Riverside police

Chapter 949 Come here often!

Of all the military services in the world, the Navy is the one with the most etiquette.

As the formation entered Malaysian territorial waters, Han Yu rushed to the bridge immediately without thinking about being a non-staff electromechanical chief.

The captain contacted the Malaysian Navy according to international etiquette and sent a telegram of greetings. The welcoming ship of the Malaysian Navy quickly came over, welcomed the arrival of the Chinese naval fleet, and raised a welcoming signal flag.

Shenzhen Ship immediately sent a message of thanks and raised a signal flag to express gratitude.

Malaysian waters are one of the busiest shipping areas in the world. Although the port that is about to dock is a military port, the military port is located next to the commercial port, making it the busiest port in the world.

In order to ensure the safety of navigation, especially when entering the port, the Malaysian side not only sent a greeting ship, but also a pilot boat. The Shenzhen ship picked up the Malaysian Navy's liaison officer and the port pilot on board as previously agreed.

Although the formation has several translators and they all speak good English, they do not know much about navigation and international maritime conventions, so the translation will inevitably fail to convey the meaning.

Han Yu's English is really not that good, and his pronunciation is not even standard, but like Captain Qian from Guangzhou Navigation College, at least he knows what the other person really wants to express, and he can also make his own meaning clear to the other person. That's it. The captain's translation.

At 9:46 a.m., the formation entered the port under the guidance of the greeting ship.

The two warships were fully decorated with flags, and the officers and soldiers not on duty on the ship arranged their uniforms and lined up on the left and right sides, commonly known as "Standing Slope".

Not all the officers and soldiers on this visit are the crew members of the Shenzheng ship and the supply ship Nancang.

For example, the command post has officers from the Navy Headquarters and the South China Sea Fleet Headquarters. Another example is the accompanying reporters, including those from the People's Liberation Army Newspaper, the People's Navy News, the People's Liberation Army Television Art Center, that is, reporters from the military column of Central Channel 7, and even propaganda cadres from the fleet and even the headquarters.

In addition, there is a military band.

As the Shen Zheng ship was berthing, the military band of the Malaysian Navy was playing on the pier.

Not far from the Malaysian military band, there was a dark crowd of overseas Chinese who came to greet them. Some carried banners, some waved Chinese flags, some held flowers, and some waved desperately to express their joy at seeing the warships of the motherland. Excitement.

The warship docked, the cables were tied, the gangway was set up, and the military band on the ship played a cheerful march.

Chief of Staff Zheng and Team Leader Shen were the first to disembark from the ship, dressed in crisp white formal attire.

The Malaysian naval generals had been waiting for a long time. Accompanied by the liaison officer who disembarked the ship and the Chinese ambassador to Malaysia, military attache and others, they stepped forward to greet Chief of Staff Zheng and Team Leader Shen and introduce each other.

According to the schedule discussed earlier, the Malaysian Navy Admiral gave a brief speech on the pier to welcome the visit of the Chinese naval fleet. Chief of Staff Zheng expressed his gratitude to the Malaysian Navy and overseas Chinese for their warm welcome on behalf of the visiting task force.

Immediately afterwards, Malaysian generals, Malaysian officials and celebrities were invited to visit the ship.

The embassy had been preparing for this moment for who knows how many days. Han Yu could clearly see that the ambassador, counselors and military attaches were all crying with excitement just now!

Anyone who has been abroad, especially those who have stayed abroad, can understand their mood at this moment.

A weak country has no diplomacy, and no one was more impressed by the Chinese diplomats who have experienced a century of humiliation.

The motherland has become stronger, and ships from the motherland’s navy are coming to visit. This is confidence for diplomats like them!

The scale of Chinese naval ships is not large enough, and the ships are not very advanced, but the scale of the Malaysian Navy is smaller, and the naval ships are even more backward.

The Malaysian generals and officials visited the ship accompanied by Chief of Staff Zheng, Political Commissar Shen, Ambassador and others. They kept asking questions with great interest. They were not only shocked but also envious when they learned that this large guided missile destroyer was independently built by China.

