Riverside police

Chapter 279 Everyone has misfortune and good fortune

I am not from Liangzhuang, but I can enjoy this treatment.

Han Yuzheng secretly thought that Secretary Lu was very good at building relationships, and he had already walked into the innermost box on the second floor accompanied by Li Tepai.

"Secretary Lu, Xiao Han and Xiao Han are here!"

"What Xiao Han and Xiao Han?"

Lao Lu was amused. He put down his cards and stood up to pat Han Yu's arm. He smiled and nodded to Han Xiangning, who was looking embarrassed, and introduced him in Liangzhuang Mandarin with excitement: "Director Zhang, Commander Li, this person is named Xianyu, this is Xianyu’s girlfriend Han Xiangning. You may not know her, but you must have heard of her father.”


"Han Shuqun in Ding Lake."

"I have an impression, Xiao Han, why didn't your dad come?"

"It's rare for us to come back once, and there are many relatives in our hometown, so we can only divide our troops into three groups."

"I understand, it's the Chinese New Year. Every household is like this and can't afford to eat."

"Everyone, Xianyu is the squadron leader of the Linghai Public Security Bureau, and Xiao Han, let alone Xiao Han, is a cadre of the Binjiang Yangtze River Port and Shipping Supervision Bureau. All ships on the Yangtze River are under their control!"


Han Xiangning said hurriedly: "We only care about the Yangtze Riverside section."

Han Yu also said with an embarrassed look: "Secretary Lu, I have just been transferred to the Changhang Public Security Bureau. I met Brother Lu Sun at the dock on the afternoon of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month."

Lao Lu subconsciously asked: "Have you been transferred to the Port Authority?"

Han Yu realized that in his opinion, the former Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau and the current Binjiang Branch of the Changhang Public Security Bureau also belonged to the Binjiang Port Authority. He simply smiled and said: "Well, I just transferred there."

"What are you responsible for now? Are you still the squadron leader?"

"I was transferred to the Water Fire Department. Brother Lu Sun is in charge of the safety of the pier. I will have to deal with Brother Lu Sun in the future."

"It's good to be transferred to the Port Authority. Like my Lu Sun, you graduated from Binjiang Shipping School. You were supposed to work in the port and shipping system."

Lao Lu laughed, and suddenly found that Lao Li was rubbing his throat with his back turned to him again. He couldn't help asking: "Lao Li, did you drink too much last night and your throat hurts again?"

Li Tepai quickly turned around and smiled: "It's okay. I have anti-inflammatory medicine at home. I'll take two tablets when I go home at night."

"Go to the health center when you have time."

"I went to see it. Nothing happened."

Just as he was talking, Mr. Wang from the construction station arrived.

Mr. Wang was short and fat, carrying a "Big Brother" bag. He seemed to be familiar with several leaders who had returned from the army to visit relatives for the New Year. After greeting them one by one, he said that the team next door was short of people, so he took Han Yu over to play cards. .

By about six o'clock, everyone was basically here and started eating.

Lao Lu held a wine glass and toasted from box to box, introducing the newly transferred Township Chief Jiao to everyone. On behalf of the Liangzhuang Township Party Committee, Township Government and tens of thousands of Liangzhuang people, he welcomed everyone home and thanked everyone for their concern and help in the construction of his hometown... …

After the top leaders of the party and government toasted, Chairman Ma of the National People's Congress and Li Tepai and other township party committee members came to toast, and then Mr. Wang and other heads of several Liangzhuang companies came to toast. Even the rich wife came over with drinks to toast.

Han Xiangning really felt the enthusiasm of the people in Liangzhuang. On the way back to Binjiang from Dinghu, he couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder Liangzhuang has developed better than Dinghu. The cadres in Liangzhuang are so enthusiastic and polite that it makes me feel uncomfortable." I want to help Liangzhuang with business, but unfortunately I don’t have the ability.”

Comrade Lao Han was sitting in the passenger seat as always, looking at the night outside the car, yawning and saying: "The train runs fast because of the headband. Whether a township can do well depends on whether the secretary has the ability. The reason why Liangzhuang develops is better than Dinghu’s because Secretary Lu is more capable than our secretary in Dinghu.”

Han Yu held the steering wheel and asked, "Dad, what's the last name of Ding Hu's secretary?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

"He didn't come to me, and I didn't ask your aunt, so how could I know."

"Where's the mayor?"

"I don't know. Not only have I never seen him, I probably haven't even seen your eldest and second uncle."


"The secretary and mayor of Dinghu are different from Secretary Lu. They are separated from the masses and rarely go to the village. It is difficult for the masses to see them, let alone us."

My wife hates that iron cannot become steel.

Xiang Fan found it funny and couldn't help but say: "During dinner at night, Shuqin said that the county was going to withdraw from the villages and merge them into towns, and planned to merge Liangzhuang into Dinghu."

Comrade Lao Han said without hesitation: "I've heard about it too, but it's impossible."

"Why is it impossible? I heard that many towns in Chonggang and Changzhou have been evacuated and merged."

"Don't even think about who the secretary of Liangzhuang is. Secretary Lu will not agree, and neither will the cadres and masses of Liangzhuang."

Dinghu cannot even pay the salaries of cadres and teachers, but the salaries of cadres and teachers in Liangzhuang are guaranteed.

The people in Dinghu have many kinds of apportionment, while those in Liangzhuang have very few.

From these two perspectives, Liangzhuang people are indeed unwilling to merge with Ding Lake.

Han Yuzheng didn't know how to evaluate it. A car came from behind and kept turning on its lights, as if it was about to overtake.

