Riverside police

Chapter 696 Being prepared is different from being unprepared

The engineering fleet of the second detachment and the self-propelled ships responsible for transporting emergency supplies were organized at night just like the ships of the first detachment.

Although the group has been anchored on the river not far from the pier of the Jingzhou Yangtze River Bridge, the two tugboats and the steam ferry's main and auxiliary engines are still running, and the roar of the machines stands on the platform that has been reinforced and raised by nearly one meter. You can hear it on the embankment.

It’s not just oil that’s burned, it’s also money!

Normally, no one would be willing to burn like this.

But now is not normal. The flood peak is coming. The water level of the Yangtze River is rising sharply. Hundreds of kilometers of Yangtze River embankments have been soaked in floods for more than a month. A serious breach may occur at any time.

The Yangtze River Defense Headquarters and Jingzhou Defense Command require that the emergency response team must play an emergency role.

In other words, no matter where a serious danger occurs on the embankment, the emergency rescue commando team must arrive as soon as possible.

Water maneuvering is different from shore maneuvering. The driver cannot turn on the engine with the car key and lightly step on the accelerator to carry people and equipment. Only by organizing the team in advance and not hesitate to burn more fuel to prepare the vehicle for later use can we set sail as soon as the order comes.

The water level was too high and it was unsafe to be on the embankment, so Lao Ge moved to the office on the third floor of the barge of the "Linghai Port Engineering Headquarters".

He went to bed very late last night, but got up very early today, because the next day was the most critical day.

The waiter came early, and so did Hao Qiusheng.

The three of them sat around the desk, smoking cigarettes one after another, and looking down through the open windows at the floodwaters that were constantly lapping at the subdivision.

The rapids of the Yangtze River wash away, and the earth seems to be floating, and the sky and the earth seem to be rotating together. The scene is breathtaking.

Lao Ge picked up the phone in front of him again, confirmed that there was a beep in the receiver, and then gently put it down.

His action seemed to be contagious, and Xi Gong was also worried that his superiors would not be able to contact him, so he subconsciously picked up his phone and took a look. Hao Qiusheng followed closely and checked the mobile phone strapped to his chest.

At this time, the call from the hydrological station staff came over the intercom.

"We are waiting for help, the hydrological station is calling us!"

"Copy that, please speak."

"The water level is 44.87 meters! The water level is 44.87 meters!"

"Copy that, continue observing."

As the engineer calculated yesterday, the water level in Sarawak is rising crazily.

When I woke up at 7am, it was 44.81 meters.

8 o'clock, 44.84 meters!

9 o'clock, 44.87 meters!

It is now 11 o'clock, and it has reached an astonishing 44.98 meters. It is only 2 centimeters away from the flood diversion level of 45 meters, and has exceeded the water level during the flood diversion in 1954 by more than 20 centimeters!

Document No. 79 issued by the National Academy of Sciences in 1985 clearly stated: When the water level in Sarawak City reaches 44.67 meters, the bracket reaches 45 meters, and it is forecast to continue to rise, the North Gate of the Jingjiang Flood Diversion Area will be opened...

In other words, if the retaining embankment outside the north gate of the Jingjiang Flood Diversion Project is blown up and the floodwaters flow into the Angong flood diversion area, leaders at all levels should not take responsibility.

It can be said that there is no responsibility for diverting floods now. Only when you decide not to divert floods do you have to shoulder a huge responsibility!

Because once the Jingjiang embankment on the north bank cannot be defended, the entire Jianghan Plain and Hanwu will be affected, and the damage caused will far exceed that of one county.

This shows how much pressure Vice President L is under at the moment.

But there is definitely nothing wrong with asking Angong County to evacuate more than 300,000 people. With the current momentum of the flood, whether to divert the flood or not is really just a matter of thought.

Lao Ge had been a cadre for so many years and had encountered many things, but he had never been as nervous as he was today. He simply didn't want to think about it anymore and picked up his cell phone to call Secretary Wang's cell phone.

It is cheaper to call from a landline than from a mobile phone. It will be cheaper if you use a 200 card.

But no one knows whether the city defense commander will issue an order to put the Linghai Reserve Battalion out of danger. Now the landline phone cannot be busy and can only be called by mobile phone.

"Geju, is there any danger?"

"Not yet, where are you?"

"There are no major dangers for the time being, and there are no minor dangers... There are no minor dangers either. I just spent this morning delivering sandbags to the nearby embankment section."

Ge Ju breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What is Xianyu doing?"

The atmosphere in the command and control room on the second floor was too depressing.

Comrade Lao Wang was a little overwhelmed. He went ashore half an hour ago, said hello to the person in charge of the tuning gate, walked aside and looked at the "Linghai Development Zone Barge" anchored on the river and said: "He, Zou Xiangyu and Sun Youyi Stand by on the barge."