An exhibition area was set up on the ship specifically to promote the Shenzhen Zhengzhou Special Economic Zone, and a large-screen LCD TV was even brought in to play promotional videos of the Shenzhen Zhengzhou Special Economic Zone in a loop.

Almost all the embassy staff who could come came.

Han Yu no longer needed to be a translator, so he stood on the side and asked curiously: "Angkor, how much advertising fees did Shen Zheng give to promote Shenzheng?"

Staff Officer Wu smiled and nodded to several visiting Malaysian officials, and said calmly: "There is a reason why it is named Shenzheng Ship. It can not only embody the spirit of 'dare to be the first in the world', but also Show the world our determination to reform and open up."

"Shen Zheng didn't give you any money?"

"You know all about money." Staff Wu laughed and scolded him, then thought about it and said, "But I must have expressed condolences, and naturally my condolences will not be empty-handed."

Today can be recorded in history, and today’s visit is very meaningful.

Han Yu also put on a pure white navy officer uniform and wore the rank of naval reserve lieutenant colonel. After the camera reporter left, he said calmly: "The East China Sea Fleet also has a frigate named after our Binjiang. Our Binjiang city leader I go to express my condolences every year.”

"That's it." Staff Officer Wu looked back behind him and continued: "The leaders of Shenzheng City not only came to express condolences, but I heard that Shenzheng Ship was also given a quota for job transfer every year."

"Only one a year?"

"This is a special economic zone, and not just anyone can go there if they want to! Besides, there are only so many cadres on the ship, how many can change jobs in a year?"

"That's true."

Staff Officer Wu has been on the supply ship these days and is not very clear about what happened on the Shen Zheng ship.

After confirming that no one was paying attention here, I couldn't help but ask: "Brother, did it break down again yesterday?"

Han Yu took a deep breath and said calmly: "The last time a steam leak occurred in the main engine, an elastic piece of the turbine drive shaft fell off. The problem was not serious and was quickly eliminated."

"It's good to rule it out. I heard that something went wrong again, which made me worried."

As soon as Staff Wu finished speaking, the sound of a flute came from ahead.

It's time for dinner, and a banquet will be held on the ship at noon for Malaysian naval generals, Malaysian officials and celebrities from all walks of life.

The cooks on the ship had been preparing for this for several days!

As an observer appointed by the Navy Headquarters, Han Yu will participate as a garrison liaison officer.

Chief of Staff Zheng and the Ambassador delivered speeches, and the Malaysian Navy Admiral delivered a speech... This meal was very "official" and it was better to eat it with the officers and soldiers.

Han Yu was about to ask the deputy captain in charge of logistics supplies whether the protective clothing had been delivered, when suddenly there was a loud roar of gongs and drums on the pier, accompanied by bursts of cheers.

After walking out of the restaurant and looking down at the deck, I was surprised to find that not only did the overseas Chinese who came to welcome me not leave, but there were more people than in the morning. Some were playing gongs and drums, some were performing lion dances, and more people were busy queuing up. Take photos with the officers and soldiers of the ship on duty on the pier.

According to the schedule, the warship will be opened this afternoon, and Malaysian people and overseas Chinese are welcome to visit the ship.

You know without asking that they are waiting to board the ship.

When a ship formation is on a visit, the officers and soldiers landing ashore are equivalent to entering the country, and they must also go through immigration procedures.

The command staff has a dedicated person responsible for connecting with Malaysian officials, and the process was completed in the morning, which took less than two hours.

Han Yu couldn't help but walked along the gangway to the pier. Seeing the overseas Chinese waving and shouting hello desperately, he was moved from the bottom of his heart and proud from the bottom of his heart.

An elderly Chinese man asked eagerly when he saw him: "Sir, is this a warship built by China?"

"Hello, I am not a commander, and our Chinese Navy does not like to be called a commander."

"Yes, yes, instead of calling me sir, I should call you comrade!"

