Riverside police

Chapter 738 Whether you dare to drink or not is very important

It's late at night, but the "Veteran Fast Food" is still brightly lit.

Vice Mayor Shen, Hao Qiusheng, Mr. Wu, Liu Degui and others sat around a large table made of small tables, drinking beer and talking and laughing.

Han Yu, Ma Jintao, and Xiaoyu arrived late, and there was no room in the room so they had to sit at the door.

The autumn air is crisp, so it’s actually quite pleasant to sit at the door and eat, it feels like a food stall.

There are several themes tonight, not only to celebrate the opening of "Veteran Fast Food", but also to celebrate the arrival of new cars by Lao Cao and other big brothers, and even more to celebrate the return of Mr. Hao and Mr. Zhang from attending the National Flood Fighting Summary and Commendation Conference! But what everyone is talking about now is how to make the business of "Veteran Fast Food" prosperous.

"Secretary Han, aren't there a lot of people coming from the Municipal Bureau, Customs and Border Inspection? Do they want a late-night snack?"

"have no idea."

"Call and ask. If they want late-night snacks, ask them to order from Youming."


Three hours ago, as soon as Bureau Zhou and Deputy Commissioner Zeng received the report, they urgently summoned 18 customs law enforcement officers, including Xu Mingyuan and Xu Haoran, and more than 30 public security officers and armed police officers to arrive in Sanhe.

Han Yu once again served as a pilot, helping to dock the suspected smuggling freighter to the outfitting dock of Shenglong Shipyard, and handed over the suspected smuggling freighter, the captain and crew, and the seized smuggled cigarettes to the anti-smuggling task force, before he, Ma Jintao and others Together they went back to the police barge, changed into casual clothes, and rushed over to attend the party.

Eating and drinking while wearing a police uniform will have bad effects. Although there are fewer people on the riverside at night, you still need to pay attention.

Han Yu wanted to help Wu Youming. Just as he was about to get up and go to the small store next door to make a phone call, Wu Youming ran over and said with a smile: "Secretary Han, I won't bother you today."

"Call me and ask, it's easy and no trouble! Besides, why not do business if you have it?"

"There is no food today, and we can't buy food at night."


"It's a pity, the future is long."

As soon as Wu Youming finished speaking, Liu Degui came out with a beer and said with a smile: "Xianyu, Minister Li said that from now on the militia training will be arranged in our camp, and the shooting range is right in front, which is very convenient. I wonder if the Armed Forces Department will organize militia training in the future. The party is ready, everyone come to Youming to order fast food."

"I think it will work. Give all the food expenses to You Ming and let You Ming take care of it." Han Yu thought about it and smiled: "It's not just the militia training, but also the training of our reserve camp. It saves us having to arrange people to go there every day." Help in the kitchen.”

Vice Mayor Shen also came out to toast, and while clinking glasses with everyone, he smiled and said: "There are so many companies in the development zone, but there is only one fast food restaurant. I believe that Youming's business will not be bad in the future!"

Hao Qiusheng stood behind Deputy Mayor Shen and came up with ideas: "Youming, you can't guard the store every day, you have to go out. It's best to print more advertising flyers and visit one company after another. Those around you Although companies all have canteens, there will always be unlucky times when people are hungry and there is no food in the canteen, or they think the food in the canteen is not delicious, and I will think of you then."

"Youming, Mr. Hao is right, if you want to advertise, you must spread the word!"

"The service must also be good. First of all, we must seize the time to install a phone. When people call to order food, you can drive a motorcycle to deliver it to them."

"Youming, our shipyard often works overtime. The workers work overtime until midnight and are hungry without food. You need to install a phone quickly so that I can call you to deliver food!"

You and I helped come up with ideas, and in a short while, the future business strategy of Veteran Fast Food was basically formed.

Manager Yang of the Lingda Automobile Ferry said that he could free up a small piece of open space and suggested that Wu Youming get a pushable fast food truck and go to the ferry to sell fast food every noon and evening.

Ma Jintao suggested that Wu Youming recruit more local women and set up stalls at nearby construction sites at noon every day.

There are not only many enterprises in the development zone, but also many large and small construction sites. Migrant workers also need to eat, but migrant workers are more frugal and reluctant to eat something that is too good or too expensive. If you want to start a business with migrant workers, the profit cannot be too high.

Wu Youming and the other four cooks followed suit and quickly wrote down each item with a pen, planning to do as the big guys said.

They drank from early evening until around nine o'clock in the evening, and drank dozens of bundles of beer.

There are things to do tomorrow, and those who have eaten and drunk said goodbye one after another.

Hao Qiusheng has something to do tomorrow. The driver of the Road and Bridge Company was waiting impatiently in the car. He asked Wu Youming to settle the bill for the evening. He will pay for everything tonight!

How could Wu Youming let him pay the bill? He firmly disagreed.

Deputy Mayor Shen knew that everything was difficult at the beginning, so he made it clear that Hao Qiusheng must be invited tonight.

Wu Youming had no choice but to calculate the "cost price" with an embarrassed look. Hao Qiusheng looked at the bill, opened his wallet and gave him double the money.

Wu Youming was about to speak when he was stopped by Zhang Erxiao, so he had no choice but to accept the money.

There were fewer people, and several tables were put together into one.

Vice Mayor Shen is not going back to the city tonight and wants to chat with everyone for a while. He was not allowed to drink anymore, so he insisted on opening another bottle.

"Mayor Shen, are you okay?"

"What can you do if you drink this little beer?" Vice Mayor Shen asked with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, did you and Mr. Hao go to the reception celebrating the 49th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China?"

"No, not all the model flood-fighting representatives who participated in the commendation meeting went, but only the representatives among the representatives." Zhang Erxiao thought about it and said: "Maybe there are too many representatives from the army to arrange, and most of the people attending the reception are from various provinces. represent."

