Riverside police

Chapter 65 Plans are worse than changes

Once again plans are worse than changes.

Han Yu was about to call his sister. The police officer from the Political and Security Section in charge of monitoring reported to Chief Hu on the walkie-talkie. The scalper called Zhang Asheng and said that he really couldn't get the tickets, and repeatedly emphasized that it was not a matter of money.

It’s normal for scalpers to be unable to get tickets.

Because Binjiang Port is different from Bailong Port, there is no dedicated passenger line to and from the East China Sea. The two passenger ships that dock at the port every day are "Jiangshen" and "Jianghan" from the East China Sea to Hanwu.

There are more than a dozen ports in the upper reaches. They have sold out all the tickets, so there are no tickets at Binjiang Port.

The same is true for coming from the East China Sea. If there are many people buying tickets for Yangzhou, Jiangcheng, Wuhu, Jiujiang, Hanwu and other places, there will be no short-distance tickets for Binjiang.

Because ferry tickets are so tight, it is said that when city leaders want to hold meetings in Jiangcheng, they have to ask people to book tickets a few days in advance.

Although the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau does not belong to the Changhang Shipping Public Security Bureau, it still belongs to the port and shipping system. It is familiar with the captain, political commissar and police officers on the ship, and can board the ship even without a ticket.

The three suspects would be in trouble if they couldn't buy tickets, and it was impossible to help them go and say hello to others.

Director Chen and others were frowning when another call from the political security police came over the intercom.

"Hu Ke Hu Ke, Zhang Asheng is on the phone again. He is contacting a shipyard in Bailong Port and asking for help in finding a Donghai man named Huang Jiangsheng."

"Have you found it?"

"Not at the moment. The shipyard duty officer went to call for help. He just hung up. Before hanging up, he told them to call me in ten minutes."

Director Chen raised his head and asked, "Who is Huang Jiangsheng?"

Chief Hu was asked, and Chief Jiang, Deputy Chief Zhou, Lao Liu and Liu Guixiang looked at Han Yu subconsciously.

Han Yu hurriedly said: "Huang Jiangsheng is a public security activist from our Yanjiang Police Station. He provided clues to Ye, Zhang and Shen for reselling foreign exchange certificates. This morning, he came to help us identify three suspects."

"Where are the others?"

"I'll go back to Bailong Port in the afternoon."

Han Yu thought for a while and added: "Zhang Asheng probably asked Huang Jiangsheng to help buy the ferry ticket. They probably planned to return to the East China Sea from Bailong Port."

We must help the three suspects, otherwise we will fall short.

Director Chen took a deep breath and said: "Hurry up and contact your Xu Office. If they really ask Huang Jiangsheng to help buy the tickets, ask Huang Jiangsheng to agree to them. Junyan, contact Bailonggang Passenger Terminal immediately and make it clear to them, no matter what Also keep three ferry tickets.”


Han Yu followed Zhang Suo into an office and quickly called the office.

Xu Sanye happened to be on duty tonight, so he figured out the ins and outs, and said with a smile: "It's better to go back and forth, I'm here, tell Director Chen, please don't worry, I will go to the shipyard to have a look."

"Xu Suo, I will go to Donghai with Director Chen later."

"Go and see the world. There are not many opportunities to catch foreign criminals, and I have never caught them."

"Xu Suo, how about you go..."

"Whatever I do, I have to listen to them. You just go, you have full authority to represent me!"

Think about it, he is the one who leads others.

In Linghai, he didn't have to give Yang Jing any trouble.

But if you want to participate in the operation, you have to give Chen Bureau some status. After all, Bureau Chen is a division-level leader, on the same level as the director of the city bureau.

Han Yu didn't dare to talk any more and quickly handed the phone to Zhang Suo.

After Zhang Suo had contacted the person in charge of Bailong Port Passenger Terminal, Han Yu answered the phone again, dialed the switchboard of the Sailors Club, and asked the operator to transfer to the duty room on the second floor of the guest room department.

My brother comes when he wants and leaves when he wants.

Han Ning was a little reluctant and asked in a low voice: "Are you coming back?"

"I won't go back."

"Where are you now."

"At the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau, I will go on a business trip with the people from the bureau later."

"Be careful on the road."

"I know, by the way, Sister Wu gave me a piece of bread and put it in the drawer. Don't forget to bring it to Dongdong."

"I saw it and can't forget it."

When I walked out of the office, I saw several police officers from the agency wearing civilian clothes and hurriedly arriving with luggage.

They all live in the port area, and most of them have Port Authority internal telephones installed in their homes, so they can be notified when they call. Unlike the Linghai Public Security Bureau, each police station is so far away from the county seat, and it would take most of a day to gather.

The bureau leaders in charge of each group summoned them to several offices next door and asked Jiang Ke, Zhou Ke, Lao Liu and Liu Guixiang to report the case to them.

There were only four people left in the conference room: Director Chen, Suo Zhang, Section Chief Hu, and Director Qian of the office. A policeman from the agency even dragged a telephone cord and installed a red phone.

No need to ask, you know that this should be a confidential phone, Director Chen is waiting for instructions from his superiors.

Han Yu felt that it was inappropriate to sit in the conference room, and was about to find an excuse to go out for some air, when another call came from the intercom on the table.

"Hu Ke Hu Ke, please reply when you receive it."

"Please speak when you receive it."

"Zhang Asheng contacted Huang Jiangsheng and asked Huang Jiangsheng to buy three ferry tickets from Bailong Port to Donghai Shiliupu Pier at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Huang Jiangsheng promised to help him find someone and asked him to call back in ten minutes."

"Roger, continue monitoring."

Director Chen raised his head and looked at Han Yu.

