Riverside police

Chapter 396 Big Trouble

As the economy continues to develop, many new things have emerged in the past two years.

For example, if farmers want to get rid of the fate of facing the loess and turning their backs to the sky, unlike in the past, they can only rely on three ways: taking exams, joining the army, or recruiting workers in large companies. Instead, they can spend money to buy urban household registration and use money to achieve the goal of jumping over the dragon's gate.

Another example is that the party committee and government have abolished and merged many departments, and at the same time established some new departments. The Office of Restructuring is a new department that appears most frequently in the news.

At first I thought it was the Sports Reform Office, but later I found out that it was actually responsible for institutional reform.

The city is reforming its system, the towns and villages are reforming, the enterprises are reforming, and even the villages are reforming.

Han Yu didn't know how other places were reformed. He only knew that the specific change to Bailonggang was one word - sell!

Bailonggang Long-distance Bus Station was handed over to Linghai Automobile Transportation Company, but it closed within a few months of handover. Linghai Automobile Transportation Company initially left one person to guard the bus station in Bailong Port, but now even the guard has moved away, and now it wants to sell the bus station.

The Bailonggang Post Office was merged into the No. 4 Post and Telecommunications Bureau, and the business hall was closed. The Linghai Post and Telecommunications Bureau also wanted to sell the business hall.

The same is true for supply and marketing cooperatives, commercial companies and other units, but Bailonggang is not very popular now. Who will buy those houses?

As for Bailonggang Village, everything that can be sold has been sold out long ago. The agricultural machinery warehouse where Xiaoyu's family lived before was purchased from the village. The only fixed assets in the village are the village office.

The Bailonggang State-owned Hotel is currently not listed for sale, and even if it wanted to sell it, no one would buy it.

No one left the hotel, and wages could not be paid. Most of the previous managers and waiters found other jobs. Only one employee named Wu Dazhu was left to guard the hotel and run the hotel miserably. He spent all day with Wang Xiaoxue, a young man who was doing business nearby. The boss plays cards and chats.

Clean the bathroom occasionally, and dry the sheets and bedding when you are in a good mood.

It is impossible to open and wash it. There are not many tourists staying there anyway. Even if there are tourists, it only costs ten yuan a night. What can you do with ten yuan? Besides, I don’t know how many days this shabby hotel can stay open.

However, the hotel, which had been deserted for several years, became extremely busy yesterday evening.

Han Xiangning, the person in charge of the most "profitable" unit in Bailong Port, booked the entire hotel for two months yesterday evening, and generously gave it a thousand yuan!

As soon as the negotiations were concluded, four police officers from the No. 4 Police Station arrived, and Lao Qian also helped find a cook from the village.

At 12:30 in the night, more than a dozen police officers came and arrested three people from nowhere.

Today at noon, Xianyu caught nine people again from nowhere, and the state-run hotel was almost turned into a "state-run detention center."

Wu Dazhu realized that this might be related to the severe crackdown. The police regarded the hotel as a place to handle cases.

The hotel was full of secrets from the public security, and besides, the public security did not need services. Wu Dazhu simply handed a bunch of keys to Ding, the former head of the No. 4 Police Station, and sat in Meng Hualei's veterinary medicine and feed store to play cards with his neighbors.

"Old Wu, play your cards."


Comrade Lao Wu calmed down, threw down a pair of two, raised his head and said with a smile: "Xiao Meng, your instructor Chen seemed to have entered the hotel just now."

Aunt Xu, who was selling fruits and melon seeds, looked over and muttered, "The salted fish is also in there."

Meng Hualei was not surprised and said lightly: "They are busy with their business, and we play our cards."

Liu Jingqing, who was in the small shop next door, mused: "Including those arrested at night, there are more than a dozen locked up inside! Xiao Meng, what on earth did those people do?"

As a police wife, she must keep secrets. Meng Hualei said without hesitation: "Who knows what those people committed, don't pry if you shouldn't pry."

"Yes, yes, keep it a secret."

Old Wu smiled and suddenly found Zhang Jiangkun carrying an electrician's bag to the hotel.

Liu Jingyan also noticed it and asked curiously: "Xiao Meng, is Director Zhang really Xianyu's brother-in-law?"

"Really, I am Xianyu's brother-in-law!"

"Xianyu is a police officer, his lover is a port supervisor, his sister is a police officer, and his brother-in-law is the dock director. Xianyu's family is very powerful, and the whole family eats from the government."

"Yeah, but the salary isn't that great."

In terms of income, cadre teachers are very poor.

Even though Meng Hualei can't do much business just by staying in the store all day long, her income is definitely more than Chen Zikun's, much more.

Old Wu was thinking about starting a small business after the hotel closed. Aunt Xu asked curiously: "Xiao Meng, what level is Director Zhang? The previous directors were senior officials, and my old Yang said it was equivalent to the county level." .”

Meng Hualei was amused and couldn't help laughing: "It was before, it is now, and there is no comparison between now and before."

"Why can't we compare?"

"In the past, the Port Authority had an administrative level, and the director and secretary of the Port Authority were at the bureau level. Now that government and enterprise are separated, there are no levels. Only Secretary Miao has an administrative level, and no other leaders of the Port Authority have it."

"Director Zhang is not considered a cadre?"

"It's not that they don't count. They are equivalent to cadres in the factory. Now with economic construction as the center, the director and deputy directors of Bailong Port Terminal are not comparable to the directors and deputy directors of Binjiang Passenger Terminal and Binjiang Port Freight Terminals. Using his own To put it bluntly, he is just a tutor."

While they were discussing Zhang Jiangkun, Zhang Jiangkun was helping the "Bailonggang Case Handling Base" pull the phone line.

