Riverside police

Chapter 753 The long history of the rescue boat brigade!

As expected, Lao Ge and his wife wanted to have a baby, so they urgently went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for a marriage certificate and even took the initiative to go to the Family Planning Office to pay a fine. This quickly became big news in Linghai!

It is said that several people who lost their fortune and were fined for having too many children went to report it, but the family planning department searched through the laws and regulations at the national, provincial, city and county levels, and there was no clause that prohibited the remarriage of widows, even if the man and woman had children before remarrying.

Only those who are divorced and remarried and have children before the remarriage are not allowed to have more children.

So some people said that Lao Ge was shameless, and some people scolded Lao Ge behind his back for taking advantage of legal loopholes, but Lao Ge couldn't hear them.

Because he and his wife hid in the newly renovated naval radar station, lived in the picturesque and fresh air Langshan Scenic Area, and turned into a member of the senior expert team of the Binjiang Naval Reserve Rescue Ship Brigade under preparation.

Regarding the issue of Lao Ge still wanting to have a child at such an old age, although there is no clear rule not to allow the child to be born, the impact is very bad.

It can be said that Secretary Ye and Mayor Qian were under tremendous pressure. In order to give an explanation to the cadres and masses in Quan Linghai who wanted to have a child but could not, they had to adjust the division of labor among the members of the government leadership team.

Although Lao Ge is still a deputy researcher, he is no longer in charge of the Transportation Bureau, Sports Bureau, Tourism Bureau and other units, which means that Lao Ge is allowed to go home and wait for retirement.

The cadres feel much more balanced.

The masses were confused and thought that Lao Ge had been dismissed.

In addition, another bigger news broke. The matter of Lao Ge shamelessly giving birth to a child in his old age has finally come to an end.

In fact, the bigger news also comes from Lao Ge's "family".

The news that Xu Mingyuan, the former captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Linghai Public Security Bureau, went to Donghai to buy a commercial house and made hundreds of thousands in resale prices within two years of the purchase made Linghai, which already has a business tradition, explode!

People who don't know Xu Mingyuan are envious and jealous, and can't help but wonder how Xu Mingyuan, a police officer, has so much money to buy commercial housing in Donghai?

No one went to the Family Planning Department and Ji W to report Lao Ge anymore, but Ji W and the Anti-Corruption Bureau of the Procuratorate received reports about where Xu Mingyuan’s huge wealth came from!

People who know Xu Mingyuan, especially the policemen from the Linghai Public Security Bureau, all know that it was Zhang Lan’s decision to take out a loan to buy a commercial house in Donghai. They all admire Zhang Lan’s investment vision and are envious of Xu Mingyuan’s ability to marry someone as smart as Zhang Lan. wife.

More and more people are suddenly interested in investing in Donghai real estate. In the past few days, the number of people going to Bailong Port to take the passenger ship to Donghai has increased significantly, and most of them go to see the commercial housing market in Donghai!

Compared to Lao Ge who wants to have a baby, wealthy people from Linghai flock to Donghai to buy commercial housing, which gives Secretary Ye and Mayor Qian an even bigger headache.

There are also real estate developers in Linghai, and they have built a lot of commercial housing, but no one is buying it.

Commercial housing in Donghai is so expensive, with a unit costing easily 30,000 to 400,000 yuan. If a thousand Linghai people go to Donghai to buy commercial housing, it would be equivalent to giving 300 to 400 million yuan to Donghai!

And a thousand people going to Donghai to buy is just a conservative estimate. After all, there are far more than one or two thousand rich people in Linghai.

The more Secretary Ye thought about it, the more depressed he became. Looking at Mayor Qian who had just returned from the Provincial Flood Fighting Commendation Conference, he said with a bitter smile: "Xu Mingyuan is a bad leader. According to incomplete statistics from the Political Research Office, in the past few days, the people of Linghai have At least one hundred houses were bought in Donghai, and at least a quarter of the people who bought houses were cadres."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Who allowed us to be so close to the East China Sea?"

Mayor Qian was equally depressed. After thinking about it, he said helplessly: "It has been a centuries-old tradition in Linghai to run to the East China Sea. I estimate that there are no less than 200,000 Donghai people whose ancestral home is in Linghai."

"That's one hundred houses. Even if one is worth three hundred thousand, it's still worth thirty million. When did we, Linghai, become so rich?"

"Who doesn't have friends and relatives? Besides, now you can get a loan to buy a commercial house. All you need is a down payment."

"Buying a house and registering as a registered permanent resident are really attractive."

"How about we study and introduce a similar policy. As long as people come to Linghai to buy commercial housing, they can settle in Linghai, and they don't have to pay any more when they transfer from rural to non-agricultural land."

