Riverside police

Chapter 895 Clean up the door!

The judges and bailiffs of Yungang Intermediate People's Court have returned, and the enforcement of Gu Liugen's family boat has finally come to an end for the time being.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Lan was going back to work and Yuanyuan was going back to school. Mother and daughter took a long-distance bus to Donghai with Zhang Jiangkun's family, and then took a train from Donghai Railway Station back to Shenzheng.

Han Xiangning was too busy at work to see her off.

Han Yu took Han Han to deliver it. Xiao Hanhan was reluctant to leave sister Yuanyuan and cried while holding Yuanyuan...

For most people, the Spring Festival does not end until the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month. But for people like Han Yu, who are eating from the government, the new year has passed just like that, and they officially go to work on the sixth day of the first lunar month.

The anti-smuggling boat is not at home, so there is no need to go to the dock.

There was a reinforced class of armed police stationed in the camp of the rescue boat brigade, so there was no need for him to worry.

When others go to work, he either goes back to the familiar Sanhe, which he is no longer familiar with, or goes back to his alma mater. Today, I learned about important waterways such as the Strait of Malacca through which the navy's visiting fleet sailed, and tomorrow I went to see Mr. Xia and Mr. Wang to learn about the important waterways where the visiting fleet might sail. The situation of each port of call.

Although the visiting fleet has a commander-in-chief and a captain, and they are also preparing nervously, they must have a complete set of charts. He does not need to be the garrison liaison officer during the voyage, but the garrison liaison officer is also called "escort captain". Han Yu felt that it was necessary to do some homework.

I have been studying every day, and have even collected and recorded through various methods a list of overseas offices of Chinese shipping companies, Chinese-funded institutions and overseas patriotic Chinese who can be contacted in case of special circumstances.

Just when he was extremely busy, Wang Wenhong, the leader of his old unit, held the first and fourth meeting of the Water Fire Fighting Association, intending to change the term in advance.

As the secretary-general of the association, Han Yu must attend even if he does not have time to participate in preparations.

The Changhang Branch Bureau was the most concerned about this matter. The Bureau actually invited leaders from the China Water Fire Fighting Association and the Deputy Director in charge of fire protection from the Changhang Public Security Bureau, as well as the chief fire chief of the Changhang Public Security Bureau!

It seems like a lot of work, but it's understandable.

Because this change of office not only transferred the initiative of the association from the local police to Changhang Public Security, it also further confirmed the jurisdiction of the Changhang branch over water fire safety in the Yangtze Riverside section.

Under normal circumstances, the chairman of the association is concurrently served by the leader of the CSC Branch.

However, Wang Wenhong insisted on giving up the chairmanship to Han Yu. Han Yu did not dare to embarrass himself and firmly refused to be a candidate for chairman.

Finally, under the strong advice of Bureau Xu of the Maritime Safety Administration, Bureau Zhou of the Marine Fisheries Bureau, and Binjiang Port Group Co., Ltd., Han Yu had to be unanimously elected as the chairman of the association as an anti-smuggling police officer.

Fortunately, the association only existed for an hour.

In accordance with the requirements of superiors and the agreement made a year ago, the newly completed Binjiang Water Fire Fighting Association became the Binjiang Branch of the China Water Fire Fighting Association. Han Yu, the chairman of the Binjiang Water Fire Fighting Association, subsequently became the chairman of the Binjiang Branch of the China Water Fire Fighting Association. Chairman.

This is a part-time job in a social group and has nothing to do with administrative duties.

What surprised Han Yu and made him laugh at the same time was that after the change of office, old friends and colleagues no longer called him "Secretary Han" or "Xianyu", but changed their name to "President Han".

So much so that Wang Yan, the criminal police captain of the Linghai Public Security Bureau, who came to Binjiang only once, always said "president".

"Wang Da, can you call me Xianyu like before? What kind of title is president? It sounds nondescript!"

"How nondescript, sounds very domineering."

"Okay, you can call me whatever you want." Han Yu was too lazy to correct him. While making tea for Wang Yan, he asked curiously: "Are you here to handle a case or for a meeting today?"

