Riverside police

Chapter 718 Riverside event!

In the early morning, Xiang Fan got on his bicycle and went to work in the dry rest house.

The only difference from usual was that Hanhan was not sitting in the child seat in the back, and had just gone to the passenger terminal with her mother.

Today Lao Han, Xianyu, Mengmeng and Xiaojun are coming back. In fact, the passenger ship they took has already arrived in Binjiang.

It is said that since the airport was built and put into use, the city has not really held any major events or held major celebrations. Not to mention that it cannot be compared with Guzhou City on the other side of the river, and it is not even as lively as the following districts and counties. The city decided to use the airport after research. Let's take good care of the opportunity for the Linghai Reserve Battalion to make a triumphant return.

Ning Ning received the notice the day before yesterday and took Han Han to pick up San'er early this morning.

Xiang Fan could actually go, but she didn't want to affect her work. She never expected to see the director and political commissar standing at the door of the garage chatting and laughing with several veteran cadres as soon as she entered the compound of the cadre rest center.

"Director Xiang, why are you here today?"

"Come to work." Xiang Fan quickly got out of the car, held the driver's hand and asked with a smile: "Deputy Commander Zhou, Director Yang, why are you so formal today?"

There are not many veteran cadres in the military division cadre rest center, only fourteen in total.

The level is not very high, and the highest position before retirement or retirement is only that of a full teacher.

The old comrades have been retired for so many years and are very approachable. It can be said that they are no different from ordinary old people, except that their salary is much higher than that of ordinary retired cadres.

Xiang Fan is very envious that they can get such a high retirement salary, and they are even more envious that Xiang Fan's daughters and sons-in-law are all capable.

"I am a hero and my son is a hero" does not apply here. The children and even the grandchildren of veteran cadres are not doing well now. The most promising ones seem to have only one who is a regiment leader in the army. Most of them are ordinary employees, and some have even been laid off. .

This may have something to do with the relatively good profitability of enterprises and department stores in the past.

When they were in office, they all arranged their children to be admitted to good units at that time, but the money wasted and the good units were not very good now.

A former deputy division commander looked down at the military medal pinned to his chest, leaned on his crutches and said with a smile: "We will pick up your lover and your stupid daughter and son-in-law later!"

"Director Xiang, you are here just in time. We will go together when Director Qian comes down."

"Director, are you planning to go to the dock to pick up the Linghai Reserve Battalion?"

"I'm not only going to welcome the Linghai Reserve Battalion, but also the Binjiang Flood Control and Rescue Reserve Battalion. It's been so lively for a long time. I'll take the opportunity to accompany Deputy Commander Zhou, Director Yang and Director Qian to get some fresh air."

As soon as Director Qianxiu finished speaking, Deputy Commander Zhou held up his sunglasses and said: "Last time it was so lively, we went to greet the heroes who came back from the Laoshan Front. Director Xiang, your wife, your eldest son-in-law, second son-in-law and second daughter are all here You are a hero fighting against floods, you are the most glorious today!"

"What's the glory? Fighting floods is not a war."

They are all precious assets of our party and our army. Their bodies are more important than anything else. Xiang Fan was a little worried and said with a smile: "Deputy Commander Zhou, Director Yang, I heard that there seems to be a live broadcast today. It's so hot. Wait a minute." It’s even hotter, so why don’t you go and let’s go to the activity room to watch the live broadcast, which is air-conditioned.”

“We watch TV every day, so what’s the point of watching TV?”

"Yeah, if you can go to the scene, what kind of TV can you watch?"

Old comrades like to join in the fun when they have nothing to do all day long.

The cadre rest house next door did not pay attention to these things, so the old comrades had nothing to do in the past few years. They practiced Qigong with the charlatans in the society, and even helped a charlatan to go to a town in Si Gang to demand an explanation. The car was impounded.

The incident caused a big fuss and had a very bad impact. It is said that the city leaders and military division leaders personally went to take the people back.

Director Wu of the Military Division Cadre Rest Center thought it would be good to bring old comrades to participate in the event to welcome the triumphant return of the flood-fighting soldiers. He smiled and said: "Director Xiang, I asked the Military Division for instructions and reported last night, and the Military Division helped us fight with the police. Hello, the administrator took Xiao Chen and the others to build a tent early in the morning."

"Is there a pergola?"

"I borrowed it from Boss Huang who wholesales beer and cold drinks diagonally across the street. It has a pergola and plastic chairs."

"As long as you have a pergola, you should bring more water."

"Already prepared."

Just as he was talking, a soldier came over supporting an old cadre.

Only half of the fourteen old comrades could participate in the activities. Some of the other half were away visiting relatives, and some were bedridden.

The veteran comrades who participated in the event took the event very seriously and put on old-style shirts. Some wore old military caps, some did not, but without exception, they all wore military medals.

The small bus was ready. Xiang Fan, Director Wu and others helped the old comrades onto the bus, then got on the 212 old jeep at the front and went straight to the passenger terminal.

The convoy drove to the long-distance bus station, and the road ahead was closed.

The traffic police stopped in the middle of the road and directed motor vehicles to go around.

Director Wu showed his ID and explained to others, and the traffic police quickly let him go after understanding the situation.

When I rushed to the entrance of the passenger terminal, I saw colorful flags flying and crowds of people everywhere!

