Riverside police

Chapter 694: Up to Heaven to Listen

At 12:58, all officers and soldiers of the water search and rescue company embarked on the journey again with equipment and supplies.

Han Yu returned to the command and control room on the second floor of the pontoon, turned on the high-frequency radio, and shouted: "Mr. Zou, Wu Chu, I, Han Yu, please answer when you receive it!"

"Copy that, Secretary Han, please speak."

"Ok, ok, what's the matter?"

"Although the fourth flood peak is expected to arrive in Sarawak City in the early morning of the 8th, according to the pattern of previous flood peaks, it is certain that the water level in Jingjiang River will start to rise from now on, and the next 24 hours will be the most difficult 24 hours!"

Han Yu overlooked the dark river surface and continued: "In order to deal with the major dangers that may occur next, we must conserve our physical strength and energy. Please immediately ask the earthwork construction team, earthwork transportation team and corresponding auxiliary personnel to stop construction and organize Machinery equipment and earthmoving vehicles are being shipped!”

Zou Xiangyu asked: "Then what."

"Let the construction workers on the shore take 001, Yangtze River Public Security 110 and supervision 88 to come back to eat, bathe and rest. Wu Chu, please do your best to organize the engineering fleet and transport fleet overnight, and sail to the 'base' waters to anchor .”


Han Yu felt uneasy after thinking about it and emphasized: "The current is very fast and the wind and waves are strong. Pay attention to safety when marshalling, and even more when anchoring. The tugboats and stern boats of the fleet throw double anchors, and the same goes for ferries and self-propelled ships of the transportation team. So. When anchoring, the anchor chain should be loose enough, and the chain length should be six to eight times the water depth.

After the fleet is anchored, enough crew members are left on duty to check the anchoring situation every ten minutes. At the same time, attention should be paid to the dynamics of surrounding ships through radar observation, and any situation should be reported to Director Yu in a timely manner so that Director Yu can organize rescue. Furthermore, the engine crew will not take a break for the time being. In order to cope with possible emergencies, Linggang Towing 001, Lingdadu 13 and Binjiang Public Security 001 must have vehicles on standby! "


The emergency construction team was assembled and on standby, and the earthwork filling team continued filling.

As for what the several logistics support teams should do next, it will be arranged separately by Comrade Lao Wang, the senior expert in charge of logistics support, Mr. Qian, the "boss officer", and Zhao Jiang, the duty officer.

Seeing that Han Yu kept giving orders and Lao Wang and others were busy, Vice Mayor Qin and Deputy Commander Tao subconsciously looked at Vice Mayor Shen.

Vice Mayor Shen scratched his neck and said with a bit of embarrassment: "A layman cannot command an expert. As the first secretary, I cannot give blind orders, let alone cause trouble for them, so I can only stand aside."

Everywhere is like a mountain, they are indeed very professional.

For example, I didn’t understand the request just now for the engineering fleet to anchor, and I didn’t know how to command it.

Deputy Commander Tao suddenly felt that coming to express condolences this time was like adding trouble to the salted fish, so he simply put away his notebook and walked out of the command and dispatch room.

Mr. Qian realized that he was neglecting his leader and quickly followed him out.

"Three leaders, the guest rooms are on the first floor. We have already packed them and sent our luggage in. I will take the three leaders down to have a look."

"There's no need to go to such trouble, it won't affect your work."

"I'm done, three leaders, this way."

Mr. Qian looked back behind him and smiled as he walked: "Secretary Han will finish his work soon. I will ask the cooking team to bring the supper over. After Secretary Han finishes his work, he will come down and have supper with the three leaders."

Deputy Commander Tao asked in a low voice: "Is there any late night snack?"

"Our commando team usually works in two shifts, changing shifts every six hours. The people rest and the machines are constantly working, so there is a midnight snack every night. In the past few days, Secretary Han had to both command and find time to excavate the machine. He has been I didn’t get a good rest, I managed to sleep for a long time today, and I haven’t had dinner yet.”

"Deputy Commander Tao, Mr. Qian is the CEO of our Binjiang Huayang New Materials Co., Ltd., and he is also a veteran."

"Mr. Qian, what year are you a soldier in?"

"I joined the army in 1975. I was unlucky. A few days after returning from the army, the old army went to the front line. If I had thought of a way to stay in the army and serve for an extended period, I would have been able to catch up with the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam."

Deputy Commander Tao asked with great interest: "Are you among the first batch of old troops to participate in the war?"

Mr. Qian opened the cabin door and said: "I used to be an artilleryman in the 301st Division Artillery Regiment of the 101st Army. Many of my old leaders and comrades-in-arms have gone to the battlefield, and several old comrades-in-arms have died. I had no conditions before and wanted to return to my old army. Look, the road is too far to get there. Later, when conditions were met, the old army was laid off due to disarmament, and now we only have contact with a few comrades."

