Riverside police

Chapter 925 Capture on the Water (1)

It's late at night, but the two small piers of Jiuwei Port's floating sand and gravel trading market are still brightly lit.

A "two-story" inland river cargo ship from upstream is docking at "Pier 1" to unload sand and gravel to the shore. Since the pier is small, there is only one berth that can accommodate large ships, and there are several other inland river cargo ships with larger tonnage and full of sand. Anchor on the left side of the channel and so on.

"Pier 2" is smaller than "Pier 1" and is mainly used to berth small cargo ships under 500 tons.

Tonight is as busy as usual. More than a dozen individual ships specializing in transporting sand and gravel to districts and counties on both sides of the Yangtze River are queuing up on the river, waiting to be loaded.

Five years ago, this small island in the middle of the river, very close to Jiuwei Port, was a small sandbank where no one lived.

The area is small, only the size of three football fields. Because this side of Binjiang is under the jurisdiction of Jiuweigang Village, Tiansheng Street, Gangzha District, Binjiang City.

Long before the reform and opening up, farmers in Jiuweigang Village went to plant crops on the small sandbank.

After the reform and opening up, the problem of food and clothing has been solved, but farming not only does not make money but may lose money, and transportation is inconvenient, and you have to row across the river to work. In addition, when there is a flood, the entire small sandbank will be flooded, and the villagers are too lazy to cross the river to farm on the sandbank.

I thought that this sandbank would return to nature and become a habitat for birds. Unexpectedly, with the rapid development of economic construction on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, it has become the largest floating sand and gravel trading center within a radius of 100 miles.

The village has invested in leveling the site, building docks, sand and gravel storage yards, and even dredging waterways. More than two dozen sand and gravel operators have settled in the water-based building materials market invested and built by the village, and can collect a lot of rent and management fees every year.

The villagers can get dividends, and some villagers can use the water to draw water while receiving dividends. They buy a boat and start a ferry business.

Because of this, it is not easy to catch people in the water sand and gravel trading market.

If you drive the police car to the shore, the private ferry boat owners waiting on the shore to solicit passengers will be able to see it. And these ferry boat owners are very familiar with the Wang brothers, so it is difficult to say whether they will tip off the information.

Even if the ferry boat owners didn't inform them, how to "get to the island" is another problem. There is no regular ferry here. If you are not careful, you will be discovered by the Wang brothers who "occupy the island as king". Who knows whether they will escape in a small boat on the island.

Therefore, the only way to arrest the gangs involved in gangs headed by the Wang brothers is "landing operations", which requires law enforcement boats.

At 8:25, the capture formation set sail on time as planned.

To ensure nothing goes wrong, Han Yu transferred all Little 001 from Bailong Port at the request of the Wang Bureau!

Han Yu stood in the cab on the second floor of Little 001, looking at the dark river, holding up the walkie-talkie to confirm the battle plan for the last time.

"Attention, all boats, attentive, all boats. After arriving at the water sand and gravel trading market, Binjiang Marine Police 002 and 003 and Yangtze River Police 110 and 111 quickly searched for a berthing location, sent the participating police officers ashore, and immediately launched patrols on the river according to the plan. Use radar, searchlights and night vision devices to keep a close eye on the river to prevent suspects from fleeing in fear of crime."

"002 received, completed!"

"003 received!"

"001 call Haixun 39, Haixun 48, please answer when you receive it."

"Hai Xun 39 received it, President, please speak."

"President, President, Haixun 48 received it!"

"Please listen to the radio and strengthen lookouts to ensure water traffic safety during the operation."


"Don't worry, President, we will pay attention."

The seven law enforcement boats from the Maritime Bureau, the Changhang Navigation Bureau, the Maritime Safety Administration and the Water Supervision Brigade all did not turn on their warning lights or even navigation lights. They sailed slowly in the dark under the guidance of the only small 001 that displayed the signal type as planned. Go to Jiuwei Port.

Han Yu is only the commander-in-chief of the law enforcement formation, not the commander-in-chief of tonight's operation.

Wang Wenhong personally led the arrest team and was sitting on Binjiang Marine Police 002 to answer the phone.

With the arrow on the string, the policeman who was monitoring the criminal gang on a small cargo ship waiting to be loaded suddenly called. Wang Wenhong asked eagerly: "Xiao Liu, what's going on?"

"Bureau Wang, a suspect has arrived in a small boat!"

"There are many suspects. Which one has landed?"

"It's too far away to see clearly."

"Where are the two principal criminals?"

"The two principals are on the dock."

"That's good, keep monitoring."


Wang Wenhong hung up the phone and immediately picked up the intercom: "Red Star, Hongxing, the situation has changed a bit. Xiao Liu reported that a suspect came ashore in a small boat. He didn't see clearly which one it was."

To ensure a clean sweep, tonight's operation is divided into two groups.

Zhao Hongxing, deputy director of the Water Branch, led a group of policemen to operate on the shore. They were mainly responsible for arresting suspects who might have escaped ashore. They were also responsible for "summoning" two village cadres who had close contacts with the Wang brothers.

Zhao Hongxing had arrived at Jiuwei Port and was waiting in hiding in a small alley. When he heard Wang Wenhong's call, he quickly returned: "Roger, I'm waiting on the shore."

"When people come ashore, find a way to keep an eye on them first. When we take action, you can arrest them."


To ensure safe navigation, the water formations do not sail very fast.

Wang Wenhong, Political Commissar Ma, Ma Jintao, and Jiang Youwei, the head of the criminal investigation detachment of the Changhang Branch who participated in the operation, could not help but feel anxious. The waiting was really a torture.

As the "captain" of Xiao 001, Xiaoyu's main task tonight is to sail the boat, so he doesn't have to go ashore to catch anyone later.