This was the first time for Wang Yan to come to Binjiang Maritime School. He was very curious about the campus environment. He stood by the window overlooking the playground and said with a smile: "You are here for a meeting. If you are here to handle a case, I will not have time to see you."

"What meeting?"

"Mobilization meeting for the deployment of the special operation to pursue fugitives. Public security must be rectified before the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, we must ensure that the masses have a stable and peaceful Spring Festival. Just after the Spring Festival, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The special operation came again, one after another, I really don’t know when it will end.”

The public security organs lacked everything except various special operations, and criminal police were the main force in special operations such as pursuit and escape. Han Yu knew very well that Wang Yan, the criminal police captain, did not do it easily.

Nothing is easy.

Han Yu was full of emotions when Wang Yan asked curiously: "President, why are there so many girls in your alma mater?"

"You're looking at girls!"

"Can't you even look at it?

"It's nothing good to see. What's there to see?" Han Yu walked to the window, thought about it and smiled: "Our alma mater not only offers ship driving, marine engineering and port engineering majors, but also accounting and computer majors. , it’s normal to have girls.”

"You go to school every day and visit your classmates every day. Are you relieved Ning Ning?"

"You are the captain of the criminal police brigade, can you be more serious?" Han Yu cursed with a smile, and said with a bit of regret: "The girls we recruit now are really not as beautiful as the girls we had when we were in school. Ning Ning was the school beauty at that time, but There are three golden flowers in their class, and even our class has a class flower!"

"You still pretend to be serious with me, so you're showing off your secrets. Not only did you watch it, you even compared it to when you were in school!"

This topic is too dangerous, and it will be troublesome if it reaches the ears of senior students.

She has passed her New Year's Eve, and this woman becomes very sensitive as soon as she reaches her thirties. I look in the mirror every day to see if I have wrinkles or if my figure is deformed. I always feel that I am not as good-looking as I used to be.

Han Yu didn't dare to talk about this topic anymore and quickly asked: "Wang Da, is there any mission to pursue the escape?"

"As long as it is a special operation, there will be indicators and tasks, but this pursuit is different from before."

"Why is it different?"

"Our superiors asked us to report the information of fugitives. We must have photos and preferably fingerprints. The county bureau reports to the municipal bureau, the municipal bureau reports to the provincial department, and the provincial department reports to the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. The Criminal Investigation Bureau compiles the information of fugitives and burns it into a computer CD. One batch after another was distributed to the provincial and municipal public security bureaus, and then to the district and county public security bureaus.”

"Then what?" Han Yu asked.

Wang Yan smiled and said: "We will then distribute the CD to stations, docks and various security checkpoints. The security brigade and each police station will also compare the foreigners staying in hotels and renting houses with the fugitives on the CD. In short, This is a big net, and if you cast this net, you will definitely gain something.”

"Computer CDs store a lot of information. As long as you have a computer, you can wait and see!"

"So this pursuit and escape is different from before." Wang Yan smiled and continued: "The superiors will issue CD-ROMs soon. We cannot live without computers. I will report to the bureau leaders when I get back and seize the time to purchase computers. Organize personnel training and try to catch a few big fish.”

"This is a good idea. It's a chess game across the country. You help me catch him, and I'll help you catch him. Unless the fugitive hides in the deep mountains and old forests, he may be caught if he shows his head."

"Yes, we should have done this a long time ago." Wang Yan took a sip of water from his teacup, sat down and said, "President, I came to see you for something else."

Han Yu smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The customs went to Linghai to investigate smuggling a few days ago and seized dozens of mobile phones that were suspected of being smuggled in. One of the bosses investigated was Samsung's general agent in Linghai."

"Selling dog meat on a sheep's head, using the manufacturer's agency rights to sell smuggled mobile phones?"

"It's not like selling sheep's meat to dogs. After all, the seized mobile phones are not fake products, they are just smuggled in. The manufacturers can neither control nor want to control them. They are all produced by them anyway."

"Then what?" Han Yu asked in a low voice.

Wang Yan took out a cigarette, touched the lighter, and said with a half-smile: "But being suspected of smuggling is not only illegal but also disgraceful. That boy Niu Bin just took advantage of the situation and won the agency right of Samsung mobile phones in our Linghai."

