Riverside police

Chapter 40 Old Salted Fish

"I will work on a big ship in the future and make a lot of money..."

The leaders and seniors in the office were so caring and really groomed him as a successor, which made Han Yu feel mixed emotions. He felt that he would be embarrassed to resign if this continued.

And they weren’t kidding when they said nurture.

Before Xu Sanye left, he asked Zhang Lan to bring a bunch of textbooks such as "Introduction to Public Security Science" and "Public Security Applications" when he was in the Public Security College.

I found a bunch of magazines such as "Police Technology" and "People's Public Security" from the bureau, as well as technical textbooks on "Capturing the Enemy" with the words "Internally Released" printed on them.

They even planned to divide the work between the three of them when they were no longer busy.

Xu Sanye plans to teach security and investigation in person, the instructor will teach laws and regulations and pre-trial, and Lao Zhang will teach household registration management and various ledgers.

As for turbine technology, we still need to learn it.

In Xu Sanye's words, "One trick can be used everywhere." Only those with strong professional skills can be competitive in the future.

Considering that the Marine Technology Major has several courses that are difficult to teach on your own, such as English and Computer Science, the institute will arrange funds for people to attend night classes in Binjiang, and they must obtain a college diploma!

All of this made Han Yu very entangled, and he was confused when he saw the salary and bonus that the instructor had received.

Zhang Lan walked into the office, picked up the salary slip and looked at it, and immediately exclaimed: "Little Xianyu, you are rich!"

"How to make a fortune?"

"The salary is four hundred and fifty-nine, so much at once."

Han Yu calmed down and raised his head and said: "This is the salary for seven, eight, and nine months, plus business trip allowance, plus bonuses and rewards. There won't be so much in the future. From next month, it will only be fifty-three."

Zhang Lan sat across from him and said enviously: "Xu Suo helped you get bonus rewards and business trip subsidies. Xu Suo is partial. He treats you better than he treated Xu Mingyuan back then!"

Han Yu stuffed the money into the envelope and said with a grin: "Brother Xu is the eldest apprentice of Xu Institute, and I am the youngest apprentice of Xu Institute. No matter at home or at work, the youngest one will certainly get the glory."

"Let's see how proud you are of me. Let's talk about how you plan to spend it when you get your salary for the first time."

"Keep twenty yuan as pocket money and save the rest first."

"Aren't you going to buy something?"

"Buying rice, I'm different from you. I have to pay rice when I eat in the cafeteria."

"A stingy man, he can't bear to spend such a huge salary."

“There’s nothing missing, I don’t know what to buy.”

Come to think of it, he has food and accommodation in the house, and he is young, so he really doesn't have much to spend money on.

Zhang Lan stopped joking and asked curiously: "When will you and Liang Xiaoyu go to participate in militia training?"

"Training starts tomorrow and we have to report in the afternoon. We plan to go there after lunch."

Han Yu paused and said with a wry smile: "Originally, it was said that we would only need to train for one week. Yesterday we were notified that our superiors asked us to extend it to twelve days. We will have food and accommodation there, and we will not be able to come back until the training is over."

Training was already very hard, and Xu Sanye even said hello to others before leaving, asking them to hold him and Liang Xiaoyu to high standards and strict requirements.

Zhang Lan expressed infinite sympathy for his experience and advised: "Although training is difficult, there are training subsidies."

"Do you have money?" Han Yu asked subconsciously.

"Of course there are, but not many." Zhang Lan smiled and looked at him and asked, "Do you know where you two quotas came from?"

"Where did it come from?"

"It seems that several units have handed over the training funds, but they can't spare anyone to participate in the training. It can be said that you and Liang Xiaoyu are going to help others train, so the training subsidies will naturally be paid to you."

Thinking of the child who was learning to write in the reception room downstairs, Zhang Lan joked again: "An old salted fish, a salted fish, a small fish, plus a cook who can catch and cook fish, you will soon become a fish." The pond is gone.”

The salted fish is undoubtedly himself, the little fish is Liang Xiaoyu, and the old money can catch fish and burn them...

Han Yu thought for a while and asked curiously: Sister Zhang, who is Old Xianyu? "

Zhang Lan subconsciously raised her head and looked outside. She suddenly remembered that Xu Sanye and Lao Zhang had taken Wu Youfu to the East China Sea. There was no need to worry about being heard by Xu Sanye, and she said happily:

"Xu Suo, because of you, this little salty fish, he has a resounding nickname. Now everyone in the bureau calls him Old Salty Fish behind his back."

"How come Xu Suo has become an old salted fish?"

