Shengyong looked at his watch and said while the iron was hot: "I just communicated with Liu Suo, Jiang Jiao and Xiao Shao according to Secretary Xue's instructions, and they also used the phone number of the Public Security Bureau to report to their superiors. If I can find it before eight o'clock tomorrow morning If we get those two guns back, the Changhang Public Security Bureau will hand over the case to our Linghai Public Security Bureau, and they will not pursue further investigation.

But considering that the Public Security Section and the Economic Police Brigade are rotten from top to bottom, and they will definitely need to be rectified next, I suggest that a strong man in the factory cut off their wrists and resolve to solve the problem of the Public Security Section and the Economic Police Brigade in one step. "

Director Song asked calmly: "How can a strong man cut off his wrist and do it in one step?"

"Abolition of the Public Security Section and Economic Police Brigade."

"It's easy to cancel. Just make a report and the Municipal Public Security Bureau will agree. But what should we do with so many people? Who will do the security work in the factory?"

"People with problems can be dealt with as they should. Those with no problems can join our bureau's security company. As for the security work in the factory, it can be completely handed over to the security company."

Shi Shengyong paused and added: "Isn't it just a few gate posts? Leave it to the security company to save worry and even save the factory a lot of money."

This new police station chief is determined to conquer the Fourth Factory and plans to swallow the bones of the Public Security Section and the Economic Police Brigade.

Director Song had never been so aggrieved, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that his proposal made sense.

If such a big thing happened in the factory and it was during a severe crackdown, the superiors would definitely ask for rectification and even send a working group over.

I abolished the Public Security Section and disbanded the Economic Police Brigade. My attitude was clear enough. Even if the superiors wanted to send a working group, they would not be able to find anyone to work with, and they would not know who to rectify.

What's more, there are indeed a lot of problems in the Public Security Bureau and the Economic Police Brigade. If they are not resolved promptly and decisively, God knows what trouble will happen in the future.

Director Song was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Okay, but the first priority is to find a gun."

"Director Song, it's settled."

Shi Shengyong looked at his watch again, thought about it and said: "The investigation just now found that there is a lot of money in the small treasury of the Public Security Section, as much as more than 176,000. Director Song and Secretary Xue, why don't you arrange a car to send Liu Jiao, Jiang Ke and Xiao Shao go back."

Secretary Xue came to his senses and said quickly: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right now."

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