Riverside police

Chapter 363 Something is fishy

About two tons of steel were stolen from Yard No. 4. No one could tell how or when it was stolen.

This kind of mindless case naturally falls on the crackdown task force.

Lao Shen was busy visiting and questioning the dock workers when Jiang Xiaojun's call came from the intercom.

"Jiang Ke, what's the matter?"

"Someone saw Zhang Ahsheng coming to Binjiang, probably staying at the Sailors Club."

"Which Zhang Asheng?"

"Zhang Asheng, the man who came from the East China Sea in 1988 to arbitrage money transfers, Political Commissar Jiang asked us to quickly find out what happened. Xianyu also called me just now."

In the past, there were not as many police officers in the bureau as there are now, and every big case would be called upon.

Almost all senior comrades participated in the investigation of the reverse currency arbitrage case back then.

Why Han Ning was transferred from the Seamen's Club to the bureau? Veteran comrades in the crackdown team all know very well.

Lao Shen came to his senses and asked in surprise: "He has been released after serving his sentence a long time ago. What is he doing here? Does he have evil intentions and wants to take revenge on Han Ning and Xianyu?"

"If I knew, would I still look for you?"

Jiang Xiaojun asked back and explained: "He knows me and is deeply impressed by me. It's easy for me to alert the enemy. You were participating in the follow-up investigation back then. It's unlikely that he will remember you. You quickly called Lao Wu and the others to touch him." touch."

"I know, leave it to me."

It involved the safety of two policemen in the branch, and both policemen were his juniors. Lao Shen did not dare to delay for a moment, so he called Lao Wu, who was visiting and asking with him, and hurried to the Sailors Club on his bicycle.

The Seamen's Club is still owned by the Port Authority, but has been contracted out to an individual to operate.

The lobby, which once felt high-end, now looks a bit old. The counter that used to sell high-quality goods and imported goods to foreign guests has long been moved away. In addition, there are not as many guests as before, so it looks a bit empty and deserted.

Most of the previous managers and waiters have been transferred to different positions, and some have resigned due to low wages. Now the managers, chefs and waiters are all recruited from the public by private bosses.

The branch often came to check on outsiders or fire safety. Although Lao Shen and Lao Wu were not wearing police uniforms, they were still recognized by the receptionist at a glance.

"Director Shen, do you need another inspection today?"

"You are a bit interesting, little girl. Don't you welcome us?"

"No." The little girl smiled and walked around the main desk to greet her.

Private contracting is different from eating from a big pot, and the service attitude is many times better than before.

In the past, managers, waiters and counter salespeople all had eyes on their foreheads. They looked down on this or that, let alone ordinary employees. Even when the police came, they ignored them.

Unfortunately, there was a murder, and maybe the decoration was not up to date, so business here plummeted. No matter how good the service attitude is, we still can't see the bustling crowds and guests as before.

Lao Shen looked back at the stairs and asked with a smile: "Xiao Tao, are there many tourists staying here these days?"

"not much."

"How much is not more?"

"There are only seven or eight, and I have registered them all."

"Show me the register."


You wouldn't know it without looking at the register, but you would be surprised when you look at it.

As expected, Zhang Asheng and his wife came and have been here for three days.

Old Shen handed the register to Old Wu and asked calmly: "Are these two Donghai guests in the room?"

There are few guests staying in the hotel, and there are even fewer guests in Donghai.

Xiao Tao, the waiter at the front desk, was deeply impressed by Zhang Asheng and his wife, and said without hesitation: "I'm out, I just drove out."

"They drive out, do they have a car?"

"Yes, I just drove here."

"What car?"

"The car, I don't know what brand it is, but it's very high-end."

Xiao Tao thought for a while, then smiled with his big watery eyes: "I remember, it's exactly the same as the car from the shipping agency, but it's newer than the one from the shipping agency."

Old Shen asked in a low voice: "Toyota car?"

"Yes, it's a Toyota. When not going out, it's parked in the backyard. Master Wang and Xiao Qin from the kitchen will run over to take a look if they have nothing to do."

"They just went out, right?"


The little girl looked back at the clock on the wall in the background and confirmed: "They got up late, and when they went downstairs, the restaurant had taken away their breakfast. They went out to eat breakfast, and drove away after eating. Hour."

Zhang Asheng and his wife suffered heavy losses when they were arrested. Although one stayed in prison for a short time and the other received a suspended sentence and did not go to jail, it is not that easy to turn over in just a few years. After all, money is not that easy to make.

They actually visited their old place again and drove an imported car to Binjiang.

The more Lao Shen thought about it, the more he felt there was something wrong with the couple, and asked, "Do you know where they went?"

"have no idea."

"Then have they ever asked you for directions?"

"I haven't asked about the route. Director Shen, he has been to Binjiang before and is very familiar with our place, even more familiar than me. There are many places that I don't know, but they know about them!"

"How did you know?"

"I was told at breakfast yesterday that our Binjiang area has not changed much in the past few years."

The little girl came to the city from the countryside to work, so it was normal for her to not be familiar with Binjiang and Zhang Asheng. After all, Zhang Asheng and his wife had been to Binjiang more than once before they were arrested.

