Riverside police

Chapter 303: A House Full of Distinguished Guests (2)

At 7:28, the wedding officially started.

Just when many people were surprised that the middle-aged woman who was almost the last to arrive was actually a leader. She was invited by the leaders of Huaiyin City Public Security Bureau, Changhang Branch, Binjiang City Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Detachment and Shuishang Branch to sit down at Miao. At the secretary's table, Chairman Qian of the Port Authority Union walked to the center of the stage radiantly with a red flower on his chest.

"Dear leaders, elders, relatives and friends, dear children, good evening!"

Chairman Qian has rich experience in hosting weddings and does not need a speech at all.

A burst of warm applause sounded. He smiled and nodded. He turned around and looked at Han Gong, Han Yu and others standing on the left side. He said enthusiastically: "Today, it is the bridegroom, Comrade Han Yu, the bride, Comrade Han Xiangning, and the groom. The day when Comrade Liang Xiaojun and his bride Comrade Han Xiangmeng tied the knot. If it is a meeting, I would like to emphasize that the two newlyweds are ranked in no particular order."

Between two newlyweds, it’s important to introduce them first.

Hearing him say that the rankings were "in no particular order," everyone including Vice Mayor Miao couldn't help laughing.

Since it's a wedding, of course it should be lively.

Deputy Director Xu of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau raised his hand and asked with a smile: "Chairman Qian, today I am a relative and friend of Comrade Liang Xiaojun and Comrade Han Xiangmeng. It is necessary for me to ask on behalf of Comrade Liang Xiaojun and Comrade Han Xiangmeng whether you are arranged by the strokes of your surname or by the strokes of your surname. What kind of platoon, why do you put Xiaojun and Xiang Meng at the back?"

"Yeah, why are we ranked at the back?"

A section chief from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau followed suit, and everyone burst into laughter again.

Chairman Qian nodded and explained in a measured tone: "The ancients said, 'Father and son are related, monarch and ministers are righteous, husband and wife are separated, elders and young are orderly, and friends have trust.' Now we don't talk about the father and son, the king, the minister, and the father. However, it is still worth advocating to have order between elders and children and to have trust with friends.

Specific to the ranking just introduced, I have inherited and carried forward the fine tradition of our Chinese nation of respecting the elderly and caring for the young. As we all know, the bride, Comrade Han Xiangmeng, is the sister of the bride, Comrade Han Xiangmeng. Although the groom, Comrade Xianyu, is younger than the groom, Comrade Liang Xiaojun, from now on he is the brother-in-law of the bride, Comrade Han Xiangmeng, and the groom, Comrade Liang Xiaojun. Therefore, Comrade Xianyu and Comrade Han Xiangning have to line up. In the front, do you think I made any mistakes? "


"Very good, that's how it should be arranged."

"Since all leaders, elders, relatives and friends have no objections to the ranking, we applaud it."

The wedding was hosted as if it were a meeting, and it was approved with applause!

Everyone couldn't help but laugh and gave another burst of warm applause.

The reason why I asked Chairman Qian of the Port Authority Union to preside over the wedding was after careful consideration, because today there are two couples getting married, involving three families.

If the leaders of the Hong Kong Regulatory Bureau or the public security system are asked to host the event, relatives and friends of the Liang family will definitely think that Liang Xiaojun and Han Xiangmeng are just supporting roles, and vice versa.

It's different to ask the leaders of the Port Authority to preside over it. After all, Han Yu and Han Xiangning are considered by many people to be from the Port Authority, and Han Xiangmeng is a guaranteed nurse from the Port Authority Hospital.

Ask the joint leaders of both sides to preside over it, and no one can say anything.

And Chairman Qian hosted it very well, with witty remarks and humor. His opening remarks alone made everyone laugh.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. My surname is Qian, and my name is Qian Aiguo. I am currently the chairman of the labor union of the Port Authority. Before I was transferred to the labor union, I worked in the Youth League Committee, Women's Federation and Family Planning. I have long used my position to focus on hosting weddings for more than 20 years. .

