Riverside police

Chapter 903 Changhang Branch’s plan

Sitting in the spacious and bright office building with clear windows, Han Yu actually missed the two-story building of the Changhang Branch. Seeing that Bureau Qi was going to the Port Authority for a meeting, Han Yu simply took Xiaoyu and strolled to the Binjiang Police Station.

The original courtyard is still there, and the outer wall of the two-story building with blue bricks and red tiles is covered with vines. As soon as you enter, you feel like you have stepped back in time ten years ago, but the sign of the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation is missing at the door.

Maybe I was short back then, or maybe I have seen too many high-rise buildings in recent years, and I feel that the yard is smaller than before, and the buildings are not as tall as before.

Han Yu couldn't help but think of the time when he came here on behalf of the Yanjiang Police Station to participate in the crackdown on reverse currency arbitrage. He thought of Bureau Chen, of Zhang Junyan, and of his sister who once worked here.

However, ten years later, everything has changed.

Just as he was filled with emotion, Xiaoyu asked curiously: "Dried salted fish, your sister's former dormitory is not far from here, right?"

"It's not far. The old Port Authority dormitory area is just ahead. My sister's family used to live in the third row on the left after entering the gate."

"The environment here is quite good."

"Yes, if I could be assigned to work in the Port Authority in the past, I don't know how many people would be envious."

Binjiang Police Station does not have many police officers, but its jurisdiction is very large.

There were two police officers on duty in the foyer. After walking around the yard, no police officers were seen, only a police van.

Han Yu didn't want to affect other people's work, so he didn't enter the building. He took Xiaoyu and continued walking along the port area. While walking, he recalled the past and unknowingly came to the passenger terminal.

Seeing the empty berth of the passenger ship not far away, Han Yu sighed: "The Binjiang Port used to be very lively and busy. Not to mention the Spring Festival travel period, but in normal times, as soon as the passenger ship arrived, people would come and go on the pier and in the square. , noisy people.

People get off the boat, buy tickets, pick up people, wait for the boat, do small business, ride tricycles, drive motorcycles, and people reselling tickets. It is all kinds of people, bustling, and full of people from morning to night. Unlike now, when the passenger ship leaves, everything becomes deserted inside and outside. "

Xiaoyu grew up in Bailonggang.

Bailong Port Passenger Terminal was also very busy back then. It is conceivable that a large terminal like Binjiang Port would be busier than Bailong Port back then.

Touching the scene, he also missed the busy scene of Bailong Port and couldn't help but ask: "Dried salted fish, was it difficult to buy ferry tickets at Binjiang Port in the past when it was in short supply?"

"It's harder to buy than the ferry tickets in Bailong Port back then!"

Han Yu stopped and said: "At that time, the fourth-class tickets from Binjiang to Jiangcheng and Binjiang to the East China Sea were the most popular, because Binjiang Port did not have direct passenger ships to the East China Sea like Bailong Port. There was no direct ship from Binjiang to Jiangcheng, and there was no direct ship from Binjiang to Binjiang. There is no such thing as the East China Sea. They are all carried by the big liners "Jiang Shen", "Jiang Han" and "Jiang Chong".

The source of tickets depends on the number of passengers getting on and off the passenger terminal, which can only be known after 3 p.m. every day. Therefore, the ticket office is always crowded and crowded in the afternoon. Many people queue for two or three hours and may not be able to buy one. There have even been cases where Passing out due to heatstroke due to long queue time. "

Xiaoyu smiled and said: "Being a conductor must have been very popular back then."

"Of course. Working at the passenger terminal was an enviable position at that time, and the person in charge of the passenger terminal was even more popular. There were always people behind him begging for approval of notes and going through the back door to get tickets. There were many students from other places in our school, and every year we were about to arrive. During the winter and summer vacations, the principal will treat the person in charge of the passenger terminal to dinner."

"Go through the back door of the passenger terminal and help your classmates from other places buy tickets?"


Han Yu nodded and continued: "Later, one of our seniors was transferred to Binjiang Port to work. We had a teacher who was from Jiangcheng and taught my senior. I also knew that he had been transferred to Binjiang Port, so I thought it would be convenient to buy tickets from him. I went to the door in person and asked him to help me buy tickets.