Lao Shen and Lao Wu looked at each other, and then asked, "Have they asked you about anyone?"

Xiao Tao put away the accommodation registration form and said with a smile: "I've asked about it, not only from me, but also from our manager."

"Who are they asking about?"

"They said there was a friend who used to work here, but they haven't contacted her for several years, and they can't be contacted now. That friend is a woman, and her surname seems to be Han. I forgot her name."

"They have a friend named Han who worked here before?"

"They said that friend used to be a guest room attendant. Our manager didn't even know him. If you ask me, I don't even know."

They were really afraid of what they were going to get. As expected, the couple surnamed Zhang came to see Han Ning!

Lao Shen realized the seriousness of the problem, told the little girl to keep it secret, and asked Lao Wu to stay in the club, then got on his bicycle and hurried to the bureau.

After listening to the report, Political Commissar Jiang looked at the frowning He Ju and Jiang Xiaojun who had just returned, and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, there are employees who know him and saw him accidentally, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Bureau He listened to Political Commissar Jiang's story about the investigation of the reverse currency arbitrage case half an hour ago. He finally understood why these old comrades in front of him liked salted fish so much, and finally understood how Han Ning put on the police uniform.

Some criminals who have been punished by the branch try to retaliate against the police of the branch. This is not a trivial matter!

He Ju asked in a low voice: "Old Jiang, you are most familiar with the situation. What do you think?"

Jiang Xiaojun put out his cigarette butt and said, "This matter is a bit strange."

"What's weird?"

"I don't think they're here to exact revenge."

"Not too possible?"

"They came by car, swaggered into the Sailors' Club, and blatantly inquired about Han Ning's situation, which means they never considered concealing their whereabouts. But they all have criminal records and have a certain sense of anti-investigation. Aren't they worried about our future? They will be tracked down.”

Jiang Xiaojun racked his brains and thought for a while, then continued: "If they are not here to take revenge on Han Ning or even Xianyu, then why would they want to inquire about Han Ning's situation, so it doesn't make sense."

Recalling the modus operandi of Zhang Asheng's gang back then, Lao Shen reminded: "Jiang Ke, don't forget how they collected foreign exchange coupons back then."

"Are you saying that they are probably going to be with us like they did before?"

"Ye Xingguo hasn't shown his head yet."

Political Commissar Jiang felt that Comrade Shen's analysis was reasonable. He knocked on the table and said, "Compared to the two of them, Ye Xingguo is the cunning one. They probably have a division of labor. The two of them pry in the open, and give it to Ye who is hiding in the dark. Xingguo provided intelligence, and Ye Xingguo carried out revenge secretly."

Lao Shen added: "Even if we track them down in the future, they can still say that we did not have the time to commit the crime and that we have alibi."

It is indeed possible, but Jiang Xiaojun thought about it and still felt that it was unlikely, but he didn't know how to explain it.

While everyone was thinking about what to do next, Han Yu was pretending not to know anything and toasting his brother-in-law with drinks instead of wine.

"San'er, your dad passed by Binjiang Port yesterday. This time it was a short trip, transporting more than a hundred tons of compound fertilizer. He said that he would let your mother go ashore once the compound fertilizer is transported to Gaoru."

"There are still many days before the Chinese New Year. Let mom go ashore. How can he run the boat alone?"

"He has found a good person. Captain Wang found him for him."

As soon as Zhang Jiangkun finished speaking, Han Ning looked back at Han Xiangning and said with envy: "Ningning, our mother is so kind to you. When I gave birth to Dongdong, she was running a boat, and when your sister-in-law gave birth to Xunxun, she was She didn't come back either. She actually had to come back early when she got to you, and she didn't plan to get on the ship again after landing."

The baby cannot be left alone to take care of him after birth.

My parents had to go to work, and my mother-in-law decided to go ashore to help take care of the children.

Han Xiangning had known these things for a long time, and she felt very happy, and said quickly: "Sister, at this moment, when you gave birth to Dongdong and sister-in-law Xunxun, wasn't it difficult for our family? They had to make money to pay off their debts, so they really couldn't care less. You and sister-in-law."

My sister has made such a great contribution to the family, but my mother is not kind to her.

Han Yu felt very sorry and was thinking of saying something when his cell phone suddenly rang.

I took it out and looked at the caller ID. It turned out to be the call from the office. Han Yu smiled apologetically, stood up and walked out of the living room to answer the call.

"Yuzhi, I, Chen Zikun, have two people from the East China Sea driving here. They insist on seeing you."

"Two people from the East China Sea?"

"They seem to be a couple, in their early forties. The man's surname is Zhang, and his name is Zhang Asheng. The woman's surname is Shen, and her name is Shen Rulan. They are dressed very fashionably, drive Fengtai, have a mobile phone, and look very rich."

Is there any mistake?

Han Yu couldn't believe his ears and was stunned for a while before asking eagerly: "Where are they?"

"In the reception room, let me ask you when you will be back."

"They want to see me?"

"Yuzhi, aren't they the friends you made when you were studying in Donghai?"

"What friends? They have criminal records and I have dealt with them before."


"No, please stabilize them first. I'll report to the bureau leader first. I'll go back after the report."

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