According to my wife's incomplete statistics in the morning, in the past 20 years, I have hosted more than 600 weddings, drank wedding wine for more than 600 couples, and eaten wedding candy for more than 600 couples, including someone who is here today. some guests. It’s really hard to eat, drink, and take food, and sometimes have wedding banquets twice a day, one at noon and one in the evening. "

This self-introduction was so out of the ordinary that even Vice Mayor Miao burst into tears from laughter.

A deputy director of the Hong Kong Regulatory Bureau, who was an old friend of Chairman Qian, stood up and said with a smile: "You have food, drinks, and things to do, but you have the nerve to say it's hard work. You are getting an advantage and you are not being good. How about you come down and I will go up and preside over it!" "

"Yes, Chairman Qian, we can help you with your hard work."

"No, no, today, I am honored to be entrusted by the two couples and their parents to officiate the wedding ceremony for the two couples. This is equivalent to a formal appointment from the Organization Department. This is a ceremony for the two couples and their families. My trust, I must officiate the wedding."

Chairman Qian laughed, turned around and said, "Next, let us invite Comrade Han Yu, the bride, Comrade Han Xiangning, and the parents of the bride and groom to the stage with warm applause!"

Han Yu didn't care to laugh anymore, and quickly pulled his senior sister and walked onto the stage with his parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Dear leaders, elders, relatives and friends, I would like to emphasize again that I am not a young man who was pulled over to officiate the wedding of Xianyu and Xiang Ning. I deserve to be their officiant, because I am Watching them grow up.

Xianyu studied hard and ranked sixth in Linghai in the high school entrance examination. He works conscientiously and has been awarded second-class merit once and third-class merit three times in the past seven years. Now he has grown into the deputy chief of the fire department of Binjiang Branch of Changhang Public Security Bureau. He is a talented, down-to-earth and reliable young man.

Xiang Ning also has excellent academic performance. She was the class monitor every year in school. She has been serious and responsible since she started working. She has been awarded third-class merit twice. Last year, she was rated as an advanced worker by the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau. She is a rare and good girl. !

The two of them were classmates at the same school and studied the same major. They met, knew each other, and fell in love very early. They were helping each other on the barge in Bailong Port seven years ago, and they are still guarding the end of the Yangtze River together on the barge! "

Chairman Qian looked around the crowd and said impassionedly: "Their relationship has withstood the test of time and space, and their union is a match made in heaven. Leaders, elders, relatives and friends, let us give them our best wishes with warm applause." sincere blessing!"

Most of the guests attending the wedding knew Han Yu and Han Xiangning well.

It was clear that what Chairman Qian said was not an exaggeration, nor was it a cliché for hosting a wedding. He gave a heartfelt applause, and Han Yu and Han Xiangning quickly bowed in thanks.

Next came the "interview" session, where they asked when the two began to fall in love and who had better grades in school. They were still humorous and made everyone burst into laughter.

After "interviewing" the newcomers, "interview" the parents on both sides.

Han Zhengxian was not very good at talking. He mainly interviewed Workers Han and Head Nurse Xiang, and the questions he asked in the interview were quite pointed, asking whether he was barging in the door upside down or something else.

Everyone was very interested in this and agreed.

Han Gong had no choice but to grin and say: "Dear leaders, relatives and friends, there must be new fashions in the new era. We don't pay attention to those. Anyway, Xiangfan and I regard Xianyu as our sons, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law regard Ningyu as our own sons. Ning is their daughter, both children have the surname Han, and they will all have the same surname when they have children in the future."

"Yes, yes, it's the same."

It was the first time for Han Zheng to see such a big scene. Looking at so many leaders in the audience, he felt a little nervous and nodded along with his in-laws and father-in-law.

"Everyone has heard it, and they are all the same. Mayor Miao, Director Jiang, I think Korean workers are too unqualified to work in the Meteorological Bureau. He should go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"Korean workers are being naughty, hahaha."

"Yeah, after talking for a long time, I didn't say anything, hahaha."

"But from the words of Han Gong and Director Xiang, I heard their expectations for the bride and groom. Xianyu, Xiang Ning, we will be husband and wife from now on. Not only do we have to work, but we also have to run a happy and warm family, and have a baby as soon as possible. Big fat man, let your parents have a grandson as soon as possible, don’t you think so?”


