Riverside police

Chapter 269 Plans are worse than changes

In the blink of an eye, it has been twelve days since I came back.

Shi Shengyong originally planned to strike while the iron was hot and organize his forces to go out and capture several other fugitives.

However, there are many summaries, selections, and meetings at the end of the year, and New Year's Day is coming in a few days. We must not only carry out public security rectification before the Spring Festival, but also ensure the safety of the Spring Festival transportation at Bainiu Ferry and Bailonggang Long-distance Bus Station. It is really too busy. .

I went to the bureau for a meeting yesterday morning, and the Organization Department appointed the old leader Sun Jiawen as the political commissar of the Linghai Public Security Bureau.

Political Commissar Ding has stepped down to the second line. Although he will no longer keep attendance records in the future, the police force in the bureau is too tight and it is impossible for him to not have to go to work like the leaders of other units who have stepped back to the second line. His main job in the future is to represent the bureau and communicate with industry, commerce, taxation, culture, etc. Departments jointly enforce the law.

Early this morning, the old leader who had just taken office personally called and asked him to quickly submit the list of outstanding police officers and outstanding party members selected by the station.

In the past, at the Chengnan Police Station, the director and instructors would "take turns taking charge" when this kind of thing happened.

Shi Shengyong was also a new official and had to shoulder a heavy burden. He felt that he could no longer do what he had done before, so he discussed with Lao Li and finalized the list of candidates. Then he promoted democracy and called a meeting of all police officers.

"Comrades, the quotas for outstanding police officers and outstanding party members are allocated proportionally. There are more police officers in our station, so there are quotas for two outstanding police officers and one outstanding party member. The brother police stations only have one outstanding police officer and one outstanding party member."

Shi Shengyong looked around at everyone, and continued: "Considering that everyone carries forward the style of every selection, you are humble, and he is also humble. You can't judge until dark, and it may even affect your work. So I discussed a list of candidates with the instructor , please vote by a show of hands."

Huang Yueping and others sneaked back to Factory No. 4 last night and were hiding in the drainage station under the bridge in the north of the factory.

Winter is no better than summer. Without the cover of corn, reed bamboo and other plants, several brothers from the Marine Police Squadron 4 and the Crime Squadron can only lie in wait in the irrigation ditch. The weather forecast says it will snow again tomorrow.

Who can bear the cold weather and squatting in the wild?

Han Yu's thoughts were all on the drainage gate. He was hoping that his father-in-law's weather forecast would be as inaccurate as before, and he didn't know what the director was talking about.

Lao Zhang and Lao Ding are retiring tomorrow and don't care about this at all. One is smoking leisurely and the other is leaning on a chair with his eyes closed to relax.

"Li Jiao was transferred in the first half of the year, and Jiang Suo and I were transferred in the second half of the year. Our working time in the institute was short and we didn't achieve much. The three of us did not participate in the selection. The Marine Police Squadron was placed under the leadership of the institute. Soon, I don’t think I will participate in the selection this year.”

Shi Shengyong looked at Xianyu, then at Lao Zhang and Lao Ding. Seeing that the three of them had no reaction, he continued: "Now the superiors require cadres to be younger. I think young police officers with outstanding work achievements should also be given priority in the selection. , while taking care of the hard-working old comrades.

I propose to elect Comrade Li Shichang and Wu Aiguo as outstanding police officers, and Comrade Zhang Yuhua as an outstanding party member. I ask the comrades to vote by a show of hands. As long as there is more than half, we will applaud and approve. "

Fortunately, he had only been working in the institute for a short period of time, and he had been incorporated into the institute not long ago.

It's hard for you to say anything if you confidently don't take the Marine Police Squadron to play.

Lao Zhang didn't expect Shi Shengyong to do such a thing. He thought, if you are not a salted fish, you can take the opportunity to uproot the Public Security Department of the Fourth Factory. Can you get 100,000 yuan from the Fourth Factory to solve the urgent need?

But then again, even if Xianyu hadn't single-handedly disturbed Huang City's Chuangwei, he and Jiang Hai were sent to the Fourth Factory Police Station. If we really promote democratic elections, salted fish will not be elected.

After all, the former Yanjiang Police Station and now the Marine Police Squadron have little friendship with the police officers on the shore, and they have even been jealous of them.

Lao Zhang sighed secretly, put out the cigarette butt and raised his hand.

Lao Ding knew very well that Xianyu didn't care about this. He opened his eyes and looked around. When he saw that Xianyu was in a daze, he immediately poked Xianyu's arm.

