Riverside police

Chapter 35 Technical Expert

Whether building barges or pontoons, they are all centered around the "flagship" of the law enforcement rescue ship.

There were no conditions before, but now there are conditions. Xu Sanye decided to speed up ship repairs. The dock berths on the riverside have been built, but the law enforcement and rescue ships have been delayed in arriving.

In view of the fact that tugboat repair is not all technical work, there is also a lot of physical work.

For example, if you need to remove rust from the inside and outside of the tugboat, you just need to shovel it first and then grind it slowly with a grinder or even sandpaper. How long will it take?

Boss Wu can arrange for workers to do unskilled work.

At least for those technical jobs, Xiao Xianyu's brother-in-law can find a few more masters from Binjiang Port to help with them in his spare time.

Fifteen yuan a day, and lunch is provided.

Boss Wu asked Boss Wu to pay the wages and food expenses first, and the account was paid from the "Yanjiang Police Station Infrastructure Project" invested by the Linghai County Public Security Bureau, and finally settled with the bureau together.

From Ding Jiao's point of view, a lot of money has been spent, and there is no point in settling small accounts. There is no need to make Xu Sanye angry because of this matter. Besides, it is really unreasonable to let a half-year-old child repair three boats, so he agreed immediately.

Zhang Jiangkun was very happy to be able to help his brother-in-law and earn some extra money.

This weekend, I called two apprentices with motorcycles and rushed to the shipyard early in the morning to do private work.

Master Xu, the electrician who was here last time, also came. As soon as he arrived at the shipyard, he changed into work clothes, put on a safety helmet and gloves, put on a belt full of various tools, and picked up the wires, cables and various things that Boss Wu helped to purchase. Switching electrical appliances and wiring on board.

Zhang Jiangkun and his two apprentices took the time to dismantle the windlass, while Han Yu continued to maintain the main engine and was very busy.

The starter motor is broken and needs to be replaced with a new one.

The battery is broken and needs to be replaced with a new one.

There are too many things to purchase, and it is all left to the shipyard. Who knows whether they will make a profit on the price difference.

Zhang Lan was entrusted with the important task by the instructor and was fully responsible for the purchase of relevant equipment needed for the law enforcement rescue ship, and at the same time, reviewed the purchase of equipment needed for the barge.

Building a barge is not as simple as imagined. In fact, it is very professional and is a special ship. For Boss Wu, it is the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair.

The public security needs barges, and the harbor supervision, fishery administration and other departments will definitely need them in the future too!

Boss Wu thought this was a business opportunity and wanted to use Xu Sanye's barge as a model project for special ships for the shipyard. He never thought about making money through purchasing on behalf of the shipyard, and was happy to leave all those troublesome matters to the people of the Public Security Bureau.

He himself took Zhou Gong and two masters to spend two days to visit and study the unit with a barge across the river. After returning, he asked Zhou Gong to quickly design and draw pictures, while he was busy making more detailed budgets.

The leaders of the Public Security Bureau said when they re-signed the contract last time that the investment was so huge, but they didn’t know where the money was being spent.

Taking into account the future final accounts and whether he would be able to get the money at that time, he proposed to hold a "plan discussion meeting."

Please ask the leaders of the Public Security Bureau and Xu Sanye to confirm the design drawings that he has worked all night long next week, as well as the budget he has made after inquiring and calculating profits. Then you can confidently and boldly purchase raw materials and related equipment and even construction.

Xu Sanye felt it was necessary and immediately asked Zhang Lan to call Ding Jiao.

Ding Jiao thought that 250,000 yuan was just a budget. No one knew how much it would cost in the end. What if it was exceeded?

He did not dare to make a decision, so he proposed to ask relevant personnel to bring drawings and budgets to the bureau for a meeting at eight o'clock in the evening, so that Director Yang and Director Shen, who was in charge of financial logistics, could be invited to attend.

Zhang Lan knew that Xu Sanye did not want to go to the bureau, so he carefully conveyed Ding Jiao's intention.

Xu Sanye really didn't like going to the bureau and scolded him as "the wall guy has no responsibility and courage", but for the sake of work, he finally asked Han Yu to inform Boss Wu and Zhou Gong to meet at the office on time at 7:30.

