Riverside police

Chapter 340 Funding needs to be considered

Han Yu had flown directly from the East China Sea to Hong Kong a few years ago, and went to the Wharf Container Terminal in Hong Kong to replace crew members who had been kicked off the ship by foreign captains and shipowners.

So I am not very curious about flying, but rather a little scared.

This may have something to do with the industry you are engaged in. Although there are risks when a ship sails on a river or sea, as a senior crew member, you can control it to a certain extent.

It's different when flying. Once you get on the plane, you are giving your life to others. This is the same as a driver who is afraid of sitting in a car driven by someone else.

But this was my first time going to the capital. I was really excited when I thought about Tiananmen, the Forbidden City, and the Great Wall that I had seen countless times on TV and in textbooks.

It’s just that I was too tired and sleepy these days, and I took a night flight. I fell asleep as soon as I got on the plane. I was woken up by the stewardess and found out that I was about to land. I quickly put away the small table and adjusted the seat to its original position. Location.

At 11:27 in the evening, the plane landed safely.

I took my carry-on luggage, got off the plane and got on the shuttle bus, and rushed to the "arrival" exit. I saw Director Feng in a white short-sleeved shirt waiting outside.

"Director Feng, it's so late, why did you come to pick him up in person?"

"I even ate in person." Feng Changzheng patted his arm and asked with a smile, "Why is there just one bag and no other luggage?"

"No, I'm on a business trip to Dongguang. It's so hot in Dongguang, so I just need to bring a few changes of clothes."

"The capital is not cool either." Director Feng grabbed the bag, turned around and said with a smile, "This is not the place to talk. The car is in the parking lot. Let's go to the car and talk."

"Okay, I'll take it myself."

"I brought you here from such a far away place, so I should help you carry your bag."

Han Yu hurriedly said: "You are the leader."

Bureau Feng laughed and said: "If you don't go to Shenzhen, you won't know how much money there is, and if you don't come to the capital, you won't know how to be an official. In the capital, someone like me is really not a leader. If it weren't for the fact that the children are here, I wouldn't be transferred. Come here."

His son also served in the army, but he was in the army. He transferred to a unit in the capital. His son, daughter-in-law and grandson are all here. The transfer can reunite the whole family.

Han Yu was happy for Director Feng from the bottom of his heart and couldn't help but ask: "Director Feng, what are you responsible for at COSCO?"

"The shipping company is also equivalent to the national defense reserve force. I am mainly responsible for dealing with the veteran troops, whether they are busy or not. Besides, I am fifty-seven years old, and I was transferred from the transportation system, so I cannot take advantage of others. Location."

"What about the salary?"

"The salary is okay, but I'm just not used to the climate here. It's extremely hot in the summer and extremely cold in the winter. In the spring, catkins are flying everywhere, and in the autumn, the sky is windy and dusty, and the air is so dry. In terms of climate and environment, it's really not as good as the Yangtze River. The cities along the route are good.”

The capital is so hot that I break out into a sweat as soon as I step outside.

The two came to the parking lot, and a middle-aged driver quickly opened the door.

Director Feng got into the car, motioned to the driver to drive, and talked about business.

"Xianyu, I have received your passport. I will help you apply for a visa tomorrow morning. COSCO is different from other units. With so many branches, people go abroad almost every month. You can apply for it at noon the day after tomorrow at the latest. Wait until the visa is processed. Okay, I’ll help you book a flight to Munich.”

"Going to Munich?"

"There are no direct flights from the capital to Helsinki. If you have to transfer in Munich or Frankfurt, you can actually go to Moscow first and transfer from Moscow. But it is more convenient to transfer from Munich, and the air tickets are cheaper."

Han Yu asked: "How many people are going?"

Director Feng handed over a bottle of mineral water and said lightly: "It's just you, no one else."

"Let me go alone!"

"Don't you dare to travel far alone?"

"It's not like I've never been abroad. As long as I can speak English, it should be no problem to transfer by myself. It's such an important job, is it appropriate for me to go alone?"

The driver was politically reliable. Director Feng was not worried about leaking secrets. He explained with a smile: "This is both a task and a business. The Equipment Department of the General Staff and the Navy are equivalent to the cargo owners, and we, COSCO, are equivalent to the freight forwarders. The cargo owners are cash-strapped, so we don't care. Whatever you do, you have to consider funding and costs.”

Han Yu couldn't believe his ears and asked doubtfully: "I have spent a lot of money, but I still care about this little money."


"real or fake?"

"I'm not going to lie to you. You may not believe it when I tell you. In order to safely transport the submarine back, the Equipment Department of the General Staff, the Navy, and COSCO set up a transfer working group. There are only four people in total including the translator of the General Staff."

Han Yu asked in surprise: "Four people are going to do such a big thing?"

Director Feng nodded and said very seriously: "The comrade from the Navy was temporarily transferred in like you. He participated in a defense exhibition in France half a month ago. As soon as he received the order, he flew to St. Petersburg alone. Funds are tight. , they have to save money no matter what they do, and they will never go out to restaurants if they can eat instant noodles, because restaurants are not only expensive but also require tips.

