Riverside police

Chapter 923 Poor Mayor!

At 5:30 pm, the friendly basketball match between the rescue boat brigade and the Binjiang reserve group officially started.

It is also a reserve force and a regiment-level unit. The camp area of ​​the Binjiang Reserve Regiment is larger than that of the rescue ship brigade, and it is also more impressive than the camp area of ​​the rescue ship brigade.

Moreover, all cadres above the battalion level are active-duty officers, and there is even a squad of active-duty soldiers. In comparison, the rescue boat brigade is just a grassroots team!

Han Yu was very envious. He looked at the sweaty Captain Xia running on the court and smiled sideways: "Political Commissar Jiao, Captain Xia is good at basketball. Can you do it?"

"I know how to do it. I used to fight a lot. But I can't do it now. When I reach middle age, I can't run away."

Political Commissar Jiao took a sip of water, thought about it and laughed again: "Don't look at Lao Xia running around and yelling, but he is actually just joining in the fun. Have you seen him touch the ball? He also runs away with his old bones. It won’t be long, if you don’t believe it we can bet that within fifteen minutes at most, he will ask for a substitution.”

Just as Political Commissar Jiao said, Commander Xia was only there to join in the fun.

Han Yu smiled and said: "The important thing is participation."

Today the two units will not only hold a friendly basketball match, but also have a dinner together in the evening.

Political Commissar Jiao looked back at the direction of the canteen and said: "Xianyu, the superiors have given you an order from Mayor Han, who is also the deputy political commissar of our regiment and the first secretary of the Changzhou Reserve Battalion. I just called Minister Huang at noon and asked. When the Changzhou city leaders are free, they will hold an appointment ceremony and officially announce it."

"Who is the battalion commander?" Han Yu asked curiously.

The Binjiang Reserve Regiment has a model battalion. Political Commissar Jiao now wants a second one. He said without hesitation: "The original battalion commander was Chen Baifeng. There was a lot of work in the regiment. He was said to be the battalion commander but actually he has been helping at the headquarters. Lao Xia and I After some research, we plan to let Zhao Jiang succeed Chen Baifeng as the battalion commander of the Changzhou Reserve Battalion."

Zhao Jiang is definitely an old acquaintance. He turned out to be the battalion commander of the reserve battalion in the development zone. Since the reserve camp in the development zone was jointly built with Linghai, during the 1998 flood fight, the leaders of Linghai did not want the development zone to take advantage, so they got rid of the reserve camp in the development zone.

Since then, the Development Zone Reserve Battalion, which has neither a few reserved officers nor a camp area, has existed in name only.

Later, the superiors only knew about the Linghai Reserve Battalion and did not come down to inspect the work of the other battalions. The superiors didn't pay much attention to it, so the leaders of the development zone naturally wouldn't look for trouble, so the reserve camp of the development zone has always existed on paper.

Thinking that the battalion commander was usually an active-duty officer in the regiment anyway, Han Yu smiled and said, "It's okay to let Zhao Jiang be the battalion commander. At least he's familiar with it."

"It's no use just being familiar with it, you have to do something to achieve some results."

"Political Commissar Jiao, whether you can do a good job in reserve work depends on whether the party committee and government support it. To put it bluntly, it means whether people are willing to pay. Second, it depends on luck."

Luck really matters.

If there hadn't been a big flood that year, Linghai Reserve Battalion would never have had the chance to become famous in one battle.

Political Commissar Jiao knew that it was not easy to create another model unit. He smiled and said: "We have to get the team together first. We can't organize troops on paper like before. If we can create some characteristics, there is a chance to be like the Linghai Reserve Battalion and the Linghai Reserve Battalion." It’s better for your team to participate in big operations like this.”

Without money, nothing can be done.

Han Yu did not dare to express his position easily, so he simply smiled and said: "You can ask my Mayor Han later. She is the first secretary, and this is also her job."

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

As soon as Han Yu finished speaking, Han Xiangning arrived in a small Qingqi.

As the former secretary of the Linghai Reserve Battalion, she was a frequent visitor to both the rescue ship brigade camp and the Binjiang Reserve Regiment. When the cadres in the regiment saw her coming, they all raised their hands to say hello.

Team leader Xia even raised his hand and asked the referee for a substitution.

"Ning Ning, aren't you going to buy some clothes? Why are you here without buying any clothes?"

