Riverside police

Chapter 92 Dilemma

After breakfast, Xu Sanye, the instructor, Lao Zhang and Captain Wang continued to conduct a water security inspection.

Han Yu wanted to quickly arrange the "command center" in the center of the second floor of the barge, but he did not have fully armed personnel to inspect the ships passing through the lock.

Section Chief Yu was not interested in the water security inspection and followed Han Yu to the shipyard to "investigate" 001 and the barge.

He ran up and down, curious about everything.

Sometimes I ask what this cabin is used for, and sometimes I ask what the future use of that room will be.

He even borrowed a tape measure to measure here and there without knowing what he was measuring.

"Little Xianyu, this is a walkway."


Han Yu walked out of the command center, looked down and introduced: "After dragging it to the river, your current position is facing the steel pontoon. Considering theft prevention, we plan to install an iron gate at the connection."

Section Chief Yu looked back at the aisle, then at the outside, then raised his head and asked, "Will this side face the shore in the future?"


"The iron gate to be installed is also a gate, and it must be designed carefully."

"Yu Ke, what are you designing?"

"We not only want to let people on the river know that this is where the public security organs handle cases, but also let people on the shore know."

Section Chief Yu pointed to the top and said with excitement: "You must also have a public security sign above your head, and there must be signs with the name of your unit on both sides of the iron gate leading to the pontoon. When designing, you must leave a place for the signs. "

You are here to investigate, not to command, and as you said, these things cost money...

While Han Yu was cursing, Section Chief Yu turned around and pointed to the corridor in the center of the first floor: "This corridor should also be used. Notice boards can be hung on the walls on both sides and newspapers can be posted."

"Yu Ke, you have to tell Xu about this."

"Write it down first."


At the same time, Bureau Yang was informing Ding Jiao, Bureau Shen and Director Wang about a call they had just received from a superior.

"Bureau Zhong said to Yu Gong, Yu Xiucai wanted to hang the sign on our barge because of Yu Xiucai's difficulties. The brother municipal bureaus along the river all have water police bureaus. They have teams and offices, but our municipal bureau has nothing. It’s very embarrassing every time I have a meeting, especially when I go to someone else’s place to attend an in-person meeting.”

Director Yang took a few puffs of cigarette and continued: "In private, the city bureau has indeed delayed Yu Xiucai. Almost all of his classmates have taken up leadership positions, but he has been the worst off. He is still a figurehead in name only. Chief of the Security Section.”

They actually wanted to hang the sign of the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau Water Branch on the barge of the Linghai Public Security Bureau Yanjiang Police Station. The look of the leaders of the Municipal Bureau and Yu Xiucai was too ugly!

Ding Jiao had never worked in the city bureau, and his career as an instructor was basically the end of it. He had no feelings for the city bureau. He said in a low voice: "Bureau Yang, it's easy to put up a sign, but if you really put up this sign, the results will be calculated in the future." Are they from our bureau or are they from the city bureau?”

Director Wang also didn't want to let the Municipal Bureau pick peaches, and analyzed: "This is not a sign. If Yu Xiucai hangs this sign, will the Yanjiang Police Station still be the police station of our Linghai Public Security Bureau?"

If you agree immediately, it will be equivalent to giving the nearly 400,000 yuan invested in the Yanjiang Police Station to the Municipal Bureau.

Funds are so tight, and if you give it away at your request, the police officers in the bureau will definitely have opinions, and the county leaders will also have opinions if they know about it. They may think that you are selling your land just to get promoted.

What's even more frustrating is that if you really agree to let Yu Xiucai be listed under pressure, the city bureau leaders will not only not thank you, but will even forget about it soon.

Because people didn't take the Shuishui Public Security Bureau seriously at all. The previous sign of the Shuishang Public Security Bureau was just to tease Yu Xiucai and coax Yu Xiucai to write materials well.

But if we don’t agree, the city bureau leaders will definitely not be happy!

Encountering this unfortunate incident, Director Yang was in a dilemma and said with a wry smile: "Yu Xiucai just visited Bailong Port yesterday and went again this morning."

"What is he going to do today?"

"It's said to be research, but everyone knows Sima Zhao's intentions."

"It's true, Yu Xiucai, the city bureau has already given him a formal exam, what else does he want to do, why bother!"

"Now it's not just Yu Xiucai's business, Director Zhong has made all the calls and even plans to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony next month."

Director Yang took a deep breath and continued: "Even if we risk the world's disapproval and agree to let him list the sign, there are still variables on Xu Sanye's side. If he puts the sign in front of Director Zhong, the leaders of the Hong Kong Supervision Bureau, and the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau, If you pick it off and throw it into the river, where will Director Zhong’s face be shown when the time comes, and how will we explain to Director Zhong.”

Others are afraid of Zhong Ju, but Xu Sanye is not.

Ding Jiao came to his senses and asked in a low voice: "Director Yang, what's Xu Sanye's attitude?"

Director Yang shook his head slightly: "I don't know."

As the deputy director in charge of financial logistics, Director Shen didn't want the city bureau to pick this peach the last thing. He suggested: "Why don't you go talk to Xu Sanye first and ask Xu Sanye what his attitude is."

