Riverside police

Chapter 350 Go pick someone up

A demonstration meeting was held, and the news spread like wildfire that Changhang Binjiang Branch would build a large fire rescue ship.

During this time, the phone kept ringing, and more than a dozen bureau chiefs and political commissars called to ask if the Binjiang branch had made a fortune.

The investment needs to be at least tens of millions. This is a truly large order.

Several ship design units and shipbuilding companies in Hanwu were even more upset. Some asked people to help contact them, some rushed directly to Binjiang for negotiation, and some even went to the Changhang Public Security Bureau or even the Yangtze River Navigation Bureau. lead.

The office received information from dozens of design units and shipyards, not only from Hanwu, but also from Donghai, Qingdao, Dalian and even Dongguang.

Binjiang Shipyard, which was acquired by COSCO last year, only builds cargo ships. If it also builds tugs, it will definitely want to win this big project of the branch.

Just two minutes ago, a leader of the Yangtze River Waterway Bureau was entrusted with another phone call.

Director He held the phone tightly and said with a smile: "Director Du, I'm sorry, we are still in the demonstration stage and the funds are not fully in place. But don't worry, when the funds are in place, I will report to you as soon as possible, yes, yes , it must be invited for bidding, welcome, how could you not welcome it?”

Political Commissar Jiang walked in with a notice he had just received. When Bureau He finished answering the phone, he couldn't help but laugh and asked: "Are you saying hello again?"

"This is the third call today, hahaha."

"Is it a shipyard or a design institute?"

"It was a ship research institute who asked the leader of the Waterway Bureau to find him."

"He Bureau, it seems that our demonstration will not be in vain, at least we will advertise our branch. Now not only our long-distance navigation system, but also domestic ship design units and shipbuilding companies with some strength know about our branch."

"What we want to build is a fire rescue ship, not an ordinary cargo ship, nor an ordinary tugboat. Without diamonds, we will not do the porcelain work, and design units and shipbuilding companies without any strength will not dare to contact us."

The commotion was so loud that even the leaders of higher-level units who had nothing to do with it knew how it would end in the future.

The branch has never been so prosperous. Political Commissar Jiang was both happy and a little worried. He handed over the notification document and asked with a smile: "He Bureau, if we really can win matching funds and sponsorship, who will we design for then?" For whom to build?”

"Are you worried that designing for this will offend that family, and building for this family will offend that family?"

"Each one is bigger than the other. Do you think I can stop worrying?"

"Nothing to worry about."

Director He laughed, sat down and said: "If we can really get matching funds and sponsorship, this project will be similar to a joint-stock system. The city, the Port Authority, the Harbor Supervision Bureau and the sponsoring units will all be shareholders. ', ask a few 'shareholders' to arrange for people to participate, or even ask the 'shareholders' to organize a tender."

Political Commissar Jiang smiled and asked, "Does it matter what we said?"

As long as you are flexible, bad things can often turn into good things.

For example, Xianyu wants to build a new ship. Since the Xianyu couple have already made a big deal out of it, even if the bureau doesn't support it, they might as well try to smooth things over.

Invite the leader in charge of fire protection from the Changhang Public Security Bureau, the leader of the fire brigade and several shipbuilding experts to come to Binjiang to attend the demonstration meeting for the construction of a fire rescue ship. Not only do the superiors know that the Binjiang branch attaches great importance to fire protection, but after all the money, they would rather build an office building without selling iron to build it. Fire rescue ships, and domestic powerful ship design units and ship construction companies all know it.

Those ship design units and ship building companies are all state-owned, and most of them are in the transportation system.

It is no exaggeration to say that the leaders of the Ministry of Transportation now know that the Binjiang Branch is going to build a large fire rescue boat!

This advertisement is well done and the effect is unexpectedly good.

He Ju was in high spirits during happy events. He handed Commissar Jiang a cigarette and said with a smile: "Even if you have the final say, you still have to pretend that you don't, otherwise you will offend many people."

Political Commissar Jiang ignored the joke and pointed to the notification document he had just received: "He Bureau, read it quickly. After reading it, you have to call your superiors back."

"Oh...what do you want me to do in Ningbo?"

"I don't know either."

"I'll call and ask first."

Director He put down the notification document and picked up the phone to contact the Political Division of the Changhang Public Security Bureau.

I didn’t know if I didn’t ask, but when I asked, I became even more confused. The deputy director of the Political Department of the Changhang Public Security Bureau gave me a mobile phone number and asked me to contact the owner of the phone number, and emphasized that this was required by the ministry.

Director He glanced at the number he just wrote down and picked up the phone again to dial.

After waiting for about twenty seconds, the call was connected.

"Hello, leader, I am He Bin from the Binjiang Branch of the Changhang Public Security Bureau. Please... may I have any instructions?"

"Comrade He Bin, right? I, Feng Yuanzheng, have been transferred to COSCO now, but I used to work in the Binjiang Port Supervision Bureau."

Who is Feng Yuanzheng?

He is from COSCO, does he also want to undertake the design and construction business of the Changhang Branch Fire Rescue Vessel? By going to Ningbo, is he inviting himself to visit their shipyard?

This person had a bigger background than the previous greetings, and it actually alarmed the entire department.

When Director He didn't know what to do next, Political Commissar Jiang asked in surprise: "Director Feng, weren't you transferred to the Navigation Bureau? Why did you go to COSCO!"

"Is it Lao Jiang?"

"It's me, Director Feng, you still remember my voice."

"We are old friends, how could we not remember your voice? Lao Jiang, I'm sorry, I want to talk to Comrade He Bin about something, you may want to avoid it."

"Oh, okay, I'll go out first."

Political Commissar Jiang was confused and hurriedly leaned into Bureau He's ear: "The old director of the Port Supervision Bureau used to enjoy the treatment of deputy bureau and was transferred to the Navigation Bureau as an inspector."

