Riverside police

Chapter 960 Unit upgrade!

8:30 a.m., Changhang Branch.

As soon as Bureau Qi came to work, they received good news calls from Wang Wenhong, Sister Zhu and Chief Zeng.

He did not dare to waste a moment. After thanking several "neighbors", he immediately called the director in Hanwu to report.

"Zhikun, is something wrong?"

"Bureau Sun, our branch's salty fish is on the news broadcast!"

"Xianyu was on the Xinwen Network. When was it?"

"Last night, the news broadcast reported on the naval formation's visit to South Africa. There was footage of Xianyu condolences to the Chinese and overseas Chinese in South Africa on the dock. He shook hands with the overseas Chinese and took photos with the overseas Chinese under the warship. He was wearing a navy uniform. He's not wearing a police uniform, so he wouldn't be able to recognize him if he wasn't paying attention."

Director Sun was very happy when his subordinate showed his face. He couldn't help but smile: "He is on a trip with a naval formation. It is not appropriate to wear a police uniform. Besides, he is a naval reserve officer!"

While greeting Commissar Dong and Li Guangrong who had just come in, Qi Bureau held up the phone and said with a smile: "Actually, he arrived in South Africa five days ago. On the day the formation arrived in Cape Town, he called me to report that he was safe. I thought CCTV should report such a big event. I watch the Xinwen Lianbo and CCTV 7’s military program every night, but I didn’t expect it to be broadcast until last night.”

"This is normal."

Bureau Sun laughed and said: "The news was shot in South Africa. It takes time to send it back to China. After it is received in China, it needs to be edited. Besides, there are so many major events happening at home and abroad every day, and the news network only has so much time. This is just like in "Yangtze River" There is also a queue to publish an article in the Shipping News.

It’s not important whether it’s on the news network that day, what’s important is that it’s on! There should be a replay today. Please hurry up and organize the police officers in the branch to watch it. I also want to tell the Political Department and let the cadres in the Organization Bureau of the Political Department take a look. "

The director is in a good mood, so there are some things that can be easily discussed.

In order to lure Fang Guoya back from Binjiang Port Group and to repair the relationship with Binjiang Port Group, he sang a "double act" with Minister Yang, but it turned out to be self-defeating!

In order to strengthen the "leadership" of the Changhang Branch, the executive vice president of the group actually asked Fang Guoya to join the branch's party committee team.

In terms of qualifications, Fang Guoya has no problem serving as fire brigade captain.

After all, he is a cadre who has been transferred from a regular business level to a new job, and he has made many achievements while working at the Changhang Shipping Branch and Binjiang Port Group. It is no exaggeration to say that more than half of the fires that occurred in Binjiang waters and along Binjiang shorelines were put out by corporate firefighters who risked their own lives.

But entering the branch party committee team is not realistic.

You must know that joining the branch party committee team is the branch leader, and Fang Guoya has worked in the branch for a short time. Chen Zikun, who has a genuine undergraduate degree, has worked hard at the grassroots level for several years. He even participated in flood fighting and rescue operations while studying in Hanwu until the first half of this year. Only then was he truly recognized by his superiors and entrusted with important responsibilities.

It is not easy for Fang Guoya, a foreign monk who has become a monk halfway, to be transferred back to be the leader of the branch. It is also impossible to think of becoming the branch leader in one step.

If there was a choice, Qi Bureau would rather have his superiors parachute an individual from Hanwu to replace Li Mingsheng than have to worry about this.

However, there is no other choice now.

No one knows when the Changhang Public Security Bureau will be transferred to the administrative establishment. A day without the transfer will be inseparable from the support of Binjiang Port Group, otherwise the blame will not be revealed.

Bureau Qi had no choice but to take advantage of Bureau Sun's good mood and asked anxiously: "Bureau Sun, what did the Bureau consider about the matter I reported the day before yesterday? Mr. Xu of Binjiang Port Group asked Minister Yang to call again this morning Ask, if this matter remains unsolved, we will no longer be able to discuss the separation of the family."

It cannot be said that in order to fill the hole created by the fire brigade, the "financier" was offended. He could only use the "separation" negotiation as an excuse to ask for instructions and report to his superiors.

Political Commissar Dong was as nervous as Li Guangrong. After all, they, the members of the bureau party committee, were like grasshoppers on a string on this issue. No one wanted to see the salary of the civilian police and assisting police being cut off.

"Are you talking about Binjiang Port Group wanting their fire department chief to join the branch party committee?"


"Yesterday, the Political Department reported on the situation of the fire department chief. He was a firefighting armed policeman who was changing jobs. He worked in our Changhang Public Security System and was transferred to the Binjiang Port Enterprise Fire Brigade and did a good job. However, he was just a fire brigade in Binjiang Port. Zhengke."

Director Sun looked at the desk calendar full of schedules and continued: "The leader of Binjiang Port Group wants him to join the branch party committee, which we can understand. After all, Binjiang Port Group is the natal family of the fire department chief, and now he wants to be transferred back to us Changhang Public Security System, of course my mother-in-law would like to help her get on the horse and give her a ride."

As expected of a leader, the pattern is high!