"This is a way. There are many outsiders working in Linghai. We can tap the potential and see if we can absorb some commercial housing that cannot be sold."

The Linghai people began to travel to the East China Sea a century ago.

Almost every household has relatives in the East China Sea.

The feelings of Linghai people towards Donghai are even reflected in their daily language. For example, when the wife asked her husband to go out to buy soy sauce, and the husband didn’t move quickly enough, the wife asked him if he bought the soy sauce at Donghai.

In short, it is impossible to prevent the people of Linghai from running to the East China Sea, unless Linghai can be developed better than the East China Sea, but that is even more impossible.

Mayor Qian didn't want to talk about this anymore and immediately changed the topic: "Secretary Ye, adjust the division of labor. Is Lao Ge in the mood?"

"We are so confused by him. We haven't found him yet. How can he be in such a mood!"

"Where did he go?"

"Hiding in Xianyu's place, he is now a senior expert at the Naval Reserve Battalion. Chen Jian knew that his wife was pregnant, so he made a special trip to deliver him a set of belly lungs, a few kilograms of large crucian carp and some nutritional supplements. When he came back, he told me that he was pregnant. Ge now enjoys the treatment of a senior chief."

"How are senior leaders treated?" Mayor Qian asked curiously.

Secretary Ye smiled and said: "The naval reserve camp, to be precise, the camp area of ​​the naval reserve rescue ship brigade, is the radar station that the navy used to set up in Langshan Scenic Area. The person in charge of the radar station at that time may have considered that the superiors would inspect it , built two small villas on the mountainside to receive the superiors, and Lao Ge lived in the villas."

Lao Ge made contributions to Linghai.

If it weren't for Lao Ge, Secretary Ye wouldn't be able to go to the Great Hall of the People, and Mayor Qian wouldn't be able to attend the flood-fighting commendation meeting of the provincial party committee, the provincial government, and the provincial military region.

Because of this, when Lao Gefei wanted to have a baby, Secretary Ye and Mayor Qian were under pressure to let him have a baby.

But it was not just Laoge who contributed to Linghai, but also Xianyu.

Mayor Qian was really worried about the failure of Xianyu's "second entrepreneurial venture" and asked in a low voice: "Secretary Ye, you just said that Xianyu will form a naval reserve rescue ship brigade. What does the rescue ship brigade do?"

"I didn't understand it at first, but later I asked Minister Yang and found out that the rescue ship brigade belongs to the navy's logistics force and is mainly responsible for warship rescue and salvage work."

"Rescue, good rescue, this is a professional counterpart for Xianyu."

"At first we thought he was a clever woman who could make a living without rice, but in fact we were unfounded. Feng was in a big situation. As soon as he returned to Binjiang, he asked Mr. Lu for a start-up capital of 200,000 from Xianyu. COSCO provided 100,000, and the military division provided 50,000. Wan. Mr. Yu from Shenglong Shipyard is very envious that Mr. Wu’s son from Linghai Shipyard can become a reserve officer, and he plans to sponsor 200,000 yuan to buy Mr. Yu an official position.”

"Add the 100,000 from the development zone, and the number of salted fish will be 650,000!"

"But the Navy Reserve Force is different from the Army Reserve Force. The construction of the Navy costs a lot of money. It is not easy to achieve anything with these 650,000 yuan."

"Didn't you say that we would set up a reserve battalion? Why did it become a brigade?"

"The navy is different from the armed police. The navy's brigade level is higher than the battalion level."

"What level is the brigade?"

"Regiment level."

"So Xianyu has been promoted and is now equivalent to a regiment-level cadre!"

"The reserve force is different from the active force. The regiment-level captain of Xianyu is similar to the militia leader. The leaders and political commissars of the militia are all township cadres who hold concurrent posts, which is not equivalent to the actual administrative level."

At the same time, Lao Ge was receiving Bureau Feng in the living room of the small mountain villa.

Today, two officers who were about to join the customs and four retired soldiers who were officially transferred to the customs came to report. Han Yu and Section Chief Xu of the Customs Political Worker Division settled in the six new colleagues and rushed to the small villa to keep them company.

The environment here is really nice.

While helping Bureau Feng refill his tea, Lao Ge sighed with a bit of embarrassment: "There are only a few hills in the entire Binjiang River, and there are only a few villas in the mountains. I never thought that I, Ge Weidong, would be able to live in a small villa! "

Director Feng doesn't like this villa, otherwise he would have moved here long ago.

He recalled those days, lit a cigarette and said solemnly: "All the money is spent on this, can the navy be built?"

