Riverside police

Chapter 386 Unified Thoughts

As night fell, Han Zhengxian controlled the cargo ship to slowly approach the "Old Antique".

When Captain Fan and Lao Zhu saw Boss Han coming back, they immediately ran over to help carry the cable.

Ever since he had his granddaughter and since his daughter and son-in-law were transferred to Bailong Port, Comrade Han regarded Bailong Port as his "home port".

I always come back to take a look when I'm passing by nearby. When I'm out of stock, I'm no longer as anxious as in previous years. I just go back to Bailong Port first and enjoy the family happiness of my children and grandchildren while waiting for calls from old customers.

The boatman Captain Wang helped find was an old employee of a township shipping company. The reason why I still work after retirement is mainly because I am not used to staying on the shore. I am not as short of money as young people. I also like this kind of water life of three days of fishing and two days of drying nets.

My father-in-law is back and I need to greet him quickly.

Han Xiangning ran to the first floor, walked up to him and asked, "Dad, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back?"

Comrade Lao Han jumped onto the "Old Antique" with a tea cup in hand and said with a smile: "I was originally going to Langshan to load coal. Boss Wang said that more than 30,000 tons of imported coal would be transferred to small boats to be transported to Jiangcheng. I don't like it. Pulling coal, but everyone told me that I could only go over and have a look. When I got there, I saw that there were dozens of barges and engine ships, and they might not be able to load them until tomorrow afternoon."

“Why don’t you use the fleet to find small boats to transport tens of thousands of tons of coal?”

"Yeah, I really don't know what the big boss is thinking." Comrade Han didn't want to talk about that and asked worriedly: "Ning Ning, why did you get on the barge, where is Han Han?"

"I should go to work tomorrow, so I came here to take a look. Hanhan is in the dormitory, and mom is watching."

"It's windy on the river, so wear more clothes."

"I know."

Dad knows that work and rest are balanced and he is not as hardworking as in previous years. Han Yu is very happy.

After all, as I get older, I have to put my health first. Besides, the current conditions at home are many times better than before. There is no need to make money day and night.

Seeing his senior climb up to inspect his boat again, Han Yu couldn't help but smile.

Comrade Han was used to being inspected for a long time. He was about to go back to the ship to get the things the bride wanted to see when his son grabbed him.

"San'er, what are you doing?"

"Dad, I want to ask something."

"What are you asking about?" Old Han looked confused.

Who can be familiar with the situation on the river like a father who runs on the river every day!

How could Han Yu miss this opportunity? He asked Comrade Han aside and asked in a low voice: "How is the public security on the river during this period?"

Lao Han said without hesitation: "It's okay. I won't run far. Anyway, the security in the nearby waters is good. I haven't seen water bandits in several years, and I haven't heard of anyone being robbed on the river."

"Are there any 'gas rats'?"

"There must be oil rats, and I guess there are quite a lot of them. Otherwise, where does the low-priced oil sold by oil dealers come from? But most of the time, those oils are stolen by internal and external collusion. I only know that they exist, but I don't know what happened. .”

"Dad, do you know the oil dealer?"

"Whoever is running on the river knows a few oil dealers. Even if you don't go to them, they will come up to you and ask if you want to refuel." Comrade Lao Han took out his cigarette and then changed the subject: "San'er, what are you doing? Do you remember asking these questions?"

"Dad, what do I do?" Han Yu asked.

Old Han was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Strike hard, do you also have a mission?"

Han Yu asked with a smile: "How do you know."

"From what I heard, this crackdown is different from the previous crackdowns. This crackdown was decided at the National People's Congress, under the direct leadership of the vice chairman, and personally led by the top leaders of each province and city."

Comrade Lao Han lit a cigarette with his back to the wind and said happily: "The son-in-law of Boss Qian of Liuhe Port is also a police officer. His son-in-law has a task. How many people should be arrested within a certain period of time and how many people should be sentenced are linked to the salary. Catch more. There is a bonus, but if you fail to complete the task, the bonus will be deducted!”

Even my father knew that this severe crackdown was different from before. He was so busy doing this and that that he didn't take it seriously.

Han Yu was a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, he asked again: "Dad, are there many people stealing things on the river?"

"We rely on the mountains and rivers to feed ourselves. Not only are there those who steal things, but there are also those who keep things in check."

"How can you guard yourself against theft?"

"The last time I was transporting coal to Wuhu, a small boat came up to me and asked me if I wanted to make extra money. They said they were looking for someone to find a boat to unload a few tons. I guarantee you won't see it. You think I can do this kind of thing for a little money? , let them get away as far as they can.”

Old Han subconsciously looked at the surface of the river and continued: "Just because I don't pay attention to them doesn't mean that others don't pay attention to them. There have been more and more ships on the river in the past few years, and business has become increasingly difficult. Some people are bold and dare to do anything. Someone specializes in this!"

Han Yu asked in surprise: "Is there anyone who specializes in this?"

"Some people specialize in transporting coal and iron ore, and there is a problem with the ship. The cargo owner really can't tell if they are doing something tampering during transportation."

"What's wrong with the boat?"

"They have a way. It's obviously a 500-ton ship, but the ship register only has 400 tons. They understate the tonnage and overload the cargo. When barging on the river, they don't weigh it. Even when loading at the dock, they usually only look at the load line. , can’t he sell the extra one hundred tons?”

Comrade Lao Han hated those irregular boats. He thought about it and said: "The Fish Bureau has arrested many water bandits and boat tyrants in the past few years. The security of the canal is much better than before, but it is difficult to catch them all. The tigers that used to do evil in the canal are very difficult to catch." Many of the troops entered the Yangtze River.