Han Yu calmed down and saw everyone raising their hands, so he quickly followed suit.

"Okay, it passes by applause."

Shi Shengyong took the lead in clapping, and warm applause broke out.

Li Shichang was so excited that he couldn't help but look back at Xianyu, thinking that he wanted to let you set up a small treasury privately, ignoring the overall situation. If you take the initiative to hand over the small treasury to the station, not to mention outstanding police officers, even outstanding party members can On the selection.

Shi Shengyong didn't know what Li Shichang was thinking, and was about to arrange the next work. The phone in the office next door rang, and a police assistant ran over and said: "Shi Suo, Li Jiao, and Political Commissar Sun, please answer the phone."


Shi Shengyong stood up quickly and said with a smile: "Everyone, Jiao Li and I are going to take a call. Everyone has a five-minute rest. If you want to go to the toilet, go to the toilet quickly."

Lao Li directly thought that the old leader was asking about the list of outstanding police officers and outstanding party members, so he followed Shi Shengyong to the office and stood aside to listen.

Shi Shengyong pressed the hands-free button and said: "Political commissar, we are in a meeting, and the list has just been selected..."

"I'm not looking for you to ask about the selection of outstanding police officers and outstanding party members. I'm here to inform you to gather at the Marine Police Squadron barge at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"What are you doing on the barge?"

"I just received a notice from the municipal bureau that the provincial department has decided to award second-class collective merit to the Marine Police Squadron, second-class individual merit to Comrade Xianyu, and third-class individual merit to Comrade Zhu Baogen and Liang Xiaoyu of the Marine Police Squadron Co-Police Officers. The municipal bureau political The Director of the Department was entrusted by the Political Department of the Provincial Department to go to the barge in the afternoon to announce the order to record the merits."

"Second class collective merit..."


"Can cooperating with the police also make meritorious deeds?"

"Why can't the assisting police officers perform meritorious service? This is not without precedent. When Bureau Chen came to investigate last time, he praised two assisting police officers of the Marine Police Squadron, and even suggested to Secretary Chen of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary Wang of the Political and Legal Committee that people like Liang Xiaoyu and Zhu Baogen Excellent co-police officers should find ways to help solve the problem of establishment."

"Now that even the contract police officers cannot be regularized, how can we help them solve their staffing problem?"

"It's not about converting to a formal police force, it's about solving the work and attendance establishment. Now that the provincial department's merit-recording order has come down, Director Yang has just called the city leaders. According to the city leaders, Liang Xiaoyu's establishment should be able to solve it. Zhu Baogen is too old and has no academic qualifications. It’s not enough, and it really can’t be solved.”

Municipal bureau leaders attach great importance to talents, and the leaders’ intentions must be implemented.

Sun Jiawen secretly lamented that Liang Xiaoyu was so lucky. After thinking about it, he said, "Aren't you selecting outstanding police officers and outstanding party members? Xianyu must be an outstanding police officer or an outstanding party member. If not, it would be a joke."

"But the Marine Police Squadron just arrived at our station not long ago. I, Lao Li, and Jiang Hai did not participate in this selection. Neither did the Marine Police Squadron, and we have already made our selections."

"Which people were chosen?"

"Li Shichang, Wu Aiguo and Zhang Yuhua."

I actually chose Li Shichang, was there any mistake?

Thinking of what Xianyu reported a few days ago, Sun Jiawen said without hesitation: "Wu Aiguo and Zhang Yuhua are fine. Li Shichang still needs to train. Replace Li Shichang with Xianyu."


"Lao Shi, what on earth are you thinking about? How come there are so many? Just obey the orders and follow the instructions. The list is just like that."

I just elected someone as an outstanding police officer, and now I have to replace him. Isn't this a slap in the face?

Shi Shengyong had a big head and didn't know how to explain it. The old leader had hung up the phone and only heard a busy tone.

Lao Li calmed down and said hurriedly: "Shi Suo, it's a good thing for the provincial department to record merit for the Marine Police Squadron. Let's prepare quickly."

"What should Li Shichang do?"

"When Director Dong comes in the afternoon and announces the merit-recording order, we will go to Director Yang and Political Commissar Sun to see if we can get another spot."

"This is the only way. The provincial department actually gave credit to the police officer. This is too exaggerated."

"It's a bit exaggerated, but it's also a good thing."

