Riverside police

Chapter 306 There is history and tradition

Shedding skin and flesh without falling behind, bleeding and sweating without shedding tears, this is definitely a true portrayal of the fire brigade officers and soldiers during training and combat.

Deng Qikang wanted to stand up and continue fighting, but seasickness was not an injury. He was dizzy and felt like the earth was shaking. He couldn't even stand steady. He had to get off the line of fire even if he was not injured. In the second half, the deputy commander of the first squadron who did not participate in the water rescue had to do it. The captain leads the team.

In the first half, we lost to a bunch of amateur firefighters. It was an ugly loss.

The fire officers and soldiers who did not participate in the water rescue course gathered their strength and decided to win back the victory.

The rapid initial fire control performance was very professional, the movement of loading and connecting the hose was quick and agile, and the guns and guns cooperated very well.

Three firefighters, led by the deputy squadron leader, even climbed the 22-meter-high No. 2 oil tank with heavy loads...

However, when they had just climbed to fifteen meters, the truck crane of the Binjiang Port Squadron of the Changhang Branch Fire Department had already extended its boom.

Fang Guoya personally went into battle, standing in the hanging basket, operating a high-pressure foam cannon, aiming at the top of the simulated fire tank, and spraying water instead of foam.

Han Yu, Chen Zikun, Zhang Ping, Ma Jintao, Xiao Gong and others were below, organizing firefighters from the Port Authority's corporate fire brigade and the petroleum company's corporate fire brigade to operate high-pressure water cannons and high-pressure water cannons while firing at the "fired" oil tanks. And pipe water spray cooling.

The power of the fire pump on the "earth fire truck" is greater than the combined power of the three fire trucks of the first squadron of the Binjiang Fire Detachment. The oil depot has laid fire pipes and has a continuous supply of fire water.

There are powerful pumps and water.

Instead of two guns per car, there are three guns per car and one gun!

Coupled with the six water cannons that the oil depot firefighters had just connected, in the blink of an eye, the entire "burning" oil tank was enveloped by a "heavy downpour."

The four firefighters who climbed halfway up the iron spiral staircase were soaked in the rain in the blink of an eye.

Normal training is very important, but if you encounter a fire, equipment will become even more important.

Song Jiwei saw this and was anxious in his heart. He pointed at the oil tank and said worriedly: "Jingju, you have seen it. If there is no advanced equipment, if there is a fire, I can only fill it with the lives of the soldiers!"

Deputy Director Jing touched the corner of his mouth and was silent for a while before whispering: "When you get back, make another application and I will report it to Director Chen for you."

"Thank you Jingju."

"You're welcome, this is all for work."

Deputy Director Jing took a deep breath and turned around and said: "Director Zhang, you can enjoy the shade under the big tree of the Port Authority. Especially in terms of fire protection equipment, it is more complete than the fire detachment. If there is a fire elsewhere in the future, you may really need your help to put it out." .”

The subordinates were very up to date, and Zhang Junyan had the face to face, so he smiled and said: "Jingju doesn't know anything. In fact, Lao Tong and Xianyu have visited the Song branch a long time ago. As early as two months ago, the radio station of our branch's water firefighting detachment was connected to 119." The communication command network was ready for duty at any time as early as two months ago."


"If you don't believe me, you can ask Song Zhi."

Zhang Junyan smiled and added: "In fact, the fire brigade of our branch is not as good as the Song brigade in terms of equipment. Until now, it is still poor. The two fire trucks and truck cranes participating in the drill, including the fire rescue boat that did not come today, Xianyu tried every means to borrow it from the Port Authority and the Port Supervision Bureau."

"Borrowed it?" Deputy Director Jing was doubtful.

"It's really borrowed. Even the office and training grounds of the Water Fire Fighting Team are borrowed. Some time ago, we were busy with the crackdown. Lao Jiang and I didn't bother to ask about these things. The Water Fire Brigade was built by salted fishes without the conditions to create conditions. .”

"Is that the young deputy captain?"


"Salted fish...I have some impression, someone seems to have mentioned it to me."

As soon as Deputy Director Jing finished speaking, the accompanying city police officers couldn't help but laugh and asked: "Director Zhang, is Comrade Xianyu actually a police officer from the Linghai Public Security Bureau?"

Zhang Junyan smiled and asked, "How did you know?"

"I heard from comrades in the Political Department that it seems that Director Zhou of the Linghai Public Security Bureau sold it to your branch and the Port Supervision Bureau together with the people and the boat, for a total of 500,000 yuan. Director Zhang, has this happened?"

"The Port Supervision Bureau bought two boats from the Linghai Public Security Bureau, but how can people buy and sell them? We are not human traffickers. We transferred the salted fish from the Linghai Public Security Bureau."

Deputy Director Jing suddenly remembered who Xianyu was!

At one party committee meeting, when it came to cultivating reserve cadres, Director Chen mentioned this fish sadly.