Han Yu subconsciously asked: "Ju Feng, are you saying it's too extravagant and wasteful?"

"In 1982, Commander Liu, who had just taken office, conducted a year and a half of investigation and found a lot of problems."

"what is the problem?"

"At Shunlv Base, the vegetables supplied to the ships by logistics were actually covered with mud and were not even washed. The sea is different from the shore. Fresh water is so precious when the ship is at sea, but washing vegetables is a waste of fresh water? Commander Liu was furious and said From the small to the big, we must be held accountable.”

Director Feng took two puffs of cigarette and continued: "After researching the East China Sea Fleet, the East China Sea Fleet wanted to build another point on Chongming Island, but Commander Liu vetoed it. Later, it was discovered that some caves in the Zhoushan base were seriously silted up and were facing scrapping. The drinking water problem for the officers and soldiers of the submarine detachment has not been solved. Soldiers and civilians live together on the shore, and various disputes continue. The barracks in the Wenzhou Marine Police District are well built, but the channel is silted up, and even small boats cannot enter.

After investigating the South China Sea Fleet, various units also have a lot of problems in caves, docks, barracks and drinking water. Especially when we visited the Guangzhou base and arrived at Shangchuan Island, the officers and soldiers were in groups in the east and in a group in the west. They did not stand at attention and no one saluted. They looked at Commander Liu and his party like fellow villagers watching a big show. Commander Liu did not get angry at the soldiers because it was a problem with the cadres.

On Xiachuan Island, the troops ate on a boat and on a stove, and had to take a boat to the shore to buy food every morning. Even during the Spring Festival, the whole detachment couldn't eat fish or meat. Commander Liu got angry at the fleet meeting and told those in charge of logistics: Your hearts should be condemned! "

Director Feng put out his cigarette butt and continued: "In the waterway of Linyu Port, the reefs that should be bombed are not bombed, the docks that should be built are dragged, and the ships are crowded. How can we fight? The cadres of the Nanhai Island Army have serious worries, and their family members who have jobs have joined the army. As a result, there is no job, it is difficult for children to go to school, and the cost of visiting relatives is heavy.

The Dongshan Army, like the previous radar commander here, likes to occupy scenic spots and treasure areas. Most of the bases are shallow water bays. They will be blocked when there is a war. They treat the naval force as a tourist bureau! Jianfu is a frontline position against Taiwan, but it is very difficult to connect to the phone, and the waterway has to depend on the tide to get back and forth. "

No wonder even Lao Lu looks down on the navy. It turns out that the navy had so many problems before.

Han Yu reacted and couldn't help but ask: "What now?"

"It's much better now, but it's a pity that I didn't catch up with the good times."

"Director Feng, was it because you couldn't bear to change your career?"

"Stop talking about this, Xianyu, since you have become the captain of this reserve rescue ship brigade, you must work hard. Not only must you show something to your superiors, but you must also show something to the active troops. Let’s take a look!”

Lao Ge realized that Bureau Feng regarded Xianyu as a continuation of his military career, and mused: "A unit cannot be without its roots, such as the Linghai Reserve Battalion. Although the honorary titles of the Offensive Hero Battalion and the Red Sharp Knife Company are controversial, they are related to They have legs, connections, and heritage, so the rescue boat brigade being formed must also have them, otherwise the officers and soldiers in the brigade will have no sense of pride or even energy."

Director Feng didn't expect Lao Ge to say this, and he was really impressed by Lao Ge.

Han Yu had seen how high Lao Ge's pattern was, and he couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Uncle Ge, we are drawing on a piece of white paper this time, I also want to find heels, where can I find them?" "

"Who says we don't have a foothold? If we really talk about a long history, even if the active-duty troops have honorary titles of one kind or another, their combined history is not as long as ours."

"Uncle Ge, I don't quite understand."

"It seems that you need to study history, not only the history of Binjiang, but also the military history of the New Fourth Army, Huaye, Sanye and even the Navy."

Bureau Feng reacted suddenly and couldn't help but laugh.

Han Yu was confused and looked at Lao Ge expectantly.

Lao Ge lit up his cigarette and said happily: "Everyone thinks that the predecessor of the People's Navy, the East China Military Region Navy of the People's Liberation Army, was established at the White Horse Temple in Taizhou, but few people know which unit the East China Military Region Navy was the predecessor of, and what Where was it established?”

"Which unit is the predecessor of the East China Military Region Navy?"

"Director Feng, do you know?"

"I know a little bit, but not everything."

Even Bureau Feng, an old navy man, doesn't know about it. It seems that this history needs to be excavated.