Ding Jiao was deeply convinced and echoed: "To untie the bell, you must tie the bell. Xu Sanye's attitude on this matter is very important."

"Who will talk and how?"

"Why don't you call Secretary Li and ask him? He is an old director. When the bureau encounters such a big thing, he can't stay away for a while."

"It seems like this is the only way."

Just when the Linghai Public Security Bureau was overwhelmed by a phone call from the municipal bureau leader, Section Chief Dong of the Ship Inspection Section of the Binjiang Port Supervision Bureau knocked on the door of the director's office with great anxiety.

I drank too much at the Yanjiang Police Station last night and my head hurts even now.

What they said at the wine table last night, how they went back to Binjiang after drinking, and even how they entered the house in Binjiang, if not for the reminders from their subordinates and Han Xiangning, I wouldn't be able to remember them at all.

But what should be said and what should not be said has already been told to others, and it is impossible not to report it to the leader.

He gritted his teeth and finished reporting with a grimace, his head drooped and not daring to look directly.

What surprised him was that Director Feng did not get angry, but actually asked with a smile: "They just want a depth sounder?"

"Lao Chen and Xiao Liu said I promised."

Section Chief Dong took a peek and emphasized with a grimace: "They are engaging in a wheel battle with us. Lao Chen and Xiao Liu can't drink well, so I can only go up alone. I drank too much as I drank. Now I really want to Can’t get up.”

The Yanjiang Police Station is simply a gangster den!

The more Director Feng thought about it, the more interesting it became. He gestured for him to sit down and said with a smile: "The Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau sponsored them a radar and two radio stations. It is not too much for them to ask us for a depth sounder."

"Director Feng, are you really going to give them a depth sounder?"

"Yesterday you represented our Hong Kong Regulatory Bureau. You promised others. If you don't fulfill your promise, others will laugh at you."


"It's nothing but, besides, exchanging a depth sounder for a law enforcement rescue boat converted from a tugboat is a good deal."

"Director Feng, I don't quite understand..."

"We enforce the law in the North Branch Channel. If we encounter someone who violently resists the law, we really need their help. Moreover, the water area under our jurisdiction is so long, and it is difficult to take care of the North Branch Channel with our existing power. They are willing to help, which is a great thing for us. "

When it comes to the power of Yanjiang Police Station, Section Chief Dong has something to say.

He reported everything he saw yesterday in detail.

Director Feng subconsciously asked: "So professional?"

"Both Lao Chen and Xiao Liu have seen it. It is no exaggeration to say that in the waters under our jurisdiction, there is no more professional water fire rescue force than them."

"It's a bit interesting, but it's not surprising."

Section Chief Dong asked puzzledly: "What's not surprising?"

Feng Ju lit up a cigarette and said with a smile: "This Xu Sanye started his career in training. His father participated in the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War. Later, he was injured and returned to his hometown to serve as a militia battalion commander. He has been playing with guns since he was a child.

Later, when he became the leader of the children's group, he led a group of children in training. Later, when he became the militia battalion commander, he organized militia training. It is said that the militia battalion he led won first place in every competition and was once commended by the provincial military region. "

Section Chief Dong finally understood why the Yanjiang Police Station was so well-trained, but after thinking about it, he still muttered: "He is very good at training, but he is not aboveboard enough. He actually gave me alcohol and set a trap for me!"

"If he didn't set a trap for you, why would he come over to me and tell me?"

Director Feng asked back and said with a smile: "In your eyes, I am the director, but in the eyes of others, I am just a veteran. I want to save face, and I am arrogant. Even their county leaders look down on me. How could I come here?" beg me."

"He doesn't even look down on the county leaders!"

"So if he buys you a drink and calls you brother-in-law, he has given you a lot of face. Giving you face means giving us the Hong Kong Supervisory Authority some respect."

"He is a police station chief who is not even a section-level cadre. Why should he look down on this person and look down on that person?"

"You'll know later."

Thinking that Director Chen of the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau only wanted to be neighbors with Xu Sanye and cooperated in business, but still kept a distance from Xu Sanye, Director Feng felt that he could follow the same example and said thoughtfully:

"You just said that Xiao Han from the examination department is a classmate of a police officer in their station, so let Xiao Han deal with them on behalf of our bureau."

Section Chief Dong asked curiously: "How to deal with this?"

"People extended an olive branch to us, so we have to be proactive and ask Xiao Han to go there in the afternoon and tell them that we are purchasing depth sounders and try to purchase them as soon as possible to help them install them."

Director Feng thought for a while and then said: "We need to help arrange crew training as soon as possible and ask Xiao Han to say hello to their school leaders. The training costs will be borne by our bureau.

Then I asked if they could lend us an office after their Jiangbian law enforcement base was completed.

If they are willing to lend it, I can pay the rent, and the amount can be negotiated. As long as we can reach an agreement, we will arrange for a cadre and an employee to go there.

If something happens on the river, borrow their law enforcement boat nearby. The gas cost when we borrow it is ours, and we can also bear part of the maintenance costs of the law enforcement boats. "

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