Ge Ju thought about it and asked, "Where are Mayor Qin and Deputy Master Tao?"

Lao Wang said without hesitation: "They didn't sleep much at night. They went to bed just before dawn, and they are still sleeping now."

Lao Ge welcomed Vice Mayor Qin's visit to express condolences. After all, Mayor Qin brought a lot of condolences on behalf of the Binjiang Municipal Party Committee and Government.

But Deputy Mayor Qin and Deputy Teacher Tao always stayed here and refused to leave. Lao Ge was a little unhappy, feeling that they were just causing trouble.

More importantly, the real leader is coming soon!

Secretary Ye must have been embarrassed to see them not leaving after he arrived. After all, no matter how powerful he was in terms of administrative power, no one had a higher administrative level. When the time comes, he would have to accompany him like Vice Mayor Shen and act like his entourage.

Geju thought for a moment and said, "Secretary Wang, the water level in Sarawak City has risen to 44.98 meters."

"Ah! Has it risen so high?"

"The situation is very serious. Large troops can stand still, but in fact they can only stand still. If we rush to protect small dangers now, if a big danger suddenly occurs, we will need to regroup and rush to the designated area, which will cause a delay of at least three to four hours. "

"I understand this, what exactly do you want to say."

"The large forces remain stationary and the emergency technical team can take action."

Ge Ju stood up and walked to the water area map. He looked at the winding Jingjiang River on the water area map and said thoughtfully: "We can organize emergency construction technicians to go on law enforcement boats to 'patrol' on the river just like we did when we faced the third flood peak. If there is a danger, you can rush over to see what the situation is, formulate an emergency plan on site, and start construction when the large forces arrive."

I must admit that it is better to check the situation first than to rush over to rescue without any idea.

Comrade Lao Wang thought Lao Ge's words made sense, but after thinking about it he asked in confusion: "You can tell Xianyu directly, what's the use of telling me."

"Why worry, I haven't finished yet."

Lao Ge returned to his desk, pulled up his chair and sat down, and said calmly: "Secretary Ye and Director Ren of the Municipal Party Committee came to Jingzhou by plane directly from Donghai. Their plane landed at about two o'clock in the afternoon. I'll wait a moment." Let Minister Li pick you up at the airport."

Secretary Ye's coming to offer condolences is not a secret. Is it interesting to talk about it again?

While Lao Wang was confused, Lao Ge changed the topic: "Xianyu is both a commander and a technician. When he goes to 'patrol' on the river, he will definitely lead the team, and even be responsible for one of the groups. When Mayor Qin and Deputy Commander Tao wake up Now, go and ask them if they want to go out with Xianyu."

"Then what?"

"I think they are definitely interested. You should go and find them two camouflage uniforms and two life jackets. Then ask a reporter from Linghai Daily to bring a camera with them and help them take some more photos of them on the flood fighting front line."

I have a few photos of people on the front line fighting floods. After I go back, I can brag to others that I was on the front line fighting floods!

Which leader is not vain, and which leader is not interested in this?

Comrade Lao Wang suddenly realized the gap between himself and Comrade Lao Ge, and secretly lamented that it was no wonder that you could become the transportation director, while I could only stay in the villages and towns.

Lao Ge didn't know what Lao Wang was thinking, and continued: "The peak of the flood has not yet arrived, and the flood has risen so high. It is too dangerous here in Jingzhou. When you come back from the river, you can ask Mayor Qin and Deputy Tao When does the teacher plan to go back and how does he plan to go back? Xianyu can't care about it, you have to help make arrangements."

Secretary Ye is here, Deputy Mayor Qin and Deputy Teacher Tao must go!

If they don't leave, Secretary Ye will no longer be the leader.

The county magistrate is not as good as the current manager. For the Linghai Reserve Battalion, Secretary Ye is the real leader. No matter how high the other leadership positions are, it is useless, unless they are at the level of Vice President L.

Comrade Lao Wang understood as if he was enlightened. He expressed his admiration for Lao Ge and said without hesitation: "Understood, I will go find Xianyu right now. When I have an agreement with Xianyu, I will call Mayor Qin and Deputy Teacher Tao. "

"By the way, I want to tell Mayor Shen that it's too difficult for the public security. More than 300,000 people have been evacuated, and more than 100,000 people have been affected by the disaster. We still have some condolences, so please come back and express your condolences."

"I know."

It was a lie to go to An Gong to express condolences. To be precise, the condolences were meant to express condolences. After all, Lao Ge now had a very good relationship with the leaders of An Gong County, but what asked Mayor Shen to go back was more to welcome Secretary Ye.

After Lao Ge arranged everything, the roar of helicopters came again in the sky.

