Riverside police

Chapter 331 Arrest!

At eight o'clock in the morning, go to work on time.

As soon as Director Zheng of the Gaozhou Municipal Public Security Bureau Office walked into the foyer, policeman Xiao Liu came up to report: "Director, the deputy captain of the Changhang Public Security Fire Brigade who was here last time is here again, and he is here with the deputy director of the Linghai Municipal Public Security Bureau. Came together."

The Linghai Public Security Bureau had a political commissar who had taken a back seat the day before yesterday. I don't know if he has left. Unexpectedly, a deputy director came here.

This is endless. Don’t you need car travel expenses for business trips?

Director Zheng secretly cursed and asked, "What are they doing here?"

"He came to arrest him, and he came with a formality requesting our cooperation. He has a letter of introduction, a police card, and a detention warrant."

"Catch who?"

"Arrest Lin Hexiang, director of the Academic Affairs Office of Huayuan Polytechnic School, Jiang Yan, the accountant, and Zhang Hongmei, the lover of principal Lin Chunsheng."

It seems that the firefighter surnamed Han came to help some students who dropped out to beg for tuition last time. Lin Chunsheng didn't withdraw. He became angry and moved their city leaders here first. Seeing that their city leaders didn't ask for an explanation, now They came with procedures to arrest people.

Isn’t this just public revenge?

Director Zheng couldn't believe that such a thing happened. He frowned and asked, "Where are the people?"

"They have just arrived. I asked them to wait in the conference room on the second floor."

"Is Director Dai in the office?"

"Dai Ju hasn't arrived yet."

"Let's go, let me meet them first."

Director Zheng put down his briefcase, opened the drawer and took out his notebook. He climbed up to the second floor with Xiao Liu and walked into the small conference room.

Han Yu stood up to greet him and introduced Bureau Li.

Director Zheng quickly raised his hand in salute. The three of them exchanged pleasantries and then sat down to talk about business.

"Director Zheng, I think there is no dispute as to whether Huayuan and several of its main persons in charge are suspected of fraud. If there is not enough evidence, we will not open a case for investigation. We took the liberty of visiting today to handle the case in another place. The procedure requires your bureau’s cooperation.”

Han Yu picked up his mobile phone and looked at the time on the LCD screen, and added: "It's now 8:05. In five minutes, our police officers will take coercive measures against the three people just mentioned, and then follow the procedures Bring it to your bureau first.

If you find it inconvenient to bring him to the bureau, we can take him to the Chengnan Police Station of your bureau, or directly to the hotel, and then you can arrange for the police to participate in the interrogation. In short, we will do everything according to the procedures. We will never come over quietly to arrest someone without saying hello, and then quietly take the person away after catching them. "

Director Li nodded slightly and picked up his phone to check the time.

Director Zheng had a big headache, because according to the case handling procedures, the bureau must provide cooperation, after all, the procedures were complete.

"Director Li, Han Zhi, and you guys came to our jurisdiction to handle the case. I should indeed cooperate. But the case you are investigating is under special circumstances. If you just arrest them like this, what will happen to so many students?"

"Sorry, this is not something we should consider."

"But we have to consider social stability!"

Director Zheng closed his notebook and emphasized: "As far as I know, Lin Chunsheng's wife is also a teacher at Huayuan. The three people you want to arrest are all the main persons in charge of the academic affairs, finance and logistics of Huayuan Polytechnic School. If you just arrest them, the school will definitely fall into chaos, and it is no exaggeration to say that it will be a problem whether thousands of students can eat."

He didn't sleep well at night. Han Yu was a little sleepy. He rubbed his eyes and raised his head and said, "But they are suspected of fraud. They must be held criminally responsible, otherwise the law will do anything."


"Director Zheng, I don't think there are that many. It's impossible for us not to arrest them just because there are students in the school, otherwise they will always have no fear. As long as the school does not close, they will always be able to get away with it!"

"Sorry, I can't make the decision on such a big matter. I have to report to the bureau leader."

"Okay, we can wait."

"Can the arrest be slowed down?"

"No, the only thing I can guarantee is that I won't take anyone away without your permission."

"You can't just arrest people without our consent!"

"Director Zheng, you can ask your legal department if we have the authority to arrest him."

The case belongs to others, and the arrest is also their business.

The reason why people come here is just to request remote cooperation according to regulations, and you must provide cooperation.

If there is a dispute about the case itself or jurisdiction, it can be reported to the superior. If the superior cannot communicate and coordinate, then continue to report, and the final decision will be made by the mutual superior of both parties.

In short, it is impossible to stop them and arrest people.

Director Zheng realized that he was in serious trouble and stood up and said: "Han Zhi and Lin Hexiang are just faculty members of the school, not legal persons of the school. Even if Huayuan is suspected of fraud, you should arrest the principal and vice principal."

While sorting out the arrest procedures on the table, Han Yu said calmly: "Yesterday morning, Lin Chunsheng and other principal criminals were arrested in Shenzheng."

"You arrest Lin Chunsheng!"

"He is suspected of fraud, so of course we have to arrest him. Besides, he is not a deputy to the National People's Congress. There is no need to report to the Gaozhou Municipal People's Congress before arresting him."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The arrest of Lin Chunsheng of Huayuan is no small matter.

Director Zheng did not dare to waste a moment. He walked out of the small conference room and quickly called the director to report.