The difficulties they encountered abroad are also unimaginable. We spent more than 200 million US dollars to introduce two submarines and saved their shipyard and even a city. However, during the acceptance, trial, and handover, they also set up many obstacles for us. Even make things difficult for us. "

It is not easy to deal with foreigners.

But it’s impossible not to buy it, because our skills are inferior to others.

Han Yu was silent for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Have you handed over yet? Where is the submarine now?"

"The handover has been completed. We have just found a tugboat to tow out the Lenin Waterway. However, it is not all smooth sailing. The city of St. Petersburg is holding a farewell party, but their port supervision department actually found various excuses to fine us. Comrades from the transshipment working group are saying goodbye A strong protest was made at the meeting and the matter was finally settled.”

Director Feng took a deep breath and continued: "It's too expensive to find a taxi over there. In order to save money, the comrades in the transshipment team rented a van and went to various departments over there to handle various procedures for renting tugs and leaving the port. At the same time, we must provide logistical support for the officers, soldiers and experts on the boat.”

I can imagine that the members of the transshipment working group are all leaders at home, but they are running around abroad. They have to protest when they should protest, and they have to bow their heads and beg for help when they need to. They are not familiar with the place, and they don’t even have much funds. A penny should be broken in half and spent.

The more Han Yu thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. He asked in a low voice: "Should I meet up with the transshipment working group and report to the leader of the transshipment working group?"

"You go directly to the shipping company that transports the submarine, and the comrades from the transshipment team will also go there. Once the submarine is safely loaded onto the semi-submersible ship, they will fly back home."

"Are they going back to China first?"

"They have to report to their superiors and make preparations for acceptance and even acceptance of the second submarine."

"Me and the naval crew who received the submarine will come back with the ship?"

"Well, there are also two Russian experts and two domestic ship experts."

"Where's COSCO?"

"only you."

Director Feng rolled down the car window a crack, took out his cigarette and lit it, took several puffs, and then said: "I only arrange for you to go alone, firstly because of the cost, and secondly because there are too many people going. The captain and crew will certainly not be happy or even agree.

After all, there are dozens of sailors in the navy alone, plus four experts from the two countries, and they have to eat, drink, and sleep on other people's ships.

And this is a semi-submersible ship that is similar to a special cargo ship, and it is not a passenger ship. It has already caused a lot of trouble to others, and it cannot cause more trouble to others. "

A semi-submersible ship is actually a kind of cargo ship. There is a crew cabin on the cargo ship, but it is prepared for the senior crew and mechanic sailors of the cargo ship.

With so many people arriving at once, the navy officers and soldiers could make do with living in the submarine, but four experts couldn't make do with it. After all, the accommodation environment of submarines is notoriously poor. And it is definitely not possible to light a fire for cooking in a submarine, which requires the use of the semi-submersible's kitchen or even a cold storage.

It is no exaggeration to say that even the toilet has to be borrowed from others.

The living facilities originally prepared for a few people are now used by so many people, which will undoubtedly bring various inconveniences to them, and foreigners attach great importance to these.

It also involves a confidentiality issue. If COSCO arranges for a few more people to go there, they will definitely have to stay outside the submarine. The superiors will never allow irrelevant personnel to board the submarine, including myself as a "security officer."

Han Yu roughly understood that the main reason why his superiors sent him, a policeman, to participate in the transfer was that although he was not good at anything, he knew a little bit about everything.

One person can serve as the captain of several people, so that there is no need to cause more trouble to the ship, and it can also save money.

Director Feng didn't know what Xianyu was thinking, so he smiled and said: "Tomorrow morning, the leader of the General Staff Equipment Department will meet with you. If you don't have anything to do in the afternoon, you can rest for half a day. You brought too few clothes and it will be very cold when you go to sea. I will arrange for someone tomorrow afternoon. I’ll take you to buy some clothes.”

"I...I have more than six hundred yuan with me."

"Don't worry, no matter how tight the funds are, you still have enough money to buy clothes. Besides, what is really tight is foreign exchange. I almost forgot, you are working for our COSCO. I reported it to the company leader, and the company leader said, the task is completed. After that, we will give you a subsidy according to the standard of an ocean mate going to sea."

No one would mind the money being too much, and besides, the work is not easy to do.

Han Yu grinned and said, "Thank you, Bureau Feng."

"This must be your first time in the capital."


"Do you want to see Tiananmen?"

"Yes, I also want to see the flag raised."

"No problem. I will arrange for someone to take you to Tiananmen Square tomorrow morning to watch the flag raising. After watching the flag raising, we will go to the General Staff Equipment Department."

Thinking that he was a shipping police officer and was transferred from the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, Han Yu asked: "Bureau Feng, should I report to the Ministry of Transport first?"

"No, I'll call your department early tomorrow morning and tell them you've arrived."

"Then I'm going to Helsinki alone. Can the company advance me some US dollars first? I know the company will help book the tickets, but I can't go out without money."

"Don't worry, your superiors have thought of it and prepared two thousand dollars for you."

What can two thousand dollars do...

Han Yu was stunned, but when he thought that the transshipment working group saved so much, he felt that two thousand dollars was a lot. After all, COSCO helped book the air tickets. Once he met with the transshipment working group in Helsinki, he no longer had to worry about money. He spent a lot of money along the way. There isn’t much room for money.

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