Han Yu said hurriedly: "Our Xu Suo is right next to Huang Jiangsheng."

Director Chen nodded with satisfaction and looked at the red confidential phone.

At this time, a policeman knocked on the door and came in: "Report to Bureau Chen, the traffic boat is ready. Master Liu said it can leave at any time."

"Director Qian hasn't come back yet, let Liu wait a little longer."


It seemed that he would not be able to wait for instructions from his superiors for a while. Director Chen raised his head and asked with a smile: "Little salty fish, have you ever been to the East China Sea?"

Han Yu smiled and said, "I've been there more than a dozen times."

"A dozen times!"

"The last time we cracked down on ticket reselling, we had to board the ship to investigate and collect evidence. Uncle Liu and I took a ship to the East China Sea in the morning and returned by ship in the evening. We went there for ten consecutive days."

Han Yu scratched his head and added with an embarrassed look: "Later, to apply for a ship certificate, I needed to provide the ship inspection department with drawings and a copy of the shipyard's industrial and commercial license, so I went to the East China Sea again."

"I remembered, you are repairing and building ships. When the base on the riverside is completed, remember to tell me, I will send you banners, help you set off firecrackers, and wish you a happy opening."

"Thank you, Director Chen. If you can go, our Xu Institute will be very happy."

"Your director is very capable and a very interesting person."

"Bureau Chen, do you know our Xu Institute?"

“I’ve met him a few times during city bureau meetings, but I’ve never interacted with him.”

"How come we haven't dealt with you before? You gave us the radar and radio. We at Xu Institute were very happy and said you were very generous."

"No matter how generous I am, I am not as generous as him. I can throw hundreds of thousands of dollars at the riverside."

"Xu said it was for work."

"He does it for work, just like you bureau leaders do it for work, everyone does it for work. They just come from different angles and have different views. But for us, your Xu Suo is a good neighbor."

Zhang Junyan couldn't help but laugh, thinking that he and Xu Sanye could only be neighbors, not colleagues.

If Xu Sanye is transferred to Binjiang Public Security Bureau, Bureau Chen will probably have the same headache as the leaders of Linghai Public Security Bureau.

While they were chatting, another call came from Section Chief Hu's walkie-talkie.

"Hu Ke Hu Ke, Zhang Asheng's phone number got through. Huang Jiangsheng said that he asked a friend from the Bailong Port Ferry Terminal to buy three tickets."

"Any more?"

"Yes, they have made an appointment to pick it up at the waiting room door at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. Zhang Asheng may be worried about it and plans to go to Bailong Port overnight. Tell Huang Jiangsheng not to leave in a hurry. He will call Huang Jiangsheng in ten minutes."

After the call ended, Zhang Junyan raised his head and said, "It's normal to be worried. After all, if you miss it, you won't be able to exchange it for US dollars."

Director Chen pondered: "It's so late, how are they planning to get to Bailong Port?"

Binjiang is not the East China Sea, and there are not many taxis.

Han Yu was just thinking about whether they were going to find "Rabbit Head" when a policeman knocked on the door and asked, "Who is Xianyu? Someone is calling looking for Xianyu."

"I am Xianyu, who is looking for me?"

"It's a lesbian, she says she's your sister."

"Oh, thank you."

Han Yu quickly stood up and followed the police to the duty room next to the hall.

As soon as I picked up the phone, I heard my sister say on the other end of the phone: "San'er, Manager Ye said that they can't buy a boat ticket for tomorrow and want to check out overnight and go to Bailong Port, and take a boat back to the East China Sea from Bailong Port early tomorrow morning. "

"What does it have to do with us?"

"He just came over and asked me to help find a car."

"Sister, please wait a moment, I will report to the leader first."

"Okay, hurry up, they are waiting for news."

Director Chen figured out the situation and analyzed: "They have a lot of foreign exchange coupons with them, and foreign exchange coupons are money. Going to Bailong Port in the middle of the night and asking someone relatively familiar to help find a car should be for safety reasons."

Zhang Junyan asked in a low voice: "What should we do now?"

"There are plenty of cars, but we can't make them suspicious. Xiao Xianyu, can your sister help them find it?"

"You can't find a car, but you can find two motorcycles. My brother-in-law's two apprentices have motorcycles, but they know that I am a police officer."

"They are also employees of our Port Authority?"


"That's easy to handle. What are their names?"

"One is named Yang Daming and the other is named Gu Xian. They are both in the machine repair class."

"First call your sister and ask your sister to agree to be named Ye. Lao Hu, please contact the machine repair class quickly and ask Yang Daming and Gu Xian to come over first and explain to them the precautions."

Plans never change.

Ye Xingguo learned that he was looking for two motorcycles. He was still a little scared when he thought about it. After all, he was walking at night with so much money in the middle of the night. What if he was robbed.

He weighed it up, looked at Han Ning with a smile and asked, "Xiao Han, can your brother send us there?"

"San'er can't drive, and the motorcycle is so big that he can't even reach the pedals when riding it."

"I'm not saying let him drive, I'm saying let him go with us on a motorcycle and come back on a motorcycle."

“Can a motorcycle seat so many people?”

"Didn't you say 250? Happy 250 should be able to sit down if you squeeze it."

"Let him go to Bailong Port late at night..."

Ye Xingguo knew it was a bit overwhelming, but he couldn't be careful when going out with so much money, so he immediately took out a wad of money:

"Xiao Han, I won't let your lover's apprentice run away in vain, nor will I let your brother go in vain. Besides, we are fellow villagers."

Han Ning did not dare to agree easily and said perfunctorily: "Manager Ye, although my brother is not a big man, he has a lot of ideas. How about I call him over and ask him if he wants to go."

Ye Xingguo smiled and said, "Okay, hurry up and shout."

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