Riverside police

Chapter 713 Sending comrades off!

On September 3, Vice Mayor Shen and two reporters from Linghai TV flew back first.

The reporter brought a large number of video tapes and negatives and rushed back to edit a panoramic documentary reflecting the Linghai soldiers' fight against floods. They also had to give each of the participating officers and soldiers a flood fight photo album and a flood fight VCD, so they had to go back in advance to make preparations.

At noon on September 4th, the emergency rescue commando team gathered for a dinner, or to be precise, a dinner.

Deputy Commander Lu, Commander Jiang, leaders of the Naval Engineering College, leaders of the Long-range Navigation Bureau, Vice Mayor Liu of Jingzhou City, and Commander Huang of the Jingzhou Military Division all came to toast the comrades and affirm their efforts in flood fighting and rescue operations. contribute.

After fighting side by side for more than a month, they were about to part ways.

Han Yu shed tears, Commander Peng, Political Commissar Yang, Lao Ge, Lao Wang, Hao Qiusheng, Staff Officer Dai and others all shed tears. The officers and soldiers of the 2nd Battalion of the 132nd Regiment even shed tears.

The steam ferries and tugboats of the second detachment are all local.

There are two water transport teams. The fleets from Shuzhou, Zhangjiagang and Jiangyin that previously transported emergency supplies stopped coming due to the sudden rise in water levels in the Yangtze River. Those who actually assisted the Linghai Reserve Battalion in the emergency construction were all summoned by the Jingzhou Port Supervision Bureau. of local boats and crews.

The local crew members were also reluctant to say goodbye like this. While drinking, they hugged each other and cried with Wu Haili, Gu Pengfei, Liu Wei and others.

"Send off comrades, embark on the journey, silent tears, camel bells ringing in the ears! The road is long and foggy, the revolutionary career is often separated, and the same two feelings are separated! Comrades, comrades, dear brother..."

I don’t know who started it, but everyone sang this heart-wrenching song with tears in their eyes.

The 404th Division will return to the garrison in a few days, and once they return to the garrison, they will send demobilized cadres and retired soldiers. The more Commander Jiang listened, the more uncomfortable he became. Seeing that the leaders of Jingzhou City were talking to the army chief and the leader of the Naval Engineering College on the embankment, he wiped it. A handful of tears followed.

Han Yu could neither drink nor sing, and he couldn't bear the atmosphere of separation. He was about to find an excuse to escape. Du Yuan squeezed over at some point, holding a glass of wine and said with sobs: "Secretary Han, I respect you. You, I did it!”

The young man did what he said, and you could clearly see that he drank not only the wine but also the tears that fell into it.

Han Yu took a sip of sour plum soup and patted his arm: "Okay, work hard, and I'll go to Linghai if you have the chance."

"Secretary Han, I received the admission notice."

"Really, which military school?"

"The Engineering Corps Academy is in Xuzhou City, Jiangnan Province. Secretary Han, is Xuzhou City far from your place?"

"It's not close, and it's not too far. It should be within a day's ride by car."

"Then I'll visit you during the winter vacation."

"Okay, you know my mobile phone number. Remember it and call me in advance."


At the same time, Staff Officer Dai, Officer He and Li Shousong were toasting Lao Ge.

Lao Ge is a former traffic director who has been tested for alcohol. Although he is old, he has a good drinking capacity and he can say that he does not refuse anyone who comes.

"Ge Diao, if you have another chance to come to Beihu, you must give us a call."

"That's for sure. Although I haven't retired, it's almost the same. I have plenty of time. I'll bring my wife and my wife here later. It's said that water will be released from the Three Gorges Reservoir area soon. Once it's flooded, you won't be able to see it anymore. , be sure to come and take a look before the water is released.”

"Great, we will pick you and aunt up at the train station then."

"Okay, we've settled on that."

Lao Ge really liked the three young men in front of him. He thought about it and smiled: "When I mentioned the Three Gorges, I suddenly remembered something. The Three Gorges Reservoir area needs to release water, and more than one million people living in the reservoir area have to be relocated. The superiors asked us to mausoleum The Customs Department is accepting and resettling two hundred Three Gorges immigrants, and the city has given the task of accepting and resettling the Three Gorges immigrants to me and Secretary Wang, so Secretary Wang and I are really going to come in some time!"

