Riverside police

Chapter 95 Open the skylight and speak frankly

As soon as Zhang Lan walked out of the office, Ding Jiao went to close the door.

Li Weiguo had already guessed what Director Yang and Jiao Ding had done by moving Secretary Li here, but he didn't know that Xu Sanye had already reached an "incorporation" and "anti-incorporation" agreement with Yu Xiucai.

He didn't want to bring disaster to Chi Yu and wanted to find an excuse to leave, but the door was closed by the instructor, so he had no choice but to sit next to Xu Sanye.

Secretary Li knew very well that there was no need to beat around the bush with Xu Sanye and asked straight to the point: "Sanye, has Yu Xiucai from the Water Security Section of the Municipal Bureau been here before?"

"I came early in the morning and just left."

"What is he here to do?"

"They say they are here for investigation, but actually they want to pick peaches and incorporate my Yanjiang Police Station into the fold."

Xu Sanye went straight to the point without any hesitation.

Say whatever you want. Not everyone can do this. Director Yang was really envious and couldn't help but ask: "What's your attitude?"

Xu Sanye took the cigarette from Secretary Li and said with a smile: "My attitude is clear. I, Xu Sanye, am a police officer of the Linghai Public Security Bureau, and the Yanjiang Police Station is the police station of the Linghai Public Security Bureau. This peach is not something he can just pick if he wants. Unless he comes with 400,000 yuan."

Secretary Li turned around and said with a smile: "I'm just saying that San Ye is absolutely firm on issues of right and wrong."

Director Yang nodded awkwardly and asked: "But now Director Zhong has been alarmed. Director Zhong called me early in the morning."

"Jue Zhong is the leader, but what the leader says may not always be right. What he says makes sense. Of course we must listen, obey, and implement it to the letter. If what he says does not make sense, we must adhere to the principle. , can’t follow blindly.”


Director Yang was speechless for a moment, thinking to himself, of course you are not afraid of breaking the pot. We are different from you and have to take the leader's words seriously.

Ding Jiao was also stunned and subconsciously looked at Secretary Li.

Secretary Li coughed dryly and said: "Sanye, you are right, but from a work perspective, the relationship between superiors and subordinates must be maintained well. If the relationship is frozen due to something, don't talk about other aspects, just talk about the special project In terms of funds and equipment, the city bureau can give us money or not."

What other aspects?

The so-called other aspects are the political futures of Director Yang and the wallflower, which have nothing to do with ordinary police officers.

Xu Sanye felt that he still needed to be careful about what he should do, and said lightly: "If you are worried about the relationship between superiors and subordinates becoming tense, then listen to Director Zhong. I personally don't care, anyway, you have to do the work, no matter who you are doing it for, in the final analysis it is all To serve the people.”

This is what Director Yang is afraid of. If he really runs away with his team, he will still be able to prosper in the city bureau, but he, the director, will have to bear the blame for "losing power and humiliating the country".

"Sanye, don't say angry words, aren't we discussing this with you?"

"Bureau Yang, what's your attitude?"

"Although I have been in Linghai for less than two years, from the day I came to Linghai, I considered myself a Linghai native."

"So you don't want the city bureau to pick peaches?"

"But I'm different from you. You don't have to deal with the city bureau. I have to go to the city bureau for meetings every three days. I have to report my work to the clock bureau and help the bureau secure special funds and equipment."

"You can't offend Director Zhong, but I can?"

"You'd better not offend the city bureau leaders, otherwise the city bureau leaders will feel...will feel..."

Xu Sanye asked with a smile: "Do you think that you, the director, and even the entire party committee of the bureau are incompetent? Do you think that our Linghai Public Security Bureau has no cohesion?"

There were no outsiders in the reception room. Director Yang felt that there was no need to beat around the bush, so he simply took a deep breath and said bluntly: "Sanye, you have also sat in my position. You should know how difficult it is to be a family member. I also want to be like you. I’m tough, but can I be tough?”

Secretary Li felt the same and said with a bit of self-deprecation: "I have also sat in that position. In the eyes of the public, the public security director has a gun and power, which is very impressive. However, funds must be obtained from the county, and the opinions of the county must be respected for personnel arrangements." , We must listen to the municipal bureau when it comes to business matters, and we must not offend both parties. I really can’t be stubborn.”

Xu Sanye nodded and asked, "Old Ding, what about you?"

Ding Jiao suddenly realized that he had become the host of this closed-door meeting. He smiled bitterly and said: "Bureau Yang is now in charge of the work. You and Secretary Li have both presided over the work of the bureau. Even you three can't stand up to your superiors. Not to mention me."

"Is this right?"

"What's wrong?