Lao Ge Ru carefully explained: "In May 1940, Chen and Su led their troops to cross the Yangtze River and go north. Tao Yong was ordered to march eastward to Dongru and the coast of our Linghai Sea to open up an anti-Japanese base behind enemy lines in Binru Qihai.

But here we have a vast plain, making it difficult for military industry and logistics to hide, and the Japanese and puppets have implemented a land blockade. There are great difficulties in personnel exchanges and material transportation between the eastern Zhejiang and Dongshan base areas and the East China Sea. General Su decided to establish a maritime armed force.

In November 1942, the Coastal Defense Regiment of the Central Jiangsu Military Region was formally established in Hejiazao, Dongru County. Since then, there has been a continuous maritime communication line between eastern Zhejiang and Dongshan, and our military's naval vessels have become a base for moving on the sea.

Dahai became the military production base, medical base and important material reserve base of the New Fourth Army. The coastal fishermen and salt people fought against the pirates and the Japanese puppets, which not only consolidated the coastal defense, but also created conditions for the development and growth of the coastal defense regiment. "

Binjiang actually has this period of revolutionary history.

Han Yu really didn't know this and asked: "What happened next?"

"The Coastal Defense Regiment continued to grow and develop during the struggle, and on its basis, other coastal defense forces along the coast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang were enriched and reorganized into the Coastal Defense Corps of the Central China Military Region, which was later renamed the Coastal Defense Column of the Central China Military Region and the Coastal Defense Column of the North Jiangsu Military Region. This force was established in 1949 He played a key role in the Battle of Crossing the River, and was later incorporated into the First Column of the Navy of the East China Military Region!"

"So our Binjiang is one of the birthplaces of the People's Navy?"

“And it’s the main place of origin, so to speak.”

"Uncle Ge, how do you know this?"

"Didn't your master tell you back then? I was the secretary of County W when I was young! I compiled these historical materials back then. I remembered this, an old comrade who joined the Coast Guard Regiment during the war but was not incorporated into the Navy later. There are quite a few in Dongru, and we also have some in Linghai. If I go back and ask around, there should be some old comrades still alive."

Han Yu asked with a smile: "Our predecessor was the Coastal Defense Regiment of the Central Soviet Military Region!"

Lao Ge's face straightened, and he said very seriously: "It must be true. It is said that your grandfather also participated in the Battle of Duanjiang and braved a hail of bullets to send the People's Liberation Army across the river. Your grandfather was a boat people and had a boat. He was probably a coastal defense officer. A member of the group.”

"I'm going to call and ask my dad. My dad should know something."

"No need to ask, it must be, it must be!"

Isn’t it just a matter of inheritance? It’s very simple.

Lao Ge pointed in the direction of the camp and continued: "Go back and ask the military division to look for the armed forces and martyrs' cemeteries in several coastal districts and counties to collect information related to the coastal defense regiment. Then we will set up an honor room, even if the navy chief comes. Everyone must admit that the People’s Navy was born here!”

When it comes to information, Lao Ge is definitely an expert.

The reason why the Linghai Reserve Battalion has achieved such great results has a lot to do with the rescue project information he carried out in Beihu.

Unexpectedly, he took action again and it was data, to be precise, it was historical data.

Han Yuzheng found it interesting, and Director Feng couldn't help laughing and added: "Binjiang has a deep relationship with the navy. There are a large number of Binjiang people among the senior generals of the navy, and our navy had the Binjiang ship when it made its first voyage to Zengmu Shoal. In addition, it is a member of the People's Navy. The predecessor, our party’s first maritime anti-Japanese armed force was born in Binjiang. Who dares to say that we have no inheritance, no history, and no foothold?”

"Director Feng, we can't do it on our own."

"Ge Gong, do you have any good suggestions?"

"This matter must be led by the municipal party committee, municipal government and military division. It is best to invite relevant veteran leaders, veteran generals and experts in party history and military history to come to us before or during the establishment ceremony of the rescue boat brigade. A seminar was held in Binjiang.

It doesn’t matter how you study it, but the results of the study are very important. It must be confirmed that the coastal defense force of the Soviet Central Military Region, which was born in Binjiang in 1941, is the first maritime anti-Japanese armed force led by our party!

This unit fought arduously against the Japanese and puppet troops, and made great contributions to our army's ability to control the eastern coast, establish maritime bases, and finally win the Anti-Japanese War. Her growth and expansion laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the Chinese People's Navy. "

Lao Ge finished summing up with a smile, then lit a cigarette after thinking about it and emphasized: "This is not fraud, this is a fact, but it has been ignored by those experts who compile party history and military history."

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