Riverside police

Chapter 394 There’s a long way to go

The Changhang Branch and the Water Branch have set up a water crackdown headquarters in Bailong Port, and the Port Authority's Economic Police Detachment has also set up a crackdown headquarters in the yard of the former Changhang Branch Fire Brigade.

The greatest pleasure of Chen Xiangyang, director of the security department and captain of the economic police detachment, is to count how many cases the Changhang branch has solved and how many people have been arrested, and how many cases he has solved and how many people have been arrested.

The biggest expectation is that the city will hold a summary meeting on the second phase of the crackdown next month, where the municipal bureau will report on the results of each district and county public security bureau and each detachment last month, and listen to the comments of the leaders of the municipal bureau.

Comments are mainly divided into two aspects: praise for good work and criticism for bad work, and even let the person in charge of the last unit come to the stage to review.

Although the Changhang Branch is affiliated to the Changhang Public Security Bureau, it must accept the dual leadership of the Municipal Bureau and the Changhang Public Security Bureau.

Normally, the city bureau does not pay much attention to the Changhang Branch.

During the severe crackdown, the municipal bureau could no longer ignore it. From the moment it started mobilizing, it included the Changhang Aviation Branch into the same echelon as the Water Branch, Public Transport Branch, and Airport Branch.

Last month, the public transportation branch achieved the greatest success, and the airport branch took the lead (first from the bottom).

However, the airport branch has a small jurisdiction, few flights, and the only people who can take flights are respectable people. There are originally few cases, so it is understandable that they have not been able to solve a few cases.

In other words, the one that really “carried the list” last month was the Changhang Branch!

Chen Xiangyang looked through the work log of the headquarters and asked with a smile: "Shen Suo, do you think we should strive for it and ask the city bureau to include us in the third echelon and compete with several branch bureaus."

Lao Shen took off his reading glasses, raised his head and smiled: "As long as we fight for it, the city bureau leaders should agree. But the previous results can only represent the past, and last month's results have been cleared. If you really squeeze in, you won't be able to do it. If you get good grades, you're shooting yourself in the foot."

"All the cases that are easy to solve have been solved, and all the suspects that are easy to catch have been arrested. The next work will be challenging. But it is difficult for us, and He is more difficult than us!"

Chen Xiangyang handed over a cigarette, thought about it and smiled: "The airport branch has a small jurisdiction, and the actual jurisdiction of the Changhang Airlines branch is not very big. They only have one passenger terminal now, and there are very few passengers traveling by boat. He can make one What fame?"

"Who said they only have one passenger terminal? Bailonggang Passenger Terminal has no police, so it is not under their control."

"There aren't many tourists on the Xianyu side, so even if we go up to check on people when we see them, there won't be any tricks."

"Director Chen, Xianyu is different from other police officers. He was transferred from Linghai Public Security Bureau. Last year, he jointly investigated a fraud case with Linghai Public Security Bureau. He went to Dongguang to arrest a few people and the fines were not much. million!"

"This is one moment and the other. Although there was a severe crackdown last year, it is different from this year's. The Linghai Public Security Bureau is having a hard time. Last month, Zhou Huixin almost came to the stage to make a self-examination. He is so overwhelmed now that he can't care. Salted fish.”

Crack down hard, and the police are the main force.

Specific to the Binjiang public security system, the seven district and county public security bureaus are the main force.

The economic performance of Sigang is not very good, and it has always been nicknamed Binjiang's "Little Seven Sons". However, the performance of the Sigang Public Security Bureau in the crackdown is remarkable. In the previous stage of evaluation, it actually ranked Changzhou and Development District and Linghai police bureaus lag far behind.

Second to last, this ranking is very dangerous. You can imagine how much pressure there is on the Linghai Public Security Bureau.

At this juncture, people are too busy to take care of themselves, and it is really unlikely that they will help Xianyu get results.

Comrade Shen was thinking that it might be a good idea to take the initiative to join the third echelon competition, when the phone on the table suddenly rang.

"I am the Economic Police Detachment of the Port Authority. Who is this?" Chen Xiangyang picked up the phone and asked.

"Chen Chen, I, Lao Yang, would like to report on the situation. We have done ideological work on Li Haitao's parents all morning, and finally completed the work on Li Haitao's parents..."

Li Haitao was originally a child from a rural suburb. His family's household registration was transferred due to land expropriation, and he was admitted to the Port Authority Technical School.

After coming to the colorful world of the city from the countryside, I quickly learned bad things. I followed a few bad kids from the Port Authority to eat, drink and have fun all day long. The living allowance provided by my family was never enough.