Because of this, I stopped working at 5:30 today and had dinner on time at 6:00.

After eating and drinking, I sent my brother-in-law and other helpers away, rested for a while, got into the three-wheeled bucket, and went to the meeting with the leaders.

Zhang Lan, Factory Director Liu, Boss Wu and Worker Zhou took a jeep from the Bailonggang Police Station and followed Biansanwan.

It was only half past seven when we arrived at the bureau. Bureau Yang and Bureau Shen happened to be not busy, so the meeting started half an hour early.

Logically speaking, this meeting should be presided over by Ding Jiao. Xu Sanye felt that Ding Jiao was too indecisive and did not hesitate to deprive Ding Jiao of the right to preside over the meeting.

"Bureau Yang, Lao Shen, comrades, our Yanjiang Police Station can be said to be a pioneer in the field of water law enforcement in the entire Binjiang and even the entire province. When we decided to build the wharf berth, I told Manager Wu to focus on the next twenty years..."

Han Yu saw the director for the first time and sat with him for a meeting. He was nervous and a little excited.

I just never thought that Xu Sanye was more like the director than the director, and he was so wild when he got to the bureau.

Director Yang was expressionless, Director Shen sat next to Director Yang and smoked a cigarette. Director Ding's face was ugly. Director Wang, who had planned to attend the meeting, stepped into the conference room, but when he saw Xu Sanye talking, he excused himself and left.

As Xu Sanye's subordinate, Han Yu was really embarrassed.

He quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at the bureau leader again.

"Comrades, when I say we need to focus on the next twenty years, I am not singing a high-key tone. Just take a look at the law enforcement rescue ship being repaired by Xianyu. It was a tugboat built in 1960. As long as it is repaired, it will be It works. I asked Master Zhang from Binjiang Port Authority for advice, and he said that as long as it is well maintained, it will be fine for another twenty years!"

Xu Sanye looked back at Bureau Yang and Bureau Shen, and then looked around at everyone: "Next, let's ask the weekly workers of Bailonggang Shipyard to report on the design plan. Director Liu, we don't understand much, please help check it. If there are any deficiencies or If it’s not comprehensive, please help us point it out.”


"Old Ding, Lao Shen, Xiao Zhang, please raise any issues related to the budget in time. The construction period is very tight, and time is not waiting for me. Whether it is the plan or the budget, it must be finalized tonight."

Xu Sanye was up and down and high-spirited when he suddenly found that the boss, Butler Shen and Zhang Lan were all looking at Director Yang. He suddenly felt very embarrassed and could only turn around and ask: "Director Yang, is this arrangement okay?"

Director Yang coughed dryly and said slowly: "Let's get started."

"Okay, Zhou Gong, let's get started."

This is at the Public Security Bureau!

Zhou Gong had never experienced such a scene before. His hands holding a large roll of drawings were trembling, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Manager Wu was anxious when something went wrong at the critical moment, but he didn’t know much about professional skills. Seeing that Xianyu was also worried about Zhou Gong, he suggested in desperation: "Dear leaders, our Zhou Gong will only work hard, not too much." I would say, why don’t you let Xiao Han help you report.”

Xu Sanye was embarrassed just now, and he was even more embarrassed now. After all, he was the one who found Party B. He said unhappily: "This is the drawing you designed!"

"Xiao Han also participated in the design. Xiao Han helped draw several drawings."

"Is this happening?"

"Really, if you don't believe me, you can ask Xiao Han."

The marine technology major has an important course called mechanical drawing.

Next, you have to take a self-study exam. You can study other things by yourself. Mechanical drawing cannot be done by self-study alone.

Han Yu saw that Zhou Gong was busy drawing drawings these days, so he naturally would not miss this opportunity to learn. He went to the shipyard office every day at noon, morning and evening to watch Zhou Gong draw drawings.

At first, I just watched and asked. Later, I helped draw and barely participated in the design.

Just when he didn't know what to say, Zhou Gong felt as if he had met a savior and said eagerly: "Xiao Han, help me. You report, and I will show you the drawings."