There are only four cadres and employees left at the passenger terminal. The few telephones installed previously have not been sold out and are not used anyway. It is better to pull the telephone lines over, install two telephones, and lend them to the police handling the case.

The hotel has two floors, with many rooms and a large enough space.

Eighteen police officers from Changhang Branch, Shuishang Branch and the Fourth Criminal Investigation Squadron of Linghai Public Security Bureau were divided into several groups and were busy interrogating the suspects.

As soon as his brother-in-law installed a phone, Han Yu took out the phone book and found a number. Under Liu Guixiang's expectant eyes, he contacted the Shortboy who had taken him with him on the Maritime Bureau passenger ship.

"Uncle Xiao, I, Han Yu, you know everything!"

"You came to our place and captured half of the crew of the Changsheng. The entire engine department was wiped out. I don't even know that such a big thing happened. It's impossible."

Han Yu couldn't help but recall the scene of studying in the passenger ship police force, and said with emotion: "They are the chief engineer, the second engineer, the second engineer, and the sailors... Especially Dai Xiangyuan, who has a college degree. He is forty-nine this year, and there are twenty Five years of party experience.

The salary is so high, more than 4,000 yuan a month, and more than 1,000 yuan in other months, but I can't resist the temptation of petty profits. As soon as greed opens up, the dam of my mind collapses. He ruined his career, brought shame to his family, and caused heavy economic losses to his company and even the country. "

It is indeed not easy to become chief engineer.

Xiao Tepai, who is no longer the special correspondent of the passenger ship police, also expressed regret, sighing: "In addition to personal greed and desire, the loopholes in the company's management are also a reason."

"I hope the Maritime Transport Bureau can learn lessons and strengthen internal management."

"It is difficult to turn around the ship after a disaster, and it is not easy to strengthen internal management."

Having worked in the Maritime Bureau for more than four years, Han Yu knew the situation of the Maritime Bureau very well.

In recent years, there are more management and logistics personnel on shore than there are people running ships. There are more people who live on leisure and fewer people who make money. No matter what you do, you need connections.

The bigger the company, the more it needs reform!

Long-distance phone calls are very expensive. Han Yu sighed secretly and quickly got down to business: "Uncle Xiao, although we have caught the perpetrator, we still need to collect evidence. We will inevitably cause trouble in the future."

Shortpai calmed down and said with a smile: "When will you come, I will pick you up at the dock."

"I would like to go back and see you, but I really can't leave."

"I almost forgot, you have been promoted and are now the deputy detachment leader. Are you very busy at work?"

"The whole country is cracking down, who is not busy now?"

"That's true. We've been extremely busy these past few months."

Han Yu looked up at Liu Guixiang and returned to the subject: "Uncle Xiao, our branch leader plans to ask Comrade Liu Guixiang, deputy leader of our branch's criminal investigation detachment, to come over. He has never been to the East China Sea and is not familiar with you, so he can only ask for your help."

"no problem!"

"Then I gave him your office phone number and your pager?"

"Give it to him and ask him to come directly to me after he comes over."

"Okay, thank you Uncle Xiao."

Han Yu exchanged a few more pleasantries, and as soon as he hung up the phone, Liu Guixiang asked eagerly: "Xianyu, what is the position of this person just now?"

Han Yu smiled and said: "The deputy section chief of the Criminal Investigation Section of the Maritime Public Security Bureau has taken care of me before. He can be said to be my master. You should respect him when you see him."

Liu Guixiang was finally relieved that someone was easy to do. He grinned and said, "Your master is my master. Don't worry when I do things."

Han Yu picked up the pen, quickly copied down the phone number and pager number, raised his head and said, "Now that I have nothing to do, when do you plan to leave?"

"It's your business."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Zhao Guofu's family is on the other side. You need to arrange a boat to send Lao Wang and Xiao Chen across the river."

"Has Zhao Guofu confessed?"

"Well, we have to cross the river to collect evidence and recover the stolen goods."

Liu Guixiang looked at his watch and continued: "Our task force is divided into three groups. Lao Gu and I will go to the East China Sea. We will go to the ferry and take a bus later. Lao Cheng and the others will stay here to continue interrogating the crew members."

"The boat is easy to handle. You can ask Lao Wang and Xiao Chen to go directly to the barge to find Ning Ning and ask her to arrange a supervision boat to send them across the river."

As soon as Han Yu finished speaking, Lao Jia's call came from the intercom.

"Received, received, Uncle Jia, please speak."

"Yuzhi, several boats at Yingchuan Port have moved. Xiaoyu said that one of them set sail to the dock on the other side and is loading coal at the moment."

Han Yu stood up subconsciously, held up the walkie-talkie and asked, "Where is Chen Xiaojuan?"

Lao Jia looked at the call record and said solemnly: "Chen Xiaojuan and her accomplices boarded the two Sanwu boats that set sail half an hour ago and are heading upstream. Luo Wenjiang and Dong Bangjun have already followed them."

"They should have agreed on where to steal and sell coal."

"We think so too."

"Where is Xiaoyu here?"

"He took the supervision boat of the Second Harbor Patrol Brigade to the dock on the other side to see if he could wait for the boat to be filled with coal, and secretly took pictures of the pile under the cover of the comrades of the Second Harbor Patrol Brigade."

Han Yu asked: "Where does the coal from the dock on the other side come from?"

Lao Jia explained: "The import is from a 30,000-ton foreign ship, and the procedures are complete. Ningning helped us find out that these 30,000 tons of coal will be transferred to Jiangcheng."

Han Yu suddenly frowned slightly: "We have to transport 30,000 tons at once, which will be a big trouble."

There have been various speculations on how to catch this accomplice.

How could Lao Jia not hear the implication of Han Yu's words and said anxiously: "Report to the bureau leaders quickly, we don't have much time left."

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