Riverside police

Chapter 294 Feeling proud

As night falls, cars are parked in front of the office building of Bailonggang Passenger Terminal.

The canteen on the west side of the office building was brightly lit and full of guests.

Lao Qian and Xiao Yu's parents were not very supportive of Xiao Yu's transfer to Hanwu at first, but later they heard that the transfer was equivalent to transferring from the police station to the police academy of the Public Security Department, and that he would be a teacher, and he might even have the opportunity to progress in the future. , the whole family was filled with excitement and raised their hands in approval.

As for Yuzhen, she was born and raised on a boat. She has always been at home in all corners of the world, and it doesn’t matter where she goes. She was so happy when it was confirmed that if she went to Hanwu with Xiaoyu, she would have a formal job.

This is the real carp jumping over the dragon gate!

No one in Xiaoyu's family had ever been an official for several generations. They didn't even have a family before they met Xu Sanye, Li Weiguo and Lao Qian. Now that Xiaoyu is making a difference, the whole family is proud and proud.

There had never been any real wedding events before, even the engagement between Xiaoyu and Yuzhen was just a simple two-table affair.

The family discussed it and decided to do the same thing as other families' children going to college. They would like to express their gratitude to the leaders and friends who have cared about and helped their family over the years.

Xiaoyu was taken to Yanjiang Police Station by Li Weiguo. For Xiaoyu's family, Comrade Li, like Xu Sanye, was a great benefactor to the family.

The Linghai Public Security Bureau asks Comrade Li to help decide who to invite or not to invite.

Li Weiguo regarded Xiaoyu as his own child. He was sincerely happy that his child had achieved success, so naturally he would not shirk it.

The day before yesterday, I rode a bicycle to the city. On behalf of Xiaoyu’s family, I invited the old director of the Linghai Public Security Bureau, now Vice Chairman of the Linghai Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference Li, the current director Zhou Huixin, the political commissar Lao Ding who had just retired to the second line, and the director of the No. 4 Police Station Shi Shengyong. , No. 4 Police Station instructor Lao Li and others.

Xiaoyu's family is a fisherman and a migrant from Bailonggang Village, so the cadres from Bailonggang must also be invited.

Lao Qian from Bailong Port is acquainted with Ding Suo. On behalf of the Xiaoyu family, he invited Minister Lei from the People's Armed Forces Department of Sichang Town, as well as the Industrial and Commercial Office of Sichang Town, Bailonggang Passenger Terminal, Bailonggang Ship Lock Management Office, Riverside Gas Station, The persons in charge of Bailonggang Long-distance Bus Station, Bailonggang Health Center, Bailonggang Primary School, as well as the village party secretary and village chief of Bailonggang Village.

Xiaoyu is not at home, but Xiaoyu’s friends also want to be invited.

Han Yu took full responsibility for this work and invited the senior brother's family of three, the second senior brother's family of three, Huang Jiangsheng, Zhang Er and his wife, Xiao Jiang, Shao Lei from the Baishen Police Team, and Guan Xiaoyu from the Bailiu Police Team.

On the side of the Hong Kong Regulatory Bureau are Sister Zhu, Jin Weiguo and others.

Not only did Xiaoyu’s parents-in-law want to be invited, but they also wanted to invite the leaders of the shipping company.

Captain Wang is both a matchmaker and a veteran cadre of the shipping company. He invited several shipping company leaders, including Manager Jiang, to come.

Xiaoyu’s old unit leaders and colleagues should also be invited. From the Changhang Branch, they are Liu Suo, Jiang Ke, Zhang Suo, Zhang Ping, Xiao Gong, Captain Fan and Zhu Baogen.

The water branch is political commissar Wang, Lao Jia, Ma Jintao and Yang Yong.

Yuzhen also has friends, and she actually invited Lin Xiaohui and Liu Xiaomei!

Five tables were set up. The wine was Jiannanchun, the cigarette was Soft China, the drinks were Coke and Sprite from cans, and the dishes were the highest standard for entertaining guests in Bailonggang area.

Including cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, there are no more than four or five hundred people at a table.

Listening to the leaders chatting and laughing, and looking at the table full of wine and delicacies, Han Yu was filled with emotion, thinking who could have imagined that Xiaoyu's family was still poor five years ago.

"This is a real leap to the sky, a real carp jumping over the dragon's gate!"

"Minister Lei, this is not a one-stop success. How many years has Xiaoyu been working, and how many achievements has he made? It's just that there was no establishment before, and it was almost like a temporary worker. If there was an establishment like Xianyu, there would be at least three or four of them now. Third-class merit and more than a dozen awards."

"If you put it this way, Xiaoyu doesn't reach the sky in one step, but accumulates experience steadily."

"Old Qian, Xiaoyu is so promising, your grandfather is lucky."

"Yes, I am blessed, thanks to all the leaders."

"Boss Liang, your business is getting more and more prosperous now, your son is getting more and more promising, and your daughter-in-law is virtuous and capable. You have suffered all the hardships, and you are also blessed."