Qi Ju secretly sighed and said with difficulty: "The problem is that their request is a bit too much."

"So we have to do the work of the leadership of Binjiang Port Group."

Director Sun smiled and then changed the subject: "To take a step back, all of our funds in the past few decades have come from port and shipping companies. Although this is a request from our superiors and we do not have to ask for money from others, in fact we do give it The family's production and operation has caused a certain burden. And many jobs after the separation still require their support.

In short, although we cannot let the fire department chief join the branch party committee, we must try our best to meet their requirements and at least make the group leaders look good. In fact, this kind of thing is not only encountered in your branch, but also in several other branches. "

The director is not only sensible but also considerate of his subordinates.

Bureau Qi was very moved and couldn't help but ask: "Bureau Sun, how can we satisfy their requests as much as possible?"

"You first ask the group leader, how about giving the fire department chief a deputy position?"

"Refer to the deputy office!"

"Well, if the group leader has no objection, then please ask the group to promote the fire department chief first. The group will first appoint him to a position equivalent to the deputy director level, and then officially transfer him back to our Changhang Public Security System. This will make it easier to operate. , and there is no need to go through the trouble of communicating first and taking a temporary position.”

Is Fang Guoya just promoted to deputy director like this?

Qi Ju couldn't believe his ears.

Director Dong and Li Guangrong were equally shocked. One secretly wondered why Fang Guoya was so lucky, and the other secretly lamented when the deputy director became so worthless.

"Director Sun." Director Qi calmed down and asked with a wry smile: "The leaders of Binjiang Port Group will definitely agree if he is transferred to another level. The problem is that there is a carrot and a pit. Do we have a place for him?

"There were none before, but now there are, and there are quite a few."

"Quite a few?"

There is no need to keep some things secret anymore, after all, the staff will be significantly adjusted next.

Director Sun lit up a cigarette and explained with a smile: "We used to be the 'internal security' of the port and shipping companies. After the system was changed, we became civil servants and formal police officers. Next, we have to take the lead. And the situation in our jurisdiction It is relatively complicated and can be described as dots and multiple lines.

The jurisdiction of a police station may span two or three districts and counties. The jurisdiction of a branch may span two or three prefectures. If you want to maintain public security in your jurisdiction and do a good job in fire safety management and supervision within your jurisdiction, you cannot do without the support of local public security and even the local party committee and government.

But no matter what kind of work you do, you must pay attention to reciprocity. In other words, the current administrative level of grassroots police stations is too low, which is not conducive to future work. After many investigations, the Bureau Party Committee formally applied to its superiors to increase the administrative level of the grassroots police station, and the superiors agreed in principle. "

Qi Ju asked in shock: "The police station has been upgraded to a deputy director-level unit?"

"If the police station is only upgraded to a deputy division-level unit, it will not be easy to carry out the work of the internal detachments such as public security, criminal investigation and firefighting in each branch. Therefore, not only the police station must be upgraded, but also the public security, criminal investigation and firefighting departments must be upgraded."

Director Sun knelt on his soot, thought about it and said meaningfully: "The special nature of the work determines that our police officers work on the riverside or even on the river. It is very cold on the boat in winter and very hot on the boat in summer. The work is really hard. The salary and benefits are not very high. If promotion channels are not broadened, how can we mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of police officers."

"Director Sun, you are so considerate of us subordinates, I...I..."

"Stop complimenting me. This is my job. Preferential treatment for the police cannot just exist on paper." Director Sun smiled and continued: "That's it for the fire department chief. You hurry up and do it." Work. As for the candidates for the director and detachment leader after promotion, your branch party committee will prepare them first, and when they are ready, they will recommend them to the Political Department, which will consider them based on the actual situation."

"Yes, thank you Bureau Sun!"

After Qi Bureau put down the phone, Political Commissar Dong finally regained his composure and exclaimed: "If it is really upgraded, our branch alone will have to add seven deputy division positions!"

"What seven, fourteen, okay?"

"I almost forgot that the instructor of the police station also has to be a deputy division. Several detachments have to have political commissars, and the political commissars are also deputy divisions."

"This is a good thing. As Director Sun said on the phone just now, it can really improve the work enthusiasm of comrades."

"Yes, with more positions, comrades will have hope." Li Guangrong nodded, and after thinking about it, he sighed: "Li Mingsheng is unlucky. If nothing happens, he will definitely be promoted to deputy director based on his qualifications. It's a pity that he is here If he makes such a big mistake at this critical moment, even if we recommend him to our superiors, we won't consider him."

Qi Ju nodded and muttered: "Jiang Youwei has finally come to an end, and Liu Guixiang does not need to be transferred to the police station."

Political Commissar Dong was convinced: "There are not many criminal policemen in the criminal investigation detachment. Guixiang's duties can be solved. There is really no need to go to the police station."

"The problem now is Linghai Police Station. If it is not upgraded, it is logical to make Zhang Ping the director. But now that the unit is going to be upgraded, it is obviously not appropriate to promote Zhang Ping to deputy director with his qualifications."

"Then let him continue to be the deputy director of Qi Bureau. This is not a problem. If it is a problem, I hope that such problems will happen every day."

"That's true, hahahaha."

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