"Killing someone with a borrowed knife and replacing him with something else, Ushibin has a way of doing it."

"Not only did he become the general agent of Samsung mobile phones in our Linghai, he also rented out the leather clothing store next to Hualian Supermarket and transformed it into a mobile phone hypermarket. He is busy recruiting business these days. If it hadn't been for your second senior brother's reminder , I didn’t even know that he actually used our guise to recruit small business owners who had been inspected by customs to sell mobile phones in his hypermarket.”

Han Yu was silent for a moment, frowning and asked: "He has become a second landlord? Not only does he have to make money from selling Samsung mobile phones, but he also has to collect rent from other people's counters?"


A former colleague actually did this.

Not to mention how depressed Wang Yan was, he said bitterly: "Although he didn't tell those small business owners explicitly, the meaning behind his words was very clear. If he rented his counter and sold mobile phones to him, we would protect him and the customs would not Check again."

"Damn, this is a conspiracy!" Han Yu took a deep breath and asked in a low voice: "Do Shi Ju and Wu Jian know about this?"

"Maybe he knows, or maybe he doesn't know. Even if he knows, so what. After all, he did work as a public security officer for two years before. Bureau Shi and Wu Jian are indeed his old leaders, and we are indeed his former colleagues."

Wang Yan lit up the cigarette and sighed helplessly: "Besides, it's just selling mobile phones. If he doesn't sell them, he'll sell them to others. If he doesn't open a mobile phone hypermarket, someone else might open one. It's said that there are not only many mobile phone stores in big cities, but There are even electronic malls that look like big shopping malls, selling electronic products such as mobile phones, pagers, and computers.”

How could Han Yu not hear the implication of Wang Yan's words and nodded: "If he makes a fortune, he will at least treat Lao Shi and Wu Jian to dinner, and he can eat the meal with peace of mind. After all, he is indeed an old subordinate. Others sell mobile phones to make a fortune. It has nothing to do with Lao Shi and Wu Jian."

"Don't say it so harshly. Where can Shi Ju and Wu Jian go without food or drink?" Wang Yan knocked the ashes from his cigarette and changed the topic: "But Shi Ju and Wu Jian like him quite a lot and think he is a good person. He never forgets his roots, and even feels that he values ​​love and justice.”

"Yes, in the twelfth lunar month, he also gave New Year's gifts to Li Jiao and Ding Suo to wish them a happy new year. Who wouldn't like such an old subordinate?"

"Don't be weird."

"Then what do you want me to say?"

"Xianyu, I know you can't stand this, but you can think about it the other way around. He didn't open a dance hall. In his words, he didn't want to cause trouble or embarrass the old leader."

"Wang Da, are you here to be a peacemaker, to help him say nice things to me?" Han Yu asked, staring at Wang Yan closely.

"Do I need to say anything nice for him?" Wang Yan glared at Han Yu, then leaned into Han Yu's ear: "Xianyu, maybe I'm a little suspicious, I always feel that he won't stop here."

"What's the meaning?"

"He worked hard with us old colleagues through the customs and lured all the small business owners who were selling mobile phones to him to sell mobile phones. And he came back from Dongguang, and within a few years in Dongguang, he started selling mobile phones through selling mobile phones. Don't you think he has the right time, place, and people? Should he do something to make more money?"

Han Yu said without hesitation: "Let's sell goods! Let's sell parallel imports!"

Wang Yan patted his arm and said very seriously: "He now has both purchase and delivery channels. He went to the police academy for three years and worked as a public security officer for two years. He knows us very well and is very familiar with us. He has a strong Anti-investigation capabilities, and even weaved a protective network through relationships."

"The problem is there's no evidence."

"It's not convenient for me to investigate, and the same goes for Zhiqiang. Whether we can collect evidence depends on you."

"Rely on me?" Han Yu asked in surprise.

Wang Yan nodded and said confidently: "You are an anti-smuggling policeman. If you don't investigate, who will? Boat 825 has gone to the South China Sea for a naval battle. You have plenty of time now! And he is Mingyuan's apprentice. Mingyuan was transferred to the Special Administrative Region and is beyond his reach. , you can only do this kind of thing to clean up the house."

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