"I went to the mall and looked around, nothing suitable."

"Mayor Han, welcome. This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the office." Captain Xia ran over panting.

Political Commissar Jiao joked: "Captain, you are covered in stinky sweat, but you are not afraid of infuriating Mayor Han. You still have the nerve to invite Mayor Han to your office."

"Yes, yes, I'm going to take a shower and change into clean clothes. You guys go over first."


Han Yumu saw off Captain Xia, and while following Political Commissar Jiao to the office building, he said: "There are no suitable clothes in Changzhou, the shopping mall in Binjiang should have them."

Han Xiangning hesitated for a moment, then said with an embarrassed face in front of Political Commissar Jiao: "There are two large shopping malls in Changzhou, and there are a lot of clothes for sale. It's not that they don't have the right ones, but they are too expensive. After thinking about it, I still can't bear to buy them."

"How expensive is it?"

"No more talking, no more buying."

"What will you wear if you don't buy it?"

"Just wear the clothes you usually wear. You can't look at this kind of thing one by one, and you can't compare yourself to others."

Han Xiangning sighed secretly, pretending to be relaxed and said: "People can change their outfits every day like a fashion model. Can I afford it? If I buy clothes, I need to buy a bag, if I buy a bag, I need to buy shoes, and sometimes I have to put on makeup. How much do I have? It’s not enough money. Besides, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. If you buy a good set of clothes now and can wear them for a few days, you will have to buy them again when the season changes.”

Market making leaders should pay attention to image.

The male leaders are all very particular about their clothes. They either wear suits or jackets. In summer, they either wear crisply ironed white shirts or wear Montagut. Female leaders are more particular than male leaders and dress appropriately. Only when they are more particular can they have temperament and aura.

Political Commissar Jiao reacted and couldn't help but smile: "Mayor Han, some money can be saved, but some money really cannot be saved. You are now the city leader of Changzhou, and you have to represent the image of Changzhou when you go out. You can't be shabby or shabby. "

"Yes, buy it when you have to, don't be reluctant to part with it." Han Yu agreed.

I went shopping in the mall in the afternoon. I thought it would cost two or three thousand to dress up like an adult.

They say that salted fish is stingy, but in fact Han Xiangning is also very frugal. Not only has he not bought many clothes for himself in recent years, he has never even bought clothes for his daughter.

She was really reluctant to spend so much money on herself, and said nonchalantly: "Changzhou's external image is represented by Secretary Chu and Mayor Hou, so it's not my turn. I've thought about it, and will also report to Chu this afternoon. The secretary and Mayor Hou asked for permission to return to the riverside tomorrow and work there. If there is nothing particularly important, I won’t go to the city government.”

"Go back to the riverside to work?" Han Yu asked subconsciously.

"My main job is to develop the Yangtze River coastline and attract investment for the Bridge Industrial Park. Of course, my main focus must be on the riverside. Besides, when Mayor Shen was also the Secretary of the Linghai Development Zone, he mainly stayed there. Sanhe, don’t you rarely go to the city hall?”

"Is there an office in Daqiao Industrial Park?"


"Then where will you work?"

"Back at our Marine Department, I asked Director Xu for permission to free up the first floor of the Marine Department as a temporary office location for the Management Committee of the Yangtze River Bridge Industrial Park."

In order to save money, I took the initiative to go back to the riverside.

The dignified deputy mayor of the Standing Committee has behaved like this, and no one else would believe it if he told it.

Political Commissar Jiao knew the young couple very well and knew that no matter how tight their finances were, they would not take advantage of the public. He sighed: "It doesn't matter if I go back to the riverside and work at the Changzhou Maritime Department. From now on, I will be the Director of the Maritime Department when I go up and I will be the deputy mayor when I go down. I can take care of both sides of the job.”

"That's what I thought about it," Han Xiangning chuckled and turned around and said, "San'er, we used to go to and from get off work together, and we will go to and from get off work together in the future."

Han Yu suddenly remembered a historical story. In the Qing Dynasty, imperial officials were poor and had no money to buy official uniforms, so they had to borrow them from others. If they couldn't borrow them, they drew a patch on paper and pinned it on their chests. Unexpectedly, my senior sister was in a similar situation and was reluctant to spend money to buy some decent clothes.

"Ning Ning, there's actually no need to be like this."

