Riverside police

Chapter 50 I am the one who praises others

The washing of three wines must be arranged, but it will take a few days.

In the evening, I worked on the floor of Ji's house. Early the next morning, I went to the butcher shop next to the brigade office and bought a set of tripe lungs. I asked Ji's parents and mom to wash them and make soup to replenish my sister-in-law's body.

Then he brought a large basket of red eggs and asked Dad Ji to ride his bicycle to Linghai Bus Station and then take the bus back to work.

When we arrived at the office, it was almost nine o'clock.

The door to the director's office was ajar, and I originally planned to hand out red eggs first, but as I was about to knock on the door, I saw the director and instructor talking to Zhang from the Bailonggang Police Station.

"Suo Xu, instructor, and Suo Zhang, please work first. I'll come back later."

"You're not busy, come in and talk. You are the future director of my Yanjiang Police Station, and the station has no secrets from you!"

Xu Sanye laughed, looked at the basket he was carrying and asked, "Sister-in-law has given birth?"

"I gave birth. I gave birth at 7:23 last night. I gave birth to a boy, weighing six pounds and two ounces."


"Xianyu, I didn't expect you to be an uncle."

Xu Sanye's face straightened and he said seriously: "Old Zhang, it doesn't matter if Xianyu is an uncle, he has been an uncle for a long time. From now on, his nephew will be invited to sit in the chair when he takes the exam, joins the army, goes on a blind date, or gets married. "

Li Weiguo nodded slightly, suppressing a smile and added: "If there is a family conflict at his sister's house, he should be asked to mediate. If his sister wants to separate from his nephew in the future, he should be asked to be a witness."

Zhang Suo couldn't help but smile and said: "That's incredible, Xianyu, it seems that your family status is very high."

"Zhang Suo, don't believe what Xu Suo and Li are saying. I have no status at all in the family. No matter what I say, my dad won't listen or believe it."

"The main reason is that it's a bit small. He will have to listen to it in a few years, hahaha."

Han Yu felt embarrassed at being teased and quickly divided the red eggs.

After the joke was over, Xu Sanye invited everyone to eat eggs while talking about business: "Report to the county and ask for commendation from the county?"

"This is what Director Wang from your political office called me and told me."

"What else did he say."

"In terms of collective honor, we can only give merit and awards to the 9.17 task force. We are told to rest assured that they will help our institute and the Wang team fight for it when the time comes. Please ask the county committee and county government to rate us as an advanced unit in combating speculation."

What's the use of commending the task force? The task force has almost been withdrawn.

As for the advanced unit, to put it bluntly, it is a certificate of award.

Xu Sanye realized that this was not just Blind Man Wang's idea, and laughed and scolded: "They are really naughty. They can judge whatever they want, as long as no one is left out."

Zhang Junyan smiled bitterly and said, "But what we want is not this collective honor!"

Xu Sanye peeled the red eggs and said with a smile: "There is no way in the world where you can only take advantage without suffering a loss. You took away 300,000 yuan. I not only gave them 300,000 yuan, but also spent tens of thousands more on them to make them pay." It’s okay to vent your anger.”

Han Yu got the general idea and couldn't believe that the director was so easy to talk to.

Li Weiguo knew Xu Sanye too well, so it was not surprising that he had this reaction.

Zhang Junyan felt as strange as Han Yu, and reminded him: "Xu Suo, will your county give you merit and awards?"

"Lao Zhang, do you think I will care about this?"

Xu Sanye asked back and laughed: "Let's put it this way, I, Xu Sanye, am the one who commends others and gives them certificates! Even if the county plans to commend me, I don't bother to receive the certificate."

I almost forgot that he had sat in Director Yang's position for several years.

Zhang Junyan reacted suddenly, thinking that this honor was really nothing to him.

Xu Sanye finished eating the eggs, dusted his hands, and pointed to the banners hanging on the wall: "Gold cups and silver cups are not as good as the reputation of the masses. These are enough for me, and I only need the approval of the masses."

"That's true. I envy you every time I see so many banners. In all the years since our establishment, we have only received a total of two."

"We also have letters from the masses, and there are several large boxes of thank-you letters from the masses."

"Big Brother is Big Brother, and we have to learn from you."

Be it pennants or letters of thanks, they are all obtained by cracking down on scalpers who resell boat tickets.

It's okay to show off to others, but it's too much to show off to Zhang Suo, who participated in the crackdown on ticket reselling.

Han Yu felt embarrassed when he heard this, feeling like he was greedy for the merits of heaven.

Xu Sanye also realized that he had found the wrong person to show off to, and immediately changed the subject: "Lao Zhang, you came at the right time today. We are going to have a big move next. Are you interested in cooperating with us again?"

"What action?" Zhang Junyan asked with a smile.

"In the operation against reselling foreign exchange certificates, we have already caught two suspects in the East China Sea. If we can catch them in a few days, the results will probably be huge."

It’s more profitable to resell foreign exchange certificates than to resell ferry tickets!

Zhang Junyan said without hesitation: "Of course I'm interested."

Although Xu Sanye didn't care about honor, he thought that the wallflower and Wang Xiazi dared to suppress the Yanjiang Police Station, so he decided to give them some color.

"From what we know, the two suspects came to Bailong Port by boat more than once, and then took a long-distance bus to Binjiang. And after arriving in Binjiang, they mainly engaged in the illegal activity of reselling foreign exchange certificates in the port area. This involves jurisdiction Quan, we can't mess around like others, so I plan to use you as the main investigator to investigate this case."

"No problem. If there is any confiscation, once it is returned, it will be divided equally between the two families just like last time!"