"He is restricted from using it. There is a document on it. No matter how good he is, he can't even think about taking up a minor subject. He will never be able to turn around in his life. This is not an old salted fish."

"Do you have documents?"

"you do not know?"

"I heard it said by others, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Actually, he doesn't care either."

Zhang Lan smiled, opened his bag and took out a bunch of invoices and notebooks: "It's not like you haven't seen it before. Although he is only the director, he is almost the same as the deputy director in the bureau. There is nothing he dare not say, and there is nothing he can't do. matter."

Thinking that Xu Sanye was so wild in the bureau, Han Yu mused: "Fortunately, Director Yang is big-headed. If there is a change of director, even if there is no way to deal with Suo Xu, he will find a way to transfer Suo Xu to other units."

It seems that Xiao Xianyu not only doesn't understand the situation in the bureau, but also knows nothing about the situation in the county.

Zhang Lan couldn't help laughing and said: "You think too simply. It's not that Director Yang doesn't want to drive him away, it's just that no unit dares to ask for him."

"No unit dares to ask for it?"

"I tried it when I became director, but as soon as I went to the organization department, the top leaders of the bureau committees went to the county leaders."

"What did they ask the county leaders to do?"

"I'm afraid that the Organization Department will transfer Suo Xu to their unit, hahaha."

"So exaggerated?"

"Many people are afraid of him. This is not an exaggeration. The Ministry of Armed Forces wanted Xu Institute, but Xu Institute was unwilling to go. They thought that being a militia reserve was not as interesting as being a public security officer.

Besides, he had only been a militia battalion commander before, and had never been a soldier, let alone an active-duty officer. Even if he did, he wouldn't have a good position. "

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "You can go to the township and become the Minister of Human Resources and Military Affairs."

"The township's Minister of Human Resources and Arms is a deputy minister, and Xu Suo cannot be promoted to a deputy minister. If he could be promoted to a deputy minister, the county would have arranged for him to go to a remote town to be the Minister of Human Resources and Arms."

"Sister Zhang, you are saying that the county actually wants to promote Xu Suo."

"The county doesn't want to promote Xu Suo, it just wants to find a colder bench for Xu Suo."

Zhang Lan looked outside again, confirmed that Li Weiguo was not there, and continued: "Actually, the county and the bureau originally planned to establish the Shuangshui Police Station. However, considering that the Shuishang Police Station will be established in the county seat and have jurisdiction over the entire county's water security, I felt it had too much power, and eventually it became the Yanjiang police station now.”

"What does it mean to have too much power?"

"This is not simple. I am worried that Xu has too much power."

Han Yu asked: "Then why did the county and bureau set up a police station on the water?"

Zhang Lan explained: “There are two reasons. First, the superiors required to strengthen water security management and provide boat people with boat people’s household registration books and boat people’s certificates;

Second, the family planning system on the shore is very strict, and no one cares about the boat people and fishermen floating on the water. People on the shore have complaints and report them to the province.

Therefore, the county attaches great importance to it and requires our bureau to set up a floating police station to first get a feel for it by applying for a boat resident certificate, and then assist the family planning department in its work. "

It turns out that the Yanjiang Police Station was established because of the need for family planning work...

Han Yu suddenly reacted: "No wonder the instructor goes to family planning meetings every three days. I used to find it strange and thought we were a police station and not a family planning office."

Zhang Lan said sympathetically: "Li Zhi's job is more offensive than Xu Suo's. He goes out every two days, not just for meetings."

"What else to do."

"Assist the cadres in the towns and villages along the river to send women with unplanned pregnancies on the boat to the hospital."

Zhang Lan put down her tea cup and added: “There are also some women on the shore who want to have a second or even third child, but for fear of being found by township and village officials, they hide on the boats of boat people and fishermen they know.

The people on the boat were so brave and fierce that they really dared to fight against the cadres. Li pointed out that without assistance, the family planning department would not be able to continue its work. "

Han Yu asked in a low voice: "Xu Suo doesn't care about these things. Can Xu Suo go?"

Zhang Lan said with a smile: "He won't go. I heard that once at a county party committee meeting, he said in front of the county leaders in charge of family planning work that he was not ignoring it, but had to follow the procedures. If the family planning cadres were really beaten, Yes, he will definitely call the police."

"Xu Suo doesn't want to take care of it, so Li Zhi can't stop going?"

"Li Zhi can't go without it. The job responsibilities are clearly written. If you don't believe me, go back and read the last one."

Han Yu subconsciously turned around and found that the last item of job responsibilities hanging on the wall clearly read "Complete other tasks assigned by superiors."

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