Riverside police

Chapter 931 The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind!

Three o'clock in the afternoon, Linghai Municipal Committee.

After Shen Fan finished the secretary's office meeting, he followed Secretary Qian into the secretary's office.

Some time ago, Han Xiangning led a team to the East China Sea to attract investment. Linghai was not idle either. Secretary Qian also just returned from the East China Sea investment promotion.

It is also about attracting investment. The investment promotion pattern of the top leader of the Linghai Municipal Committee is completely different from that of Han Xiangning, the temporary deputy mayor. This time, he visited the Donghai Branch of the Investment Promotion Bureau.

China Merchants Group Co., Ltd. is an important state-owned enterprise headquartered in Hong Kong and directly managed by the central government. Its predecessor was China Merchants Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. founded in 1872. It is the first shipping company in modern Chinese history. It is a pioneer of China's national industry and commerce and is known as the "China Merchants Group". A microcosm of the enterprise's century-old history.

The main business of China Merchants Group is transportation, and transportation is mainly shipping. As long as shipping companies have their own shipbuilding factories, if China Merchants Group can invest and build factories in Linghai, then Linghai's shipbuilding industry will also Can reach a new level.

"They have this plan, but it's just a plan at this stage. It's useless for us to be anxious. We can only keep in touch and pay attention to their development."

"Would the leaders of China Merchants Bureau be willing to come and inspect our investment environment in Linghai?"

"I invited you. They said I have been busy recently, so I will definitely come when I have time."

Secretary Qian very much hopes to promote the implementation of this big project during his term, but he also knows that a truly big project is not accomplished overnight. It requires at least three to five years of continuous efforts. After thinking about it, he added with a bit of self-deprecation: "People say These are polite words, we can neither take them seriously nor wait, we will visit whenever we have time in the future."

In the past few years, Linghai’s development momentum has been very strong.

First, Linghai Port was built under such difficult conditions in all aspects. Although Linghai Port has been acquired by Binjiang Port Group, the city has made a lot of money by transferring the equity, and the port is still in Linghai and is still driving Linghai Port. economic development of the sea.

Immediately afterwards, large companies with an output value of over 100 million yuan, such as COSCO Kawasaki, Shenglong Shipbuilding and Hailuo Cement, were introduced successively, making the Linghai Development Zone suddenly prosperous.

Although these tasks were done by team members, when it comes to these achievements, both superiors and the masses will only think of Secretary Ye. After all, the train runs fast because of the headband. The "squad leader" at that time was Secretary Ye, so naturally these political achievements are also remembered. On Secretary Ye.

The previous municipal party committee and government team were too capable, which put a lot of pressure on the members of this current team.

Shen Fan knew what Secretary Qian was asking when he invited him over, so he pretended to smile casually and said: "Secretary Qian, the situation at home is stable. Facts have proved that the merchants we negotiated with before are very discerning. Although Han Xiangning said nothing, But people just remained unmoved.

Mr. Chen from Zhenjiang decided to sign an investment agreement with us early next month. Mr. Yang from Zhangjiagang just paid the land use fee yesterday. Mr. Liu from Jiangyin said that they have held a board meeting in the past few days to study the investment and construction of a factory in Linghai. As long as it is approved by the board of directors, they will sign an investment agreement with us. "

Who would have thought that the "little master of fines" would go to Changzhou to serve as deputy mayor of the Standing Committee!

Who would have thought that the "little expert in fines" would turn his back on the person and actually come back to poach Linghai.

When Han Xiangning first started to frequently contact businessmen who were interested in investing in Linghai, Secretary Qian was really frightened, fearing that the cooked duck would fly away.

Now that it was confirmed that the position was held, Secretary Qian relaxed a little and couldn't help but asked with a smile: "She has no hair on her lips and can't speak firmly? People know that she is on a temporary basis and don't believe her promise?"

"The main reason is that we have a good foundation. There are nine large and small shipyards in total. Whether they invest in ship repair or ship machinery parts manufacturing, people will definitely consider our Linghai first. And although Changzhou's Yangtze River coastline is not short, it is The city is divided into east and west sections.

The waterway resources in the west are not good and cannot compete with Gaoru, which is desperately developing shipbuilding. The section next to our Linghai is very short. The waterway resources are good but the water depth and other natural conditions are not good. Our area has become a climate. It is unrealistic for them to develop shipbuilding and ship machinery parts production and manufacturing. "

In the past few years, "little junior sister" has been going well.

Shen Fan felt from the bottom of his heart that the "little junior sister" should go through some ups and downs. After all, the situation on the shore was completely different from that on the river.

He took the cigarette from Secretary Qian and said with a bit of schadenfreude: "In the final analysis, Xiang Ning is still too young and doesn't know how sinister people are. She only wanted to poach us, but Luo Hongxin stole her home. I guess she might Until now I’m still in the dark.”

"What else does Luo Hongxin want to do?"

"If the city wants to develop, it cannot develop without land for construction. Secretary Lu personally went to the leaders of the Transportation Department and wanted the land for the Shipping College and wanted the Shipping College to move out of the city. The leaders of the Transportation Department agreed, and Dean Shao objected. It’s no use, I can only find a place quickly.”

Shen Fan lit up his cigarette, took a nice puff, and said with a puff of smoke: "Dean Shao just approached Luo Hongxin. Luo Hongxin saw that the Shipping College did not want to pay for land use fees, and moving to their development zone would not bring benefits to them. , not very interested in this.