This is pie in the sky...

The more Zhang Junyan thought about it, the more excited he became. Seeing that Xu Sanye was smiling but not smiling, he hurriedly added: "And with us as the main ones, our bureau will have the initiative. When the time comes to judge the merits and awards, we will definitely not be as petty as your bureau."

"They are not petty. They mainly have no sense of ownership and no perspective on the overall situation."

"No sense of ownership?"

"It's very simple. These more than 40 kilometers of Yangtze River water belong to our Linghai section, otherwise it wouldn't be called the Linghai section of the North Branch of the Yangtze River.

But they are afraid of trouble and are reluctant to invest, regardless of thinking that this is equivalent to handing over their jurisdiction to others. If it rises to the level of the country, this is a loss of power and humiliation of the country. "

Xu Sanye knocked on the table and continued: "Actually, it's not just them, our County Transportation Bureau and Agriculture Bureau are also the same. I have invested what should be invested. When the Jiangbian Law Enforcement Base is built, I can even free up a few offices for them. Move in.”

Zhang Junyan asked curiously: "What did the Transportation Bureau and Agriculture Bureau say?"

"They found it troublesome and said that the water transportation in the Linghai section of the Yangtze River is under the supervision of the Binjiang Port Supervision Bureau, and the fishery administration of these more than 40 kilometers of water is under the supervision of the Binjiang Municipal Agriculture Bureau's Fishery Administration Station."

"They may consider personnel and funding..."

"This is not a matter of whether there are people or money, but a problem with work attitude. I will not come to them again in the future, and they should not come to me if something happens!"

Xu Sanye snorted coldly, and then changed the topic: "Xianyu, Captain Wang said that people from the ship inspection department will come for on-site inspection at the end of next month, but now they have to submit a lot of materials.

Captain Wang is good at repairing and sailing ships, but he doesn't know how to get materials. You don't have to do anything else these days, just get the materials needed by the ship inspection department. "

There is a set of procedures for ship registration and inspection, and a series of procedures must be followed.

Once the drawings are designed, they must be submitted for review. A large amount of information must be prepared, and no mistakes can be made in every aspect.

001 is an old ship. Where can I find relevant information? This task is more difficult than replying to the masses...

Han Yu was about to say that the information could not be tidied up by just trying to sort it out, but Xu Sanye continued: "They are only here once, and they plan to complete the inspection at once, and they may have to do a trial voyage.

To conduct a sea trial, you need to sail the ship, and when you sail the ship, you need to burn oil, and burning oil costs money.

Lao Zhang, I plan to take the opportunity of the trial voyage to conduct a fire drill. You go back and help me ask the person in charge of the port area if they are willing to participate. "

"Xu Suo, what are you going to do?"

"They set up several fire points, and we drove 001 over and turned on the water cannon to put out the fire. If conditions permit, we will add two more subjects: rescuing stranded ships and rescuing people who fell into the water. In short, if the ship is about to move, the oil cannot Burn in vain.”

"Safety comes first, and they certainly would."

"You help me communicate with them first, Lao Li. You go find the person in charge of the lock and gas station in the afternoon. If several units are willing to participate, we will arrange a time for them to have a meeting and study together how to drill. "

The main responsibilities of the Yanjiang Police Station are to manage the population on the water, maintain public order along the Yangtze River and the Bailong River waters, prevent and combat various illegal and criminal activities, and protect the safety of water transportation and people's lives and property.

Now he actually added rescue and firefighting, and the scope of his "business" suddenly expanded.

Li Weiguo didn't know what to say to him, so he could only smile and say: "Okay."

Xu Sanye looked at Han Yu and then at Zhang Junyan: "As for the action against reselling foreign exchange bonds, a foreign ship will dock at Binjiang Port next Tuesday. Foreign seamen may disembark, and those suspected of reselling foreign exchange bonds will definitely not miss this opportunity.

The clues were collected by Xianyu. I originally planned to ask Xianyu and Zhang Lan to call security activists who knew the suspect to go there together. Now that you have joined and you are the main leader, there is no need for Zhang Lan to participate, so as to save the future of the bureau from talking nonsense. "

He is very good at troubles, but he has too few people.

Lao Li not only has his own job, but also has to investigate the bicycle theft case with the No. 4 Police Station.

Lao Zhang is responsible for the management of the floating population. He is too busy just to mobilize the boat people to apply for floating household registration, boat people's certificates and ID cards.

Now that there is a joint defense team member who can recover corpses to assist, it is a little easier than before.

As for the newly recruited Liang Xiaoyu, not to mention that he is uneducated and can't help him for the time being. Even if he can help, he is just a zone defender.

Zhang Junyan knew the situation of his neighbor at the Yanjiang Police Station very well and said without hesitation: "Binjiang Port is our base camp. I asked Lao Liu to go with Xianyu. We have many brothers to cooperate with us there."

Xu Sanye looked at him with a smile and asked: "Old Zhang, since this case is dominated by you, and it is indeed more conducive to the investigation if it is handed over to you, then we only send salted fish here?"

"As long as you have salted fish, besides, you have done a lot of preliminary work, leave the follow-up work to us!"

Zhang Junyan had already tasted the sweetness, so he naturally didn't make small calculations and agreed very happily.

Han Yu didn't expect that he, a newcomer, could be on his own. He felt like he was dreaming.

Li Weiguo knew very well that there was something in Xu Sanye's words. He was planning to send Xianyu there alone, and then sit at home and wait for the money and credit to be divided.

He couldn't help but look at Han Yu, and it was written on his face that he was going to help the institute make money.

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