Riverside police

Chapter 311 The First “Case”

Four o'clock in the afternoon, Changhang Branch.

Bureau He returned to the office after the meeting. As soon as he sat down, Political Commissar Jiang followed him to report on his work.

Finally, a few old comrades got through their ideological work. Some chose to retire early, and some responded to the bureau's call to retire and rest.

He Ju was relieved, handed over a cigarette and asked with a smile: "What is that salted fish doing?"

"I'm repairing the ship. I heard that the project is quite big and it will take a month to complete."

"The law enforcement rescue boat is broken?"

"001 is not broken, he is repairing the water platform."

Any reform will involve personal interests or even departmental interests, so reform is not an easy task.

In particular, units like the Changhang Branch are subject to the dual leadership of the Changhang Public Security Bureau and the Binjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau in business operations. The salaries and case-handling funds for the police assisting officers all come from the Port Authority. No matter what you do, you must first consider the attitude of the local public security bureau and the port authority.

In terms of connections, most of the police officers in the branch are from the Port Authority, and all of them have connections.

The situation of the fish in Bailong Port is even more special. Not only is he related to the Port Authority and the Harbor Supervision Bureau, but he has also worked in the local police for so many years, and he is also related to the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau and even the Jiangnan Provincial Public Security Department.

It is no exaggeration to say that although that fish is young, he has the most complex relationships, the toughest background, and the strongest backing among all the policemen in the branch!

First adjust the scope of that fish's responsibility, just to use that fish to establish authority.

That fish didn't bounce, so everyone else's job was easy to do.

After all, even a salty fish with such ability, background, connections and a promising future can honestly obey the organization's arrangements. What do you people who are about to retire have to do?

Facts have proved that this move was correct, otherwise the ideological work of the old comrades would not be so easy to do.

Director He was thinking about whether to call Zhang Junyan later and explain that doing so was a last resort. Political Commissar Jiang lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "I said before that as long as those two boats are not moved, the salted fish should not What will you say?"

"Those two boats belong to the Port Supervision Bureau. I can't move them even if I want to."

"That's true."

Political Commissar Jiang didn't think it was a good idea to use Xianyu to establish his authority, and couldn't help but ask: "He Bureau, Xianyu's work performance has been very good since he was transferred to the branch. It's hard to say whether it will affect him if we adjust his work division like this." In terms of future work enthusiasm, should I find an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, or compensate him in some way?"

More than three months after taking office, not only the middle-level cadres took the initiative to report on their work, but many police officers also found opportunities to report on their work, except for that fish.

As the saying goes, listen to what they say and watch what they do.

After more than three months of quiet observation, Bureau He found that the fish had no sense of belonging to the branch. Then thinking that the fish was too young, he said lightly: "Let's talk about the heart-to-heart matters after we finish this time. As for the so-called I don’t think the compensation is necessary.”

It seems that the director doesn't like salted fish and always "goes his own way"!

But Xianyu's situation is different from that of other policemen. In others' eyes, he is "doing his own way", but in fact, he is not a policeman who only does the work assigned by the branch.

The director was focused on team building, but Political Commissar Jiang really didn't know how to explain it, so he simply changed the topic.

At the same time, Han Yu, who rarely came to the office of Bailonggang Police Station, was receiving dock workers Lao Wang and his wife.

"Although he didn't do well in the high school entrance examination, we never scolded him, let alone hit him!"

"Brother Wang, sister-in-law, please don't worry. Your little boy is also seventeen this year, so he should be fine."

"We have searched for his classmates, but they don't know where he went. A living person just disappeared. Can we not be anxious?"

Jiang Ke returned to the city and served as the captain of the crackdown team.

The previous deputy director Zhang Guishan retired early. Although the retirement procedures have not been completed, he has stopped coming to Bailonggang to work since the day before yesterday.

Liu Suo has something to do at home, so he has a day off today.

