Riverside police

Chapter 908: When the east is not bright, the west is bright (2)

Xiaoyu couldn't understand English, so he signaled Xiao Li to rush to the Shanghai ship, and then led two armed police soldiers along the side of the ship to the stern and asked: "Who is the owner of the ship?"

"I, I am."

"Why did you run when you saw us?"

"Comrade Public Security, we...we didn't run away."

Xiaoyu looked back at the warehouse and asked: "What is being transferred from the sea ship?"

The goods are all in the warehouse, and there is no way that there will be a great shift in the universe and the goods will be lost.

The boss of the ship didn't dare to take any chances and said anxiously: "White sugar."

"Where did these sugars come from?" Xiaoyu also realized that they were probably involved in smuggling, and kept a close eye on the boss of the ship without getting angry.

"I don't know." The boss of the ship hesitated for a moment and looked up at the ship.

The boat girl didn't want to be caught by the police, so she couldn't help but said: "Comrade police, the owner of the cargo called us and asked us to load the goods, so we will come and load them. Where these goods come from is none of our business, we are just running the ship."

"Where's the freight bill?"

"The owner of the cargo didn't open it to us."

"How dare you transport goods of unknown origin?"

As soon as Xiaoyu finished speaking, Han Yu came over and patted his arm: "Let's take a look at their ID cards and boat citizen certificates first. I'll go to the ship to have a look."


Han Yu climbed onto the ocean liner, which had a much higher freeboard than the inland river cargo ship. He glanced at the sugar in the warehouse that had not had time to be transferred to the inland river cargo ship. Then he quickly walked to the bridge and climbed up the stairs to the bridge in one go.

The captain, first mate, veteran officer, second engineer and several crew members were all there. Facing Xiao Li, who was armed with live ammunition, and Wang Xiaosheng, who was serious-looking, and other supporting armed police, they all lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

"Who's the captain?"


"See clearly, I am Han Yu, a police officer from Binjiang Branch of Jiangnan Smuggling Crime Investigation Bureau. According to the Customs Law, I have the right to inspect your ship. Please cooperate. Do you understand?"

The captain took a deep breath and whispered: "Understood."

Han Yu put away his police card and said coldly: "I want to check the ship, crew certificate and voyage log first."

"Okay, okay."

The captain did not dare to neglect and quickly brought a bunch of certificates.

Han Yu asked while checking: "Where is the freight bill?"


"I asked you about the shipping bill!"

The captain couldn't take it out, and he didn't know what to say with a grimace.

Han Yu put down the certificate, stared at him and asked: "Where did the sugar on the ship come from, and where do you plan to transfer it to the river ship?"

"Comrade Public Security, can you go to my room and talk?"

"Why do you want to go to your room? Just say it here!"

The captain took out his cigarette and said cautiously: "Help me, make a friend."

Han Yu pushed his arm away, looked down at his captain's certificate of competency, and warned in a serious and serious tone: "Xu Guishan, everyone has gained the stolen goods. Attitude determines everything now. I suggest you not to take chances. "

"I...I...I just transported some sugar."

"How much luck did you get?"

"Five hundred tons."

"Where did it come from?"

Unlucky, it was in the hands of the anti-smuggling police.

Even if you don't say it yourself, your crew members will.

Xu Guishan regretted it and thought to himself that if he had known this would happen, he shouldn't have taken any chances. He should have called the inland river cargo ship outside later to transfer.

The whole family was waiting for him to go back for dinner. Han Yu didn't have time to talk to him, so he stared at him and said, "Let me ask you one last time, where does all this sugar come from?"

"Brought from...by sea."

"Is there sugar on the sea?"

"Bargeed from a large ship."

"How big a boat?"

"More than 10,000 tons."

"Where's the boat?"


"A Filipino sold it to you?"


"Who sold it to you?"

"A fellow countryman."

"What's that fellow's surname? What's his name?"

My fellow countryman smuggled himself out of the country a long time ago. Now he is a foreigner and he does not usually return to his country.

Now that the matter has come to this, Xu Guishan has nothing to hide and can only explain it honestly.

Han Yu understood the ins and outs and signaled Xiao Li, Wang Xiaosheng and other policemen and armed policemen to handcuff them. Then he walked out of the bridge and took out his mobile phone to dial the number of the bureau leader.

"What, a shipload of smuggled sugar was seized!" Deputy Commissioner Ma couldn't believe it.

Han Yu looked down at the warehouse and said with a smile: "It was said to be a ship, but in fact it was only 500 tons. The principal culprit's surname was Xu, Xu Guishan, who was from Jianfu. The ship that smuggled sugar also belonged to him. The last family member was a Malaysian Chinese, so it turned out that he was with They were from a fellow villager. They contacted me by phone. He had already contacted the next person. His surname was Gu and his name was Gu Chen. He was from Shuzhou and engaged in the wholesale of sugar, tobacco and alcohol. I didn’t bother to examine it carefully, but I’m sure this wasn’t their first time. smuggling."

"That's great, I didn't expect it to be so rewarding."

"Luckily, if I hadn't accidentally found them anchored in a place they shouldn't be anchored, I might have missed them."

"There is always an element of luck in solving crimes. You wait and control the people, ships and goods first. I will notify the Investigation Division to take over."

"Okay, I'll wait on the river."