Early this morning, the army dispatched four helicopters from Jingzhou Airport to Mengxiyuan on the other side of the river to drop life jackets.

Hao Qiusheng walked out of the office, looked up at the low-flying helicopter, and said, "Mi8."

The seat worker followed him out and said worriedly, "I don't know what the situation is like over there in Mengxiyuan."

"It's not difficult to find out. Just call Secretary Yuan and County Magistrate Huang and you will find out. But they must be very busy now and it cannot affect their rescue and disaster relief." Lao Ge walked out of the office, thought about it and said: "A breach is a breach, but it's a breach. The casualties should not be large.”

"Geju, how did you know?"

"There is a difference between being prepared and not being prepared, being mobilized and not being mobilized, having a plan and not having a plan."

Lao Ge looked at the other side and explained: "First of all, they were going to organize the evacuation of the masses. They distributed the "Flood Diversion and Transfer Notice" to households as early as the afternoon before yesterday. Yesterday, more than 1,600 cadres were dispatched. With the task of 'six fixed and four guaranteed', we go to the village and pack the house."

Hao Qiusheng asked curiously: "What are the six guarantees and four guarantees?"

"It means to determine the village group, the number of people and animals to be transferred, the transfer location, and the transfer and resettlement plan. This includes transferring people to safe areas, ensuring the safety of people and animals, including living arrangements for the transferred people, and including post-disaster recovery of production. I have seen their transfer notices. However, the list clearly states the exact households, the number of people in the family, which route to take, and which corresponding family to transfer to."

Ge Ju paused and then said: "And there is a principle of transfer, which is to put the masses first before the cadres! Each cadre is responsible for a group, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled go first. Except for necessary clothing, dry food, and cattle, everything else is the same Without.

Before leaving, each household should open all doors and windows to facilitate the passage of floodwaters. The village cadres organized young adults to move valuable collective property into the shelter. "

Xi Gong pondered: "So after the emergency broadcast at night notifies the breach of the Hudu River, those Bao village and Bao group cadres can work with the village group cadres to organize the people to move to avoid the flood."


Ge Ju nodded and added: "Then there is the material that Xianyu asked XCMG for statistical analysis. Secretary Yuan and County Magistrate Huang paid great attention to it after receiving the notification. They asked the county defense office to formulate a set of policies based on the actual situation of the police. A precautionary plan was prepared and publicized on the radio.

Cadres know where to move the masses when a flood comes, and people who have listened to the radio announcement also know how to save themselves and save others when a flood comes. Each village organized all available boats and even made preparations to use existing wood to build rafts in case of emergency. "

The people inside the embankment were unprepared for the collapse of the embankment.

Paizhou Bay burst, and the people under the embankment were also caught off guard.

The security guards were prepared and on guard, and were even organizing mass evacuation, so the casualties should not be large.

Xi Gong breathed a sigh of relief, but he still felt uneasy after thinking about it. He turned around and said, "Geju, aren't Xiao Xu and Xiao Yu over there for rescue? You can call and ask Xiao Xu."

"You can also call and ask Mingyuan."

Lao Ge took out his mobile phone, found Xu Mingyuan's number, and dialed it directly.

After waiting for about twenty seconds, the call was connected.

Lao Ge asked eagerly: "Mingyuan, how is the situation over there? Have the people been moved out?"

"There are still many people trapped in shelters, rooftops and embankments. We are assisting local cadres in searching and relocating. Our thirty or forty small boats are not enough. We mainly rely on cement boats and wooden boats organized by local governments. All. It is estimated that it will take two to three days to move to a safe area."

"Are there any casualties among the people?"

"Not yet. I just sent people to the embankment, and I also asked the county officials. The county officials said that they have never heard of any casualties so far. We were all moved one by one. Is anyone at home there? You can ask if everyone has come up.”

"That's good, you should also pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry, Ge Bureau. The overall situation here is much better than that in Anzaoyuan and Paizhouwan. The village cadres and the cadres from the village and village groups at the county and township levels are all here. Not only are we searching and relocating people, but others are also Searching and relocating people."

There is a real difference between being prepared and not being prepared.

There have been no casualties for the time being, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

Lao Ge thought about it and asked again: "How far are you from Yangliu Village? Do you know the situation there?"

"We are far away from Yangliu Village, but I have inquired and the flood has not reached Yangliu Village. The county organized thousands of people overnight to build dikes to control the incoming flood to the south."

"As long as it's not flooded, it seems I don't need to arrange for people to set up a supply point for you at the embankment section of Yangliu Village."

"No need. It's too far away and it's inconvenient. There's no shortage of supplies now."

"No shortage?"

"There is really no shortage. Starting at 8:30 in the morning, various emergency and disaster relief supplies have been delivered here one by one. Many troops have also arrived, including the Changyi Detachment of the Armed Police."

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