Thinking again of a young man in his early twenties, who actually relied on the Port Authority and the Harbor Supervision Bureau to set up a fire brigade with a combat capability that cannot be underestimated in just a few months. Deputy Director Jing couldn't help turning around and asked: "Lao Peng, are you on the water?" The relationship between the branch and the Yanjiang Police Station of the Linghai Public Security Bureau is so deep. Others don’t know that Xianyu is a talent. You and Wang Wenhong should know very well why Director Zhang was allowed to get there first, and how could Director Zhang poach this corner?"

After Xianyu was transferred to the Changhang Branch, Director Chen also asked the same question.

You didn't take him seriously when he was in the Binjiang Public Security System. Only after he left did you realize he was a treasure...

Director Peng slandered, rubbed his nose and said helplessly: "Jing Bureau, I know Xianyu quite well, and I have wanted to transfer him to our branch more than once, but the temple in our branch is too small, so I can only transfer him here Let him be the squadron leader, and he won’t be able to mention the deputy department, let alone the deputy detachment leader.”

In the local public security bureau, it is too difficult to apply for a sub-division.

As people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. The Water Branch really cannot retain such young talents.

Deputy Director Jing nodded and said nothing more.

The joint exercise is over and Ming Jin withdraws his troops.

In terms of cleaning the battlefield by releasing water and rolling hoses, the firefighting officers and soldiers of the No. 1 Squadron directly under the brigade once again demonstrated their excellent military qualities.

But if a fire breaks out, the masses and superiors will only look at the results, that is, whether the fire was controlled in time and whether it was extinguished in time, and they will not look at these details.

Song Jiwei was in a particularly heavy mood and asked to visit the water fire brigade without even eating the lunch prepared by the oil company.

Firefighting, especially fire fighting, is different from solving crimes.

Once a fire breaks out, it is likely that all available forces will be mobilized.

If a major ship fire occurs on the river, the Port Supervision Bureau and the Changhang Shipping Branch will definitely need the support of the fire brigade. If major fires occur in other places, the fire brigade also needs the assistance of the Changhang Branch Water Fire Fighting Detachment to put out the fire.

We must understand each other. If we don’t understand or are familiar with each other, how will we cooperate in the future?

What's more, Song Jiwei's attitude is very serious, just saying that there is no longer the idea of ​​"one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers". Zhang Junyan will naturally not miss this opportunity to strengthen cooperation with the municipal fire detachment. He calls Han Yu and Fang Guoya and warmly invites Deputy Director Jing and Song Jiwei to come. visit.

You won’t know until you watch it, but Deputy Director Jing and Song Jiwei were shocked after watching it.

The warehouse where the Changhang Branch Water Fire Fighting Detachment is located. The entire FAW Repair Factory, the two large warehouses where vehicles are parked, are filled with various tools for repairing and making homemade fire-fighting equipment. There are even three excavations on the ground nearly two meters deep. The car repair slot is more than five meters long.

The yard is made like a training ground at a driver training school. White lines are painted on the ground and red and white poles are erected. At a glance, you can tell that they are markings for learning how to park sideways and how to move the warehouse.

Song Jiwei had a simple lunch at the Water Fire Fighting Detachment without resting, and then proposed to go to the Bailonggang Squadron to have a look.

Zhang Junyan didn't have time to accompany him, so Deputy Director Jiang and Section Chief Tong stayed with him.

We rushed to Bailong Port without stopping, walked onto the barge along the steel pontoon, and finally saw 001 moored on the outside of a huge water platform.

Under the introduction of Han Yu, we visited the fire rescue, communication, water depth detection, radar and other equipment on board 001, and then visited the barge.

Unexpectedly, the barge is also like a maintenance platform on the water. There are all kinds of tools in the cabin below the deck!

"Officer Groom, it seems that you attach great importance to maintenance and other skills."

"Anyone who drives a ship must be able to repair the ship, at least to repair some common faults."

"In this way, those who drive must also be able to repair cars, and those who operate fire-fighting equipment must also be able to repair and maintain equipment."

"This is our tradition."

"Isn't your fire brigade just established?"

"Our water fire brigade has just been established, but the barge has a history of nearly seven years, and 001 has a longer history. It was built on barges in Donghai Port in 1963. If it is not well maintained, it will not be used. Until now.”

Han Yu smiled slightly and pointed to the "old antique" in front of him: "This floating dock has a longer history. It was built in the early Republic of China. It is a miracle that it can be used today. It is a pity that there is no museum in this area in the country, otherwise we would have to wait It is decommissioned and can be towed to a museum to display China’s modern shipbuilding history.”

Just as he was talking, the passenger ship Bailiu slowly sailed over from the direction of Bailong Port Passenger Terminal.

When the captain saw Han Yu on the pontoon, he signaled the helmsman to sound the whistle.

