Riverside police

Chapter 783 Lao Jianghu!

There was a heavy snowfall at night. When I woke up in the morning, the courtyard of the Meteorological Bureau's family home was completely white.

An old comrade was happily taking pictures of the snow scene downstairs. The children were having a great time building snowmen, having snowball fights, and setting off firecrackers in the snow in the yard.

Han Yu was cleaning the snow on the balcony and couldn't help but think of his father-in-law.

When my father-in-law is at home, he always reminds me whether the weather will change, whether I should wear more clothes or whether I should take an umbrella when going out. When my father-in-law went to Xichuan, no one reminded him. He and his senior sister didn’t expect to pay attention to climate change, so they felt that the snow fell suddenly.

"San'er, should we buy some firecrackers too?"

"I won't be eating at home tonight, so I won't buy any."

"Then do you want to bring something with you to Director Zhu's house?"

"I won't bring it anymore. Her family lacks everything. If we bring something there, they won't be able to leave it. Besides, we're not outsiders."

Maybe it's because red is closer to vermillion and black is closer to ink. Han Xiangning has also developed the habit of saving when he can. He smiled and said: "Okay, don't bring anything."

The father-in-law and mother-in-law bought Spring Festival couplets before taking Han Han to Xichuan. They didn’t have to set off firecrackers during the New Year, but they had to put up Spring Festival couplets. Han Yu cleaned up the balcony and started putting up Spring Festival couplets again.

Han Xiangning helped, holding the paste and asked, "Would you like to go to Chunfeng Guest House to see Xu Chenhui later?"

Han Yu got a headache when he mentioned Xu Chenhui's unreliable old classmate. He smiled bitterly while posting the couplet: "Tang Wentao called yesterday afternoon and said that he asked Teacher Wu to do Xu Chenhui's work. But after he went there, Xu Chenhui not only refused to listen, but He actually persuaded Teacher Wu to practice that Dafa. Seeing that he was hopeless, Teacher Wu got so angry that he got up and left, too lazy to talk to him anymore."

"What did Tang Wentao say?"

"Tang Wentao didn't want to worry about it anymore. He took his wife and children back to his hometown last night. I'm not making excuses, I really went back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year."

"Where's Fan Yihua."

"Tang Wentao doesn't care anymore, and Fan Yihua won't even care."

Han Xiangning thought about it and asked curiously: "Did Xu Chenhui go out to 'preach the Dharma' in the past few days?"

Han Yu posted the couplet, jumped down from the chair and said: "It's freezing cold today, and everyone is busy celebrating the New Year. There are not many people in the parks in the city. Even if he wants to teach, no one will learn." .Tang Wentao said that he has been practicing in the guest house these two days and has not gone out much."

"It seems there is really no hope!"

"Yes, he has made people feel like ghosts. I really don't know what to say about him."

"You don't want to take care of it anymore?"

"He walked his own path. Who can blame him for being like this? Don't say I don't have the ability. Even if I have the ability, I don't bother to care. Besides, my relationship with him was very average when I was in school. He was the only one who felt sorry for me. I I'm not sorry for him, he still hasn't paid back the money he owes me!"

More than seven yuan a decade ago was a huge sum of money to the junior students at that time.

Han Xiangning could understand that the junior student kept thinking about it. Just as he was trying to persuade him not to keep it in mind, Han Yu walked through the living room and walked into the kitchen. He turned on the faucet and washed his hands while muttering: "I'll go to the guest house later to see him and talk to him." Let’s make it clear, Qigong Master is not welcome in Binjiang. If he persists in his obsession, don’t blame me for cleaning up the school!”

"Are you going to give him an ultimatum?"

"Mingren doesn't do secret things. Even if you send him to the shelter, you have to make it clear. Anyway, we have done our best, and it is up to him to decide where to go next."

Today is New Year's Eve, and this matter must be settled. Otherwise, if I keep thinking about it, I won’t have a good year.

Han Xiangning felt that there was nothing wrong with her junior's behavior, so she quickly put on the down jacket she bought when she got married and planned to go with her.

I'm going back to Siggang tomorrow to pay New Year's greetings.

Sigang is too far from the city, and there are no long-distance buses on the first day of the new year. It is rare for Han Yu to use a bus for private use. Santana, who is driving the customs rationing and anti-smuggling task force, hurried to the guest house with his senior sister.

The two went upstairs and were about to knock on the door, but found that the door was open.

When they opened the door and took a look, the two of them were shocked.

Xu Chenhui was wearing an old coat given to him by Tang Wentao and was sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing kung fu.

He meditates like a monk, and his gestures are weird, a bit like orchid fingers, but they don't look like them at all. In short, he looked solemn and practiced very focused.