It's too humiliating and we can't remain silent any longer.

Xu Sanye had no choice but to say with a gloomy face: "Xiao Han, go ahead and hurry up."


Han Yu didn't expect to have to fight for Zhou Gong, so he could only bite the bullet and walk in front of everyone.

I looked back at the first drawing that Zhou Gong showed, and recalled what Zhou Gong said during the drawing. I took a few deep breaths, adjusted my mood, and reported nervously.

“Dear leaders, this is the design plan that Zhou Gong came up with based on Xu’s request, after inspecting the four barges of the relevant law enforcement departments, and in accordance with the relevant national regulations.

The construction scale of this project is a floating dock for berthing hundreds of tons of law enforcement ships. It is divided into six parts. I will first report to the leaders on the main project, which is the design plan of the barge. The barge is 33 meters long and 11 meters wide. The design draft is 1.5 meters.

The main hull is divided into several parts by five transverse bulkheads and one longitudinal bulkhead. The bow and stern are anchor chain cabins, and the rest, except the pump room and storage compartment, are empty cabins. Each empty cabin is equipped with appropriate fixed ballast according to the draft and floating state of the ship..."

Talk eloquently and sound professional.

Xu Sanye felt that he had regained some face and smiled.

Director Yang, Director Shen and Instructor Ding were surprised and looked surprised.

Zhang Lan already knew that Xiao Xianyu knew technology and could repair machines, but he didn't expect that he would speak eloquently and secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Reporting the design plan was not about anything else... Han Yu was reminded by Zhou Gong constantly pointing to the relevant positions and data on the drawings. Not only was he not nervous, but he gradually got into the mood.

"In terms of structure and materials, this ship is made of steel, with a single deck and a single bottom. The main hull is of longitudinal frame type, and the deck house is of transverse frame type. From bow to stern, No. 8, 24, 40, 56, and 72 No. 5 watertight transverse bulkheads are installed at the places I pointed at."

"In the middle of the ship, that is, from here to here, a longitudinal bulkhead is set up across the bow and stern; the entire outer plate and the bow and stern sealing plates are made of eight millimeters thick steel plates. The main deck is seven millimeters, the bulkhead plate is six millimeters, and the deck The outdoor perimeter siding is also made of six millimeter thick steel plates..."

Bureau Yang, Bureau Shen and Jiao Ding were surprised just now, but as they listened, they became surprised.

This is not an iron hull without power. This is clearly a ship of nearly a hundred tons, but without an engine, it has everything that other ships should have.

There are six large anchors at the bow and stern, one anchor weighing five tons!

To install several chain anchor machines, what kind of steel chain brakes, simple anchor abandoners, horizontal guide wheel cable rollers should be equipped...

The buildings on the ship use light steel keel structures, and the walls are made of steel plates, which are lined with 50 mm of fire-proof and heat-insulating rock wool, and the base layer is made of nine-centimeter boards.

The engine section has pump rooms and bilge water, as well as fire protection systems.

The electrical part has several switch cabinets, which need to be connected to 380-volt three-phase electricity. What signal light control panels, general broadcast alarm panels, and ship-wide comprehensive alarm panels need to be installed, and what lighting, navigation, and signaling systems need to be installed.

"Xiao Han, let me interrupt."

"Instructor, tell me."

"This is a barge parked on the riverside. What do you want these systems to do?"

“The design of Zhougong is in accordance with national regulations on shipbuilding, and the North Branch Channel of the Yangtze River is always silted up. In the most serious cases, more than one meter of sediment can be deposited overnight.

This kind of thing has happened before. It happened once in the Bailong Port Channel last year. So many passenger ships were stranded, and none of them could move. "

Seeing that several bureau leaders seemed to understand, Han Yu explained vividly while gesticulating: "If such a situation occurs, half of the bottom of the ship may be stranded with siltation, and the other half may not be siltated. It's okay if the tide rises, but if the tide falls, it will cause The barge tilted or even rolled over!"

Xu Sanye raised his head and took over the conversation: "The reason why this project is called a floating dock is because it floats on the water. In the future, we will not only enforce the law on the river, but also work on the river. Comrades, safety issues are no small matter.