Afraid that his partner would not be able to turn the corner, Lao Li smiled again and said: "The Marine Police Squadron is the squadron of our station, Xianyu is the policeman of our station, and Liang Xiaoyu and Zhu Baogen are the co-ops of our station. They can be recognized by the provincial department." We also have light on our faces due to the recognition.”

"That's right, let's go and announce it quickly. After the announcement, go to Bailong Port to make preparations."

This news really shocked the police and co-police officers in the station.

Only Lao Zhang and Lao Ding thought it was nothing. To be precise, they deserved everything.

Han Yu was very happy when he heard the news, but he was only happy for a moment when he saw Gu Datou driving a second-hand Santana around the police station.

There were too many people, and I didn’t know if Huang Yueping had any other spies in Factory No. 4, so I could only pretend not to know him, opened the car door, and returned to Bailong Port with the instructor, Lao Zhang, and Lao Ding.

Xiaoyu was ecstatic when he heard that he had been awarded third-class personal merit.

Lao Zhu asked with an embarrassed look: "Is there a bonus for third-class merit?"

"Yes, several hundred."

Li Jiao had no grudge against Xianyu, just like Xu Sanye. He was happy for the Marine Police Squadron from the bottom of his heart. After thinking about it, he said regretfully: "Lao Zhu, you are at a disadvantage because of your age and education. If you are under thirty-five years old, , with a high school diploma, this time I can switch to work and work like Xiaoyu."

Just as Zhu Baogen was about to speak, Xiaoyu grinned and said, "Jiao Li, what is the work force of Gongqin Bian?"

"It belongs to the enterprise establishment."

"Can I wear a police uniform?"

"You can wear police uniforms, but you can't wear civilian police uniforms."

"Then what's the use of this business establishment?"

"You are now employed, which is equivalent to a temporary worker. Once established, you are a regular worker. Your salary is dozens of dollars more than that of an ordinary auxiliary police officer."

Seeing Comrade Lao Li's beaming expression, Lao Zhang couldn't help but smile and said: "Jiao Li, the salaries of Xiaoyu and Baogen are already higher than those of ordinary policemen, and much higher."

Lao Li subconsciously asked: "How high is it?"

Before Lao Zhang could speak, Xiaoyu raised his head and smiled: "Uncle Zhu and I will take one hundred and eighty-five now."

Lao Li was stunned for a moment, and said, dumbfounded, "You guys are getting so much. If it's just about wages, this work attendance system is really of no use to you."

Lao Ding felt that although the work and attendance system was useless, having a system was definitely better than not having one. He smiled and said: "Xiaoyu, your superiors helping you solve the problem are recognition of your work over the years. As for wages and benefits, we will wait until the system is established." Then the squadron will make up for the deficiency."

"That's good, thank you, Uncle Ding. You can't become a regular worker, and the money you get won't be as much as a temporary worker."

"Hurry up and clean up the conference room."


"Where's the salted fish? Where did the salted fish go?"

"The one who was at the door just now." Lao Zhang got up, walked over, opened the window, looked at the river bank, and said with a wry smile: "The car is gone too!"

The salted fish was the main character in the afternoon, but now the salted fish has disappeared.

Lao Li hurriedly asked Lao Zhang to call through the intercom. After shouting for a long time, he finally heard Xianyu's voice.

"Uncle Zhang, I didn't bother to tell you just now. I have an urgent mission and I can't attend the commendation ceremony in the afternoon."

"What urgent mission?"

"Sorry, it needs to be kept secret."

"Who gave you the mission?"

"It also needs to be kept secret."

"What will you do this afternoon if you don't come back?"

"Uncle Zhang, you and Uncle Ding are old leaders and veteran police officers. It's fine as long as you are here. Besides, I haven't attended the previous commendation ceremonies. Isn't the commendation the same as the commendation?"

Han Yu ended the call and there was no response when he called again.

Zhang Mingyuan thought that Xianyu didn't want to receive the leader, so he looked at the anxious Lao Li and said, "You heard it too, he has an urgent mission."

Lao Ding pointed to the phone on his desk and said with a smile: "Please Lao Jin help contact Ning Ning and ask Ning Ning to come and collect the medal and certificate for him."

Lao Li subconsciously asked: "Who is Ning Ning?"

"Xianyu's girlfriend, Ningning, has helped him attend the commendation ceremony for his meritorious service before."

"Then who will receive the certificate of second-class collective merit?"

"Lao Li, you are the leader now, you can lead on our behalf."

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