Han Yu sighed with emotion and asked: "Chenhui, have you had breakfast?"

"Xianyu, Xiang Ning, you are here." Xu Chenhui slowly opened his eyes, put on his slippers and got out of bed. His movements were done in one go, which looked weird and even weird.

"Have you eaten?"

"If you're not hungry, sit down."

"I'm not going to sit down anymore. Let's say a few words and leave."

Han Yu didn't want to beat around the bush with him and said straight to the point: "Chenhui, Binjiang is different from other places. There was trouble two years ago because of people who practiced Qigong. The municipal party committee and the government are stricter about this aspect. Practice Tai Chi." , do radio gymnastics, keep fit, that’s fine. But people who practice your kind of exercises are not welcome.”

Xu Chenhui was stunned for a moment, held up his glasses and asked, "What do you mean, it's illegal to practice kung fu?"

"It is not illegal to practice Qigong, but according to the Opinions of the National Academy of Sciences on the Reform of Custody and Repatriation Work, migrant workers like you who have no legal documents, no fixed residence, and no stable income must apply for a temporary residence permit within three days, otherwise they will be treated as If you are staying illegally, you will be detained and sent back to your place of residence."

"Xianyu, you treat me like a blind drifter and want to send me to a shelter?"

"I am telling you this because I treat you as a classmate. Teacher Wu and Wen Tao have told you what needs to be said. As long as you can cheer up, we are willing to help you start over."

Han Yu took a deep breath, stared at him and said seriously and sincerely: "You have studied marine engineering for two years, so you have a basic foundation. As long as you are willing, we will send you for training after the New Year, and we will send you on board when you get the certificate. Yes. It is difficult for others to turn over, but for those of us who are studying shipping, as long as we are willing to endure hardship and endure loneliness, we can turn over in two or three years at most."

After all, they were classmates at the same school. Han Xiangning didn't want to see Xu Chenhui being sent to the asylum, so she added with a smile: "Chenhui, I know the boss of a shipping management company, and I can ask him to send you on a foreign ship. The internship period is one year. They both earn 40,000 yuan, and after completing the internship period, they can earn 70,000 to 80,000 yuan a year!"

"You don't believe me."

"We believe in your ability, that you can endure hardship and endure loneliness."

"That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is that you don't believe in the Dafa I practice."

"Chenhui, after the Chinese New Year, you are already twenty-nine. I am two years younger than you, and my daughter can even make soy sauce. You can't continue like this. It's time to think about the future and start a family!"

"Let's not talk about this anymore. I know I'm causing trouble for you. You'd better send me to the shelter."

"Chenhui, we really are thinking about you."

"I know, I appreciate your kindness."

Xu Chenhui turned around and packed his luggage, and said lightly: "It's good to go to the shelter. You don't need to worry about me anymore. Besides, there are many people in the shelter. I can go and teach the Fa."

Han Yu asked dumbfounded: "Have you ever been to a shelter?"

"Been there, been in there many times."

"Many times?"

"When I first dropped out of school, I was very confused. I didn't dare to go home. I didn't know where to go, so I could only wander all the way."

Xu Chenhui seemed to be talking about something insignificant, and said slowly: "When I first entered the society and had no friends, eating was a big problem. Sometimes I picked up some leftovers, and sometimes I went to the fields to get some sweet potatoes. But I couldn't fill my stomach. I was always hungry, so I slept on a large rocky slope by the roadside at night.

Just strolling all the way to Guangzhou. As luck would have it, I picked up a broken bicycle on the road and rode it in the direction of Shenzhen, hoping to see what the Special Economic Zone was like.

But I was caught by the police station while I was walking, and I was told that I stole the bicycle. I could say whatever I wanted. I was first sent to a shelter, where I stayed for a few days, and then sent to the Dajianshan Tea Farm in Paitan Farm, where I had to undergo three months of unpaid labor reform, and then someone from my family would pick me up. "

Han Yu didn't expect that he would have such an experience, and asked in a low voice: "What happened next."

Xu Chenhui said expressionlessly: "I didn't tell them where I lived, so naturally no one would pick me up. The guards took us up the mountain to pick tea every day. We had tasks every day. If we didn't complete the task, we would be punished. We didn't pick it quickly at first. , and later became proficient and could pick 28 kilograms of tricuspid tea leaves in one day.

I had pickled vegetables and rice in the morning, vegetables and rice at noon and evening, and meat once a week, which was very fat. At that time, I could still eat enough even though I was not a big person. Later, when they saw no one came to pick me up, they let me go. "

When I had dinner last time, I asked him about his experiences over the years. He talked about it but didn't talk about it.