Bureau He calmed down and saw Political Commissar Jiang walking out of the office, and said hurriedly: "It turns out to be Bureau Feng, Bureau Feng, I'm sorry, I was just transferred to Binjiang this year, and I don't know much about the situation of the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau."

"It doesn't matter."

"Director Feng, what are your instructions?"

"Comrade He Bin, you should have received a notification from your department."

"I got it, I just got it."

"Comrade He Bin, if you are not very busy at work, come with me to Ningbo to pick up someone."

He Ju subconsciously asked: "Who to pick up?"

Director Feng said lightly: "Comrade Xianyu, the policeman who picked up your branch, please ask Comrade Xianyu's lover, Comrade Han Xiangning, if she has time, whether she can handle the food, and whether she wants to go together."

"Director Feng, what's wrong with Xianyu!"

"Don't worry, Xianyu is fine, he's fine."

The leader of the unit was notified, and the leader of the unit was asked to notify the family. Director He was in a state of confusion and asked nervously: "Director Feng, is Xianyu really okay?"

"It's really okay, I guarantee it with my personality."

Director Feng realized that he had scared people, and explained with a smile: "The reason why I informed you to go is mainly because as the leader of the unit, you have to know where your subordinates have been and what they are busy with in the past few months. Then there are the superiors There is a commendation ceremony to be held in Ningbo, but it needs to be kept secret, so I can only notify you to attend alone."

He Ju asked in surprise: "Xianyu has made a meritorious service, and the superiors want to commend Xianyu?"

"Well, you have made a great contribution. This is also the honor of your Changhang Branch. I would like to congratulate you in advance."

"Can Xianyu's lover participate?"

"The superiors originally had no intention of informing Comrade Han Xiangning. Later, considering that Comrade Han Xiangning was pregnant and needed Xianyu's care the most, they supported Xianyu's work. Moreover, she is a party member, so she will definitely have no problem with politics and can strictly keep confidentiality. , and finally decided that she could go along if she wanted to.”

Just now I said it needed to be kept secret, and now it is even more important to "strictly maintain confidentiality."

Thinking again that Political Commissar Jiang was so familiar with Bureau Feng, Bureau Feng asked Political Commissar Jiang to avoid the situation. Bureau He quickly said: "The Bureau is not very busy. I will let Political Commissar Jiang take charge of the work, and I will go with you."


"By the way, where should I report to you?"

"I'm going to Donghai by plane tomorrow morning. You ask Comrade Han Xiangning first. If she wants to go, you can go directly to Luchaogang Pier in Nanhui, Donghai. We will meet at the terminal at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon and take the high-speed passenger ferry to Ningbo. "

"Yes, I will contact Xiao Han right away."

Han Xiangning was also shocked when she received the call.

After Director He repeatedly confirmed that Xianyu was fine, Han Xiangning breathed a sigh of relief, quickly packed up her clothes and asked Lao Ge to drive her to the city.

Binjiang Passenger Terminal has high-speed passenger ships that sail to the East China Sea, but they only go to Wusong Pier in the East China Sea.

Wusong Pier is in the north of Donghai City, and Luchao Port Pier is in the south of Donghai City. Transferring is too troublesome, and this time we are going to pick up Xianyu. Xianyu must have a lot of luggage. He Bureau discussed it with Han Xiangning and simply gave in. The driver drove to Luchao Port.

After driving hundreds of kilometers, Han Xiangning would have probably vomited out bile if it had been before.

But this is not the same as before. When I first became pregnant, I had a strong reaction. I always had morning sickness and vomiting, but I didn’t get motion sickness anymore.

We rushed to Luchao Port Pier, and after lunch we asked the driver to find a hotel nearby to stay first, and then we would take the bus back together after receiving Xianyu.

The two arranged for the driver, bought the ferry ticket at 2:30 pm according to Director Feng's instructions, and walked into the waiting room.

Han Xiangning saw the high-speed passenger ship anchored on the pier through the window, and couldn't help but turn around and said: "Hey, this passenger ship is imported from Norway, and it is more advanced than the ships that go to and from Hong Kong and Macau!"

He Ju took a look and asked curiously: "How do you know?"

"I am the port supervisor. I know all the advanced ships introduced in the country."

"Does Xianyu know?"

"You also know that we have many journals on ship technology and navigation on our barges."

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, San'er finally came back.

Han Xiangning was very excited at the thought of seeing San'er in a few hours. He looked back at the streamlined hull, which looked very beautiful and advanced, and said with excitement: "It's called Yongxing, and it's 38.8 meters long. , with a quota of 320 passengers, the Shen-Ningbo line made its maiden voyage on February 5, 1987, several years before we introduced high-speed passenger ships to Binjiang."

He Ju smiled and said, "It's also bigger than our high-speed passenger ferry in Binjiang."

"Our hovercraft is a real high-speed passenger ship."

"How far is it from here to Ningbo and how many hours of sailing does it take?"

"If I remember correctly, the voyage from Luchao Port Pier to Ningbo Port Pier is 55 nautical miles, and it only takes two hours at sea."

Just as he was talking, a tall leader and six naval officers came over.

Han Xiangning hurriedly greeted him and saluted happily: "Hello Director Feng, Director Feng, you are finally here!"

"Are you anxious?"

"We just arrived."

Although there is a military port in Ningbo, it is normal for naval officers to take boats to go to the army, but six naval officers came in at once, which still attracted the attention of the tourists.

Director Feng didn't wait for He Ju to speak, then he took the initiative to stretch out his right hand, held He Ju's hand tightly and said with a smile: "Comrade He Bin, I kept you waiting for a long time. This is not the place to talk. Let's get on the boat first."

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