Riverside police

Chapter 277 There’s a long way to go (2)

"Director Li, since the leaders of the Port Authority attach so much importance to fire protection, why don't they invest more in fire protection?"

“There are so many factors involved, not just funding.”

Director Li knew very well how heavy the young man's next burden would be. After thinking about it, he said meaningfully: "In fact, trying to win the support of your superiors is also one of your future tasks. After all, the fire protection of the ten-kilometer coastline of the port area is not just for our branch. The affairs of one family require the joint efforts of the Port Authority, the Port Supervision Bureau, the Water Branch and the Port District Branch. You are familiar with these units, and you have an advantage over others in doing this job."

Han Yu didn't ask any more questions because he already had a rough guess.

First of all, it’s money. Firefighting equipment is very expensive, and water firefighting equipment is even more expensive. If you drop a million dollars, it won’t make a sound.

Secondly, water firefighting, especially firefighting along the ten-kilometer coastline of Binjiang Port, is under the jurisdiction of the Port Supervision Bureau, Changhang Shipping Branch, Port Authority, Water Branch and Port District Branch.

Once a fire breaks out, even the municipal fire brigade will come to put out the fire.

When there are too many units involved, management becomes very confusing.

Moreover, if a fire like that really breaks out, even if you invest one million yuan in purchasing equipment now, you still won’t be able to put it out...

Han Yuzheng didn't know what to say. Director Li looked at Liang Xiaoyu who had just walked in and asked with a smile: "Xiaoyu, do you like this police uniform? Do you want to be a public security officer?"

"Like it, think about it!"

"Then we have to make preparations when we go back and go to Hanwu for training after the Chinese New Year."

"It's so far to go to Hanwu!"

"Your situation is different from that of a salted fish. If you want to be a police officer, you must attend training."

Xiaoyu is the real "housekeeper". He is like a fish in water in Bailonggang. He gets scared when he leaves the house. He says with a bitter face: "Director Li, Tong Ke, I have never been to Hanwu, nor have I traveled that far. I'm a little scared."

Section Chief Tong smiled and asked, "You are a police officer, what are you afraid of?"

"I...I'm just scared."

"Don't be afraid. You are now a member of our Changhang Branch. When the time comes, we will send you to the Jianghan passenger ship and ask your colleagues from the police force on the passenger ship to take you to school."

"What kind of school? It's not training. Why did it turn into school?"

"Go to the Yangtze Shipping People's Police School. The training is conducted in the school. You must study hard and take the exam. If you fail, you will not be able to become a police officer."

"Tongke, I never really went to school. I went to TV University, and my foundation is not good..."

"Don't worry, it's not that difficult."

When talking about Xiaoyu going to Hanwu for training in the next year, Director Li thought of someone and couldn't help but smile: "If it's lucky, you can go with the third child of Director Yang's family of the Port Authority."

Han Yu asked curiously: "Director Li, besides Xiaoyu, is there anyone else going to the Shipping Police School for training?"

"Yang San is not going to be trained. He has wanted to be a policeman since he was a child, but his academic performance is not very good. Director Yang tried to find a way to help him get a place for commissioned training and sent him to the police academy. He will graduate next year. You will come to our branch to work as a police officer."

Director Li smiled and continued: "You are reporting for duty today, just in time for the Chinese New Year, so you will not be scheduled to be on duty during the Spring Festival, but you can't even think about taking a break. Not only must you keep an eye on the ship, but you must also prepare for the handover ceremony on the sixth day of the first lunar month. .”

"What do we need to do to prepare."

"I've made a list for you at the branch. At the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau, you can call and ask Director Zhu."


"Furthermore, from now on you are not just a policeman who repairs and sails ships. You must enter your role as soon as possible and take the formation of a fire brigade into your heart."

As soon as Director Li finished speaking, Section Chief Tong patted Han Yu on the arm: "I'm old and can't keep up with the times. The Fire Department will rely on you from now on."

The man in front of me is definitely a legend.

He first joined the Army. He worked in the army until he was transferred to the main camp and returned to his hometown in Dongqi. He was placed as a civilian policeman in a police station located on the seaside.

Later, the public security agency was reformed and a border police station was established.

The police station where he worked became a border police station, and he subsequently became an active public security officer and put on an armed police uniform.

In 1988, he was awarded the title of Captain of the Armed Police Force when he was almost fifty years old.

Forty-eight-year-old captains are rare, but the border police station at that time was a company-level unit. The director and instructor were both full-time company officers. The director and instructor were both captains. He was the deputy director at the time and could only be awarded the title of captain.

Perhaps the superiors considered that it was not appropriate to treat an old comrade like this, so they secured a spot in the deputy battalion and awarded him the rank of major the following year.

Seeing that everyone was younger than him, he felt out of place, so he filed a report and applied for transfer without waiting to be promoted to major. I worked as a border police officer for a year, and then transferred to the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau for the second time.

While others would join the army once in their lives, he actually joined the army twice.

He has worked in the army, local police, border armed police, and now he is an industrial police officer. His life is really exciting. His master envied him much during his lifetime.

Han Yu was also very envious. When his future boss said this, he quickly said: "Tong Ke, I am too young. I want to learn from you."

"What do you want to learn from me? When it comes to fighting, your master taught you when he was still alive, and he must be better than me. When it comes to fire management and firefighting skills, you taught me lessons from the podium. I want to learn from you. . When it comes to ship driving, let alone that.”

