Riverside police

Chapter 368 Sharing Risks

According to Binjiang custom, when a baby is born in the family, red eggs are given to relatives and friends.

Nowadays, family planning is implemented, and the birth of boys and girls is the same.

If you don't give red eggs when you give birth to a girl, people will directly think that you are unhappy because you failed to give birth to a boy, so not only do you have to give red eggs, but you also have to drink three glasses of wine.

Han Yu accompanied the senior who was transferred from the delivery room to the ward for a while, then drove home with his father-in-law to get the red eggs that he had prepared earlier. He first rushed to the branch to deliver them, then went to the Harbor Supervision Bureau and the Water Branch, and then rushed to the city without stopping. bureau.

There is only one elder in the Municipal Bureau, Wei Zhi of the Criminal Investigation Detachment.

He was very happy to learn that Han Yu was blessed with a daughter, Wei Zhi. He accepted the red egg and sighed, "It would be great if your master could see this day. Did you call your master's wife to announce the good news?"

"I was beaten. The master's wife was very happy and asked me when I would prepare the three drinks."

"She's coming back?"

"It's too far. I don't want her to run around all the time and lie to her that she won't do it."

"It's too far. It takes a day and a night just to take the train. When you get to Jiangcheng, you have to change trains. If everything goes well, it will take two days and a night to get home."

Wei Zhi nodded and asked again: "Have you called the Fish Bureau Zhang?"

Han Yu quickly smiled and said: "We also fought. Yu Ju and Zhang Ju are very happy."

"They are not far away. Will they come back in a few days?"

"Ju Zhang is going to Hanwu to report for work, but his wife will be back. Although Yu Ju is not far from his hometown, the transportation from Huaiyin is inconvenient. I didn't tell him about the three wines, but he said two I want to go back to my hometown to see the old man tomorrow."

"Come back for New Year's Day?" Wei Zhi asked with a smile.

Han Yu subconsciously looked behind him and saw that the office door was closed. He smiled and said: "Wei Zhi, the Fish Bureau is about to be promoted. Maybe he was worried that he would be too busy with work after taking office, so he came back to take a look before taking office."

"Go back to the provincial office?"


Wei Zhi asked curiously: "Where to go?"

This matter can only be told to trusted elders, and cannot be told to outsiders until the dust settles.

Han Yu couldn't help but look back behind him, and said excitedly: "The province is going to divide Huaiyin into two and set up a new prefecture-level city in several counties. The provincial department plans to transfer the fish bureau there to serve as the new prefecture-level city. The top leader of the prefecture-level city’s public security bureau!”

"Suqian City?"

"Weizhi, you know."

"I've heard it said before, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Thinking that as long as he becomes the top leader of the prefecture-level municipal public security bureau, he will soon be promoted to deputy director. Wei Zhi couldn't help laughing and said: "The fish bureau's promotion is both unexpected and reasonable. He is a top student who graduated from a prestigious university. , can write articles, has grass-roots work experience, has been the deputy captain in the provincial department for several years, is young, and has been the deputy director-general in Huaiyin for several years, and is familiar with the situation. If you don’t promote him, who will be promoted!”

Han Yu was happy with Yu Ju's promotion, but he still couldn't help but said: "Yu Ju is not young, he is fifty this year."

"He is very young at his level. Even in the county-level public security bureau, a fifty-year-old is relatively young to be the top leader."

Wei Zhi lit a cigarette and joked: "Of course I can't compare with you. You became the deputy detachment leader at the age of twenty-three. He didn't even graduate from college at the age of twenty-three. I can't even compete with you. I When I was twenty-three, I was just a scout.”

"Wei Zhi, I am an industrial police officer, similar to the company's internal security officer. I am the deputy detachment leader in name only. I only have two policemen under me. If compared horizontally, I am only equivalent to the squadron leader of the local police, not even the director of the police station."

"Even in the police industry, it is not easy to get a sub-division."

"But it's not difficult. You are familiar with Liu Guixiang. He is five years older than me. He is twenty-eight this year. Isn't it different to mention the deputy detachment leader? And he is the deputy detachment leader of the criminal investigation detachment leader!"

There are very few people in the Criminal Investigation Section of the Changhang Branch. There used to be only three investigators including the section chief.

Now that we are setting up a detachment, we must take into account that since it is a criminal investigation detachment, it cannot be without a detachment leader who understands criminal investigation. Liu Guixiang was so lucky to become the deputy detachment leader.

Coupled with the younger one in front of me, it truly reflects the youthfulness of cadres.

Many city bureau police officers are not only envious but also jealous, so much so that when they mention Changhang Branch, they are “fake police officers” or corporate internal security guards.

Wei Zhi knew very well how Xu Sanye helped Han Yu plan before, and said meaningfully: "It may be a little bit in name only now, but when there is a chance to be transferred back in the future, he will be a real deputy detachment leader."

"I am the deputy captain of the water fire brigade. The fire brigade of the city bureau is on active duty with the public security. I am not a soldier. Not to mention that I have never thought of being transferred back. Even if I wanted to be transferred, there is no place for me to be transferred."

"As long as you want to adjust, there will always be a way to arrange it."