The administrator trotted over and guided the convoy to the opposite side. Only then did Xiang Fan notice that there was indeed a temporary pergola not far from the tall "Arc de Triomphe".

Deputy Commander Zhou and other old comrades were very satisfied with Director Wu's arrangements. After getting off the car, they looked around, walked over and sat in the middle of a row of plastic chairs, threw open the folding fan with a loud bang, and asked while waving the fan: "Administrator, where are the comrades who have returned from fighting the flood?"

"Deputy Commander Zhou, they are preparing inside and will come out on time at 8:30."

"Then what?"

"Then we walked along Renmin Road to the Military Division to attend the commendation meeting of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the Military Division for flood relief." The administrator took out a stack of tickets from his briefcase and said with a smile like a treasure: "I met the Military Division when I came in the morning. Director Zhang, I said that you and Director Liu must be present, but Director Zhang said that they didn’t think carefully and quickly rearranged the seats and gave us ten tickets.”

"Which row are you in?"

"Second row, second row in the middle, good location."

"That's pretty much it."

Deputy Commander Zhou nodded with satisfaction, then thought about it and asked, "Where are the commander and political commissar?"

The administrator quickly said: "The political commissar and Mayor Wang are inside, but the commander is not here."

"How could he not come for such a big event?"

"The head of the provincial military region is here. The commander and Secretary Lu will accompany the head of the provincial military region. They will definitely attend the commendation meeting."

"People from the Provincial Military Region are also here?"

Director Liu's mentality was better than that of Deputy Commander Zhou. He retired immediately and never asked about the affairs of the military division.

If there are any activities in the military division, he will go if he is invited, and he will not be asked to stop him.

He didn't care whether the commander and political commissar of the military division were here, nor was he very concerned about whether he would be eligible to attend the commendation meeting later. Instead, he looked at the sweaty crowds on both sides and asked, "Director Xiang, your lemon Is Ning coming?"

"Here she comes, she came early in the morning and brought Han Han."

"Where are the people?"

"I was looking for them, but I couldn't see them even after looking around."

"Borrow Director Wu's mobile phone to make a call and ask if your daughter is okay on such a hot day. How can your granddaughter stand it?"

"that's true."

Xiang Fan felt sorry for Han Han and hurriedly borrowed a mobile phone from Director Qianxiu to make a call.

Unexpectedly, although my daughter came early, there were too many people from all walks of life participating in the event today, and many people even spontaneously came to greet her. The "Delegation of the Hong Kong Regulatory Bureau" was queued relatively far back, and was actually queued at the long-distance bus station. .

Xiang Fan was worried that his granddaughter would get hot due to being squeezed in, and he was worried when he suddenly saw Bureau Wang from the Shuangshui Branch coming out of a police car. He hurriedly waved his arms and called Bureau Wang.

Wang Wenhong ran over to find out the whole story and immediately asked the driver to go to Han Xiangning and Han Han.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Han Xiangning arrived with Han Han in his arms, and Xiang Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hanhan, come to Grandpa Liu and let your mother rest for a while."

"Grandpa Liu, I want to drink water."

"Drink water, right? There's plenty here."

Hanhan plays in the cadre rest house every day and is very familiar with Director Liu and other veteran cadres, so she runs to Director Liu obediently.

Han Xiangning thanked her sincerely, looked at the crowded opposite side, and muttered: "It's true that the city can't even organize an event. It took several days to prepare, but the result is still a mess."

Xiang Fan smiled and said: "I don't usually do activities, so if I do it once in a while, it will be chaotic."

"It's just that the organization is not good. We know clearly that San'er and the others are very tired, yet they insist on making San'er and the others parade all the way from the dock to the military subdivision. On such a hot day, they have to walk five kilometers. What a joke!"

"Walk there instead of taking a car?"

"The leaders will get in the car and let San'er and the others go in front."

As soon as Han Xiangning finished speaking, Deputy Commander Zhou raised his head and said: "Xiao Han, the reserve troops are also troops. The troops walking five kilometers is not much. And this is different from training. This is a celebration parade. Look at how enthusiastic the people are. So high."

"Yes, this is a very honorable thing." Director Liu held the same view as Deputy Commander Zhou on this issue.

Xiang Fan couldn't help but think of the scene when he was a soldier, and couldn't help laughing: "On September 30, 1968, the Jiangcheng Yangtze River Bridge was opened to traffic. It can be said to be a great event that shocked the whole country and even the world. More than 50,000 soldiers and civilians in Jiangcheng held the opening ceremony at the bridge park square. At the ceremony, the Nanjing Military Region’s army, navy and air force sent a phalanx of representatives to attend.

I was honored to participate in the celebration as a member of the Air Force representative phalanx. Before the event, we conducted queue training for a month. On the day it was opened to traffic, we gathered before dawn. Although we were very tired, we were able to witness the opening of the bridge independently designed and built by our country. I’m really excited, proud, and proud! "

Deputy Commander Zhou turned around and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, did you hear that? This is a very glorious thing and will become something that will be unforgettable for a lifetime. It can be said that not everyone has the opportunity to walk these five kilometers."

Director Liu stroked Xiao Hanhan's head and said with a smile: "Hanhan, you should study hard when you go to school. When you grow up, you will be a member of the People's Liberation Army like your grandpa and grandma. Work hard in the army and make meritorious service and receive awards like your father!"

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