Riverside police

Chapter 289 Salted Fish Union (2)

"Where's the funding?"

"Fire management is no small matter. Most of the fires that have occurred in the past few years were caused by trivial things."

Han Yu gave up and continued: "For example, the fire at the Jiangcheng Oil Refinery was caused by a careless worker who injected 80 tons of gasoline into an already filled oil tank, causing the gasoline to overflow and the oil vapor to evaporate. There happened to be another car. A tractor-trailer passed nearby, and sparks from the exhaust pipe ignited the oil and gas, causing a fire.

Another example is the ship fire that occurred in Donghai Port last year. It was caused by sparks caused by illegal welding of the freighter berthed at the dock.

All in all, as long as the fire supervision station is built, there will be many things to supervise. For example, if you use an open flame, you must apply in advance and obtain approval from the supervision station, and what preventive measures the construction unit is required to take based on the operating conditions. "

Director Peng reacted, looked at Han Yu with a smile and asked, "If you don't work according to the regulations, do we have the right to punish you?"

"Penalty is a means, ensuring fire safety is the purpose."

"Yes, yes, punishment is just a means."

Han Yu saw Director Peng's interest and turned to look at Sister Zhu: "Director Zhu, we must not relax our fire supervision and management of ships. When I was serving on a seagoing ship, I docked at a foreign port. Our crew smoked a cigarette on the deck. The cigarette was discovered by someone. Counting the fines and the expenses incurred while waiting for punishment at the port, the loss was more than 100,000 US dollars!"

How could Sister Zhu not understand the implication of Han Yu's words and said with a smile: "We also want to strengthen supervision, but as you just concluded, we are neither professional enough in fire supervision and management nor strong supervision force."

"You Hong Kong Supervisors don't have it, but our police do!"

"Zhu Bureau, Xianyu is right. We can jointly supervise law enforcement. We are originally supposed to be your strong backing and provide guarantee for you to enforce the law."

"What about fines and forfeitures?"

Before several leaders could speak, Han Yu said eagerly: "Take it for fire protection, use it for fire protection."

Zhang Junyan was happy and couldn't help but smile: "Xianyu, can you leave some for Bureau Zhu and Bureau Peng? After all, this is not the same thing. Bureau Zhu will ask for instructions and report to the Bureau Party Committee after he returns. Bureau Peng has more work to do. It’s much more difficult, after all, if you want to unify the fire supervision powers of all coastlines ten kilometers away from the port area, you need the support of the municipal party committee and the nod of the fire brigade.”

The fire detachment and the border defense detachment are two special detachments.

Although it bears the name of a certain detachment of the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau, it is an active police officer and is managed vertically.

Thinking that it would not be easy for Bureau Peng and Political Commissar Wang to "grab the territory", Han Yu said with an embarrassed look: "At least half should be reserved for firefighting."

"Half of it should be fine. We'll talk about the money later. You can talk about your ideas first."


Han Yu flipped through his notebook and continued: "If the Water Branch can take over the fire supervision power of several districts and county shorelines, it can set up four fire supervision stations. Our Changhang Branch will set up two in the port area. In this way, Once you get there, you can start the fire supervision work along the entire coastline.

However, the future work of the fire supervision station is not only to supervise, but also to mobilize and even urge units with fire and explosion hazards along the line to establish corporate fire brigade. Our water fire brigade can arrange for civilian police to organize training and assist in training. After the training, we will often join the corporate fire brigade for field exercises. "

"This work is very important. After all, firefighting supervision alone is not enough, and we alone cannot fight fires."

Zhang Junyan nodded and signaled Han Yu to continue.

Han Yu took a sip of water and said slowly: "In fact, building a corporate fire brigade is also a kind of resource integration, but the integration that needs to be carried out next is not just the establishment of a corporate fire brigade.

For example, our Binjiang Port has two harbor tugboats. Next, we need to find a way to ask the port authority to install fire-fighting water cannons on the two harbor tugs and transform them into dual-purpose tugboats.

At the same time, it is necessary to communicate and coordinate with the Zhangjiagang Port Authority, Changhang Shipping Public Security Guzhou Branch and other units on the other side. If a fire breaks out in Binjiang Port, or a fire breaks out on a ship in the waters of Binjiang Port, please dispatch a fire-fighting and towing vessel nearby to assist in the fight.

If a fire breaks out in Shuzhou Port or Dacang Port, or a fire breaks out on a ship in the relevant waters, our 001 can also go to the nearest place to help put out the fire. As long as this agreement can be reached, Jiangnan and Jiangbei will be able to complement each other's advantages in the allocation of water firefighting forces. "

The water fire brigade is located in Bailong Port, which is too far from Binjiang Port.

Zhangjiagang, which belongs to Guzhou, is on the other side of Binjiang Port. It has two small and medium-sized ships with towing and discharging. You can help me over there, and I can help you here. It can really make up for the shortcomings of both sides.

Zhang Junyan raised his head and said, "This is a good idea, Director Zhu, how about we arrange a time to cross the river to talk to them?"

"No problem, I think it will work."

"Salted fish, continue."

"Then we need to tap into all available water-based fire-fighting capabilities. Chief Zeng, Director Zhou, both of you have law enforcement boats. Can you apply for some funds from your superiors to install more professional fire-fighting water cannons on the law enforcement boats? If possible, we will be able to form a linkage mechanism for water firefighting by then."