The 101st Army has a rough fate.

Since its official opening in March 1949, it has been dismantled, rebuilt, and then dismantled many times.

Thinking of the "legitimacy status" that Xianyuying was competing with others, Deputy Commander Tao patted Mr. Qian's arm and said with emotion: "Your old troops fought well on the Western Front. At the cost of annihilating 568 enemies, the 'Zhe Yinshan Hero Company' belongs to your old army."

"I know, I heard it from my comrades."

"Have any of your comrades been discharged from the army?"

"I changed my job a long time ago. I changed my job during the disarmament."

"The 101st Army has been withdrawn. The 302nd and 303rd Divisions have also been withdrawn. The 301st Division has not been withdrawn. If I remember correctly, it should be affiliated with the 104th Army. I happen to have a comrade in the Chengdu Military Region. I will help you ask where the 301st Division is stationed later. Where is it? Who is the current division commander and political commissar? Then you can go back to the old army and have a look."

"Thank you, chief."

When a soldier meets a soldier, he can definitely find a common language.

Vice Mayor Qin couldn't interrupt, so he simply looked around at tonight's accommodation conditions.

Double room, two wooden beds with mosquito nets on the bed, a desk, a chair, a washstand in the corner, two water bottles under the washstand, and a wall-mounted air conditioner on the wall.

Vice Mayor Shen's room is next door. He will share a room with Comrade Lao Wang tonight. The conditions are not as good as here, because there are two bunk beds, a four-person room.

It's definitely not comparable to a hotel, but the conditions on the front line of flood relief couldn't be better.

Vice Mayor Qin asked curiously: "Mr. Qian, where will Xianyu stay at night?"

Just as Mr. Qian was about to speak, Han Yu walked in and said, "I will stay in the weather support room at night, in the same room as my dad."

"Busy working?"

"You're done, three leaders, let's eat. The food is in the duty room next door."

Vice Mayor Qin happened to be a little hungry, so he immediately called Deputy Master Tao, and together they went to the former port supervisor's duty room.

The late night snack was pretty good, four dishes and one soup.

Considering that the weather was relatively hot, Mr. Qian specially asked the cooking team to deliver a bunch of cold beer.

Deputy Commander Tao was not polite and opened a bottle. He drank half of the bottle. He put down the bottle and picked up his chopsticks and asked: "Xianyu, An Gong's Mengxi embankment collapsed. You just said that it might flood the willows that you rushed to protect before." Near the village, judging from your previous reporting materials, that area belongs to the Jingjiang flood diversion area. Now that it has breached and flooded, isn't it equivalent to flood diversion?"

"There is still a difference, and it's a big difference."

"What's the difference?"

"Mengxi Embankment is a large embankment composed of several folk embankments. It runs north-south, with the south side being larger and the north side being smaller. The breached embankment section is in the south. An Gong fought on three fronts some time ago to fight against the floods in Jingnan and secure the Nanping embankment. It’s not far from the breached embankment section.”

Han Yu doesn't like drinking beer or tea water, he only drinks boiled water.

He was afraid that Deputy Teacher Tao wouldn't understand, so he simply dipped his finger in some water and drew a map on his desk: "It's tens of kilometers apart from south to north. There is a dike between Xiaomin'an and Xiaomin'an. So even if it floods to Yangliu Village, it will take two or three hours.

In these few hours, Angong County will definitely organize forces to seize the berm and control the damage to the minimum possible extent.

Furthermore, it was not the main embankment of the Yangtze River that burst, but the Hudu River leading from the Yangtze River to Dongting Lake. The Hudu River has long since become a land river due to sedimentation. Many sections of the river dry up during the dry season and no water can be seen. This means that the water level is very high but the water volume is not large. "

Vice Mayor Qin asked: "So although it is defeated, it is not very dangerous?"

"It's still very dangerous because the Tiger Ferry not only connects to the Yangtze River on the Angong side, but also to the Songzi River. The upper reaches of the Songzi River is Songzikou, which also connects to the Yangtze River. The collapse of Mengxi embankment was a direct blow to Angong. The losses will be huge and will also pose a threat to Xiang'an County in Nanhu Province, because further south is the Dongting Lake area."

Han Yu thought of the question first raised by Deputy Master Tao, and then said: "The total area of ​​Mengxi Yuan is more than 300 square kilometers, and the entire Jingjiang flood diversion area is about 1,440 square kilometers, with an effective volume of 5.4 billion cubic meters. This 5.4 billion cubic meters The concept may be rather abstract, but according to XCMG, if it is really put into use, it will be able to accommodate 385 West Lakes."

Deputy Commander Tao pondered: "You said that even if Mengxi Village is flooded, the flooded water level is not as high as the flood diversion?"

