Riverside police

Chapter 929 Feeling inspired!

Zhang Asheng and Shen Rulan came very quickly, and when they saw Ye Xingguo recalling all the past events, they burst into tears.

A self-service hot pot restaurant is not a place to reminisce about the past, so Shen Rulan suggested going to Wushan Hotel.

Han Yu knew very well that he was not welcomed by others, so he simply found an excuse to go online with Xiaoyu.

Maybe I have been staying by the river for too long, or maybe I have too many things to do in my daily life. If I didn’t come to the Internet cafe, I really don’t know that I would be confused and out of touch with society.

I always thought that Internet cafes were the kind of computer rooms run by comrades in the Linghai Reserve Battalion. When I came here, I realized that Internet cafes in urban areas are very large and have many computers. There are at least more than a hundred of them.

There are also many people surfing the Internet, most of whom are students attending nearby technical schools and vocational high schools, and there are even a few "social people" who are unruly and have tattoos on their bodies.

Some yelled while playing games, some played while eating instant noodles, some played for who knows how long and fell asleep in front of the computer. There were also many young people smoking and surfing the Internet. The Internet cafe was in a state of chaos.

There are also girls who come online and they seem to prefer chatting.

A few slutty "social people" wandered around the pretty girls intentionally or unintentionally, and from time to time they smiled and struck up conversations with others.

After walking around in the Internet cafe, I pulled out a chair and sat down.

Xiaoyu completed the Internet procedures, turned on two computers, and played for three hours on each computer. As soon as he sat down and turned on the computer, he couldn't wait to create a new game.

I have to admit that the war game Red Alert is a bit interesting.

Since learning it, Han Yu has used his spare time to study the maps and various arms in the game, and found that each arm has corresponding conflicts with each other, which tests the game players' on-the-spot adaptability and operation techniques.

I think I have done some homework, and although I may not be able to beat the small fish, I won't lose as badly as before.

However, he was soon slapped in the face by Xiaoyu.

If you come back unconvinced, you will be defeated again!

After losing five games in a row, Han Yu doubted his life.

Just when Xiaoyu felt that playing with him was boring, he happened to find a few netizens who knew how to play, and were busy starting a battle online, when Zhang Asheng suddenly called.

There was a public phone in the Internet cafe. Han Yu took a look at the caller ID, got up and walked over to use the public phone to call back.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

"What else can I do besides Lao Ye?"

Zhang Asheng asked back and sighed softly: "Until now, he still doesn't believe that you are the salted fish that caught us back then. He has not had an easy life these years. He is finally looking forward to meeting you again. You can imagine how he feels. , I won’t invite you and Xiaoyu to pick him up tonight.”

Han Yu whispered: "I understand, even if you invite us, we won't go."

"President, do you want to know his experiences over the years?"

"Let's talk about it."

"I knew you were worried."

Zhang Asheng looked back behind him and said solemnly: "His mother is a face-saving person, and his brother is also a state cadre. After he entered, his mother and his brother not only failed to help him retain his previous wife, but also mobilized his wife to divorce him , his wife just remarried with her children."

Han Yu was silent for a moment and asked: "What happened next?"

"After he was released from prison, he was homeless. He had a criminal record and couldn't find a decent job, so he did odd jobs here and there. He had no skills, so he could only do the hardest and most tiring work. He pulled a truck and worked as a small worker at a construction site. I was a worker, but later I fell and was injured at the construction site, so my boss arranged for me to cook in the construction site canteen.”

Zhang Asheng took several deep breaths and choked up and said, "I have worked in all kinds of jobs and suffered a lot. It wasn't until last summer that I met Liu Shulan, who was working in a restaurant near the construction site. Liu Shulan's hometown is Linghai; We have relatives, we have something in common, and we have both experienced ups and downs, so it’s just that good.”

Han Yu asked curiously: "What ups and downs has Liu Shulan experienced?"

"Her man was a gambler, and he ruined a good family and still owed a lot of debt. If he couldn't survive this life, Liu Shulan could only divorce the gambler and go out to work alone to make money for her children to go to school."

"We are both fallen people from the end of the world."

"So he has not had an easy life these years. Liu Shulan has a sister who is married in Binjiang, and her sister's family has a shop in Dongxing Automobile City. Her sister didn't want her to work outside and suffer hardship, so she asked her to come to Binjiang to do some small business. The old man That’s how Ye came to Binjiang.”


"Don't worry."

"not worried."

"I've said before that there aren't that many bad people in the world."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything, it's just...just..."

How could Han Yu not hear the implication of Zhang Asheng's words, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't disturb them again, today is just a chance encounter."

Zhang Asheng really didn't want Han Yu to appear in front of Lao Ye again. To be precise, he didn't want to bring back Ye Xingguo's painful memories. He hesitated and said, "But I still want to thank you. If you hadn't happened to meet Lao Ye, we would have been together." Rulan may never have the chance to see him again in this life."