Not many drivers dared to overtake police cars, so Han Yu rolled down the window subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the window, the car came up from the left and the passenger window was rolled down. Sitting inside was Director Zhou from the Comprehensive Management Office of Liangzhuang Township.

"Team Han, I'm Zhou Zhengfa!"

"Director Zhou, what's wrong? Why is it so urgent?"

"Li Tepa is not feeling well. He vomited as soon as he got home. The doctor at the health center couldn't tell me anything. Secretary Lu asked me to send Li Tepa to Director Zhao's place to have a look. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Li Te is in the car?"

"In the car, he couldn't talk."

Just as he was talking, the rear window of the car rolled down, and Li Tepai poked his head out and waved hello with a wry smile.

Secretary Lu's daughter-in-law is the deputy chief physician of the People's Hospital. She does not need her mother-in-law's help to send Li Te to the People's Hospital for a physical examination. Han Yu looked ahead, held the steering wheel tightly and said, "I am more familiar with this road to Binjiang than you are. Drive faster, you follow me."

"Okay, please."

There are police cars clearing the way, so you don’t have to worry about taking the wrong way when you enter the city.

Director Zhou quickly signaled to the driver to drive slower and followed the police car with the turn signal on.

People eat whole grains, so it is impossible not to get sick.

Xiang Fan might have seen too much, so he just looked around without paying much attention.

Comrade Han got drunk that night and leaned against the car window and snored.

Han Xiangning thought that when she went to Fusao Restaurant in the afternoon, Li Te was sent to receive her. She murmured, "I was fine when I had dinner at night. How can I say I'm sick when I'm sick?"

"There should be nothing wrong with Li Tepa. Besides, he just went to check."

"Don't drive too fast."

"I know."

During the Spring Festival, there were not many cars on the national highway, but the road conditions were not very good. It was already 12:30 at night when we arrived at Binjiang First People's Hospital.

Sure enough, Secretary Lu's son and daughter-in-law had received the call early and were waiting in the hospital lobby.

If you didn’t come to the hospital, you wouldn’t know that there are so many people sick, and there are no beds during the Chinese New Year.

Lu Sun and Director Zhao arranged for Li Tepai and Director Zhou of the Liangzhuang Comprehensive Management Office to rest in a hotel near the hospital first, and then arranged for Li Tepai to check up after going to work at dawn.

Han Yu said goodbye to them, sent his father-in-law and mother-in-law home first, and then rushed back to Bailong Port with his senior sister overnight.

The handover ceremony between the barge and 001 will be held on the morning of the sixth day, and there is too much preparation work to be done.

Han Yu wants to assist Lao Zhang and Lao Ding in preparing to "hand over", and Han Xiangning wants to assist Jin Weiguo in preparing to "take over". After all, the two ships are to be handed over to the Port Supervision Bureau, not to the Changhang Shipping Branch.

The two of them were so busy that they worked until the evening of the fifth day of the Lunar New Year before all the work was ready.

Just when they were exhausted and ready to take a shower and go to the dormitory to rest, their mother-in-law called.

"San'er, Ning Ning, do you still remember the Li Tepa from Liangzhuang?"

"Remember, what happened to him?"

"The test results are out. They just came out and the condition is not good."

"What's the disease?" Han Yu asked eagerly.

Xiang Fan was on duty tonight and looked outside: "Esophageal cancer has entered the middle and late stages. Director Zhao didn't even dare to tell Li Tepai, but he is calling Secretary Lu downstairs at the moment."

Han Yu was shocked and asked: "Can middle and late esophageal cancer be cured?"

"That's not certain. Everyone's situation is different. Some people with esophageal cancer can survive for more than ten years after radiotherapy, while some patients can survive for less than a few months."

Xiang Fan sighed lightly and added: "Treating esophageal cancer is not our hospital's strength. Li Tepai may have to be transferred to a cancer hospital."

Han Yu couldn't help but think of his master, it was so sudden at that time.

Han Xiangning could understand the junior's mood at this moment, so she subconsciously grabbed his hand, leaned over and turned on the hands-free phone and said: "It's useless for us to be anxious when encountering this kind of thing. Besides, we can't help with Director Zhao." I'm busy, why don't San'er and I buy something in two days and go take a look."

"Your father will go with you then. After all, Li Tepai is also from his hometown."


Han Xiangning hung up the phone and found that his junior's eyes were red, knowing that he thought of his master.

Just when she didn't know how to comfort her, Han Yu asked in a low voice: "Ning Ning, you said you sold the ship to your Port Supervision Bureau, would my master be angry if he knew about it?"

Han Xiangning didn't expect him to ask this, so she was silent for a moment and asked: "Do you think what your master really cares about is this ship?"

Han Yu thought for a while and said in deep thought: "What he really cares about is the security of the river and whether anyone will take care of it if something goes wrong on the river."

"I think what he really cares about is not just these, he also cares about you and Xiaoyu."

Han Xiangning moved his chair, sat next to him, nestled on his shoulder, looked down at 001 docked outside the "Old Antique", and stressed: "Besides, our bureau only bought the property rights and usage rights of these two ships. It belongs to you and Xiaoyu."

Selling a boat is a transfer of property rights.

Transfers are also just changes in working relationships.

People will still be the same people as before, maybe even more so than before.

What needs to be done in the future is still the same work as before, and fire protection can even be strengthened.

Moreover, selling the two ships to the Port Supervision Bureau also solved the Bureau's urgent problem of insufficient funds. If you look at it from the master's point of view, how can this transaction be considered a loss?

Thinking of this, Han Yu nodded: "You are right, if master really knows, he will definitely not be angry, but will be happy."

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