As the deputy director of Bailonggang Police Station, Han Yu must be on duty at the dock today and is also responsible for receiving police reports. But I didn’t expect that the person who came to call the police was not a tourist, but a terminal employee.

Han Yu picked up the pen and asked: "Sister-in-law, when did you find out that Xiaosheng was missing?"

"He didn't come home the night before yesterday, so I didn't take it seriously at first. But I didn't see him yesterday, so I started looking for him, and now I can't find him!"

"Think about it, where could he go?"

"My family has few relatives, so we have looked for everything we should look for."

"Have you asked your relatives and classmates?"


"Did he say anything in normal times, or did he behave abnormally before this?"

"No, my boy is quite honest, not the kind of lawless kid."

"Does he have any money on him?"

"There should be some pocket money, but not much."

"Is there any money missing from the house?"

"Xianyu, you mean he stole the family's money?"

"It's not stealing the money at home, it's taking it."

"I was just looking for someone, I really didn't think about this."

"Does your family have money?" Han Yu asked.

Lao Wang's wife said without hesitation: "I just withdrew three thousand a few days ago. My cousin wanted to build a house and he borrowed it from us. He didn't come to get it, so we hid the money at home."

Han Yu stood up: "Let's go to your house first and see if the money is there."

Lao Wang said with a grimace: "It is impossible for my boy to steal money. He has never stolen anything since he was a child."

"Brother Wang, I know Xiaosheng is not a bad boy. I watched him grow up, but isn't he gone now? Let's go back and take a look."


Lao Wang's house is actually two dormitories, and they are not far from Han Yu's current dormitory.

The three of them came to the dormitory area of ​​Bailonggang Passenger Terminal. As soon as Mr. Wang entered the dormitory, he opened the big closet and rummaged around, only to find that the three thousand yuan hidden in the closet was missing!

In the past, I encountered children who had run away from home more than once on the Donghai Maritime Bureau’s passenger ships.

Han Yu was not surprised by this and asked them to open the door of Wang Xiaosheng's room and look through the items in Wang Xiaosheng's room.

You won’t know if you don’t read it, but after reading it for a while, you’ll get a clue!

There is a stack of old newspapers on the desk. One of the newspapers contains an advertisement for admissions to a technical school in Gaozhou City, Dongguang Province.

Wang Xiaosheng not only read it, but also marked it.

I checked the desk drawer again and found a diary in which I wrote a lot of thoughts about going out. Judging from the gap in the binding of the book, one page has been torn out.

Han Yuzai looked at it carefully, picked up a pencil from the desk, and lightly painted on the torn out next page.

After a while, a letter left by Wang Xiaosheng at home appeared in front of him.

As expected, the child was going to the technical school in Gaozhou City, Dongguang Province. He took 3,000 yuan from his family and planned to pay tuition to learn how to repair sewing machines.

Looking back at the job advertisements in the newspaper, there are no requirements for academic qualifications. The semester is very short. You can graduate in just three months. Not only will you be issued a mechanic's certificate, but you will also be assigned to work in a garment company in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Wandong and other places. .

The salary is quite high. The probation period is three months, 800 per month, and after the probation period, 1,200 per month...

Lao Wang was dumbfounded and murmured: "Xianyu, do you think Xiaosheng will really go to Dongguang?"

"He left you a letter, but for some unknown reason, he eventually tore it up and didn't leave it in a conspicuous place, or maybe he put it somewhere that you didn't see."

"He is only seventeen this year. Dongguang is so far away. I heard it is quite chaotic there!"

"Don't worry, it will be easy as long as you know the approximate whereabouts. Besides, he is here to learn skills, not to do bad things."

"Now what?"

Han Yu thought for a moment, then raised his head and said: "Our troops are divided into two groups. I will go to the ferry to find Ding Suo and Zhang Suo, and ask them to help ask the ferry staff and the driver of the passing bus if they have seen your family. You guys? Let’s go find the kid who usually plays well with Xiaosheng. It’s impossible for him to leave you a message for such a big deal as going to Dongguang. He is a sensible kid and he definitely doesn’t want to see you worried.”