"Weizhi, you really know how to joke. Can someone like me be the deputy captain of the security detachment or criminal investigation detachment?"

Local police officers are different from industrial police officers. There are many people but few positions, and the emphasis is on seniority.

A young police officer like Han Yu would definitely not be the deputy detachment leader if he were transferred back. He would be the captain at most, and he could only be the captain of the water security detachment. There was no need to think about other detachments.

Wei Zhizheng didn't know what to say. Han Yu suddenly remembered something: "Wei Zhi, I have a clue about organizing smuggling. Are you interested?"

"Of course I'm interested."

"Does your detachment have jurisdiction?"

"We have jurisdiction on the shore, but if you want to solve a solid case, it's best to get it right. If the stowaways get on a plane or go out to sea by boat, we have to jointly investigate with the border inspection and border defense."

"Then do you have any funds?"

"Xianyu, do you doubt the capabilities of our detachment?"

"No, it's mainly because the clue I have is special."

Han Yu did not dare to play tricks with the handlers of the Binjiang Public Security Criminal Investigation System, and quickly introduced the situation he had learned concisely.

Wei Zhi was stunned for a moment, then asked with a wry smile: "The only person I can contact is in Japan?"


"The only real clue is a bank card number?"


"We don't know where our domestic accomplices are, or how they organized the smuggling. We don't even know whether we have jurisdiction. There's no way to investigate."

"Weizhi, so you're not interested either?"

"The main reason is that the risk is too great. You know how tight the city bureau's funds are. It costs 100,000 yuan. Even if I call the bureau leader to apply, he won't approve it."

"You can check your bank account first."

"Xianyu, this matter is not as simple as you said. There are procedures for checking bank transfer and remittance records. We have no clue now. We can't establish a case with the clues we have now. Will our superiors issue us inquiry procedures?"

Wei Zhi knocked the cigarette ashes and continued: "And I don't know which bank the account was opened in. It would be more troublesome if it was a bank in other places. After all, it involves travel expenses. And judging from what you just said, hiding The smuggler abroad is very cunning, and I guess he doesn’t worry about us checking through the bank.”

Han Yu subconsciously asked: "Aren't you worried?"

"If you don't believe me, make an international long-distance call in a few days and see what account he gives you. Is it different from the one he gave you to the criminal investigation detachment of the branch before?"

"He has many accounts?"

"I've seen a lot of economic crime guys, especially those involving overseas countries. For them, bank accounts are just a collection tool. You just made a payment here, just make a call as he said, and he will immediately contact his accomplices in China. Find an online bank to withdraw the money, and it will not take more than two hours. After withdrawing the money, the account will no longer be used, and the account is probably not opened in his own name."

Afraid that the young man would not believe it, Wei Zhi added: "Big banks are connected to the national network. In order to keep up with international standards and to facilitate depositors, big banks are now installing ATMs everywhere. Convenience is convenient, but it is not a good thing for us. I think It’s difficult to trace the flow of stolen money.”

Han Yu nodded: "We can monitor ten or eight banks, but it is impossible to monitor banks across the country."

"So the risk is too great. Who dares to risk 100,000 yuan?"

"It seems the only thing to do is report it."

"Report it, but I guess reporting it will be useless."

"Why didn't it work?"

"Even if it is reported to the Ministry of Public Security level by level, but the Ministry of Public Security is not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is it possible that it can still be investigated jointly with the Japanese police?"

Wei Zhi asked back and continued his analysis: "That guy is hiding in Japan and organizing domestic people to smuggle into Japan continuously. He must be afraid of being attacked by the Japanese police. The phone number you have is probably not in his own name. Yes, it’s not easy for the Japanese police to catch him anyway.”

Only those who have been abroad know how many people have been smuggling to developed countries in recent years, and only those who have been abroad know how dangerous smuggling is.

Some encountered shipwrecks and were buried in the belly of fish, while others were squeezed into containers and suffocated to death.

Either nothing happens, or if something happens, many people will die. Just look at the news reports about smuggling in Western countries and you will know how shocking it is.

Even if you are lucky and can reach your destination safely, if you are caught, the international impact will be very bad.

Han Yu knew very well that those who smuggled across the border were not treasonous, but just wanted to make money abroad with a "gold rush dream", and most of the money they earned would be remitted back to the country, which in a sense was also a way to earn foreign exchange.

But there are many ways to work abroad, so there is really no need to take this risk.

What’s even more frightening is that there are some black sheep who run gangs abroad, control people who smuggle across the country, and force those who dream of gold mining to work for them.

If you don’t know, you can’t help it. If you know, you can’t ignore it.

On the way to leave the city bureau and drive back to Bailong Port to deliver the red eggs, Han Yu secretly made up his mind to find out what was going on, even if one hundred thousand yuan was wasted, even if he made a wedding dress for his brothers in the province and city!

As for where the 100,000 yuan comes from, you can definitely find more partners to share the costs and risks.

If it can be verified, there will definitely be seizures and confiscations, which is equivalent to venture capital. At least Director Zhou of the hometown Public Security Bureau must have this courage.

Thinking of this, Han Yu immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhou Bureau's number.

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