Dai Ju figured out the whole story, frowned and asked, "Fraud?"

"In their words, the facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, and jurisdiction is not in dispute."

"Huayuan opens in our jurisdiction. How come there is no dispute over jurisdiction?"

"Lin Chunsheng sent people to recruit students there. According to them, there were as many as 227 victims. Their place was also the place where the crimes took place."

Director Zheng thought about it and said with a grimace: "Huang Wenhua understands the situation. The man named Han came to see him when he first came here. He also participated in yesterday's symposium on behalf of the bureau."

It wouldn't matter if Lin Chunsheng was caught for committing other crimes. The key is that he was arrested on suspicion of fraud.

It is unlikely that Lin Chunsheng will be brought back now. If Linghai Public Security and Changhang Public Security are allowed to arrest several responsible persons of Huayuan, it will be tantamount to confirming that Huayuan is suspected of fraud.

This means that the other two dozen vocational training institutions are all scam schools!

Let’s not talk about whether the city’s vocational education industry can continue. Let’s just say that once this is started, Gaozhou is likely to become a cash machine for the public security agencies of other provinces and cities.

Those schools recruit students everywhere. As long as they collect some evidence, they can open a case for investigation, and then learn from each one and arrest people with the procedures.

When the time comes, will you provide collaboration or not?

Bureau Dai realized the seriousness of the problem and said quickly: "Hurry up and notify Huang Wenhua and ask him to go to the bureau immediately. I will report it to the city leaders and see what they say."


"First find a way to stabilize the deputy director of the Linghai Public Security Bureau and the Changhang Public Security Bureau."

"But they're going to arrest you soon!"

Bureau Dai weighed it up, gritted his teeth and said: "They have completed the procedures, so we can only help. Otherwise, you first ask Huang Wenhua to help them take the person to the Chengnan Police Station, but they can only take the person to the Chengnan Police Station. "

The implication of the bureau leader's words was very clear: Linghai police were not allowed to take people away without permission.

Director Zheng said hurriedly: "Yes!"

At 8:10, proceed as planned.

Lao Zhang, Wu Zhengyu, and Zhang Lan, who had just arrived at Huayuan's "headquarters", took out their IDs, opened their clothes and showed off their guns and handcuffs. They pushed away the guard who tried to interfere, walked through the small playground, and walked straight away. Walk into the office of Huayuan Polytechnic School.

"You are……"

"Lin Hexiang, right? We are police officers from the Linghai City Public Security Bureau. This is our ID. You are now being detained in accordance with the law. Please cooperate!"

"Detain...detain me for what."

"You should know what you did. Stand still. The detention warrant will be read out now."

Lin Hexiang was dumbfounded when he encountered such a thing just after he got to work.

A woman in her thirties who was sitting in a corner office and dressed very coquettishly stood up and asked in Mandarin with a local accent: "Where is the Linghai Public Security Bureau? We have never heard of it!"

"Yeah, why do you Linghai police come to our place to detain people? I want to call the police." Lin Hexiang reacted and reached for the phone.

"Be honest!" Wu Zhengyu grabbed him and quickly put handcuffs on him with a click.

Zhang Lanze walked up to the woman and said coldly: "Jiang Yan, right? You don't know us, but we know you, and you are also detained."

"Why should you arrest me? Don't try to wrongly accuse a good person!"

"Dare to take action!"

Although Zhang Lan is an accountant at the Linghai Public Security Bureau, she also attended the police academy for three years.

He had participated in physical training and learned grappling and fighting. When he saw Jiang Yan actually wanting to make a move, he raised his arm to block her and pushed her into the corner.

Lao Zhang immediately took out the handcuffs and, with the assistance of Zhang Lan, quickly handcuffed Jiang Yan behind her back.

Jiang Yan roared, struggled, and shouted in the local dialect. In a blink of an eye, the outside of the office was filled with people, and many students ran over to watch the excitement.

At this time, the sound of a motorcycle engine came from outside.

Lao Zhang pulled out his pistol and was standing ready when he saw a colleague wearing a big-brimmed hat squeezing in while shouting.

"Director Huang, you came just in time. He came from nowhere. He wronged us and wants to arrest us." Lin Hexiang seemed to have met his savior and started to struggle.

"Why do people come so far to catch you? Don't you have any idea?"

Comrade Lao Huang glared at him and quickly took out his ID: "Who is Zhang from the police station? I am Huang Wenhua from the Chengnan Police Station. The leader of our bureau asked me to assist you."

"I am."

"Zhang Suo, nice to meet you."

Lao Huang put away the certificate and asked in a consultative tone: "Zhang Suo, this is not the place to talk, and it's not far from our office. Why don't you bring the person to our office first?"

Lao Zhang put away his gun and took out his "Big Brother": "Sorry, I have to call the leader of our bureau first for instructions."

"Bureau Li and Han are in our bureau, and they asked you to bring them to our office first. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask."

"Okay, let me ask first."

At the same time, Jiang Hai, Xiao Gong and Han Ning have controlled Huayuan's logistics director, Lin Chunsheng's wife Zhang Hongmei, in the "branch branch".

The "branch branch" is nearby, not far from the Chengnan Police Station.

Liu, the deputy chief of the Chengnan Police Station, arrived immediately, explained the situation clearly, used a walkie-talkie to talk to Han Yu who was waiting in the station in front of the three people, and then took Zhang Dongmei to the police station with the three people.

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