Han Yu saw that the overseas Chinese wanted to take photos, so he stood beside them cooperatively, and while letting them take photos, he confirmed with a smile: "Mr., this warship was built by China itself. Since the reform and opening up, rapid changes have taken place in the country We welcome you to return to China when you have time to take a look at the changes."

"Okay, I will definitely go back. I will definitely go back when I have time!"

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, when will the warship open and when can we get on it?"

"Immediately, we will open it after the Malaysian admiral leaves."

"Great, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, this is the first time I have seen a Chinese warship!"

"Miss, I believe this will never be the last time. We will come here often in the future."

Once you get down, you can't leave.

Overseas Chinese have more and more questions, and more and more want to take photos.

Han Yu was extremely busy. The Malaysian generals and officials who had attended the banquet, accompanied by the two chiefs and the ambassador, stepped off the warship, got into the cars that were passing by, and left one after another.

Tonight, they will hold a reception banquet, and Han Yu will go to the banquet with the captain and political commissar and the two chiefs.

As soon as the Malaysian generals and dignitaries left, the command post ordered the officers and soldiers on duty at the dock to let the overseas Chinese who had been waiting all morning board the ship for a visit as planned.

Some Malaysian Chinese came here from hundreds of kilometers away, and there were even overseas Chinese who came all the way from Singapore and the Philippines. We couldn’t let them down.

But in order to ensure safety, they can only be allowed to board the ship in batches.

There were too many people, it was almost dark, and it was closed to the public. Many people asked the officers and soldiers on duty to let them go up and have a look, even if they just went up for a walk.

Chief of Staff Zheng discussed with Political Commissar Shen and ordered the opening hours to be extended.

The overseas Chinese were extremely excited and understood the fleet officers and soldiers very well. After boarding the ship, they only made one turn and did not dare to waste too much time of the officers and soldiers.

After the visit, I returned to the dock and was reluctant to leave. Looking at the mighty Shen Zheng ship, they all gave a thumbs up, saying that China is now strong, and they, the Chinese in Malaysia, are very proud.

On the way to the banquet, Political Commissar Shen asked in a low voice: "Xianyu, how do you feel?"

Han Yu didn't expect the chief to ask this. He was silent for a moment and said: "We are late. We must come more and more often in the future."

Everything that happened in the afternoon moved Political Commissar Shen so much that he didn't even know how many times he was moved.

Thinking again that Han Yu was good at everything but didn't want to be a soldier, Political Commissar Shen said meaningfully: "It's because we arrived late, what does it have to do with you."

"Chief, the reserve force is an important part of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. I am also a member of the navy. I said we are late and we must come more often in the future. Is this 'we' wrong?"

"There is still a difference between reserve forces and active duty forces."

"Chief, others can discriminate against our reserve troops, but you can't!"

Chief of Staff Zheng was amused and couldn't help laughing and said: "Xiao Han, now you know that being a soldier is very honorable, you can consider special recruitment. If you want to be a soldier, if you are willing to join our fleet, I will first let you be the first officer. Commander, if you work hard for two years I will make you the captain!"

The chief is sincere.

After all, you can only sail and repair ships, not fight.

Become the deputy captain first, learn how to command operations, and then become the captain. This is definitely an important task.

Han Yu was really a little moved, but it was just a heartbeat. He said with an embarrassed look: "Chief, I know how much I weigh. I can't be a captain. Besides, I can't do anything I can do if I stay here." Probably more than being a soldier.”

When it comes to capable commanders, there are many troops.

If you think about it, there are only a handful of reserve officers who are capable and capable of getting things done.

Political Commissar Shen had already figured it out and nodded in agreement: "You don't need to be a soldier. You can indeed play a greater role in the local area."

Han Yu didn't want to talk about this, so he immediately changed the subject: "Chief, we have to carry out replenishment tonight as planned. In the afternoon when the Shenzhen ship was open, I went around the supply ship and found that the sealing of the oil tank was not very good. 2 There was even water in the compartment next to the No. 1 oil tank."

This formation consisting of two new ships has just been formed, and problems of one kind or another always arise.

Chief of Staff Zheng sighed secretly and nodded: "I understand, I will tell them later and let them check it carefully."

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