Four years ago, together with two gangsters from society, they broke into the toll office of the Port Authority Staff Hospital on a dark and stormy night and tried to pry open the safe at the toll office.

As a result, the safe was not opened, but the medical staff on duty at night was alerted.

The two accomplices were caught in the act by medical staff and several hospitalized cadres and workers. Li Haitao took advantage of the chaos and ran away because he was familiar with the topography of the port area.

Some people even say that if you jump into a river, you will probably be buried in the belly of the fish.

But if you want to see someone alive or dead, you must see a corpse. As long as the body is not seen, the case cannot be closed, so he becomes a fugitive that the Changhang Branch wants to arrest.

Comrade Yang on the other end of the phone turned out to be the deputy section chief of the Public Security Section of the Changhang Branch. When he was the deputy section chief of the Public Security Section, he went to Li Haitao's house more than once to work for his parents.

Unexpectedly, I went with the idea of ​​​​trying this time and actually got through the work of Li Haitao's parents. It may be that the crackdown this year was too loud. His parents were frightened and realized that their son would be arrested sooner or later. Rather than being arrested by the police, , it is better to voluntarily surrender...

Chen Xiangyang figured out the ins and outs of the matter and asked excitedly: "Where is that kid hiding?"

"Hiding not far away, just across the river, working in a township enterprise in Zhangjiagang."

"Great, when will you come back, I will arrange a car to take you across the river to catch people!"

"I'll go back right away, Director Chen. If you want to arrest someone across the river, do you want to say hello to the Hong Kong Branch and ask the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Hong Kong Branch to arrange for two people to go with us?"

"How do you say hello to them? Didn't you just say that Li Haitao's parents are very cooperative. According to regulations, this is a surrender. We went to pick them up, not to arrest them."

"Yes, yes, I'm here to pick someone up!"

Of the six fugitives, I played another round and captured one to see how He would explain to his superiors.

The more Chen Xiangyang thought about it, the more excited he became. He put down the phone and said with a smile, "Old Shen, I'll find a car for Yang Ke and the others. You can contact the city bureau."

Lao Shen subconsciously asked: "What is the contact?"

Chen Xiangyang said enthusiastically: "We are amusing ourselves. How can it be interesting to compete with the Changhang Navigation Branch, the Water Branch, the Public Transport Branch and the Airport Branch? Contact the Municipal Bureau and apply to join the third echelon and participate in the second stage of the competition."


At the same time, Bureau He and Political Commissar Jiang were in the small conference room of the Shuangshui Branch, waiting for news from Han Yu with Bureau Peng and Political Commissar Wang of the Shuishang Branch.

"He Ju, have a sip of tea, Xianyu has nothing to worry about."

"Yes, although Xianyu is young, he has been running a ship for a long time. Captain Fan is the old captain of Linghai Shipping Company's fleet. He used to tow a 'one-stop' and is very familiar with the waterways and currents."

"Boy, I'm not worried about navigation, I'm worried about being caught on the river."

"There's nothing to worry about like arrest."

Political Commissar Wang laughed and said confidently: "Xianyu has been law enforcement and rescue on the river since he joined the work. Not only has he experienced strong winds and waves, he has also seen big scenes. Catching a few 'gas rats' is really nothing."

Director Peng was convinced and couldn't help but smile: "They have just participated in the 'Eel Catching War'. They have experience in chasing and interdicting on the river, and they are well equipped with weapons and equipment. There really is nothing to worry about."

He Ju asked curiously: "What equipment do they have?"

As the director, he actually didn't know what weapons and equipment his subordinates had. Political Commissar Wang was completely convinced.

Political Commissar Jiang was a little embarrassed and said quickly: "He Bureau, the situation on the river is different from that on the shore. Anything can happen. So in terms of weapons and equipment, the Bailonggang Police Station should have the most complete guns and ammunition."

"How complete is it? How many are there?"

"Three 81 bars, two 56 punches, two 54 type pistols, six steel helmets, six bulletproof vests. In addition, they are also equipped with the former Soviet Union's 431 type illuminating rockets. How many bullets and rockets are there? , I don’t know, but they have a ledger there.”

He Ju was startled and asked: "Are there any rockets?"

Political Commissar Jiang explained: "It's an illumination rocket, a bit like a rocket launcher, but smaller than the rocket launchers used by the army and easier to launch."

The flare rockets were distributed by Xianyu to his superiors during the eel fishing war last year.

Those vessels and personnel who illegally catch eel fry are active at night. Law enforcement lighting is an unavoidable problem at night. The searchlights on law enforcement vessels alone are far from enough.