A policeman happened to be patrolling the port side of the third floor and saw Han Yu from a distance.

When they left the dock, they had to salute Liu Suo and Jiang Ke and the others, and when they left the water where the barge was located, they also habitually blew their whistles and saluted goodbye.

Han Yu adjusted his police uniform and returned the greeting to the passenger ship.

This situation reminded Song Jiwei of what his senior officer Xiang Guoya once said, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Han, the fire rescue ship is anchored here. You are stationed here for a long time because you consider the fire safety of passenger ships and passenger ship terminals." ?”

"There are also two steam ferries."

Han Yu invited the head of Binjiang Firefighting to the command and control room on the second floor and added with a smile: "In fact, we not only have to consider firefighting, but also the security of the North Branch waters and the water traffic safety of the North Branch channel. We even need to consider emergency rescue and disaster relief.”

The duty room on the first floor is filled with banners.

There are more pennants hanging in the conference room and command and dispatch room on the second floor.

Several of the flags were sent by the owners of the burning ships and the shipping companies to which the ships belonged. The earliest one can be traced back to six years ago.

Looking at the plaque "The First Outpost of the Yangtze River" hanging above the map of the Yangtze Riverside waters, Song Jiwei sighed: "Xiao Han, I always thought that your water fire brigade was just established. Now it seems that I, the fire brigade captain, am not You are competent. You have been engaged in water firefighting for nearly seven years and have fought so many water fires. I don’t know anything about it.”

It is definitely not easy to get the person in front of you. Han Yu said quickly: "Song Zhi, our riverside is close to the water but not close to the water. Except for a few river-related law enforcement units and port and shipping companies, almost no one cares about things on the river. , it can be said that there are two worlds on the river and on the shore. I have been on the boat for a long time, and I am a little out of touch with the shore. You didn’t know that we were normal before. "

Whether it was the Marine Police Squadron of the Fourth Factory Police Station of the Linghai Public Security Bureau or the Yanjiang Police Station of the Linghai Public Security Bureau earlier, they were not in charge of fire protection, but they actually managed it for nearly seven years!

Thinking that they were not only in charge of fire protection, but also in charge of more things that were not theirs to handle, Song Jiwei finally understood why the leaders of several large units involved in the river valued the young man in front of him so much. He couldn't help but patted Han Yu on the arm: "Xiao Han, Our two families need to move around more in the future, and we can no longer stay apart from each other as before."

"It's what I asked for."

"Furthermore, your equipment is better than ours. If you have no objection, you will join us on combat readiness duty starting tomorrow. Once there is a fire in the urban area and Linghai, our command center will ask you to participate in the fight."

Only those who have experienced actual combat can have combat effectiveness.

Han Yu had long wanted to train troops in actual combat, and he had already offered to assist the "regular army" in dispatching police.

But people regard the water fire brigade as "Li Gui" and verbally agreed. They also included the water fire brigade's radio station in the command network. However, in the past two months, they have never issued an alarm order to the water fire brigade.

Captain Song now spoke, which can be said to be a recognition of the water fire brigade. Han Yu hurriedly said: "Please rest assured, Captain Song. Although we are not very professional, we will do our best to complete the tasks assigned by the command center." .”


"This is what we should do. After all, once a fire breaks out in our jurisdiction, we cannot do without your support."

"Okay, from now on we will help each other!"

Song Jiwei laughed, and then changed the subject: "One more thing. There were too many people in the city just now, so I didn't feel embarrassed to say anything. Two cadres in our detachment are going to change jobs this year, and a veteran is going to be demobilized. They all want to stay in Binjiang. You Although he is not older than me, he has a wider path than me, can you help me?"

The water fire brigade is really short of people now.

Compared with newcomers who know nothing, Han Yu certainly hopes to have a few experienced firefighters. He said without hesitation: "Fang Da mentioned it to me and I also went to the leaders of the Port Authority. The leaders of the Port Authority said that every year There are resettlement tasks, so as long as they are on the list to be resettled by the military transfer office, there should be no problem."

"Where are the demobilized volunteers?"


"Thank you so much. If this is done, I will treat you to dinner. No, if it is not done, I will also treat you to dinner."

"Song Zhi, you are too polite. In fact, I should be the one thanking you for providing us with the backbone of our business."

It was rare to come to Bailong Port, and it was rare to have a private chat with the wild and well-connected "little local snake" in front of me. Song Jiwei picked up the satellite phone on the podium with interest, looked at it, and said with a smile:

"We have soldiers who are in the iron camp and are running smoothly. Our detachment has cadres who transfer to other jobs almost every year. How many can your branch relocate? I will inevitably trouble you in the future. When the time comes, please help us find the back door of the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau, Customs and Fishery Administration. "

Han Yu was made to laugh and cry: "Song Zhi, you think too highly of me!"

Song Jiwei's face straightened: "I'm not kidding you, I'm serious."

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