Riverside police

Chapter 348: Cooking raw rice into cooked rice

Some things can be hidden for a while, but not for long.

For example, to freeze the funds of the heads of the two shipping companies involved in the case, procedures need to be issued by the Changhang Shipping Branch, and these procedures need to be signed by the director.

Sister Liu, who stayed behind in Binjiang, prepared the procedures and knocked on the door of Bureau He's office.

Bureau He took over the procedure and thought he had made a mistake. He was stunned for a while and then asked in surprise: "6.78 million, did you fill it in wrong?"

"No, I couldn't believe it at first. I called Xiao Han, Jiang Ke and Shen Suo to confirm again and again. They said it was correct."

"Why are there so many? Are these all stolen money?"

"It should be. I don't know the specific situation very well. How about calling Xiao Han and Jiang Ke?"

"Wait a minute, I'll call and ask."


"Go call the political commissar."


Is Xianyu’s lover and Lao Jiang investigating a fake evidence case? Even if a set of fake certificates can be sold for 1,000 yuan, how many fake certificates will be sold to make an illegal profit of more than 6 million yuan...

Director He had never seen so much money before. He was so shocked that he picked up the phone and quickly contacted Lao Jiang. I don’t know if Lao Jiang’s mobile phone is out of battery, and the voice prompt is not in the service area.

I could only do the next best thing, open the drawer and take out the phone book. After rummaging for three or four minutes, I found the mobile phone number that Han Xiangning left when he last came here.

At this time, Political Commissar Jiang walked in: "He Bureau, what's wrong?"

"Lao Jiang, take a look at this first."

Bureau He handed over the signature procedures that Sister Liu had just sent to Political Commissar Jiang and continued to make the call.

Political Commissar Jiang took it and looked at it. He was also stunned. He stared at the situation and hesitated to speak.

"Xiao Han, I am He Bin from the Changhang Branch. I just saw your application for freezing the funds of the company involved in the case. It's 6.78 million. How can there be so much?"

"He Bureau, this is what happened..."

Knowing that he couldn't hide it for too long, Han Xiangning suppressed a smile and reported the case in detail.

Bureau He roughly figured it out, and was extremely excited. He held the phone tightly and smiled: "It turns out that they not only produced and sold fake certificates, but also used the fake certificates to induce crew members to sign up and participate in the sea-going ship crew training they illegally organized, and then took the exam." , use the false evidence as the basis to obtain the real certificate, and then introduce the crew to the ship."

"Yes, it's because they made illegal profits in every aspect, so the amount involved was relatively large."

"Have all the people involved been arrested?"

"All of them have been arrested. The three from Hui'an, Xijiang and Yangzhou were arrested yesterday. We are escorting them back to Linghai."

Han Xiangning had just arrived in the provincial capital of Hui'an and planned to take a rest before heading to Buben early tomorrow morning.

She took a sip of the freshly boiled water, lay down comfortably on the hotel bed, and continued: "The heads of the two shipping companies who used fake certificates will freeze their illegal gains at this stage and will not escort them back. "

"Why not catch them back? The amount involved is so large that they can definitely be held criminally responsible. What if they run away?"

"Their family's great career cannot be run away. They have backgrounds and connections in the local area. There are people interceding for them, and they are all within the system. Considering that the subsequent evidence collection will require help from others, Jiang Ke decided to release them on bail pending trial."

"What about illegal gains?"

"The money must be frozen. The superiors attach great importance to it. What should be seized must be seized, and what should be confiscated must be confiscated."

"That's good. I will notify the finance department to set up a special account. Those that can be frozen will be frozen first, and those that are not necessary will be put into the special account."

The case now belongs to the Changhang Branch.

Han Xiangning didn't want the funds he had worked so hard to get to go to waste, and said bluntly: "He Ju, Xianyu had planned to build a new ship in ten years, mainly because he had no money. He wanted to save enough money in ten years to build a new ship. Build. Now that we have money, we don’t have to wait another ten years.”

The two shipping companies took in 6.78 million, plus the stolen money seized from Zhang Guoqiang and others who forged and sold fake certificates, there must be 7 million.

Turn over 30% to the Changhang Public Security Bureau, and the branch still has nearly 5 million.

The branch office had been living under the influence of others for decades and did not even have its own office space. How much can it do with nearly five million people!