"When comrades are sitting together in a meeting, they should open the skylight and speak out like today. If one person speaks one thing, and if there is another person speaking two things, we should brainstorm when encountering problems and work out solutions together. Do you think so?"

Xu Sanye waved his big hands in a cadence.

Li Weiguo saw that he had turned the symposium into a life meeting and turned into a host. He did not want to get involved in the affairs of leaders like them. He raised his head and said: "Secretary Li, Director Yang, I have never presided over the work of the bureau. I am an instructor." They were just mentioned this year, why don't you study it first, and I'll go out and see if the water is boiled."

"Isn't there boiling water here? Sit down."

Before Secretary Li and Director Yang could speak, Xu Sanye sat him down, picked up a match, lit a cigarette, and began to analyze himself.

"Director Yang, Lao Ding, actually I have wanted to report my thoughts to you for a long time. We are colleagues in the same unit and comrades in the trenches. We should be united as one, but how come the relationship between us has become so tense now? , there must be a problem here, and it is mainly my personal problem."

"what is the problem?"

"I should report my thoughts to you earlier."

Xu Sanye knocked the cigarette ashes and said seriously and sincerely: "I really made it difficult for you to deal with the deputy mayor of Xinhai Township, at least I made it impossible for you to explain it to Secretary Chen.

But what I was thinking at the time was that if I let that bastard go, what would be lost were principles and people's hearts. And by strictly investigating and punishing those bastards, we can win the support of the masses and the trust of our public security organs. "

You are not self-criticizing, you are clearly self-praising.

But then again, what does the public security agency do? If the leader just says hello and releases someone, does the public security agency still have prestige and deterrence?

Director Yang took a few deep breaths and nodded slightly.

Secretary Li held his chin in deep thought.

"Director Yang, apart from that bastard in Xinhai Township, the only thing that happened between us was the raid on spending money to modify the law enforcement rescue ship and build a barge. Looking back, as a person who has been singing the Three Major Disciplines and Eight Attentions since he was a child, everything must be seized. People who have returned to the public, I have indeed made the mistake of being unorganized and undisciplined in this matter, and I will review it to you."

He actually reviewed it!

Director Yang realized that he must have a bigger "ambush", otherwise he would never admit his mistake. He immediately cheered up and secretly reminded himself that he must not be fooled into it.

Ding Jiao also realized that Xu Sanye was digging a hole and looked at Secretary Li again.

Secretary Li couldn't think of a reason for a while, so he motioned to Xu Sanye to continue.

"Director Yang said that he has been from Linghai since the day he took office in Linghai. I am different. I am a native of Linghai. As a native of Linghai, and as a police officer of the Linghai Public Security Bureau, how can I protect the people on shore? How important is public security? Can you not know the priorities?"

Xu Sanye knocked on the table and changed the topic: "But just because the shore is more important, we can't completely ignore the water. Secretary Li, Bureau Yang, do you know how many self-employed people are engaged in water transportation in Linghai now?"

Secretary Li asked curiously: "How much?"

"Last year there were 932. This year, according to incomplete statistics, the number has increased to 1,461."

Xu Sanye glanced back at Li Weiguo and said eloquently: "Counting the shipping companies in the county and towns, as well as the self-owned fleets of various enterprises in the county, there are now more than 3,000 boats running on the river. If you count the fishing boats, And the number of cargo ships passing through our Linghai waters may be tens of thousands.

We had not paid much attention to the security on the river before, and always thought it was peaceful. But in fact, after this period of shoreline patrols and water security inspections, we found that the security situation on the river is not optimistic. It can even be described as shocking. ! "

Director Yang was really unclear about this and frowned slightly: "How serious is it?"

"Old Li, you are responsible for sorting out this situation. You report to Secretary Li and Director Yang."


Li Weiguo calmed down and said solemnly: "Through inspections and visits, we found that there are at least six groups of water bandits operating in our Linghai waters, some from other places and some from the local area. They are very arrogant and even dare to attack in broad daylight." Boarding ships for extortion and even robbery.

They often fight or threaten to burn their boats, but the boat people and fishermen dare not speak out in anger. Just two months ago, three water bandits boarded a Nanhe-registered cargo ship, robbed more than 4,000 yuan, injured the ship owner, and raped the ship owner's wife in front of the ship owner. "

Secretary Li was shocked.

Director Yang couldn't believe this was true and subconsciously asked: "Has the ship owner reported the crime?"

"Do people dare to report a crime? Even if they dare, where can they go to report a crime?"

Xu Sanye took over the conversation and said sadly: "Lao Li only talked about the situation on the river. There are also problems with public security on inland rivers. Foreign ships dare not make any noise in Linghai, and people have nothing to worry about when leaving the lock. Judging from what people have reported, , there are many local gangsters at several docks along the Bailong River, including several docks in the county seat."

