Riverside police

Chapter 921 Comprehensive improvement of water security!

The annual formation and military training of the rescue ship brigade officially kicked off.

It is such a big event every year. The deputy chief of staff of the East China Sea Fleet Command and the commander of the military division were invited to attend the opening ceremony. Sonorous and powerful commands and neat steps sounded in the camp.

After seeing off the two chiefs, Han Yu handed over the work of the brigade to the political commissar and chief of staff, and drove to the conference room on the fifth floor of the Maritime Safety Administration to attend the Binjiang Yangtze River Public Security Comprehensive Improvement Symposium.

Since I came here after presiding over the opening training of the rescue boat brigade, I was still late despite hurrying. I could only tiptoe into the conference room and sit in the corner of the second row.

Today's meeting is directly related to the existence of criminal gangs with a mafia nature in the Jiuwei Port water sand and gravel trading market investigated by the Shuangshui Branch some time ago. The reason why the meeting was arranged to be held at the Maritime Safety Bureau is said to be an opportunity for Director Xu to use the Shuishang Branch to report to his superiors. , submitted a report on the "three chaos" along the shoreline of the Binjiang Yangtze River section.

The problem is on the water, but the root is on the shore.

The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government attach great importance to this. Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Political and Legal Affairs Zhou Zhou, Vice Mayor Chen who is also the Director of Public Security, and Director Zhang of the Port Authority visited the Maritime Safety Bureau in person to listen to reports from the heads of various law enforcement units on the river.

It is worth mentioning that this port authority is not that port authority.

The full name of the current Port Authority is Binjiang Port Authority. It is a government department established just last year. It is responsible for the construction, maintenance and management of the city's port public infrastructure, that is, public entry and exit channels, breakwaters, anchorages and other projects. It is also responsible for Review and approval of port engineering projects across the city and major supporting engineering construction projects within the port area.

The former Port Authority became the current Binjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd., which is no longer jointly managed by the Ministry of Transport and Binjiang City, and has become a joint-stock enterprise controlled by the Binjiang State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

It seems that the Maritime Bureau, the Changhang Navigation Branch, the Fishery Law Enforcement Detachment of the Ocean and Fisheries Bureau, the Water Supervision and Law Enforcement Brigade of the Water Conservancy Bureau, and the Border Inspection Station have all finished their reports. The person who is reporting is Xu Bureau of the Maritime Safety Bureau.

"In recent years, the phenomenon of 'random occupation', 'random construction' and 'random discharge' along the Yangtze River has become increasingly serious. In accordance with the requirements of superiors, our bureau conducted a statistics on the coastline of the jurisdiction last month and found that there are illegal docks in the Yangtze Riverside section. There are sixty-three enterprises, occupying a total of 5.6 kilometers of coastline.”

"Among them, 59 are engaged in sand and gravel building materials operations, one is engaged in fuel oil operations, two are engaged in sulfuric acid operations, and one is engaged in diesel operations. These illegal terminals not only erode the precious Yangtze River coastline resources, but also have a negative impact on the safety of Yangtze River shipping and ports. The market order and water system ecological environment pose a serious threat, affecting the sustainable development of the economy and society."

In theory, the Maritime Safety Administration has the authority to regulate the use of the Yangtze River coastline.

In reality, there is not much the Maritime Safety Administration can do.

Whether the Yangtze River can be managed well depends not only on the Maritime Safety Administration, but also on the strong support of local party committees and governments.

Director Xu made a lot of preparations for today's report, signaling his subordinates to turn off the lights and showing the slides to the two city leaders.

"On sunny days there is dust, and on rainy days there is splashing mud. It can be said to be a reflection of the illegal gravel terminal in Yingchuang Port."

Director Xu pointed at the slide screen, frowning and said: "Secretary Zhou, Mayor Chen, the Yingchuangang River is an important channel for diversion of water from the Yangtze River, but at the mouth of the intersection of the Yingchuangang River and the Yangtze River, there is illegal sand and gravel. There are thirteen terminals, occupying 1,372 meters of shoreline, with an annual sand and gravel throughput of four million tons. These illegal terminals have been in existence for the longest time, nearly twenty years..."

What's wrong with you? Why do you have to mention the history of those illegal docks?