"It's a small effort, no need to thank you."

"Then hang up first."

"Hang up."

I quietly observed at the self-service hot pot restaurant at noon that although Ye Xingguo was dressed very smartly, his hands were rough and even had thick calluses. It can be imagined that he has been engaged in very hard physical labor over the years, and he does not look like a criminal.

Han Yu hung up the phone, took out his change to pay the phone bill, and returned to the computer, feeling unable to calm down for a long time.

It’s not that I felt I was wrongly arrested, but I couldn’t help but think of the scene when I first started working.

At that time, the master was in his prime. Although he was demoted to the riverside, he discovered a new world. He was full of ambition and high spirits. Together with Li Jiao and Lao Liu, he and Xiaoyu formed the first real water team in Binjiang. police force.

Director Zhang was still Director Zhang at that time, and he had been transferred to the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau just a few years ago. Even though he was a regular cadre, even the police uniform was made of breeches, but in fact he was a marginal figure in the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau, otherwise he would not have They will not be sent to Bailonggang Police Station, which is so far away from the city.

At that time, Yu Ke was still a member of the Yu Bureau. He had neither power nor money, and no one under him. He only had a carrot seal. Whenever he saw his master, he called him "brother". It was so humble that it made people feel sad.

Xiaoyu was just as addicted to watching TV at that time as he is now to surfing the Internet. Every night after dinner, he would sit in front of the TV and watch stupidly. If he was not told to go to bed, he would see all the programs end and the screen would be full of grids.

Jiang Ke, who was responsible for investigating remittance and arbitrage cases, has retired. His only regret is that the murder case in the Sailors Club has not been solved yet. Zhou Hong, the deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Section of the Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau at the time, was first transferred to the Water Branch, and then to the Agriculture Bureau, and now he is the first director of the Binjiang Marine Fisheries Bureau...

Time flies so fast, more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Everything that happened back then kept flashing through my mind like a movie.

Thinking of this, Han Yu said hello to Xiaoyu, walked out of the Internet cafe alone, and strolled to the Changhang Branch not far from the Internet cafe.

"Xianyu, why are you here? Is something wrong?"

"It's okay. It's Sunday. I'll just wander around."

Political Commissar Jiang did not expect Han Yu to come over, pulled him into the office, sat down and asked with a smile: "Are you in a hurry to be transferred back?"

"A bit." Han Yu sat down and said.

"You can only tell me this. If Zeng Guan and Ma Guan hear it, they will definitely scold you for having no conscience."

"I was originally a Marine Police officer, and I was transferred to the Smuggling Crime Investigation Branch to help."

"Xianyu, are you okay? What happened to you today?"

"Xiaoyu invited me to a hot pot buffet at noon today, and I happened to meet Ye Xingguo."

"Which Ye Xingguo?"

Too much time has passed, and Political Commissar Jiang really can't remember such a person.

Han Yu explained what happened and said with emotion: "I don't think we did anything wrong back then, and I don't feel guilty. I just think of a lot of things from back then through this person."

Political Commissar Jiang came to his senses and asked in a low voice: "Remember your master?"

"Well," Han Yu nodded, thought about it and said with a grimace: "Political Commissar, you might scold me for being heartless. It has only been a few years, but I can't even remember what my master looks like without looking at the photo. .”

"It's normal. The human brain is not a computer. We meet all kinds of people every day and think about all kinds of things every day. It's normal for people and things in the past to be slowly forgotten."

"Looks like I'll have to look through the photo album more in the future."

He is a marine policeman, and he has been trained as a marine policeman by Xu Sanye since he started working.

He was asked to be an anti-smuggling policeman, but he was not allowed to go to the South China Sea with the 825 boat, so he was now "idle" and suddenly met Ye Xingguoyou, the first real criminal he had captured since becoming a police officer. It's normal to feel emotional.

This is not sentimentality, this is nostalgia.

People who miss the past are people who value love and justice.

Political Commissar Jiang was very pleased. He invited him to drink tea and said with a smile: "The leadership team of the China Changchun Shipping Bureau has been adjusted, and Director Liao has been relegated to the second line. You may not believe it when I tell you that Huang Yuanchang has been transferred back to the China Shipping Bureau, and now he is the chief executive of the Bureau. Member of the Party Committee of the Aviation Administration, deputy director level.”

Han Yu couldn't believe his ears. He was stunned for a long time before exclaiming: "But he is the party committee member of Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau and the director of Jiangcheng Maritime Safety Bureau. Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau and Yangtze River Maritime Safety Bureau have long been separated, and they are not under the Changjiang Maritime Safety Administration. !”

"Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau and Yangtze River Maritime Safety Bureau are separated, but they still belong to the transportation system."

Political Commissar Jiang smiled and explained patiently: "The superiors previously asked him to serve as the director of Jiangcheng Maritime Safety Bureau and let him enter the party committee team of Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau. It can be said to be a kind of training for him. Now the China Shipping Bureau not only needs to adjust the leadership team , we must also carry out drastic reform of the Yangtze River shipping system, which requires young and capable comrades who are familiar with the situation, have experience in grassroots work.