"Yes, I want to have a son soon!"

"Don't worry, everyone, we still have an important link. Let us give warm applause to welcome the leaders of the bridegroom and the bride's alma mater, Dean Shao Haifeng of Binjiang Shipping College, to the stage to witness the marriage of the bride and groom!"

The matter of who to ask to witness the marriage was also carefully considered.

Because there are many leaders here today, it is difficult to say whether the leader will have any ideas if this leader is asked to witness the marriage. Inviting the leaders of the shipping school to witness the marriage not only shows respect for teachers, but also eliminates the need to worry about the leaders being unhappy.

Dean Shao was well prepared. He went up to the stage with a smile and bowed to everyone. Then he looked at Han Yu and Han Xiangning, took out the marriage certificate and read it in a measured tone.

As the wedding ceremony ended, Han Yu and Han Xiangning walked off the stage with their parents.

Chairman Qian asked Han Gong and Xiang Nurse to stay, and enthusiastically invited Liang Xiaojun, Han Xiangmeng and Lao Liang to come to the stage.

Same routine, same humor.

The only difference is that the witness is not a teacher, but a leader from the Binjiang City Health Bureau.

The couple are both studying medicine, and the hospital they are working in is under the management of the Binjiang City Health Bureau. It is appropriate to ask the leaders of the Health Bureau to witness their marriage.

Chairman Qian watched the leaders of the Health Bureau who had witnessed the marriage return to their seats and suddenly changed the topic: "Dear leaders, elders, relatives and friends, as a senior wedding host, I know very well that in a wedding banquet like this, in addition to the family members of the bride and groom, With me as the host, most people are concerned about when the show will start.”

Everyone really thought so, but they didn't expect him to say it out loud, and they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Chairman Qian laughed and said: "It seems that everyone can't wait any longer. Now, on behalf of the two couples and their families, I announce that the banquet is open!"

There was a stereo in the banquet hall, and the cheerful "Xi Yang Yang" played. The hotel waiters filed in, and the hot dishes began to be served without even using their chopsticks.

Captain Song was filled with emotion, picked up his chopsticks and said with a smile: "Chairman Qian has a way of hosting weddings. He does it really well."

Political Commissar You was convinced: "I have presided over it more than 600 times and have rich experience."

Deng Qikang looked up at the main table and asked curiously: "Who is the one sitting next to Mayor Miao? He doesn't look like a leader."

Political Commissar You asked subconsciously: "That lesbian?"

The more Deng Qikang looked at it, the stranger he became, and he whispered: "Well, Xianyu and the bride are going to propose a toast. Instead of toasting Mayor Miao first, they should toast that woman first!"

This table was accompanied by Section Chief Tong of the Water Fire Department of the Changhang Branch. Section Chief Tong saw that the three fire armed policemen were strange and quickly explained: "That one is Xianyu's wife. She watched Xianyu and Ning Ning grow up." Yes, she regards Xianyu and Ningning as her own children."

"Where is Xianyu's master?"

"Xianyu's master was named Xu Sanye. He is no longer here. He passed away in February last year."

"It seems that he respects his master very much. Not only does he respect him, but his family members also respect him. Otherwise, he would not invite his master's wife to sit at the main table."

"Xu Sanye is indeed worthy of respect. Not only does Xianyu and Xianyu's family respect him, but our Zhang Bureau and I also respect Xu Sanye."

As he was talking, Vice Mayor Miao toasted Xianyu's wife.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Xiangqian, deputy director of the Huaiyin Public Security Bureau, Zhang Junyan of the Changhang Branch, Lao Peng, director of the Shuangshui Branch, and political commissar Wang Wenhong toasted to the elder sister one after another.

It is not easy to gain the respect of so many leaders.

Captain Song was about to ask Xianyu if his master had died in the line of duty, but Han Yu and Han Xiangning had already arrived with their parents carrying cups.

"Song Zhi, Political Commissar You, and Deng Da, thank you for your support of our work, and thank you even more for being able to attend my wedding with Ning Ning."

"Today is your special day. Let's talk about work. Come on, come on. Let's wish you happiness and a baby soon!"

"Thank you, leaders. Let me apologize first. I really don't know how to drink..."

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