Officer He asked subconsciously: "Ge Diao, are you responsible for resettling the Three Gorges immigrants?"

"As I get older, I can't take care of big things, so I can only do these small things. I just want to take this opportunity to take my wife out for a walk."

"It's good to go out for a walk and see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland."

Dongdong returned to the table where sandbags were filled and packaged.

Not exactly a table, but a circle of people sitting on the floor.

The officers and soldiers of the 2nd Battalion not only regarded him as a comrade, but also as a younger brother, and they talked about their future plans.

"Dongdong, when I get discharged from the army, I will go to Donghai to work. Then I will go find you and the class deputy. You must remember to help me keep an eye out for any good jobs."

"I have to go to school and make up classes when I get back. I don't think I can help with finding a job. I have to ask Brother Wang."

"Pudong is undergoing major development, and you will definitely be able to find jobs."

Zhang Jiangkun looked at his son from a distance and smiled happily.

This trip to Beihu was not in vain. My son has really grown up and become sensible. He even helps with laundry these days, which he could not imagine before.

Yang Daming felt uncomfortable in his heart, and asked with a bitter face: "Master, do you really want to go to the East China Sea?"

"The whole family has gone there, I can't do it without going."

"What will we do if you leave?"

"What will you do if I leave? You have already married and started a business, and you are not a child. Do you want me to take care of you?"

"I mean you went to Donghai, who took us out to do private work!"


"Master, we are kidding you. We have work to do. Mr. Wang and Wu Heng told us that if their shipyard is busy, they will call us. Sun Gong also said that they at COSCO are often busy."

"That's it, there's nothing to worry about." The whole family went to work and live in Donghai, and they all became Donghai people. Zhang Jiangkun felt like he was dreaming.

Zhang Erxiao and a dozen cooks from the cooking class were the last batch to "take their seats."

As soon as we sat down, a veteran from his hometown asked, "Mr. Zhang, when will we go back?"

"We will go back when the Port Authority's convoy arrives."

"The Port Authority's large flatbed trucks can only pull excavators and loaders, and they cannot accommodate people."

"We'll take the boat back."

"Go back on the barge?"

"It's not a barge, it's a passenger ship. The leaders of the China Shipping Bureau arranged this morning that the long-distance passenger transport will resume operations, and the passenger flights will be in opposite directions. There is a passenger ship in Hanwu that needs to return to the East China Sea to prepare, so the leaders of the China Shipping Bureau borrowed This opportunity arranges for us to take a smooth sailing boat back."

"Where to sit?"

"The Jianghan Passenger Ferry does not go to Bailong Port, but only stops in Binjiang. Let's go to Binjiang first."

Zhang Erxiao took a sip of beer, thought about it and smiled: "Secretary Han said this is the best. If you want to go back, just go back together, so as not to have to be greeted in several batches back home."

A cook asked curiously: "How are they going to welcome us back home?"

"Of course we were greeted with gongs and drums. Let's not talk about this. Let's talk about our future plans. Angkor, what are you going to do after you go back?"

"have no idea."

Wu Youming, a veteran from Bailonggang Village, put down his bottle of wine and sighed: "As long as you have a high school degree, you can get a job, even if you go to a vocational high school. You can't blame others for this. You can only blame me for not studying hard in school."

As Wu Youming said, as long as the rural soldiers who came to fight the flood this time have a high school degree, the city will help them apply for non-agricultural transfer and arrange work.

Some will go to work at the customs, some will go to the courts or procuratorates in Changzhou and Gaoru to work as contract police officers, and some will be assigned to the newly established water law enforcement brigade of the Linghai Conservancy Bureau. There are only six junior high school graduates. No arrangements at the moment.

Zhang Erxiao didn't want his subordinates to have nothing to do but go out to work after returning. He pondered: "Why don't you go back and open a restaurant? Bailonggang used to be busy, but now there are many people in the development zone. Opening a fast food restaurant will definitely bring business."

"It's okay to open a store, but you can't open a store without capital."

"Capital is easy to handle, isn't it because of me? I'll pay for the capital. If I make a profit, I'll lend it to you. If you lose it, it's mine."