Dean Shao could only find Han Xiangning. Han Xiangning hurriedly reported to Chu and Hou. Hou Duo was shrewd and immediately expressed his welcome to the shipping college to move to Changzhou. He would not pay any land use fees. The city finance funded the land acquisition and demolition, and even held a meeting for two days in a row. , a plan for education-driven development was quickly put in place. "

Secretary Qian asked curiously: "How does education drive development?"

Shen Fan briefly introduced the development plan of "Neighbor" and sighed: "If this plan can be implemented, it can really gather the popularity of Jiangbian in the shortest time, and even build a development zone on the riverside that is bigger than our Linghai Development Zone." A more prosperous town.

When it comes to long-term planning and land use, we must report to the city for instructions. Luo Hongxin found out and realized that he was too preoccupied before, so he immediately went back to Dean Shao and asked Standing Committee Member Chen to go out to the Department of Transportation for public relations. What kind of policies does Changzhou provide to the Shipping College? Other development zones can provide the same policies, and can even provide more than Changzhou! "

Secretary Qian figured out the whole story and scolded him with a smile: "He is careless, he is short-sighted."

"But I have a big tree at my back so I can enjoy the shade, and I have the support of city leaders. The location advantage is better than Changzhou. After all, it is close to the city. Even the transportation and other infrastructure are better than Changzhou. The Changzhou riverside is desolate and there is nothing. They are a national development zone that has been developed for so many years and has everything.”

"So the Shipping College will be moved to the development zone?"

"Based on personal feelings, Dean Shao definitely wants to move to Changzhou. After all, he is Xianyu and Xiang Ning's teacher, and also the witness of Xianyu and Xiang Ning's marriage. Of course he has to take care of his students when good things happen. Besides, Luo Hongxin has just started If you don’t give me face, no one would be willing to turn around."

Shen Fan paused and then continued: "But such a major matter as the relocation of the college cannot be decided by Dean Shao alone. The superiors think that the location of the development zone is good, but they feel that relocating to Changzhou is not appropriate. The teachers and administrative staff below are the same If you want to be closer to home, no one wants to go to Changzhou if you can go to the development zone.”

Secretary Qian asked with a smile: "Is this little master of fines happy with nothing?"

"Not only is Xiang Ningkong happy, I guess someone as awesome as Hou is also depressed."

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect Hou Xiufeng to be depressed sometimes."

"And this is just the beginning."

"What's the meaning?"

"Xiang Ning not only wants to introduce the Shipping Academy to Changzhou during this period, she also leads a team to the East China Sea to attract investment like you. It is said that she has negotiated with several large chemical companies that plan to move out of the East China Sea."

Secretary Qian subconsciously asked: "Those chemical companies she talked about were targeted by Luo Hongxin again?"

It is said that shopping malls are like battlefields, but in fact officialdom is also like battlefields.

Shen Fan sympathized with the little junior sister's experience and sighed softly: "You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. Xiang Ning is too simple and does not know how bad that neighbor Luo Hongxin is. She just came back from the East China Sea, and she After receiving the news, Luo Hongxin led the team to the East China Sea."

"Confidentiality is very important. Which companies she has visited and which companies she wants to introduce to Changzhou? How could Luo Hongxin know such important business secrets!"

"She has no interaction with Luo Hongxin, and even if she did, she would not tell Luo Hongxin. As far as I know, the problem lies with her people, who are not strict with their mouths."

"If she wants to develop the shipbuilding and ship machinery parts industry, she can't handle us and Gaoru. If she wants to develop the chemical industry, she can't handle the development zone either. Luo Hongxin has introduced so many chemical plants over the years, and the development zone is almost turning into a chemical industry park. If people really want to move to Binjiang, they will definitely choose the development zone instead of her Daqiao Industrial Park."

"Furthermore, what policies does the development zone enjoy, and what policies can her bridge industrial park provide to others?"

"This is the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind it!" Secretary Qian couldn't help laughing. After thinking about it, he laughed and scolded: "Luo Hongxin is really embarrassed to bully a lesbian."

"He wants results. He has been the director of the management committee for nearly ten years, so it stands to reason that he should take action."

"Even if you want grades, you can't do this. Fighting in a nest, what's the point?"

"What he wants to dig is a large chemical company with an annual output value of hundreds of millions. Moreover, chemical companies in the East China Sea are all moving overseas. As long as he can dig one, many supporting companies will follow. How much profit and tax can it create for the development zone in a year? In the face of such huge interests, he won't care whether Xiang Ning is a lesbian or not."

Shen Fan sighed lightly and continued: "Xiang Ning will definitely not be able to deal with him, and there is nothing we can do about him except to deal with his son."

"Take care of his son?"

"It's Ronaldinho who used to be the captain of the marine police brigade in Sanhe. Ronaldinho worked under Xianyu and was later promoted to the provincial department. It is said that the provincial department asked him to come back and serve as deputy director of the water branch."

Secretary Qian was happy and said with a laugh: "Father's debt must be repaid. Since I can't take advantage of Lao Luo, I have no choice but to deal with Xiao Luo. Although the water branch is not in the same system as the Changhang Branch, Xiao Luo has to listen to salted fish as long as he is on the river. Yes, call Xianyu later and ask him to vent his anger on his wife!"

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