Thinking of this, Political Commissar Wang couldn't help laughing: "Xianyu applied to his superiors for the distribution of mortars, intending to use the mortars to launch flares. But we are the public security, not the People's Liberation Army, nor the armed police. Even if the armed police force is issued mortars There were very few, so my superiors did some research and finally found him two large boxes of illumination rockets from nowhere.”

"He also wants to apply for the distribution of mortars!"

"He has used it before and is used to it. Not only can it solve the lighting problem, but it can also act as a deterrent to criminals."

As long as you are a leader, no one will worry about something happening to guns and ammunition.

Director Peng took over the conversation and explained with a smile: "He Bureau, I saw that illumination rocket during the eel-catching battle. It is said to be a rocket, but it is actually similar to a large firework. There is still a certain difference between it and the rocket launcher of the army. "

Before, I only knew that Xianyu was Xu Sanye's apprentice, so that kid was not easy to control and was a bit wild like his master.

Until this moment, He Ju didn't know how wild Master Xu Sanye was.

Law enforcement actually used mortars, which is too exaggerated.

While he was secretly sighing, Political Commissar Wang smiled and asked: "Bureau He, Political Commissar Jiang, and Lu Zhonghua, the person Chen Zikun is responsible for investigating, have basically figured out the situation. I reported to Bureau Peng at noon, and Bureau Peng and I both think the network can be closed. No need to wait any longer.”

He Bureau knew about this situation in the morning and turned around and asked: "Lao Jiang, have you ever asked about the legal system?"

"I asked, and the legal system said we have jurisdiction. The actions of brothers Lu Zhonghua and Lu Zhongjun in recycling, purifying, and selling waste oil have violated the crime of producing and selling counterfeit and shoddy products. The case can be opened for investigation and the network can be closed."

Political Commissar Jiang smiled and added: "They are also suspected of operating illegally and even causing environmental pollution. When closing the network, we can call the industry, commerce and environmental protection departments."

He Bureau nodded and asked: "Lao Peng, when do you think it is more appropriate to close the net?"


Director Peng didn't want his neighbors to think he was impatient, so he thought about it and smiled: "Chen Zikun has returned to Bailonggang, but the police co-ops from the same group as Chen Zikun are still watching in Dongqi, and have been watching for more than 20 days, comrades They can no longer bear it.

More importantly, there is a bigger operation coming, and there are only so many police forces we can allocate. If we don’t close the network now, we will definitely not have enough manpower when there is a big operation next. Besides, arresting people is one thing. When the criminals are caught, they need to be interrogated, the stolen goods need to be recovered, and additional investigations need to be carried out. "

Chasing stolen goods is the key!

During this period, the water-based crackdown headquarters spent a lot of money, and other detachments and police stations also needed to spend money to crack down. The branch office has been unable to make ends meet.

He Bureau realized that he could not delay any longer and said with a smile: "No problem, we will arrange to close the net tonight."

Political Commissar Jiang raised his head and said, "What Bureau? That's the jurisdiction of the Water Branch, and Lao Jia can't leave. Chen Zikun suggested that Comrade Zhao Hongxing from the Marine Police First Division be responsible for arresting him. What do you think?"

"Okay, our two families are connected by the same spirit, so there is no need to distinguish each other."

Bureau He nodded, thought about it and sighed: "The situation on the river is indeed different from the situation on the shore. As for the jurisdiction of the case, take the more than two thousand tons of iron ore that disappeared from Jiangcheng Port as an example. The Jiangcheng Branch has jurisdiction, as does the Water Branch of the Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau.

The iron ore is shipped from our Binjiang Port, and our branch also has jurisdiction. The transshipment fleet passes through the waters under the jurisdiction of your water branch, and may even be guarding and stealing in the waters under the jurisdiction of your branch, so your branch also has jurisdiction. "

When talking about the jurisdiction of cases on the river, Director Peng raised his arm and pointed to the other side of the river: "Ships sailing on the river are different from cars driving on the shore. Especially for small boats under 2,000 tons, there is no need to sail on the right. If the transshipment fleet has sailed along the waterway on the other side, then the Guzhou Branch of Changhang Shipping and the Water Branch of the Guzhou Public Security Bureau on the other side also have jurisdiction."

Political Commissar Wang was amused and couldn't help but smile: "In that case, Changhang Zhenjiang Branch, Yangzhou Public Security Bureau Water Branch, and the local public security departments have jurisdiction over any place where the transshipment fleet passes."

Director He sighed and said helplessly: "Every case that is easy to solve and can be solved is rushed to open the case for investigation. Cases that are difficult to solve and difficult to solve can be evaded. Therefore, if we want to really improve the public security on the river, we have a long way to go."

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