"Although I say that, it doesn't make much difference to the hundreds of thousands of people in the camp."

"We have to organize the evacuation of more than 300,000 people here, and a large civilian complex over there is flooded. It is not easy for the party and government leaders here!"

"Several surrounding counties have already exhausted their finances to fight floods. Ge Bureau said that Anggong County alone owes tens of millions in bank loans."

"Xianyu, Meng Xiyuan collapsed. I don't think you are very nervous."

"What's the use of me being nervous? Besides, this isn't the first time the Min'an has been defeated."

Han Yu finished the food in his mouth and sighed softly: "If you compare it vertically, although this year's flood was larger than previous years, the damage was much lower than that of 1996. It is said that during the flood in 1996, 145 embankments burst in the Dongting Lake area alone. Among them, 26 embankments were over 10,000 acres, affected 1.138 million people, 177 drowned, and caused direct economic losses of more than 50 billion.

Judging from the latest report from the Yangtze River Prevention and Control Bureau, as of 4 p.m. yesterday, a total of 87 embankments had breached in the Dongting Lake area, but only 7 embankments with an area of ​​more than 10,000 acres had collapsed. The number of victims so far is 170,000, and the death toll is less than 100. , direct economic losses of more than 20 billion, much better than two years ago. "

Han Yu paused and added: "And the main task of our battalion is to protect the Jingjiang Embankment from major dangers, assist the soldiers and civilians on the Jingjiang Embankment to guard the Jingjiang Embankment, and ensure the safety of the Jianghan Plain."

Any folk village here is bigger than several Jiangxin Islands along the riverside.

Whether the several Jiangxin Islands along the riverside could withstand the floods made it difficult for Secretary Lu and Mayor Wang to sleep well. If there were so many residential buildings like here, would Secretary Lu and Mayor Wang still be alive?

Vice Mayor Qin was secretly sympathizing with the local and municipal party and government leaders in Beihu and Nanhu provinces when the landline phone on his desk suddenly rang.

Shishou City helped connect a phone line, and the phone installed in the duty room on the first floor was an extension.

There was someone in the command and dispatch room, and the ringing soon stopped.

Han Yu was about to ask the three leaders to eat more food when Zhao Jiang's voice came from the intercom.

"Secretary Han, Bureau Ge is calling for you. You answer the call first. I'll hang up after you get through."


Han Yu originally wanted to answer the call directly, but when he saw that Deputy Mayor Qin and Deputy Teacher Tao both raised their heads, he could only press the hands-free button: "Ge Ju, you are looking for me."

"Xianyu, An Gong's Mengxi Village collapsed!"

"I know. Huang Chu called me and told the Third Company to quickly search and evacuate the people."

"Has the third company set off?"

"Let's leave early."

"I'm relieved now." Lao Ge was woken up late at night. He looked up at the workers who had just arrived at the riverside from the headquarters. He held up the phone and said, "Xianyu, Vice President L is here."

Is there any mistake.

You, a senior cadre at the scientific level who has been relegated to the second line, care about something bad, but you actually care about the leaders of Central Y.

Han Yuzheng didn't know how to proceed. Lao Ge said something that stunned both Deputy Mayor Qin and Deputy Teacher Tao: "He has lost weight, a whole circle thinner than the last time he came here. They all say that we are firefighters. So is Vice President L.

From the beginning of the flood to now, he is here today and going there tomorrow, here to inspect and to give instructions there, and he also has to express condolences to the victims on behalf of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. It is not easy! "

"Geju, have you met Vice President L?"

"Yes, he came to the riverside as soon as he got off the plane to check the water conditions. The last time he came here, he could vaguely see the buildings on the other side. Now that the water level has risen so high, only the lights on the roofs of the buildings can be seen. Although he didn't say anything, he could I felt he was worried."

"Then what?"

"He heard from city leaders that we were here, so he came to visit us and apologized to us."

"Vice President L apologizes to you!"

"Instead of following me, he apologized to us. He said that he promised last time to wait until the emergency rescue was over before he came to visit us, but later he was unable to come because he had something urgent to do and had to go elsewhere to guide flood control."

"What happens next?"

"Then I went to the city for a meeting at night. Xi Gong and Secretary Yuan from Angong County also attended the meeting. As a result, in the middle of the meeting, Secretary Yuan received a call about the collapse of Mengxi Village. Vice President L said that it was important to save people and asked Jingzhou's Secretary Secretary Chen and Secretary Yuan from An Gong hurriedly went to organize and direct the disaster relief. Secretary Chen couldn't go back in the middle of the night, so I arranged for 002 to send him across the river."

Han Yu couldn't help but ask: "Ge Ju, why did the chief convene so many leaders for a meeting in the middle of the night?"