Director Yang stared at him closely and asked, "Those ruffians are also extorting money?"

"They mainly bully the market. As long as foreign cargo ships dock at the dock to load and unload goods, they must ask the porters they find to load and unload the goods. You can imagine how much the loading and unloading fees will cost. If they are not allowed to load and unload, they will often fight."

"Any clues?"

"Mastered dozens of them."

"What are your plans next?"

"Director Yang, I am mainly saying this to report to you the importance of maintaining water security. We must be tough on both the shore and the water!"

Xu Sanye put out his cigarette butt and returned to the original topic: "Yu Xiucai wants to incorporate my Yanjiang Police Station, and I will definitely not agree. But one thing must be admitted. We need to have a good relationship with the Municipal Bureau. Our Linghai Public Security Bureau did this The results are ultimately the results of the Municipal Bureau.”

Director Yang couldn't keep up with his jumping thinking and asked, "Then how are you going to deal with it?"

"Give him some face and let him add the name of the Linghai Water Security Police Brigade of the Water Branch of the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau. By the way, we will take this opportunity to recruit him and the Water Security Section, and let him and his subordinates participate in the duty to make up for me. The police force at Yanjiang Police Station is insufficient.”

"Recruit Yu Xiucai and recruit the Water Security Department!"

"He can come here to recruit me, why can't I recruit him? I have already told him that he also wants to do something, and we should give him a chance. If there is anything to declare to the bureau in the future, we can find it at that time. He helps. After all, he is the first person in charge of the city bureau, and we can use this resource."

The Linghai Brigade of the Water Branch... after all, it belongs to Linghai.

Director Yang couldn't help but smile and said: "If Director Zhong has no objection, this is a good idea to get the best of both worlds."

"The city bureau asked him to do his job. Anyway, he is under the eyes of the city bureau leaders every day."

Xu Sanye smiled and changed the topic: "Why did he rush over to pick peaches in excitement? To put it bluntly, it was my Yanjiang Police Station that made the difference! Next, we need to carry out all-round cooperation with the Port Supervision, Customs and Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau. The achievements will only keep getting bigger and bigger.”

"On this point, I have confidence in you."

"But confidence is not enough, you also need people. Yu Xiucai can only help with housekeeping, duty, and writing materials. You can't count on him to fight crime."

"Sanye, you know the situation in the bureau..."

"Director Yang, don't get me wrong. I know the importance of public security on the shore. How can I ask for someone from you again?"

"Then what do you think?"

"I heard that the bureau plans to upgrade the criminal investigation team and traffic police team to a brigade. After the criminal investigation team becomes a criminal investigation brigade, it will set up several squadrons. Is this true?"


"Since this is the case, we can completely complement each other's advantages."

"What's the meaning."

"Bailong Port has a large immigrant population and complex security situation. The incidence rate of criminal cases is similar to that of Sanxing Township. It is absolutely possible to set up a squadron in Bailong Port. When the riverside law enforcement base is completed, we will definitely go to the riverside for duty. At that time, this place will be freed up. We can set up a criminal investigation squadron here that will take care of several surrounding townships, and we won’t even need to find office space.”

I knew he had said a lot that there must be an ambush, and it turned out that the ambush was here.

Director Yang came to his senses and said thoughtfully: "We originally planned to locate the Fourth Criminal Investigation Squadron in the Fourth Factory. Since you have space here, it might as well be located here."

"Don't worry, I have never thought about setting up my own business. I will not poach Wu Renguang's corners, let alone recruit my own people. The main reason is that the police force is too tight. If the criminal investigation squadron is located here, we can take care of each other if anything happens. Criminal cases that are too busy can be handed over to the Criminal Investigation Squadron.”

"What do you think of Xu Mingyuan as the squadron leader and Fang Zhiqiang as the squadron instructor?"

"Director Yang, one of them is my apprentice and the other is Lao Li's apprentice. It is inappropriate for you to let them serve as squadron leader instructors."

Although he set up an ambush, there was something he said that made sense.

The Yanjiang Police Station will next cooperate with the Hong Kong Supervisory Authority, Customs and Binjiang Port Public Security Bureau, and it will definitely produce results, and the results of the Yanjiang Police Station are the results of the bureau!

Now that everything has been said, and the city bureau has come to pick peaches and has a proper response plan, not only can the bureau not show any sign of it, but it must also increase investment.

Director Yang weighed it up and said conclusively: "There is nothing inappropriate. This matter has been settled. Once Xu Mingyuan and Fang Zhiqiang finish investigating the reverse arbitrage case, they will take office."

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