"Thank you, Director Zhou, thank you, Political Commissar Ding, and thank you leaders."

"Thank us for what we did. Xiaoyu was trained by Xu Sanye and Lao Li, and he did it himself."

Shi Shengyong sat on the edge and felt that everything was so unreal.

Of the two fishes in the Marine Police Squadron, one was promoted to deputy branch as soon as he was transferred to the Changhang Branch and suddenly became the deputy detachment leader. A few days after being transferred to the Changjiang Shipping Branch, the leader of the Changjiang Shipping People's Police School spotted him and wanted to be transferred to the police school as an instructor.

When Shi Shengyong was confused, Political Commissar Ding sighed: "It's different now. No matter where you go, you need academic qualifications. It's harder to get a job than to reach the sky. It's not easy for Xiaoyu to be where he is today."

Director Zhou was convinced. He looked up at Xu Mingyuan sitting at the next table, and then at Han Yu who was smiling and saying nothing: "Xu Mingyuan, salted fish."


"Sit down, sit down and talk."

Director Zhou picked up his wine glass and said with emotion: "I have heard of your master more than once before, but I have never dealt with him. He is very amazing. If nothing else, he just cultivates talents. He has a total of three apprentices. One of you grew up to be a serious case captain, and the other became a deputy detachment captain.

Compared with training you two, it is more difficult to train Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu has never been to school. He has been taught since kindergarten. Not everyone can train a child who has never really gone to school to become a police officer, or even be transferred to a police academy as an instructor!

Although I, Zhou Huixin, have not been working in Linghai for a long time, you should have heard of my temper. There are not many people I admire, and your master is definitely one of them. It is my biggest regret not to be able to work with him. . "

Xu Mingyuan didn't expect that the director had such a high opinion of his master. After all, the two previous directors didn't like the master very much. He quickly picked up the wine glass and said: "Director Zhou..."

"Don't rush to toast, let me finish first."

Zhou Ju stood up and looked around the crowd: "Chairman Li, Zhu Ju, Political Commissar Wang, everyone, you are all old friends of Comrade Xu Sanye. Today is another day of great joy for Comrade Xu Sanye's apprentice Xiaoyu. I propose this glass of wine." Respect Xiaoyu’s master, Comrade Xu Sanye!”

The character of the person in front of me really looks a bit like Xu Sanye.

If Xu Sanye had not died young, the two of them would have definitely come together and cooperated very well, and they might have accomplished something great.

Chairman Li was filled with emotion and raised his glass: "Okay, this is a toast to Sanye."

Following Zhou Ju's suggestion, everyone poured their wine on the ground.

Tears filled Han Yu's eyes, and he quickly poured some drinks on the floor. Then he followed his senior brother to replace the wine with drinks, saluted the leaders and guests present, and expressed his gratitude to all leaders and guests.

The atmosphere was a bit solemn, so Lao Qian quickly called Xiaoyu's parents, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and Yuzhen, and paid respects to them table by table.

The son has become successful, and the Liang family has truly turned around.

Comrade Lao Liang had never been so happy. He was drunk and respectful.

The daughter and son-in-law want to make money in Bailonggang, and the old man will go to Hanwu in a few days. After sending Yuzhen to Hanwu, he has no plans to come back. After all, no one can rest assured that he is not in Hanwu watching over the two children.

Lao Qian Lao Huai was very happy, and he got high while drinking.

Li Weiguo and Captain Wang were equivalent to half of the host family, accompanying the leaders and guests on behalf of Lao Qian and Xiaoyu's parents, and the guests and hosts enjoyed the meal.

Han Xiangning and Yuzhen went to see off Lin Xiaohui and Liu Xiaomei.

Huang Jiangsheng and Zhang Erxiao helped send Shao Lei from the Baishen Police Team and Guan Xiaoyu from the Bailiu Police Team to the hotel.

Han Yu and his two senior brothers sent Chairman Li, Bureau Zhou and other leaders off.

"Yuzhi, even if Xiaoyu's family doesn't treat you, I will still look for you in the next few days. Not only do I want to look for you, but I also want to treat you to a meal."

"Director Zhou, you are my old leader. You should call me Xianyu. Besides, I am the deputy detachment leader in name only."

"Don't be so modest. I know that you, the deputy detachment leader, are worthy of your name."

Zhou Huixin looked back at Shi Shengyong, Xu Mingyuan and other subordinates, held Han Yu's hand tightly and smiled: "It is said that your master likes to go straight, and I don't like to go around in circles. I mainly come to you for two things."

Han Yu quickly said: "Zhou Bureau, if you need anything, just give me instructions."

"There are no instructions, only please. First, the security in the Bailonggang area. The police force of the No. 4 Police Station is tight. Compared with the water checkpoint, the Bainiu Ferry is more important. Lao Zhang may go to the Bainiu Police Station to help. The water checkpoint is more important. From now on, we need you to help us keep an eye on the south gate."

There are fewer and fewer ships passing through the locks in Bailong Port. It is indeed a waste of police power to have a policeman watch at the locks.

Han Yu could understand the difficulties of his old unit and said without hesitation: "No problem."