Huang Yuanchang has academic qualifications and grassroots work experience. I have worked in the Policy and Regulations Department of the China Shipping Bureau for several years and I know the situation of the Bureau very well. At the same time, he is relatively young and has outstanding performance and significant contributions in flood fighting and rescue operations. If I were a superior leader, I would still reuse him. "

It is also the deputy bureau level, but the deputy bureau level of the Changhang Shipping Bureau is completely different from the deputy bureau level of the Yangtze Maritime Safety Bureau or the Changhang Public Security Bureau.

The Changjiang Shipping Bureau is the superior unit of the Yangtze River Maritime Safety Administration, the Changhang Public Security Bureau, the Yangtze Waterway Bureau, the Yangtze Communications Bureau and even the Three Gorges Administration!

Han Yu still couldn't believe this was true, and asked doubtfully: "Political Commissar, does that mean Huang Yuanchang has become your superior?"

"It can only be said that they are the leaders of our superior units. The leaders of our Changhang Public Security Bureau must also join the party committee of the Changhang Bureau. No matter how big the official Huang Yuan is, he will not be able to control us unless his superiors give him a formal position and let him serve as our chief. Director of the Aviation Public Security Bureau."

Political Commissar Jiang lit up his cigarette and changed the topic: "Huang Yuanshang's promotion is not a bad thing for us. He is also a nostalgic person, and his most commendable political achievements are all related to our Binjiang. To be precise, they are all related to you and Ning Ning. No You and Ning Ning, how could he be where he is today!"

To sum up, Huang Yuanchang has three political achievements.

The first political achievement was that he managed the water traffic safety of the North Branch Channel of the Yangtze River very well when he was the captain of the Third Brigade of the Binjiang Port Supervision Bureau.

The second political achievement was to move troops to Binjiang during the flood in 1998, and to be fully responsible for the logistics support of the Linghai Reserve Battalion.

The third political achievement was to preside over the reform of the Jiangcheng Port Supervision Bureau, turning the Jiangcheng Port Supervision Bureau into the Jiangcheng Maritime Safety Bureau, and at the same time participating in the preparation for the establishment of the Jiangnan Maritime Safety Bureau.

Among the three political achievements, two are related to Binjiang.

Thinking about it carefully, he really has to take care of his old colleagues and friends in Binjiang.

Han Yu couldn't help but laugh and said: "So my transfer will not change because Director Liao has been relegated to the second line. Can I really be promoted to deputy director?"

"Even if you don't come today, I will call you later." Political Commissar Jiang pointed to the mobile phone lying aside and said with a smile: "Huang Yuanchang called me in the morning and said that since you want to be transferred back, there is no need. Wait until the Changhang Public Security Bureau is reformed.”

"What's the meaning?"

"He said that the State Council has agreed in principle to the application submitted by the Ministry of Transport. The leadership team of the Changhang Public Security Bureau will soon be adjusted. Once the leadership team in the bureau is adjusted, adjustments will be made to each branch. It is better to be transferred back earlier than later. , waiting for the approval from the National Academy of Sciences, some things may be too late.”

"For such a big thing, I don't have any say."

"There's no need for you to run into this matter. Bureau Qi should have already contacted Zeng Guan and Ma Guan."

"Okay, I'll wait for the news and I'll obey the organization's arrangements!"

Seeing that the young man who had grown up was about to be transferred back and would be entrusted with important responsibilities, Political Commissar Jiang was happy from the bottom of his heart. But after thinking about it, he sighed: "Xianyu, when you are transferred back, I will probably take a back seat. Why?" After decades of retreating, I really feel reluctant to do so."

Han Yu was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly: "Then I'll wait another two years before transferring him back!"

"It has nothing to do with you whether I retreat to the second line or not. Even if you don't transfer me back, I will still retire." Political Commissar Jiang put out his cigarette and said with a smile, fearing that Han Yu would misunderstand, "I'm old and my education is not high, and now my superiors are asking for cadres. Being younger, I can’t always occupy a position.”

"What about the game and what game?"

"Jue Zhang will probably have to take a back seat. He Ju is young and will not take a back seat so quickly. He may still have the opportunity to take a step further."

Zhang Junyan is older than his master, so he thinks it's time to take a back seat.

Han Yu was silent for a moment and asked, "Will the police be affected?"

"Some veteran comrades may be affected because of funding and staffing issues. Not every veteran comrade can become a civil servant."

"Where are the old comrades who have retired?"

"I don't know about that. It's said...it's said that it's likely that old people will use old methods and new people will use new methods."

The old method means that retired comrades must continue to receive the retirement salary of corporate cadres or corporate employees. After all, whether it is the Changhang Public Security Bureau or the former Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau, they are all corporate police.

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