Director Ge took the cigarette from Gong Xi and said solemnly: "In addition to listening to the opinions of provincial, municipal and county leaders and flood control experts such as Gong Xi, and studying whether to divert floods, what other meeting can be held?"

"Has there been any research results?"

"Not yet."

"Hong Feng is coming soon, why is there no result yet!"

"This matter is not as simple as you think. It is easy to order flood diversion. The National Council has already issued a document. As long as the water level in Sarawak City reaches 45 meters, flood diversion can be carried out. However, flood diversion will displace more than 300,000 people and cause Angong County to be destroyed overnight. Going back to before liberation, with so many families involved, who can make this decision easily?"

"What's your opinion on the mat?"

"The seat manager is next to me. I'll ask the seat manager to tell you."


Han Yu calmed down and heard Xi Gong say on the other end of the phone: "Our Yangtze River Committee's opinion is not to divert the flood for the time being. There are two main reasons. First, after our repeated calculations, the water level of this flood peak will not exceed 45 meters. Second, although the water level is high, the amount of water is not very large.”

Han Yu asked in a low voice: "What are the local opinions?"

Like Korean workers, Xi workers don't like to socialize, so these days they either live at the Sarawak Hydrological Station or Lao Ge's place.

Thinking of the scene at the venue, he took a few puffs of cigarette and sighed: "Maybe because of the continuous collapse of several civilian embankments in the past few days and the death of many people, the entire wind direction has changed. Experts from the Water Resources Department Several provincial leaders believe that flood diversion is the general trend. Several leaders are very anxious and have a sense of urging when they speak. Several experts even bluntly say that flood diversion is urgent."

Before something happens, you can take strict precautions.

Something happened and there have been casualties. If there are more casualties, you will be held responsible.

Although Lao Ge has never been a big leader, he can understand the mood of those local leaders and mused: "This should be the psychological effect of the Paizhou Bay breach and the Mengxi embankment breach. It seems that the floods destroyed more than just a few people's embankments." The embankment also broke some people’s confidence.”

Han Yu asked: "Gong Xi, what did Vice President L say?"

The waiter put out his cigarette butt and whispered: "He is the commander-in-chief of the national defense department. Others can panic, but he cannot panic. He said that flood diversion is proposed every year, but in fact there has been no flood diversion for more than 40 years. Flood diversion No one knows whether the safety zone, Taiwan and other facilities in the district are safe. The top priority is to organize the evacuation of people and ensure the safety of people. It is clearly pointed out that whether the flood is diverted or not is not decided by the province, but by the National Defense Directorate. "

"So you need to be prepared?"


"Be prepared. If the flood is diverted now, the security department will definitely be in trouble."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. The water level has risen a bit again. You will be busy next time, so go to bed early."

"Mr. Xi, you should also take care of yourself."

"I'm fine, I can still bear it."

Han Yu pressed the speakerphone again and hung up the phone. He was shocked to find that Deputy Mayor Qin and Deputy Teacher Tao were looking at him stupidly.

Vice Mayor Shen was not surprised and immersed himself in eating.

"Mayor Qin, Deputy Commander Tao, let's eat."

"Xianyu, Vice President L went to the first team tonight?"

"Ge Ju said you should go if you have been there. Mayor Qin, you are coming from Ge Ju's side. You know the situation there. It is next to the Yangtze River Bridge under construction. The chief executive inspected Jingjiang flood control They’ll all go there.”

Vice Mayor Qin asked: "Can Xi Gong talk to Vice President L?"

"It's not about being able to speak, but reporting to Vice President L. He used to be an engineer at the Design Institute of the Yangtze River Commission, and he only directed Jingzhou's flood control on behalf of the Yangtze River Water Control General Administration. Later, the National Defense General Administration and the Ministry of Water Resources successively gave instructions to several provinces An expert team was sent, and he became an expert on the third batch of expert teams.”

Seeing the astonishment on the faces of the two leaders, Han Yu thought about it and explained: "The members of the expert group are all experts from the Ministry of Water Resources system, but they do not necessarily work in the Ministry of Water Resources. Just like the experts sent to our Jiangnan Province to guide flood control, they are the experts of the Ministry of Water Resources." A professor-level engineer transferred from the Taihu Basin Management Bureau."

Members of the senior expert group of the Linghai Reserve Battalion have actually become flood control experts dispatched by the National Defense and Water Resources Ministry. This shows how high the "level" of the Linghai Reserve Battalion is now!

Vice Mayor Qin found that Xianyu's previous appointment letter, two camouflage uniforms and a pair of military boots were not gray, otherwise there would be no chance for him to pass the mat work to reach the sky like now.

Deputy Commander Tao realized that this was not an ordinary reserve battalion commander, and he couldn't help but think about how to deal with the relationship with this reserve battalion commander who had never been a soldier in the future. Anyway, he couldn't simply regard Xianyu as a subordinate.

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