Besides being afraid of wind and waves, the biggest fear of boats is catching fire.

Deputy Commissioner Zeng said without hesitation: "The problem shouldn't be big, but just installing fire-fighting equipment is useless. People are also needed to operate the equipment."

"We can help with training, and it's free!"

"Isn't this nonsense? If you dare to ask me for money, I won't do it, hahaha."

"I was joking."

Han Yu chuckled and turned to look at Zhou Hong: "Director Zhou, where is your fishery administration?"

Zhou Hong said with a smile: "Firefighting on fishing boats and fishing ports is equally important. If you don't tell us that we will install firefighting equipment, we will also ask you to help with training. But we are not as stingy as Chief Zeng. We will definitely ask you to help with training. Pay training fees.”

"Thank you Zhou Ju."

Han Yu smiled and added: "Actually, firefighting training can be carried out at your place, or you can send people to our place for training. When a linkage mechanism for water firefighting is formed, it may be necessary to get training from you and the fire brigade of various enterprises. Assign personnel to join us on combat readiness duty."

Zhang Junyan subconsciously asked: "On combat readiness duty?"

Han Yu said helplessly: "Zhang Ju, judging from the dozens of ship fires we have fought in the past few years, once we encounter a fire alarm, we must first conduct rapid and detailed reconnaissance to fully grasp the fire situation. Then we must concentrate our efforts to prevent the fire from expanding and spreading. Use the water cannon on 001 for peripheral cooling, and when the time is right, decisively carry out close combat internal attacks to annihilate the fire in one fell swoop.

In other words, it is not enough to put out the fire on 001 alone. When the time comes, we have to drag the hose, climb onto the burning ship, and get close to put out the fire. There are only six policemen in our fire brigade. I have to drive 001, and no one can be left in the engine room. The remaining people have to operate the water cannon on 001. There are not enough manpower. "

"I understand, it's a good idea to allocate personnel from the corporate fire brigade to be on combat readiness duty. It can not only solve the problem of manpower shortage, but also take this opportunity to provide them with more professional training."

"This is the joint defense team of water firefighting!"


Zhang Junyan saw that several neighbors had no objections and asked with a smile: "Salted fish, are there any more?"

Han Yu quickly said: "In general, these are all based on the advanced experience in the East China Sea."

Sister Zhu asked curiously: "Didn't you visit Guzhou with Bureau Zhang? Does Guzhou have any advanced experience?"

"They are not as good as us. Their water branch does not have a fire management department. Water firefighting is the responsibility of the fire brigade. There is a water fire brigade with only two cadres, one fire coordinator and three police officers. Usually, the main Let’s promote water fire protection.”

“What to do if there’s a fire on the water?”

"The fire brigade on the shore used to put out fires, but their situation is different from ours. The urban area is far away from the Yangtze River. They mainly prevent possible fires on ships sailing in the Guzhou section of the Grand Canal. As for firefighting on and along the river, on the river, It is under the control of your Port Supervision Bureau, and the coastline is under the control of the local public security bureau and port enterprises."

"Changhang Guzhou Branch doesn't have a water fire brigade?"

"There is a fire department responsible for fire supervision, but there is currently no professional firefighting force."

His immediate boss was chatting and laughing with several leaders, and Fang Guoya was dumbfounded.

He couldn't believe what was happening. Several unrelated units actually sat together over water fire-fighting issues, and without corresponding laws, regulations and notification documents, they actually reached an agreement on the entire riverside waters and shore. The general direction of fire protection work on the line.

The city has no idea at all, as if these things have nothing to do with the city.

But then again, so what if the city knows about it. The firefighting equipment on the shore is so backward, and the fire trucks the detachment applied for a few years ago are still not in place.

Went to the canteen of Bailonggang Passenger Terminal to have lunch and see off several leaders.

Fang Guoya couldn't help but ask: "Yuzhi, among those studied at the morning meeting, it seems that only the port fire protection is under our control, right?"

Han Yu walked to 001, held the side of the ship and said lightly: "You can't just look at job responsibilities when doing work, especially in a unit like ours."

"Yuzhi, I don't quite understand."

"Let's just talk about our barge and 001. You must have thought that the Harbor Supervision Bureau bought it from the Linghai Public Security Bureau. In fact, it was not, or it was not the only one."

"what is that?"

"These two ships and the equipment on board come from the Port Supervision Bureau, Port Authority, Customs and Linghai City. We eat from hundreds of families, so we can't just do the work assigned to us by the branch."

"Do you have to take care of everything?"

"As long as something happens in the Binjiang waters, we will take care of it!"

"But there are only a few of us."

"There were fewer people in the past and it was more difficult than it is now, but we have managed it for more than six years. So we can't complain about it, and we have to continue to manage it no matter how hard it is."

The young immediate boss was very vocal and felt that he was the biggest leader on this river.

Fang Guoya suddenly remembered that when he was eating in the canteen of Bailonggang Passenger Terminal before the "Eel Hunting War", a dock official once joked that he used to be the "Prince of Binjiang" and now he is the "Admiral of the Navy" of Binjiang.

If you think about it carefully, there is some truth to the joke.

Otherwise, as long as it's Jiang Shang's affairs, he won't have to take care of everything.

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