For example, ask the Port Authority for a piece of land to build your own office building.

Another example is to purchase a few more police cars, or even consider building a dormitory building.

Director He was not interested in building new ships and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, 001 can still be used for more than ten years. You are a family member of our branch. You know the situation of the branch very well. Even if we build it now, there will not be so many sailors." Ships, officers who understand engines.”

Han Xiangning had already thought about how to respond, and even communicated with Sister Zhu. He sat up and said, "Bureau He, 001 belongs to our Port Supervision Bureau, not your branch. Our bureau is in urgent need of boats that can perform rescue and fire-fighting missions. Our Director Zhu said that when Xianyu’s new boat is built, 001 will be handed over to the water rescue center.”

"You can't do this. This is not burning the bridge."

"There is no burning bridges. Lending 001 to Xianyu is a transition."

"But it doesn't cost four to five million to build a new ship."

"Who said that?"

Han Xiangning asked back, and said seriously: "The price of everything is rising now, and it is not cheap to build a new ship. Moreover, it is a law enforcement rescue ship, not an ordinary ship, and the cost will be higher. I estimate that it is not necessarily four to five million." enough.

He Ju asked in a low voice: "What ship is so expensive?"

"To build a new law enforcement rescue ship, it must be able to tow large-tonnage cargo ships, be equipped with the most advanced fire-fighting system, and have advanced electronic equipment. The two port tugboats in Binjiang Port cost more than 6 million each. , to build a law enforcement and rescue ship that is about the same power as a Hong Kong tug, has more complete functions than a Hong Kong tug, and has more advanced electronic equipment than a Hong Kong tug, four to five million is definitely not enough.”

Afraid that He Bureau might not believe it, Han Xiangning stressed: "If you don't believe it, you can ask the Zhou Bureau of the Agricultural Bureau. Their fishery administration detachment is building a 500-ton fishery administration ship that will be launched soon. The budget alone is more than 10 million. I will definitely wait until it is completed." more than."

Is there any mistake? Why does the branch want to build such an expensive ship?

Director He and Political Commissar Jiang looked at each other and asked with a wry smile: "Xiao Han, how powerful a new ship does your Xianyu want to build?"

Han Xiangning said without hesitation: "Either don't build it, or at least build one with more than 1,440 kilowatts, twin engines, twin rudders, and twin propellers, and it must be able to tow 10,000-ton cargo ships."

"Your Xianyu is planning to build a tugboat, but we are the Public Security Bureau, not the port authority. What do we need a tugboat for?"

"Fire rescue, for example, if a fire breaks out on a 10,000-ton oil tanker, and the tanker happens to be anchored at the oil company's terminal, do you need to tow it away quickly, otherwise it will cause a chain explosion. Or if you encounter a 10,000-ton cargo ship in the waterway, If a fire breaks out, should we tow it away from the main channel as soon as possible, otherwise the channel will be blocked?"

"Let's wait until your salted fish comes back to discuss such a big matter."

"What game, do you want to regret it?"

"What are you regretting?"

"You promised me, and you also gave me a preferential policy for salted fish. No matter how much is confiscated or how much is returned, it will be used to build new ships. You are the leader, you can't keep your word."

How much is face worth...

Besides, if you can use this money for unit construction, you will gain face with other subordinates, and even more face with superiors.

Director He made up his mind not to let Xianyu mess around, and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, it's not that I don't keep my word, it's mainly because it involves such a large investment, and I can't say it alone. The branch office must open a party committee to study it. Yes, the results of the research must be reported to the Changhang Public Security Bureau for instructions.”

You just don't keep your words!

Han Xiang Ning cursed and said lightly: "But the construction of the new ship has been decided. What's the situation? If you regret it, how can I help Xianyu explain it to the leaders of other units?"

"What's settled, who do I need to explain to?"

"Didn't I just say that if you want to build a new ship, four to five million won't be enough. You have to continue begging and soliciting sponsorships."

“Who do you want to beg for help, who do you seek sponsorship from?”

"Linghai will definitely benefit from the construction of new ships, so the Linghai Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government must provide more or less funding. Then there is our Port Supervision Bureau, which will also provide matching funds. Then the Port Authority, Petroleum Company and COSCO Shipyards and other large enterprises along the river have to make some efforts."