But the senior student had just been transferred to Binjiang Port and was not in the same department as the passenger terminal. It was difficult for him to buy a ticket back to his hometown by himself. He really couldn't satisfy the teacher's request, so he had to politely refuse. Later, when he went to the Hong Kong Supervisory Authority to do some work, he met Ning Ning and talked about it. He said that he felt unspeakably guilty and sorry when he saw the disappointed look on his teacher's face when he left. "

The late 1980s was the heyday of passenger transport in Binjiang Port.

In 1987, passenger throughput reached a record high of 6.77 million, making it the second largest passenger port along the Yangtze River after Hanwu Port.

Although Han Yu was still in school at the time, because his sister and brother-in-law both worked at the Port Authority, he came here whenever he had time. It can be said that he personally experienced the busiest period of the Binjiang Port Passenger Terminal.

Times make heroes. Back then, the employees of the Binjiang Port Passenger Terminal also made outstanding achievements in serving passengers enthusiastically. The "Thunder F Car" provided free pick-up and disembarkation services for the elderly, weak, sick and disabled passengers, which touched countless people and cultivated Moral stars such as Huang Hui, a "model of female meritorious deeds".

Binjiang Port Passenger Transport Company has been rated as a civilized passenger transport unit in Jiangnan Province for six consecutive years, and has been rated as a civilized and advanced collective in the national transportation system many times. It has been selected by "People's Daily", "Xinhua Daily", "China Communications News", and "Yangtze River Shipping News" ", "Binjiang Daily" and other media reports have had a great impact at home and abroad.

When the then General Secretary S inspected Binjiang Port, he even presented a calligraphy treasure with "The First Window of the Yangtze" as a gift. It can be said to be the highest praise given by the central government to Binjiang Port.

However, times are developing and society is progressing.

With the deepening of reform and opening up, the completion of the national highway network and the opening of three Binjiang steam ferries, in the era of "time is money", people's choice of travel methods has become diversified, which has greatly impacted the Yangtze River "traveling by boat" passenger transport market.

Take the Shenhan-Hankou route as an example. In 1996, the passenger volume was 2.72 million, but last year it was only over 900,000. It is said that the average annual loss in the past four years was more than 20 million yuan.

The market value determines the living space, and the living space determines the fate of Yangtze River passenger shipping.

Han Yu doesn’t know how long the Yangtze River Passenger Transport can be maintained. He only knows that once the Yangtze River Passenger Transport withdraws from the stage of history, tens of thousands of CCA employees will lose their jobs.

Why the Changhang Airlines Public Security Bureau is rushing to apply to its superiors to transfer to the administrative establishment like the Maritime Affairs Bureau? In the final analysis, it is also a matter of survival. After all, the existing Changhang Airlines Public Security Officers are mainly responsible for maintaining the security of Changhang Airlines passenger transport. If passenger ships are suspended, what will so many police officers do and what will so many security police officers at the passenger terminal do?

It is no exaggeration to say that the next period of time will be the most difficult time for Changhang Public Security, and it can even be described as a matter of life and death.

Because of this, elders such as Zeng Guan, Wang Bureau, Sister Zhu and Zhou Bureau have a clear attitude on the issue of his job transfer. As long as the Changhang Public Security Bureau can be transferred to the administrative establishment, he can be transferred back to the Changhang Branch.

If the application submitted by the Ministry of Communications is not approved by the State Council, the Changhang Public Security Officers will be laid off and diverted. Knowing that the Changhang branch is about to "collapse", what are you doing to transfer them?

A person is already very happy to have an elder who cares about him.

When he thought that he had so many elders caring about him, Han Yu felt grateful from the bottom of his heart. Just as he was thinking about how poor he was and how he really had nothing to repay, Xiaoyu's cell phone suddenly rang.

"I'm Xiaoyu. We're here, right? We're nearby. Okay, okay, we'll go back now."

"Who's arrived?"

"Bureau Shi and Wang Yan are here. Bureau Qi cannot come back from the meeting at the Port Authority. Let us receive them together with Political Commissar Jiang."

Han Yu asked in confusion: "You are a branch policeman. It is your duty to go to the reception. What does it mean if I go?"

Xiaoyu didn't think Han Yu was an outsider. He picked up his phone and said with a smile: "Qi Ju asked you to go. Hurry up and don't let Shi Ju and Wang Yan wait."