"Xianyu, you don't have to be modest."

Director Li took over the conversation, pointed at him and said with a smile: "In the words of the ancient secretary of the Port Authority, your pilot certificate and seagoing mate's certificate of competency are more valuable than a graduate degree. The Linghai Public Security Bureau does not recognize those certificates. Our transportation, port and shipping system recognizes this.”

Section Chief Tong was convinced and couldn't help but smile: "So you should have been transferred back long ago."

Han Yu was deeply moved when his immediate superior said he would be transferred back instead of transferred over.

Director Li smiled and continued: "The Water Branch was established on the basis of your Yanjiang Police Station. Now our branch's fire brigade will also be established on the basis of your Water Police Squadron. Once officially appointed, you will be the deputy section chief of the Fire Department." He is also the first full-time firefighter in our Changhang Branch.”

Before Han Yu could speak, Xiaoyu grinned and said, "I'm the second one!"

"You're right, you're the second one."

"Then am I a police officer or a firefighter?"

"You are both a police officer and a firefighter. You belong to the fire police."

"Why not the fire police?"

"There are fire police on the shore and fire police on the water."

As the deputy chief of the fire department of the branch, I cannot be unfamiliar with the situation in the port area.

Section Chief Tong felt it was necessary to take two fish around the port area. There was nothing else to do in the afternoon, so Han and Yu happily went.

Binjiang Port has been changing every year in the past two years. There are more and more berths, the wharfs are getting bigger and bigger, and I have met many new faces along the way.

In order to deepen the impression of Xianyu among the Port Authority cadres, Section Chief Tong never forgets to add "Zhang Jiangkun's brother-in-law" every time he introduces him.

People suddenly realized that he was one of their own.

When I turned to a crane at Pier 3, I happened to meet my brother-in-law who was busy repairing the crane.

Seeing that his brother-in-law was transferred here and became the deputy section chief when he arrived, Zhang Jiangkun was very happy and proud, so he took his fellow workers to introduce him.

A dock worker asked with a smile: "Tong Ke, Xianyu should be the youngest deputy section chief of our port authority."

In their view, the CSC Branch also belongs to the Port Authority, and even the Port Supervision Bureau belongs to the Port Authority. In fact, this was indeed the case a few years ago. The bureau became independent.

Section Chief Tong has long been used to it and said with a smile: "In terms of age, Xianyu is indeed the youngest deputy section chief in our Binjiang Port. But in terms of time to start work, Xianyu is not the fastest from joining the job to becoming deputy section chief. .”

Zhang Jiangkun thought for a while and laughed: "It's true, San'er has been working for six years. Being a deputy section chief in six years is not a rocket promotion. Among the college students who were assigned before, none of them have been working for one or two years. A minor subject."

This is the advantage of having a high administrative level in the unit.

In the past, the Port Authority was a department-level unit, and department-level cadres were not considered leaders here. Their status in the port was not even as good as that of technical backbones like my brother-in-law, and their wages were not as good as those of front-line workers.

The former Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau and the current Changhang Public Security Binjiang Branch are division-level units. Although they have to accept the dual leadership of the Changhang Public Security Bureau and the Binjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau in terms of business, the administrative level of the unit is the same as the Binjiang Municipal Bureau.

The section chiefs, directors, and instructors are all regular subjects, and there are no primary or secondary staff.

Nowadays, several departments bear the name of detachment. The detachment only has a squadron and not a brigade. If the squadron leader does a good job, he will be promoted directly to the deputy detachment leader. There is no link of brigade captain or brigade instructor.

If you stay in the Linghai Public Security Bureau, no matter how good your performance is, you must follow the steps. It would be good if you can get a deputy department before retirement. It is impossible to start a deputy department at the age of thirty.

But this deputy section chief is not so easy to do. Not only does he have to take responsibility, but he also has to be mentally prepared to put life and death at risk!

Han Yu thought of his senior sister, his parents, his father-in-law, and his mother-in-law. Looking back at Xiaoyu who was giggling, I thought of Yuzhen and Xiaoyu’s parents...

He looked at the freighter anchored in the river, then turned to look at the oil tanks in the distance, secretly reminding himself that firefighting should focus on prevention first, and then extinguishment.

He and Xiaoyu are both young, have parents, and have girlfriends.

We must do a good job in the future, we must minimize the risk of fires in the jurisdiction, and we must not take our own lives as a joke. It is better to die than to live. We must be honorable if we can, and we must not be honorable.

Zhang Jiangkun didn't know that his brother-in-law was walking on thin ice. He was very happy for his promotion. He put his arm around his shoulders and asked: "Are you going to your father-in-law's place or going back to Bailonggang tonight?"

"After dinner, we will go back to Bailong Port. Xiaoyu and I have come out, and no one is sailing there."

"Tomorrow, tomorrow's New Year's Eve!"

"I'll be on duty tomorrow."

"Your sister will also be on duty tomorrow. Ever since you became a police officer, you haven't had a few reunions in the past few years." Although Zhang Jiangkun said this, his face was filled with a proud smile.

The family had two police officers and a port supervisor who was about to get married. The dock workers were envious and ridiculed Zhang Jiangkun, his brother-in-law, as the least promising.

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