Han Xiangning paused and added: "Ju Bureau Zhu's lover is the leader of the Municipal Planning Commission. Bureau Zhu, through her lover, helped Xianyu report to the leaders of Binjiang City, and the city might also provide some matching funds."

Director He sat down and asked: "Do the leaders of Binjiang City, Port Authority and Linghai City know?"


"The leaders of several large companies along the river also know?"

"You know, I've been busy making phone calls and soliciting donations these past few days. Most of the money has been taken care of, leaving only some matching funds. People said that after research, there should be no problem."

Director He asked dumbfounded: "Xiao Han, Xiao Han, you helped your salted fish spend money from our Changhang Branch. The whole world knows it, but I, the director, don't know?"

From the moment the case was handed over to the Changhang Branch, he lost control of the money.

If you want to help San'er build a new ship, you can only use moral kidnapping.

Han Xiangning said hurriedly: "How is it possible? He Bureau, you were the first to know about the construction of new ships. Xianyu reported it to you immediately, otherwise you and Political Commissar Jiang would not have given him preferential policies!"

"So it doesn't work even if you don't build it?"

"It will definitely not work if we don't build it. 001 is too old and has low power. It has long been unable to meet the needs of water law enforcement and rescue, especially water firefighting."

Han Xiangning knew very well that moral kidnapping alone could not solve the problem. After all, it was millions. After thinking about it, he said cautiously:

"Hasn't Xianyu been assigned to perform tasks by your department? The superior leaders knew that I was pregnant and were worried that I would not support them, so they called me. I also reported to the superiors that your branch was going to build a new ship. The superiors were very supportive. .”

He Ju asked in surprise: "Has your superior called you?"

"I fought." Han Xiangning said plausibly: "My superiors thought I didn't understand and wanted to do my ideological work. But I am a party member, how could I not support Xianyu's work!"

Director He directly believed that the superior Han Xiangning was talking about was the leader of the department. The leaders of the department knew it, and Xianyu was being assigned to perform the task. It seemed that the new ship would not work unless it was built.

Otherwise, when the leaders of the department and bureau come to inspect the work one day and cannot see the new ship, they will not know how to explain it.

Political Commissar Jiang also realized that the uncooked rice had been cooked into cooked rice by Xianyu and his wife. He sighed and sat down.

Director He absent-mindedly said a few innocuous words to Han Xiangning, put down the phone and said with a sullen face: "You make your own decisions, and you always jump to the next level to report. What's the matter? No one is like them!"

Political Commissar Jiang was silent for a moment, then took out a cigarette and handed one over: "He Bureau, I have told you before that you cannot treat Xianyu like an ordinary policeman. Our relationship with him is not only a superior-subordinate relationship, but also a cooperative relationship."

"That's four or five million, not four or five million, let alone forty or fifty thousand!"

"I know, it's a pity to think about it."

"It's more than a pity!"

"Actually, we are not the first to encounter this kind of thing. At that time, Xu Sanye teamed up with our branch to crack down on scalpers who resold ferry tickets and made hundreds of thousands of profits in accordance with the law. The hundreds of thousands at that time were equivalent to millions today, and it was not Xu Sanye and Xianyu used it to repair tugs and build barges, and the then director and political commissar of the Linghai Public Security Bureau was reluctant to part with it, but what could they do."

"There is no organization, no discipline, and no regard for the overall situation. This is a situation where the upper beam is out of alignment and the lower beam is crooked."

"This is indeed what happened to us, but we didn't see it that way at that time. Director Chen and Lao Zhang were very supportive at the time, and I was also very supportive of Xu Sanye and Xianyu, and they just watched the jokes of the Linghai Public Security Bureau. Who would have thought that things would turn around and now it’s people’s turn to laugh at us.”

As the current director, I cannot deny the mistakes of my predecessor.

Now the leaders of several law enforcement agencies involved in the river and the CEOs of several large companies along the river are watching, and even the bureaus have been alarmed. They really can't slap themselves in the face.

Bureau He took a few deep breaths, lit a cigarette and said: "If he wants to build something, let him build it. After all, it is a fixed asset of the bureau. Linghai Public Security Bureau can sell 001 and the barge to the Port Supervision Bureau." , we can still find our next home in the future!”

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