"As long as you can attend the commendation meeting."

"Yeah, thinking about it feels like a dream." Zhang Erxiao recalled the experience of attending the meeting and said excitedly: "The hotel we stayed in was some distance away from the Great Hall of the People, and we had to take a bus to the Great Hall of the People to attend the meeting. We started from When we were going to the hotel for a meeting, the police car cleared the way and it was smooth sailing!

The motorcade had to pass through Tianamen Square and Chang'an Street. Traffic police and armed police blocked the surrounding roads to allow our motorcade to pass. Especially when the motorcade passed in front of Gate A, we were so excited that we really wanted to cry..."

On Chang'an Street, in front of Tian A Gate, enjoying the treatment of police cars clearing the way is the highest honor!

Vice Mayor Shen could understand Zhang Erxiao's mood at that time, and was even a little envious. He couldn't help but turn around and said with a smile: "Xianyu, it's your turn soon. Remember to take more photos then."

This morning, the military division notified them to report to the Provincial Military Region the day after tomorrow and join the Nanjing Military Region delegation so that they can collectively fly to the capital to participate in the army's flood-fighting and rescue commendation meeting!

Mr. Jiang from the 404th Division called and said that he would definitely have to drink.

The army is different from the local area. The commander of the army can drink. If the commander really respects you, will you drink it or not?

Han Yu was really scared and talked about his worries with a wry smile.

Vice Mayor Shen was happy and said with a bit of schadenfreude: "Salted fish, I'm not trying to scare you. Since I'm attending the commendation meeting, it's probably very difficult not to drink. It's also impossible to get through. You might have to drink several times."

"How many times?"

"Think about it, do your superiors want to see you off before you go? The head of the military region will definitely give you a toast when you go. You are the only representative of the reserve force of the provincial military region and even the Nanjing military region. Others can hide from you, but they can't hide if they want to. There’s no way to avoid it, you’ll definitely have to drink.”

Vice Mayor Shen smiled and continued: "When we arrive in the capital, after the commendation meeting, the superiors will hold a celebration banquet for you to celebrate your achievements. You will still have to drink when the time comes, and you will not be able to run away. When you return to Jiangcheng, the Provincial Military Region and The Jiangnan Army Reserve Division is holding a celebration banquet again, and you are the protagonist, so you want to drink, hahaha."

Han Yu said with a sad face: "I don't know how to drink, drinking like this will kill me!"

Ma Jintao joked: "Secretary Han, why don't you ask your superiors if you can take me there. If you can't drink, I can. Just say that I am your secretary and I will help you drink."

"Can you tell me something useful? It's true that the army has nothing to do but drink."

"What do you know!"

Liu Degui clinked glasses with Deputy Mayor Shen, drank the beer in the glass, and said with emotion: "Drinking is not considered good by outsiders, but in our army, whether you can drink it, especially whether you dare to drink it, is a measure. An important standard for a cadre.”

Han Yu asked dumbfounded: "Can I drink it? Do I dare to drink it? Are these the standards for measuring cadres?"

"What are you lying to?"

Liu Degui put down his cup and explained: "When we were in the army, as long as a new cadre came to our camp, no matter how difficult the conditions were, we had to find a way to have a drink. The first was to test the drinker's capacity to see how much he could drink. The second was to test the wine. Guts, put aside the amount of alcohol and let’s see if he dares to drink!”

Han Yu asked curiously: "Don't you dare to drink if you don't know how to drink?"

"It means that this cadre is just like this, at least he won't focus on training." Seeing that Han Yu didn't understand, Liu Degui said seriously and seriously: "Think about it, if a military cadre doesn't even dare to drink, he will What else can you do? It doesn’t matter how much you can drink, but whether you dare to drink or not is important.”

"What if I'm drunk?"

"If you are carried away drunk, no one will laugh at you. At worst, you will have to go to the health team to get some fluids."

"It's hard to be drunk."

"No matter how uncomfortable it is, will it be as uncomfortable as losing the skin and flesh?"

Liu Degui asked back, recalling the past: "The drinking style is the style, and this is not a joke. At that time, whether we were participating in a competition or completing a major task assigned by our superiors, we would have a celebratory drink afterward.

There was no good wine at that time, just ordinary wine. Bowls were filled and placed on the long table. The leader pointed to the wine on the table and announced that the competition had officially begun.

If ten units participate, all ten units will come together. Each unit will have fifteen large bowls of wine and see which unit drinks it first. We'll let the ones with the best drinking capacity come on, one by one, move fast, and drink even if you drink down. You can't lose on the training ground, you can't lose on the battlefield, and you can't lose on the drinking court! "

Deputy Mayor Shen could imagine the spectacular scene, and patted Han Yu on the arm with some sympathy: "Be mentally prepared, isn't it just drinking? Just drink!"

"It's not that I don't dare to drink. The main thing is that I really don't know how to drink. I'll fall over after one sip."

"Just pour it. Director Liu made it very clear. No one will laugh at you if you drink it. You will be laughed at if you dare not drink."

Being drunk is hard.

Besides, what’s so delicious about wine? It’s neither sweet nor fragrant. I really don’t know why so many people like to drink it, and even a wine culture has formed.

If he had a choice, Han Yu really didn't want to attend the Army Commendation Conference.

But now there is no choice. This is an order from above and you must participate.

Han Yu didn't want to feel drunk and uncomfortable, and he didn't want to get drunk and make jokes. He was silent for a moment and muttered: "Call Liang Xiaojun tomorrow and ask if there is any medicine that can be taken without getting drunk."

Vice Mayor Shen didn't expect that he would think so. He laughed and said, "If you have any, remember to bring some for me. I need it too."

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