And I just made it very clear that we must focus on the future!

In other words, we now have the water law enforcement base in Bailong Port, but no one can guarantee whether we will move the base in the future.

If necessary, the law enforcement rescue ship will tow the barge on the river and tow the barge to a new place. So apart from lack of motivation, everything else should be there. "

"Okay, Xiao Han, please continue."

Ding Jiao didn't want to be forced to step down by Xu Sanye in front of so many people.

Han Yu quickly responded with a yes and continued to help Zhou Gong with his report. He only talked about the barge part for forty-five minutes.

Then there are steel approach bridges, steel access bridges, steel pontoons, supporting mooring facilities for barges, anti-collision piles, and concrete steel approach bridge piers on the shore, etc.

Steel is so expensive, so much steel needs to be used. Even wires, cables and switches need to be made specifically for ships.

Director Yang was secretly stunned when he heard this, and finally understood why naval construction was so difficult.

It costs so much to build a floating dock for mooring law enforcement ships. How much does it cost to build a warship and a military port?

"Next, I will report to the leaders on the cathodic protection part..."

Han Yu's mouth went dry as he talked, and Zhou Gong kept showing the drawings. The whole thing was on a humanoid stand, and his arms were sore.

Director Yang noticed that Xiao Xianyu's voice was a little hoarse. Seeing Zhou Gong secretly rubbing his arms, he turned around and said, "Sanye, take a rest for five minutes, let Xiao Han drink some water, and let Zhou Gong take a break."

"Okay, let's rest for five minutes first. Comrades who need to relieve themselves should go to the toilet immediately."

Xu Sanye was very satisfied with Zhou Gong's design plan, and even more satisfied with Xiao Xianyu's report. After adjourning the meeting, he took out a rare cigarette and handed one to Director Yang: "Director Yang, what do you think of this design plan?"

No one else cares about things on the river, but you must.

It costs hundreds of thousands to build a pier. It would be a bad idea to do something with this money.

This was a false promise. Director Yang felt heartbroken when he thought about it. He took the cigarette and said calmly: "It's good, but...it's just a bit expensive."

Xu Sanye lit a cigarette and said plausibly: "What are the funds for? They are used to spend them! Director Yang, you should think about it the other way around, what if there are not these hundreds of thousands?"

In front of so many people, Director Yang was too lazy to pay attention to him. He raised his head and said, "Xiao Han, you are right. I heard from the instructor that you are a technical expert who can repair machines and ships. I didn't expect that you are not only good at repairing, but also professional." The theoretical level is also very high, and I can also design.”

"Report to Director Yang, I don't know how to design. This was taught to me by Zhou Gong..."

"Did Zhou Gong teach you?"

"I'm learning mechanical drawing from Zhou Gong."

Even if you are learning and selling now, you will definitely not be able to do it without some basic knowledge.

Director Yang suddenly felt that it would be good to have a policeman who understood technology, and asked with a smile: "You just talked about cathodic protection, what does cathodic protection do?"

"Reporting to Bureau Yang, cathodic protection is an electrochemical protection technology. It means applying current to the surface of a metal structure that is easily corroded, and the protected structure becomes the cathode, which can suppress the electron migration caused by metal corrosion and avoid... Rather, it reduces the occurrence of corrosion."

Afraid that the director wouldn't understand, Han Yu thought about it and added: "It's equivalent to anti-rust. If these anti-corrosion measures are not taken, the ship will soon rust, and even be so rusty that it cannot be used."

Director Yang really didn't understand much. Seeing that he spoke clearly and eloquently, he couldn't help but smile: "Since you understand the technology, you have to participate in the entire construction project. After the completion, you can use it better and maintain it better."


"Water policing has high requirements for professional skills. You are young, professional and relevant, so you must study hard and work hard."


Yang Ju's words are serious and thoughtful, and he is good at guiding.

Han Yu was flattered and said yes repeatedly.

Xu Sanye looked at this and muttered to himself, thinking to himself now that he knows that Xianyu is a little technical expert, what have you done? At that time, you thought he was young and short, so you sent him to my place.

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