Han Yu felt that Director Xu's report today was most likely in vain. After all, the city had the city's considerations.

City leaders must be thinking that those wharves existed twenty years ago and when did your Maritime Safety Administration and even your predecessor, the Port Supervision Bureau, be established.

In other words, those terminals are issues left over from history and cannot be banned just because your maritime department or other departments issue a document.

After all, shutting down the wharf is not an easy task. It requires dismantling cranes, concrete foundations and even approach bridges, pipelines, and tanks, moving floating cranes and barges away, and even cleaning up millions of tons of sand and gravel in the wharf yards. .

Not to mention how much economic losses it will cause to many dock companies, the ban will also require a large amount of funds. Who will pay for this money?

Moreover, there may be incomplete procedures, which makes it illegal for you, but is legal for industry, commerce, and tax authorities.

More importantly, there are countless "black docks" with incomplete procedures along the Yangtze River. I don’t care about the upstream, and I don’t care about the downstream. Why should I care about Binjiang?

In short, their existence is reasonable. Those black docks have even contributed to Binjiang's economic construction. Binjiang cannot do such a thankless task as completely banning them.

As expected by Han Yu, after Bureau Xu reported worriedly, Secretary of Political Science and Law W Zhou put down his cup and said calmly: "Bureau Xu, the situations you just introduced are very important. I will meet with Mayor Chen after I get back." Report truthfully to the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. But today we are using your bureau’s precious space to hold a symposium on comprehensive management of public security on the river and along the coast. Let’s talk about public security first.

Moreover, the problems you just mentioned cannot be solved by the Political and Legal Affairs Bureau and the Public Security Bureau. They involve multiple departments, and even involve our local party committee and government and vertical management departments such as your Maritime Affairs and Changhang Public Security Bureau. It is difficult to think about it. . "

When Vice Mayor Chen saw Secretary Zhou looking at him, he coughed quickly and put his head out: "Xianyu is here, Xianyu, you are our Binjiang's 'Navy Admiral', please say a few words about the security on the river."

"Mayor Chen, did Director Wang report?"

"Lao Wang was the first to report. Bureau Qi also introduced the security situation on the river, especially the deficiencies in the security management on the river. Now Secretary Zhou and I want to hear your opinions."

"Two leaders, since Wang Bureau and Qi Bureau have said it, I have nothing to say here. They all know what I know and should have reported it. They also know what I don't know. After all, I have been doing it for more than a year. I am engaged in anti-smuggling, and I don’t know the situation on the river as well as Bureau Wang and Bureau Qi.”


"Mayor Chen, I am really not being modest. I speak from my heart."

"Since there is nothing to add, that's it for today's symposium. Bureau Xu, Bureau Qi, what do you think?"


"Mayor Chen, I have no objection."

I rushed over to the meeting excitedly, but ended up sitting down and listening for a short time before the meeting ended.

Han Yu and Li Jun, chief of staff of the border inspection station, followed Bureau Xu, Bureau Qi and other leaders and sent the two city leaders downstairs.

Mayor Chen did not rush to get on the bus, but turned around and said: "Qi Bureau, Lao Wang, regarding the situation that you two jointly reported the day before yesterday, our Municipal Bureau Party Committee has studied it and agreed that in response to the situation you discovered, within the jurisdiction There should be a focus on power.”

"Mayor Chen, I don't quite understand."

"For example, there is the problem of gangs in the water sand and gravel market in Jiuwei Port. Since it involves the shore, it is best to organize the investigation by the water branch. Another example is the public security disputes and ordinary criminal cases that occur between foreign ships or foreign crews, which are handled by the water branch. Your branch has jurisdiction, so it will be more conducive to investigation and handling, what do you think?"

As long as it is an evil gang, it may have a protective umbrella, and at least some local snakes will be involved.

It is indeed more advantageous for this type of case to be investigated and handled by the Water Branch than by the Changhang Branch.

Qi Ju nodded: "No problem, I have no objection."

"Then it's settled, Lao Wang. When you return, you will immediately mobilize key personnel to set up a task force and formulate an arrest plan based on the clues you have."


"Xianyu, you are late for today's symposium, but you cannot stay out of the public security issue on the river, let alone use the excuse that you are now an anti-smuggling policeman. In short, you, the naval admiral, must play your role, especially in the following arrests. To participate, make sure the arrest is safe.”