Lao Wang’s wife asked eagerly: “What then?”

Han Yu picked up the newspaper again, looked at the advertisement in the newspaper and said: "If he is determined to go to Dongguang to make a living, he should have left the day before yesterday and should still be on the way now. There is no use contacting this school now."

"Did you say we'd contact you in two days?"

"Children have self-esteem. If we keep in touch like this, if he finds out, will he be worried about you trying to find him? Will he be worried about you insisting on his coming back? It's hard to say whether he will run away again."

"We only have this child, and we definitely can't let him wander around outside. Besides, you don't have to go to Dongguang to learn technology. He just didn't get into high school. He can go to Binjiang to attend a technical school."

"Sister-in-law, so you want him to come back?"

"He must come back. He is only seventeen, what does he know?"

"Okay, let's split up first. As for how to get the child back, we will study it when we meet in the evening."

Both Lao Wang and his wife work at the dock, so the child should not dare to take a boat to the East China Sea, and then take a train from the East China Sea to Dongguang, because it is easy to meet acquaintances by boat even if his parents are not discovered.

Han Yu rushed to Bainiu Ferry and asked Lao Zhang and Lao Ding to help inquire. Then he returned to the station and called the No. 4 Police Station and asked Shi Shengyong to help find someone to understand the situation in Gaozhou City, Dongguang Province.

After all, there are many companies in Sichang Town, and those companies have many supply and sales staff who travel all over the country. Some of them may have been to Dongguang, so they are well-informed.

China is a humane society, and there is nothing that cannot be solved at the dinner table.

I had a meal with Shi Shengyong some time ago, and now the relationship between the two parties is very harmonious. After waiting for about forty minutes, Shi Shengyong called.

"Yuzhi, I understand. Gaozhou is in the west of Dongguang Province, far away from Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. It is a poor area and the economy is not as developed as ours, Linghai. I think there is something wrong with the school that advertised enrollment in the newspaper. , if there is such a thing as being able to arrange a job and make a lot of money after just three months of training, local people will surely rush to get there, so is there any need to advertise it all over the country?"

"Shi Suo, are there any companies in the Fourth Factory in Gaozhou?"

"It's a poor place. Who would go there if nothing happens? I asked around, but there really isn't one."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, you're welcome. If you have time these two days, let's get together."

"The child of a dock worker ran away from home. I want to help him find the child. I'll ask you when I'm done."

"Okay, you get busy first."

If you are in Donghai, it is easy to find out about a school.

But that’s Dongguang, and I don’t know anyone there!

Han Yu suddenly realized that he had too few friends. He held his chin and racked his brains for a long time. Finally, he remembered someone. He hurriedly picked up the mobile phone sponsored by the customs for the water fire brigade, opened the address book, and found the eldest brother of Secretary Lu of Liangzhuang Township. Use the landline phone in the office to dial the number.

Just like before, after two beeps, the other party hung up.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Secretary Lu called back from the landline. As soon as the call was connected, his familiar and loud voice was heard.

"Xiao Han, have you returned to your hometown?"

"I'm sorry that I haven't returned to my hometown, Secretary Lu, but I took the liberty to call you to ask if you have any friends in Dongguang."

"What's the point of being embarrassed? I have a lot of friends in Dongguang, but what's going on in Dongguang?"

Han Yu knew that he was very busy, so he quickly explained the situation briefly and concisely.

Old Lu was delighted and laughed: "Children these days need to be well managed. They dare to go to Dongguang alone when they are only seventeen years old. It's a coincidence. There are actually people in our Liangzhuang in Gaozhou, army cadres, who were promoted last year The deputy battalion. I have the phone number of their unit. Please tell me the name and address of the technical school. Speak slowly, and I will write it down, and then ask someone to help you find out more about it. "

"Thank you, Secretary Lu!"

"You're welcome. What's the big deal? Tell me your address quickly and I'll ask someone to find out for you."

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