"Okay, let's go take a look first."

Han Yu had no choice but to follow Xiaoyu back to the Changhang Branch.

Sure enough, three familiar-looking police cars were parked in the yard. Several criminal policemen waiting outside saw Han Yu, not to mention how embarrassed they were, and quickly saluted and said hello.

"Let's go in and sit for a while. What are you doing standing outside?"

"President, we won't go in. It's nice to be outside. You can smoke outside."

"You can also smoke it inside."

There was almost an unjust, false, and wrongful conviction. This time, I was really embarrassed to see anyone. Several criminal policemen from the Linghai Public Security Bureau had no nerve to go in, so they quickly declined.

Han Yu could understand their mood, so he could only pat their arms and go in first with Xiaoyu.

Liu Guixiang had been waiting in the foyer and took the two of them to a small meeting on the second floor. Shi Shengyong was looking at the transcript of the interrogation of the suspect at noon by the Changhang Branch Criminal Investigation Detachment with an embarrassed look on his face. Wang Yan was holding his cell phone. He called in a low voice, apparently arranging for the police to search Li Shugen's house to find the murder weapon used by Li Shugen to kill Mr. Zhang.

Political Commissar Jiang and Jiang Zhi sat across from them. One was drinking tea leisurely, while the other couldn't hide his inner excitement. He wanted to control his expression but couldn't, with a smile on his lips.

Han Yu could also understand Jiang Zhi's mood, after all, he was a murderer who was captured!

Compared with the local public security bureau, although the "administrative level" of the Changhang Branch is very high, its jurisdiction is not large. There has been one murder case in the past ten years, and it has not been solved to this day. It is difficult to meet the murderer, let alone The murderer was caught.

"Xianyu, Xiaoyu, sit down." Political Commissar Jiang raised his head and greeted.

"Political Commissar Jiang, I... I'll sit here."

Both sides were the main people in charge of the old unit. Han Yu felt that it was inappropriate to sit on either side, so he simply sat at the end of the conference table.

Xiaoyu is a policeman from the Changhang Public Security Bureau. When the political commissar spoke, of course he had to listen to the political commissar. He walked over and sat down next to Jiang Zhi carelessly. He couldn't help but wink at Wang Yan, and almost said on his face that I caught the murderer. of!

"Okay, call me when you find it." Not to mention how depressed Wang Yan was, he glanced at Xiaoyu, then turned to look at Han Yu sitting on the left, covered his phone and added: "Arrange two more people to go to the detention center for interrogation. Chen Xiaodong, ask him what’s going on..."

At this time, Comrade Lao Shi had finished reading the transcript and had an idea of ​​who the murderer was. He put down the transcript and pretended to be calm and smiled: "The salted fish is here too."

Han Yu would not be stupid enough to say that he was here to attend the celebration banquet of the Changhang Branch. He raised his head and said: "Passing by."

The Linghai Public Security Bureau not only lost face this time, but might also be held accountable by their superiors.

Shi Shengyong didn't bother to exchange greetings with Han Yu anymore, and sighed softly: "Commissar Jiang, Jiang Zhi, this incident made you laugh."

"What are you talking about? What is our relationship? No one will laugh at you if we laugh at you."

Political Commissar Jiang put down his teacup, picked up the mobile phone in front of him, took a look at it, and then said: "Qi Bureau went to the Port Authority for a meeting and won't be back for a while. He just called specifically to explain that if everything Li Shugen confessed is true, You can take Li Shugen away at any time."

Shi Shengyong pointed to the transcript material he had just put down, frowning and said, "Judging from the material, the person should have been killed by himself."

Political Commissar Jiang waved his hand: "Then take the suspect away."

Shi Shengyong was stunned for a moment, and asked hesitantly: "Where is the city bureau?"

"What does this have to do with the city bureau? Our branch is not under the jurisdiction of the city bureau."

"Political Commissar Jiang, if we just take the suspect away, how will you report it then?"

"We still report it here, but we report it to the Changhang Public Security Bureau. There is no need to report it to the municipal bureau. Anyway, we are not in the same system as your municipal bureau. If we report it to the municipal bureau, the municipal bureau will not give us merit or awards. "

"How can this be so embarrassing?"