Director Zhou patted his hand and continued: "Then there is the firefighting in the Fourth Factory and even the city. We may need your help in the future. I have visited the fire brigade twice for investigation since I took office. The morale of the officers and soldiers in the fire brigade is very high, and the training is also good." It was very hard, but the equipment couldn’t keep up, and it couldn’t be solved in a while.”

Linghai Fire Brigade is said to be a brigade, but in fact it is similar to a squadron.

There are a total of more than 20 fire-fighting armed policemen, and there are only two fire trucks. The fire pumps on the fire trucks are not very powerful. The construction of fire-fighting facilities in Linghai City is very backward. Only a few newly built buildings have fire pumps and fire hydrants. More Many old buildings can only use tap water or even pump water from the river to put out fires.

Although Director Yang who was transferred years ago is a good person, he is really not as good as the one in front of him at work. At least in the past few years, firefighting has been more important in words than in practice. It can be said that he has been muddle along.

Han Yu was very happy to have a public security chief like Bureau Zhou in his hometown, and hurriedly said: "Bureau Zhou, we just went to the municipal fire brigade to report on our work last week. Starting from the morning of yesterday, our radio station has been included in the Binjiang Fire Communication Command Network, whenever there is a fire in the future, we will participate in putting out the fire under the command of the fire brigade."

"Great, then if there is a fire, I will call you directly for support."

"No problem, it's just that although we have two fire trucks, those two fire trucks have to be on standby at Binjiang Port. Only 001 can be dispatched in Bailong Port at the first time."

"Linghai is a water network area. There are many rivers in the urban area, and Bailong Port is not far from the urban area. If there is a fire in the urban area, 001 can be of great use."

"Zhou Ju, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"Having trouble? 001 needs to burn fuel when dispatched. Are you worried that no one will reimburse you for the fuel?"

"Fighting fires means rescue and disaster relief. As long as it is rescue and disaster relief, we don't talk about money. The difficulty I'm talking about is not worrying about gas money, but worrying about waterways."

Director Zhou subconsciously asked: "Are you saying that 001 can't drive through?"

Han Yu scratched his neck and smiled bitterly: "Actually, I discussed this matter with Captain Fan. If 001 could drive to the river behind the government building six years ago, 001's high-pressure water cannon could spray water to the fifth floor of the government building. building.

However, in the past few years, the Transportation Bureau has never cleared the silt of the inland waterways. Some river banks have collapsed, some river channels have been occupied, and some people have even built houses on the river channels. Several bridges in the city have also been repaired and become shorter, leaving many river sections inaccessible. Normal navigation. "

Director Zhou came to his senses and asked: "Where can 001 drive now?"

Han Yu said helplessly: "We can only drive to the shipping company terminal, and we can't drive in any further."

"So you want to contact the Transportation Bureau?"

"If the Transportation Bureau can clean up the facilities and even buildings that occupy the river, and then dredge the river in the city a little, then our 001 can put out possible fires in buildings along the river in the city."

The urban area of ​​Linghai is different from cities in the north. Rivers extend in all directions and many houses are built along the river.

If the rivers in the city can be restored to navigation, this means that the high-pressure water cannon on the 001 can spray into one-fifth of the buildings in the city, and most of those buildings are located in places where the fire brigade's fire trucks cannot drive.

Thinking of this, Director Zhou patted Han Yu's arm: "I'll call the Transportation Bureau tomorrow. They can't just build roads and bridges and ignore the rivers. They must at least clean up the urban rivers for me!"

Dredging rivers costs money.

Han Yu didn't think Director Zhou could handle the Transportation Bureau, and couldn't help but remind him: "Director Zhou, river dredging involves not only water firefighting, but also water transportation and flood control and drainage."

How could Director Zhou fail to hear the implication of Han Yu's words? He couldn't help but smile and said: "It makes sense. It seems that I also want to find the Water Conservancy Bureau and the shipping company."

At the same time, Lao Zhang and Lao Ding, who had eaten and drank enough, were riding their bicycles back to Factory No. 4.

Old Ding burped, yawned and said: "Sanye is gone, Xiaoyu will be transferred to Hanwu, Laoqian will also go to Hanwu, you will go to Bainiu Ferry in two days, and even Laojin will be transferred to Hanwu." I have to take a back seat for a few months, with fewer and fewer acquaintances around me, and it’s time for Xianyu to really grow up.”

"He has grown up and is doing well during this time."

"I don't mean professionally, I mean psychologically."

Lao Zhang thought for a while and couldn't help but smile: "That's true, but people have to grow up after all."

Old Ding looked back behind him and sighed: "Shi Shengyong wanted to treat Xianyu and Xu Mingyuan to a meal, and wanted to express his gratitude, but he couldn't save his face and was embarrassed to speak. He just told me in private and asked me to help. Please.”

"How did you respond?"

"I promised him that I will tell Xianyu tomorrow. If Xianyu wants to give him this face, even if he is not a colleague of Shi Shengyong, he will still be a neighbor of Shi Shengyong."

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