Catching people on the water is different from arresting people on the shore, and it might really lead to death.

Han Yu said without hesitation: "Mayor Chen, don't worry, I will definitely participate."

"Okay, please."

After watching Vice Mayor Chen leave, Han Yu drove back to the Shuishui Branch with Wang Wenhong.

Political Commissar Ma, Zhao Hongxing, Ma Jintao and Yang Yong were all waiting for news in the conference room. Bureau Qi also came with Jiang Youwei and Liu Guixiang. Without asking, you knew that the case was mainly handled by the Water Branch, but what happened next The arresting Changhang branch also wants to help.

"Hongxing, Mayor Chen has given an order. You should introduce the situation first."


After painstakingly investigating for more than ten days, Zhao Hongxing was waiting for this moment. He picked up a photo and pinned it on the blackboard with a thumbtack, and quickly wrote a name: "This guy's surname is Wang. His name is Wang Baoqing. He is from Changzhou. This year He is thirty-eight years old, and because he is the third oldest child in the family, some people call him Wang San, while others call him Third Brother."

Han Yu stared at the photo closely, thinking to himself that he was the third brother!

"Wang Baoqing was originally a stevedore at Tiansheng Port Terminal. Because he was familiar with the person in charge of the pier, he usually helped with some matters, and gradually became the foreman of the loading and unloading contractor. In February last year, he and his second brother Wang Baosheng formed a partnership in September. The Waigang Waterborne Sand and Gravel Trading Market contracted a sand and gravel terminal, and in the name of assisting the market in managing the order of entry and exit, loading and unloading, it charged so-called management fees to the ships that went to load and unload sand and gravel."

Zhao Hongxing pinned the second photo: "This is his second brother Wang Baosheng, who turned out to be a loader at Tiansheng Port Terminal. He once got into a fight with others while rushing to load and unload goods, and injured another group of loaders. He was investigated by the Gangzha Branch and eventually sentenced to three years by the court.

After the two brothers moved from Tiansheng Port to the Jiuwei Port water sand and gravel trading market, in order to monopolize the loading and unloading business of various terminals in the market, they entangled six idle people in the society and intimidated the self-employed people who were also operating sand and gravel in the market. This obtained the actual management rights of the terminal. "

Ma Jintao stood up and helped pin the photos of the gang members to the blackboard.

While writing his name under the photo, Zhao Hongxing continued: "Of these six idle people in society, four have been dealt with by our public security organs, and two of them are prisoners who have been released from prison. The floating sand and gravel trading market is opened in the village Yes, during our investigation we found that brothers Wang Baosheng and Wang Baoqing had frequent contacts with two village cadres."

Han Yu couldn't help but ask: "Wang Bureau, will those two village cadres be arrested?"

"Catch him." Wang Wenhong put out his cigarette butt and said coldly: "Let's control the person first and then ask the disciplinary inspection department to investigate. Mayor Chen will help us communicate and coordinate with Chonggang District."

"When will the net be closed?"

"Wait a moment." Wang Wenhong looked at Zhao Hongxing again.

Zhao Hongxing nodded slightly and continued: "After more than ten days of side investigation, we found that Wang Baoqing's wife is in charge of accounting. How much management fees does the gang charge from cargo ships that load and unload sand and gravel? How much do they pay to their six gangsters?" She has an account in her hand about her salary and how much food she crosses the river to buy every day and goes back to cook.

Due to the high mobility of cargo ships, it is very difficult for us to investigate and collect evidence, so the account books in her hand are key evidence. When we close the net, we not only need to wipe out this gang, but also get the account books in her hand. "

Han Yu thought for a while and asked: "Bureau Zhao, they just collect protection fees in the name of management?"

"Not only did they collect protection money, they were also suspected of causing trouble and intentionally injuring others."

Zhao Hongxing leaned over and picked up a stack of case materials and introduced: "We found through investigation that at least four foreign crew members were beaten by them. Just three days ago, a small boss who purchased sand and gravel was accused of crossing the river. The ferry fee was expensive, and after a few quarrels with the individual ferry boat owner in the village, Wang Baosheng rushed up with a few gangsters and beat him until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen."

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