"Everyone has said something about the relationship between our two families!" Political Commissar Jiang looked sideways at Han Yu, then turned to look at Xiaoyu, and said meaningfully: "We have been cooperating for more than ten years, and Xianyu and Xiaoyu are the best witnesses. "

The two families have been cooperating for more than ten years, but when a murderer was captured during a special operation to pursue a fugitive, it was impossible to carry forward the style no matter how good the relationship was.

Han Yu couldn't believe that Political Commissar Jiang was so grand.

Shi Shengyong also couldn't believe his ears. He was stunned for a while before he smiled and said: "Political Commissar Jiang, Jiang Zhi, why don't Wang Yan and the others take the suspect back first? I won't leave, Xianyu happens to be here too, let's get together in the evening Get together."

"I told you that you are one of our own, so there is no need to be so polite."

"This is not polite. You have helped us a lot. This is what we should be doing."

Shi Shengyong knew very well that his role as deputy director was not enough. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and looked for Zhang Yidong's number. He smiled and said: "I will call Mayor Zhang to report to him and see if Mayor Zhang is free in the evening. Whenever he has time, he will definitely come and thank you."

Your director came here, how can we celebrate tonight?

If it's too lively, it's a slap in your face.

If it's like you and someone in the family dies, is it still a celebration party?

Political Commissar Jiang did not want to cause so much trouble, nor did he want to go around in circles. He looked at Shi Shengyong with a smile and said: "Shi Bureau, there is no need to alarm Mayor Zhang about such a trivial matter. Our two families have cooperated for more than ten years and should help each other. Salted fish, dont you agree?"

It's not my business!

Han Yu calmed down and didn't know what to say.

Political Commissar Jiang changed the topic and said with an embarrassed look: "Director Shi, you may have heard that our Changhang Public Security Bureau is applying to transfer to administrative establishment. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Changhang Passenger Transport is getting worse every year. Jianghang's Those passenger ships stopped sailing when they were told they would stop sailing.

If the passenger ships are suspended and the application for transfer to the administrative establishment is not approved by the superiors, I, the political commissar, will be laid off if I am laid off. Even Xiaoyu will have to find a way to find a job. Therefore, we all have a sense of crisis from top to bottom, and we are all trying to do something to add points to the unit. "

Shi Shengyong was confused and didn't know what Political Commissar Jiang wanted to say.

Han Yu also didn't expect Political Commissar Jiang to say this, but he soon realized what Political Commissar Jiang and Qi Ju, who were going to the Port Authority meeting, had in mind, and wanted to find an excuse to escape.

"Political Commissar Jiang, how do you need extra points?" Shi Shengyong asked puzzledly.

"We must do all the work well in all aspects. Only in this way will the superiors know that our Changhang Public Security Bureau is not the internal security of the port and shipping company."

Political Commissar Jiang looked at Han Yu again and said with emotion: "For example, the Water Fire Fighting Association changed its term in advance and joined the China Water Fire Fighting Association as a group member, which is the Water Branch's support for our branch. Bureau Wang and Political Commissar Ma know that it is difficult for us now , handing over the leadership of the Water Fire Fighting Association to us at the critical moment to determine the water fire protection jurisdiction of our branch. This is a friend in need!"

Han Yu had already guessed that Jiang's Political Commissar would take this opportunity to take over the security jurisdiction of the Linghai Port Area. The Development Zone Branch of the Linghai Public Security Bureau was his old unit. When he thought that one old unit wanted to seize the "turf" of another old unit, he I thought it was ridiculous not to mention it, so I just lowered my head and pretended not to hear.

Wang Yan didn't know why, and wanted to ask Director Shi if he could go down and call the criminal police team to take the suspect away. He found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong and didn't dare to speak.

Xiaoyu didn't know what the leaders were talking about, and couldn't help but wink at Wang Yan.

Shi Shengyong reacted quickly, his head suddenly got big, and he said in a fit of laughter and tears: "Political Commissar Jiang, we have a longer history of cooperating with you than the Water Branch Bureau has cooperated with you. There was no Water Branch Bureau when our two countries cooperated. Logically speaking, we should also support it. It’s your job, but there are some things that our bureau can’t have the final say on.”

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