"I went to take a temporary job, not to spend money. Besides, dressing plainly does not affect my work. Now that the conditions are better, each one is more particular than the other. The cadres in the past were not like this. I am reluctant to spend money on it. I don't think so. It's embarrassing." Han Xiangning really figured it out, and after thinking about it, she said happily: "Isn't it just a comparison? I have two houses in Donghai, and I will have a Donghai household registration soon. Do they have it?"

"That's right, at least we have a house!"

"Stop talking about this, Political Commissar Jiao, let's talk about the construction of our Changzhou reserve camp."

Things have priorities. Han Xiangning has already made plans for the future work. He feels that he should focus on attracting investment and plans to finish the easy tasks first.

Political Commissar Jiao was happy, looked at her with a smile and said: "Mayor Han, our regiment will definitely support you with all our support. We have even thought about the candidate for the new battalion commander, and we plan to let Zhao Jiang accept your leadership."

"Where's the funding?" Han Xiangning asked directly.

Political Commissar Jiao was stunned by the question and didn't say much for a while.

Captain Xia put on clean clothes and walked in. After understanding the situation, he smiled sheepishly and said, "Mayor Han, you and Xianyu are not outsiders. You know the situation in our group best."

"Didn't the city allocate 10 million to the group?"

"That was in 1998, and now it's 2000. Besides, only 7 million people actually joined our regiment. Two million were used for the construction of the new camp area of ​​Linghai Reserve Battalion, and the other one million was used for the construction of each battalion. Years of training. All the seven million given to our regiment were used to build a new camp, otherwise we would still be crowded at the military subdivision communication station."

"There is no more, there must be less."

Han Xiangning didn't want to leave empty-handed, but Han Yu couldn't express his opinion, so he sat on the side and smiled without saying a word.

Captain Xia did not expect that she would ask for money from the group in turn, so he smiled bitterly and said: "Xiang Ning, you are now the deputy mayor and a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee of Changzhou!"

"I am ranked low on the Standing Committee. Like Minister Huang, I can only raise my hand on the Standing Committee. Moreover, the city has several big projects this year, which will cost money everywhere. The finances are very tight. Secretary Chu and Mayor Hou are here every day. I’m worried about where to find money to pay cadres and teachers, how can I talk to Secretary Chu and Mayor Hou?”

“Changzhou’s economy is developing so well, how can it be possible that there is no money?”

“It seems to be developing well, but there are more places to spend money.”

Han Xiangning looked back at Han Yu, and then changed the topic: "Captain Xia, Political Commissar Jiao, although I have no money now, I have land! When I recruit businessmen and attract investment, I will sell the industrial land in the Daqiao Industrial Park Go, I will have money then.”

"Xiang Ning, you mean..."

"The regiment will first lend me a hundred and eighty thousand yuan to turn around. In fact, it is not lent to me, but to Zhao Jiang, so that he can get the team together first and try to organize a military training before the end of the year. When I find a co-construction unit, I will Once I get the sponsorship, I will return the start-up capital to the group after I sell the land and make money."


"Captain Xia, Political Commissar Jiao, don't look at me like that. Secretary Chu and Mayor Hou asked me to serve as the secretary of the Daqiao Industrial Park. It's not that they didn't give me start-up funds, but the money was mainly used for land acquisition and demolition. That was for Compensation money from the masses, this money cannot be misappropriated even if I am beaten to death.”

When the Linghai Reserve Battalion was established, Vice Mayor Qin strongly supported it.

Although Vice Mayor Qin was not a member of the Standing Committee at the time and had neither money nor real power, he had an old subordinate like Shen Fan.

Although Shen Fan was also the deputy mayor at the time, he had already established a firm foothold in Linghai and the construction of the Linghai Development Zone was on the right track. Unlike Han Xiangning, the deputy mayor who had nothing.

As for looking for units to co-build and sponsor, there are only so many units along the Yangtze River coastline in Binjiang. Xianyu has already solicited sponsorship twice before, and Han Xiangning couldn't do it no matter how much he tried.

Captain Xia realized that Mayor Han was indeed in a difficult situation now. He weighed it up and said with a smile: "One hundred thousand should be no problem, and it's not a loan. Just treat it as the group's support for you. But this matter must be kept secret, otherwise the other few The work of the battalion is not easy to do.”

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