They didn't dare to rob openly, nor did they dare to deliberately ram the boat to extort money. Instead, they drove a dilapidated boat like a collector, asking individual boat owners everywhere if they had anything to sell. They collected everything, from yellow sand and gravel to coal, ore, and even steel. "

I had heard about it a long time ago, but I didn’t expect it to be true and that the problem was so serious.

Han Yu asked with a grimace: "Dad, you know so much, why didn't you tell me earlier."

"They don't come to Bailong Port. Some of them are not even in Binjiang. They are not under your control. What's the use of telling you."

"It's under my control now, Dad, what else do you know?"

"I like to chat on high frequency now. I don't go ashore very often when docking, so I don't know much. If you want to know about things on the river, you can ask Lao Fan!"

"Captain Fan is on the barge every day. What does he know?"

"He has been a captain for so many years and knows so many people on the river. Think about it, our shipping company alone has many ships on the river."

"It's true. I can ask Captain Fan to help me find out."

"You go ask him. I'll go to the boat to pack my clothes and then go back to see Han Han."

"Okay, watch your step, don't fall."

At half past seven in the evening, the lights on the barge were brightly lit.

Comrade Lao Jia, who should have gone home from get off work long ago, did not go back. Chen Zikun, who was supposed to have a rest today, also hurried back. Even Lao Ding and Lao Zhang from the Bainiu Qidu Police Station of the Fourth Factory Police Station were invited to attend the meeting.

Xiao Gong has held many meetings since he started working, but this is the first time for him to attend such a serious meeting as tonight. He opened his notebook and prepared to take notes.

Zhang Ping had never seen Han Yu so serious, and wondered if this meeting was related to the tumultuous fight between the branch and the Port Authority's Economic Police Detachment.

But Lao Ding and Lao Zhang were very happy because they finally saw that Xianyu looked like a leader.

"There was also a severe crackdown last year, but this time the superiors paid unprecedented attention to the crackdown. It can be said that this is the largest concentrated crackdown nationwide since the first crackdown in 1983. The focus of the crackdown is murder, robbery, Serious violent crimes such as rape, as well as serious criminal crimes such as hooliganism, gun-related crimes, drug-related crimes, gang crimes and gangland crimes.”

Han Yu paused, looked around at the crowd and said: "Looking at the whole country, the focus of crackdowns varies from place to place. As far as I know, the capital's crackdowns mainly target major cases with serious consequences and long unsolved cases. Provinces such as Donghai and Nanhe focus on It is to severely crack down on illegal crimes.

The focus of Xishan's crackdown is on gangs, Dongguang's crackdown on gun-related crimes and drug gangs, Xiguang and Haiqing's crackdown on the production and trafficking of guns and drugs...

Before dinner, I called Political Commissar Jiang to ask. Political Commissar Jiang said that in the past three months, more than 90,000 criminal gangs of various types have been eliminated across the country, and more than 420,000 gang members have been arrested, and another three Under the high pressure of the crackdown, more than 10,000 criminals voluntarily surrendered to the public security organs or confessed their omitted crimes in prisons.

However, our counterparts in brother provinces and cities have also paid a heavy price. In the past three months since the launch of the "hard crackdown", 75 police officers across the country have been killed and more than 2,800 injured, including 266 seriously injured. "

The public security in Bailong Port is very good, and Bailong Port is also very closed.

If you don't listen to the briefing, you really don't know how chaotic it is outside, let alone how much our colleagues in other provinces and cities have paid to combat various crimes.

Lao Ding sighed softly, and Lao Zhang lit his cigarette thoughtfully.

Chen Zikun and Lao Jia looked solemn.

Zhang Ping also wanted to smoke, but when he saw Han Ning, who was sitting opposite and taking minutes of the meeting, he covered his nose and put the cigarette he took out into his pocket.

"Everyone, although we come from the Changhang Branch, Shuishang Branch and Linghai Public Security Bureau, we have one thing in common, that is, we are all police officers by the river and even on the river. Especially our Changhang Police, our Changhang What is the full name of the Public Security Bureau, Xiao Gong, please tell me."

"Transportation Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau."

"The Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau, as its name suggests, is the public security agency that ensures the safety of shipping on the Yangtze River! Our superiors' requirements for us are not just to provide good security at the terminals, but our Changjiang Shipping Police are not just policemen on passenger ships. It is no exaggeration to say that both sides of the Yangtze River The public security of more than a thousand kilometers of trunk lines is under the control of our Changhang Public Security Bureau. However, due to various reasons, the jurisdictional areas are divided in a mess."

Han Yu took a deep breath and changed the topic: "This afternoon, Bureau He called me and reminded me not to just focus on the one-third of an acre of land at the dock. At first, I thought the Economic Police Detachment was putting pressure on our branch. Later, After thinking about it for a while, I realized the good intentions of the bureau leaders.

We are the Changhang Navigation Police, not just the dock police. In the past five years, the focus of our branch’s work has changed from only being responsible for dock security to taking into account both dock security and the security of the ten-kilometer coastline. So, from now on, our branch will join forces with the water branch to shoulder the heavy responsibility of maintaining security in the waters of more than 100 kilometers along the Yangtze River.

In other words, the Port Authority's restoration of the Security Division and establishment of the Economic Police Detachment is an opportunity for transformation for our branch. The Security Division of the Port Authority and the Economic Police Detachment are responsible for the security work of the port area's internal security, and our branch will be free to do what we should do! "

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