"How can this be so embarrassing?"

"We are comrades-in-arms and we should help each other. What's there to be embarrassed about?"

As soon as Zhang Erxiao finished speaking, Mr. Wu came up from behind and said with a smile: "Count me in, Mr. Zhang and I will pay for the capital. You guys can do it boldly. First open a store in Linghai Development Zone, and if the business is good, then go to Binjiang Open a branch in the development zone!”

"Mr. Wu..."

"Sit down, sit down and talk."

Mr. Wu talked about Soft China and said with high spirits: "No matter what kind of business, it is started slowly. Mr. Zhang used to sell cigarettes, and I used to be in sales. I believe you can both become bigger and stronger." !”

While Zhang Erxiao and Mr. Wu were helping the pre-commissioned soldiers in the cooking class with ideas, Hao Qiusheng and Zou Xiangyu were also busy recruiting workers.

The Road and Bridge Company will expand its business scale next and needs employees who are willing to endure hardships. After all, it is really hard to work without food and sleep in the open.

Many soldiers from the 2nd Battalion of the 132nd Regiment had jobs before they were discharged from the army, and they were busy toasting to the old squad leaders of the "Hong Kong Garrison".

Commander Peng saw this and was anxious in his heart. He held the wine glass and muttered: "Old Yang, these fuckers have lost their minds. We can't lead these soldiers anymore. We have to discipline them when we get back!"

Political Commissar Yang looked back and said with a smile: "Captain, I don't think this is a bad thing. Soldiers don't have to worry about not having a job after retiring. This is equivalent to having no worries and can serve wholeheartedly."

"As of now, that's all I can think about."

Han Xiangmeng didn't want to be coaxed into singing by a bunch of new recruits. As soon as he finished eating, he ran back to the barge and sat in the weather support room of Han workers overlooking the embankment.

Liang Xiaojun walked in with a plate of cut watermelon and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Watch the excitement."

"I cry sometimes and laugh sometimes. It's quite lively."

Han Xiangmeng picked up a piece of watermelon and took a few bites. He snickered and asked, "Xiaojun, did your dean call you?"

Liang Xiaojun sat down and said, "I don't have a mobile phone. Even if he calls me, I can't receive it."

"The leader of our hospital gave me a call. The call was sent to Uncle Ge. Uncle Ge called me to pick it up."

"What do the leaders of your hospital want from you?"

"Asked me when I was going back, and said that I would be picked up at that time." Han Xiangmeng chuckled, and then said: "Didn't we join the party on the line of fire? Please don't forget to bring back the materials for joining the party on the line of fire."

"For those who join the Party on the front line, they still have to go through the required procedures. They just took the oath of joining the Party in advance. Now they are considered probationary Party members at most."

"Many people are not ready yet."

Han Xiangmeng scolded, and then said with a proud smile: "Our dean said that after I go back, he will let me be the head nurse of the third ward. He also plans to invite my mother back to hold a flag-presenting ceremony so that my mother can Leave the red flag symbolizing Ward Three to me."

My mother-in-law used to be the head nurse of the third ward of the People's Hospital!

Liang Xiaojun came to his senses and couldn't help but laugh: "The leaders of your hospital are really thoughtful and actually plan to hold some kind of inheritance ceremony."

"Aren't you happy that I'm the head nurse?"

"No, I'm very happy. Hello, Comrade Head Nurse."

"Stop making trouble. When it comes to being an official, Ning Ning is the most powerful in our family. She is destined to be a big cadre. None of the three children can compare with her."

"San'er is also a regular major now, they are on the same level."

"This is different. San'er is only a full-time major, while Ningning is a full-time full-time major, and they have both been full-time majors for several years."

Han Xiangmeng admired his sister from the bottom of his heart. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "I met Weasel the day before yesterday. Weasel said that Ning Ning would definitely be able to get a virginity in two years."

Liang Xiaojun asked in shock: "I will be promoted to deputy director in two years. Is it true?"

"Why are you lying to me? If you don't believe me, you can ask our dad. The weasel told our dad himself. He was so happy that he couldn't sleep well all night."

"It's normal for her to be a high-ranking cadre. She can stay by the river for several years. If it were us, we would definitely not be able to bear it."


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