Han Xiangning was very curious and asked, "What happens next?"

"After being imprisoned for several months, I no longer wanted to go to Shenzhen, so I walked all the way north. The second time I entered the detention center was in Sansan, Jianfu Province, in a place called Jingxi on the outskirts of Sansan. You don't have to go out to work, you only have to eat and drink every day, and you're half hungry.

It's annoying to be shut up all day, but life would go by faster if I had some work to do. I heard that they had to wait until there were more people in a certain direction before sending them home together. The longest one stayed there was almost half a year. "

Xu Chenhui smiled as if nothing was wrong, and continued: "I didn't tell them where my hometown is. Even if there are enough people in the same direction, they don't know where to send me. Anyway, I feel that it can't go on like this. I can't. Imprisoned by them for life.

I asked the inmates how I could get out, and an old man secretly told me that if I didn't eat for a day, they would let me go, because the station master was afraid that people would starve to death and not be able to do their jobs in the station.

I followed the plan, and it didn't work. They got scared after I hadn't eaten for a day, and made me sign a guarantee to return home on my own. They gave me five yuan and let me go. "

It turns out to be Lao Jianghu!

No wonder he is not afraid of being institutionalized.

Han Yuzheng didn't know what to say, and Xu Chenhui added: "Then I went to Tanying Internment Station. The pickles inside were delicious. After being detained for a week, I didn't want to stay in there anymore, so I went outside to water the vegetables. When I was drinking water, I ran away secretly when the discipline was not paying attention."

Han Xiangning asked in surprise: "Did you run away from the shelter?"

"The shelter is neither a prison nor a detention center. It's normal to run away. Besides, I didn't kill anyone or set fire, and I didn't make any big mistakes. Even if I was caught, I would probably get beaten up. Anyway, as long as I could run out, I would be free. "

Xu Chenhui looked at the school belle and senior schoolmate's shocked look, thought about it and smiled: "Later on, I entered several shelters, but I always ran away secretly. The more I learned this thing, the better I got. It’s so much, I really feel like I’m home when I go in, and I don’t take it seriously.”

Facing such an old classmate, Han Yu was speechless for a moment.

Han Xiangning asked doubtfully, "You ran out of there and they didn't trace you?"

"It's not a big mistake. He just ran away. Who will investigate? As long as he is not caught on the spot. Xianyu is a police officer. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xianyu."

"Then have you ever entered the shelter in Binjiang?"

"No, it's just in time to go in and have a look."

"Are you planning to run away again after you go in?"

"I won't run away this time." Xu Chenhui held up a book of exercises and said with some excitement: "I was very confused before, but now it is different from before. As long as we can practice Dafa, as long as we can spread the Dharma, let alone It doesn’t matter if I go to a shelter or to prison.”

He just had "If I don't go to hell, who will?" written on his face, he even had some expectations of being taken into custody.

Han Yu realized that no matter what he said, he was talking nonsense, so he led his senior sister out of the guest house without looking back.

I made a phone call in the car and waited for about twenty minutes. Zhao Hongxing, deputy director of the Shuangshui Branch, and Wang Da from the Public Security Brigade of the Chonggang Branch arrived with several policemen.

Wang Da went in and took Xu Chenhui, who had been prepared early, into the police car. He said hello to Han Yu and took Xu Chenhui to the nearest police station. After completing the detention and repatriation procedures, he sent Xu Chenhui to the detention center.

Zhao Hongxing opened the back door of Santana, got into the back seat and asked with a smile: "Xianyu, that kid is your classmate after all. How could you send a classmate to an asylum? It's too late to regret it now, will you think about it again?"

"Don't worry about it. At least you will have food to eat in the shelter and you won't be hungry or freezing."

"I called the shelter and was told that they would not be able to arrange deportation until March next year at the earliest."

"Let's keep him locked up for now. He has been in there many times. Entering the shelter is like going home to him."

“Been in there many times!”

Han Yu briefly introduced Xu Chenhui's situation, then thought about it and reminded him: "Director Zhao, go back and help me say hello to the person in charge of the shelter. That kid's head is full of fallacies. You must not give him evil words." An opportunity to confuse people.”

Zhao Hongxing couldn't believe this was true, and asked subconsciously: "He has become obsessed with practicing Qigong on his own, and he plans to trick others into practicing it?"

"So be careful, the people being held are very empty-spirited, and they might actually believe his lies."

"I know, I'll say hello to you."

"Director Zhao, don't forget, you must make it clear to the correctional police."

"Don't worry when I do things. Besides, our Binjiang is different from other places. The superiors are very wary of people like them. The detention and correction police will definitely strictly supervise them."

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