I thought that I would not pursue my political affairs if I was not in my position, so I came to the river to chase and escape under the guise of joint anti-smuggling. As a result, not one of the fugitives was caught, but a smuggling operation on the water was accidentally discovered.

But the happiest person was not Han Yu, but Xieqin armed policeman Wang Xiaosheng and others.

At 7:45, customs officers from the Customs Investigation Bureau and policemen from the Investigation Section of the Smuggling Crime Investigation Branch arrived on Yangtze River Public Security 111 and Coast Patrol 48. Wang Xiaosheng and other armed police soldiers were all beaming with joy. After all, they were able to participate in detecting smuggling not long after changing their defenses. It was not an easy task.

The Water Anti-Smuggling Division is not handling the case now, and only Han Yu, a polished commander, can't handle it even if he wants to.

After handing over the people and the boat to the Investigation Section, Han Yu, Xiaoyu and others took the Yangtze River Police 110 and headed back home.

After landing, Han Yu did not rush home. Instead, he rushed to the Changhang Branch and borrowed the phone in the duty room of the branch to call Wei Zhi's mobile phone.

"Xianyu, why did you remember to call me? Are you okay?"

"Uncle Wei, are you saying that I can't call you if I have nothing to do?"

A murder case occurred in Dongqi.

Wei Zhi rushed to Dongqi early this morning to guide the investigation. He was on his way back to Binjiang from Dongqi. He pinched his temples and yawned: "If I remember correctly, you were busy chasing and escaping on the water. If nothing happens, you will definitely not call me."

"Weizhi, how did you know that I was running away on the water?"

"As reported by the Water Branch, the pursuit is a special operation, and each unit must report the progress of the pursuit, especially the results." Wei Zhi smiled and asked curiously: "Did you gain anything? Did you catch a big fish? "

"Not to mention the big fish, we didn't even catch the small fish or shrimps."

"It's impossible. As far as I know you started pulling nets on the river three days ago."

This pursuit is different from previous pursuits.

This time using new technology, all units participating in the operation will gain something. It's just a matter of catching more and catching less.

Han Yu was a little embarrassed and said with a wry smile: "It's really nothing, nothing!"

"No gain is not a bad thing. It means that there are no fugitives on the river, it means that the public security on the river is good, and it means that you, the 'Admiral of the Binjiang Navy,' are competent."

"The crews of ships on the river are so mobile. Not capturing the fugitives means nothing." Han Yu paused and said straight to the point: "Weizhi, I think there may be something wrong with the CD issued by the city bureau."

"What could be wrong with the CD?" Wei Zhi asked rhetorically, and then said, "If there was something wrong with the CD, our Binjiang public security system would not have been able to achieve such great results since the launch of the special operation to pursue fugitives."

"Weizhi, you misunderstood."

Han Yu pondered his thoughts and explained: "I know that a lot of information on fugitives can be recorded on the CD, but the capacity of the disc is limited, and it is impossible to record all the information on fugitives across the country."

Wei Zhi suddenly realized what "problem" Han Yu was talking about, and couldn't help laughing: "When you said it, I remembered that the provincial government issued us the first batch of CDs of fugitives, and there will be a second batch next. Batch, third batch.”

"What types of fugitives are mainly in the first batch of CDs or from which places?"

"They are mainly from our province, but not all. In addition, there are some wanted criminals from the Ministry of Public Security."

"It seems that the problem lies here. The CDs mainly contain fugitives on the shore, and mainly fugitives in our province. Wei Zhi, can you help us ask your superiors if you can burn and distribute a batch of those involving water? Preferably, CDs of fugitives from provinces and cities along the Yangtze River involved in Yangtze River shipping or even shipping?"

Wei Zhi was happy and laughed: "The river is not under the control of our municipal bureau, let alone the sea. Xianyu, you have to go to the Changhang Branch to report this matter to the superiors."

"It makes sense. You can ask the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation to issue a batch of escape CDs."

"So no matter what, you have to find the right person."

"Weizhi, I won't bother you anymore. I happen to be at the Changhang Branch. I'll go find Bureau Qi right now."

Han Yu put down the phone and was about to go upstairs to find the police. He was surprised to find that Xiaoyu had changed into casual clothes but did not drive his motorcycle home.

"Why don't you go back?"

"What are you doing when you go back? You'll have to come back tomorrow morning."

"Then where are you going?" Han Yu looked at him and asked with a smile.

Xiaoyu looked back behind him and said with a smile: "I made an appointment with my friend to go to the Internet cafe for a while and stay in the branch dormitory for the night."


"It's just west of the Port Authority. It just opened. It has more than fifty computers, and they are all very high-end computers!"

"You made an appointment with a friend, which friend?"

"Netizen, you don't know me." Xiaoyu wanted to play games and didn't want to keep the netizens waiting, so he left without saying anything.

Looking at Xiaoyu's back, Han Yu really didn't know what to say to him.

Ever since he learned to play computer games under Xiao Gong's leadership, there are only four things left in Xiaoyu's world: work, eating, sleeping and playing computer games.

Yuzhen had no idea how many times she had quarreled with him because he was playing computer games, but she didn't expect that he would not even return home because of playing computer games.

It's not a problem if this goes on!

He didn't listen to me after I told him, so it seemed I could only find someone who could speak well of him and give him a good beating.

Thinking of this, Han Yu picked up the phone again and quickly dialed Li Wei's country number.

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