He held the steering wheel and asked with a smile: "Dried salted fish, Mayor Han is recruiting investment?"

"Sail the boat well, why are you asking these questions?"

"Why don't you worry about me sailing the boat? You don't even have to ask!"

"How did you know?"

"Yuzhen told me. Yuzhen said that your Mayor Han called Lin Xiaohui. Lin Xiaohui said that there are not many companies in Hong Kong. Anyway, she only knows some people who are engaged in trade. She may not be able to help your Mayor Han."

What the senior wants to introduce is the manufacturing industry. Hong Kong's manufacturing industry is not very developed. Thinking about it, the senior is really in a dilemma for Lin Xiaohui.

Han Yuzheng didn't know what to say, and Xiaoyu said happily: "Dried salted fish, Xu Ying, do you know?"

"Who is Xu Ying?"

"A Hong Kong female star. She has acted in movies and is very famous."

"I only know about Hong Kong female celebrities Anita Mui, Rosamund Kwan, and Brigitte Lin. I have never heard of Xu Ying."

"Brigitte Brigitte is not from Hong Kong, Brigitte Lin is from Taiwan." Xiaoyu corrected and said with a smile: "Xu Ying is not actually a Hong Kong star. She was originally an internal appointee and later went to Hong Kong to develop. She will be here in a few days. When I went to Donghai for a concert, Lin Xiaohui called Yuzhen and asked if she wanted to go. Lin Xiaohui had tickets there, and they were in the front row."

"I went to Donghai to watch a concert. Your little one is living a good life!"

"We don't chase stars, and Yuzhen doesn't chase stars either, and she doesn't have time to chase stars. We haven't seen the concert, and Yuzhen hasn't either."

"Then what are you talking about?" Han Yu asked puzzledly.

Xiaoyu looked back at him and explained patiently: "Xu Ying is Lin Xiaohui's good friend. They participated in the model competition together back then!"

I almost forgot, Lin Xiaohui was one of the earliest fashion models, and she even took pictures of altitude and appeared on a wall calendar.

Some of the models who competed with Lin Xiaohui continued to work as models, and it is said that they later organized a group to participate in some activities in Paris, France. Some have entered the entertainment industry, made movies and TV shows, and even gone to Hong Kong to develop. Others were recruited by airlines to be stewardesses. Only Lin Xiaohui did not bother and returned to her original life after participating in the model competition.

Xiaoyu didn't know what Han Yu was thinking, and continued: "Lin Xiaohui lived in the house Xu Ying bought in Hong Kong when she first went to Donghai. Houses in Hong Kong are very expensive. Her current house cost millions and is only a little bigger. . If we travel to Hong Kong in the future, we can only stay in a hotel, not her house, it’s too small to live in!”

“How dare you think about traveling to Hong Kong!”

"What's wrong with traveling to Hong Kong? Many people travel to Hong Kong now. I also want to take a look at Senior Brother and Sister Zhang Lan. They are very close to each other. Lin Xiaohui often goes to Shenzhen to play with Sister Zhang Lan."

"If your family is rich, you can go. I can't afford it. I'll just go on a trip with my employer."

Dried salted fish was already a blessing in disguise, but his mother-in-law and Mayor Han went to Donghai to buy an apartment again, and he had to continue to live a hard life.

Xiaoyu sympathized with the plight of dried salted fish and immediately changed the subject: "Dried salted fish, there is a self-service hotpot on Qingnian Road. It only costs 28 yuan per person. You can eat whatever you want."

"your treat?"

"You accompany me to fight the red alert, and I'll treat you to hot pot."

"Okay, when will you go?"

"how about tomorrow?"


A wealthy man like him won't fight for nothing if he doesn't fight.

As soon as Han Yu finished speaking, Xiao Chen, who had climbed up at some point, grinned and asked: "Yu Suo, I accompany you to fight red police every day, will you take me with you?"


"Thank you Yusuo, you are really a good teacher and leader to me."

"Stop flattering us. We're almost at the floating gravel market. Go down and keep an eye on it."


Han Yu really envied Xiao Chen for meeting a leader like Xiao Yu who brought him both fun and food. But then again, although their "master and apprentice" have fun and eat, they have to stay in the dilapidated and remote Bailong Port, which is really unbearable for most people.

At this time, the water formation has safely arrived at the waters of the water sand and gravel market.

As we got closer and closer to the brightly lit dock, many crew members waiting in line to load and unload cargo at the dock noticed several law enforcement boats approaching.

It is no longer possible to hide anymore.

Han Yu immediately raised the walkie-talkie: "Binjiang Marine Police 002, 003, Yangtze River Police 110, 111, pay attention, help climb the ship as planned!"

"002 received!"

"003 received!"

Han Yu gave an order and all the ships participating in the battle turned on their lights. Suddenly, the police lights flashed and the sirens blared on the river.

Immediately afterwards, a signal flare slowly rose.

While the crew and dock workers were watching dumbly, Binjiang Marine Police 002 and 003 and Yangtze River Police 110 and 111 had already boarded two ships that were loading and unloading sand and gravel.

Wang Wenhong personally led the team and took the lead. He led the long-awaited police officers to climb onto the cargo ship, then crossed the cargo ship and rushed to the dock...

Han Yu picked up the loudspeaker and stared at the dock not far away and shouted: "Dear seafarers and employees of the water sand and gravel trading market, please pay attention, we are the police from the Water Branch of the Binjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Changhang Binjiang Public Security Bureau. , we are jointly conducting a security inspection on passing ships and the water sand and gravel trading market. Please don’t be nervous, and please prepare your ID card, boat citizen’s certificate and other documents to cooperate with the inspection!”

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